How will they rule ??!

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I'd think a fat middle-aged guy with a screwdriver surrounded by four trained officers in body armor should be easily subdued. I know they can't shoot a screwdriver out of someone hand cause it takes 30 shots to land 2 center mass on a guy holding a cell phone in Sacramento. But a one would think baton strike to the elbows and to the knee would be enough to drop most people.


Ok tough guy, next time we’ll just call on you to go baton the bad guy holding a weapon. Don’t get stabbed in the brain bro! Hit him in the knees bro!
Judge Roy Bean, the law west of the Pecos, once told a young man " son, I'm not hanging you because you stole a horse. I'm hanging you so horses won't be stolen"

If you don't shoot an idiot with a screwdriver today, you'll get stabbed with a screwdriver tomorrow.

Liberals don't understand that individual pieces of shit are not as important as law and order for everyone.


I laughed out loud at this. It’s funny because it’s true.

Everyone is the most “evil” until the next one then all of a sudden, those other guys weren’t so bad but this time, oh this time, they’re super serious, guys. This is “Hitler” and he’s going to put the blacks in chains and deport the gays.

They did this with Bush, (don’t remember McCain cause that election seemed to be about “OMG black guy vs Pali”), Romney and then Trump.

VP Biden said Romney would put black people in chains. A VP said that. Remember that with all of their fake outrage.

They eat people alive until they move on to the next one and then suddenly those GOP losers because allies to the left.

Just wait and see in 2024. That person will be “Hitler” again.
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The whcd just gave trump a ton of ammo. They acted like this was going to be a celebration of the 1st amendment and it ended up being a one sided attack job. Even many journalists on twitter are realizing it.
Dumb lefty bimbos on twitter are rejoicing at Sarah huckabee sanders being attacked for her looks(if she were a democrat they'd be defending her) and keep seeing the hashtag #bluewave. I have a feeling this "blue wave" is going to be an absolutely massive dud and it's going to be entertaining when it happens.
So the trump in Michigan is no longer being shown as trending, but the correspondents dinner is and with 9000 tweets, so it #trumpissobroke.

Lol, reading through that last one it's literally a whos who do dumbass. Platinum was leading the way.
Dumb lefty bimbos on twitter are rejoicing at Sarah huckabee sanders being attacked for her looks(if she were a democrat they'd be defending her) and keep seeing the hashtag #bluewave. I have a feeling this "blue wave" is going to be an absolutely massive dud and it's going to be entertaining when it happens.

That’s why liberals are so sick. They act like they are all about defending the poor, the diseased, the unfortunate, the POC, the obese, the lazy, the LGBTQRSTUV, the not so pretty... until they find out they aren’t an uber liberal. Then they are ugly, fat ass bitches or a black man that is an insane racist POS.
What a disgusting cvnt.

Was that whole charade they put on last night that cringe worthy? Good lord. If you want to say offensive things as a comic, you better make sure they're funny. Saying them in an annoying voice does not make them funny.

My hate for the Correspondents Dinner is well documented. Glad Trump skips that circle jerk.

Imagine if that was done to Obama? Lol. These people couldn’t even find it in themselves to make fun of him on SNL.

“Hold people in power accountable”<—— the biggest joke of all.

Honestly, the people downplaying the intense hatred the left and the media shows for anyone not like them are really overlooking how they’re kickstarting some dangerous stuff. They’re just getting amped up.

This country will be torn apart. You don’t unite with a group who tells everyone you’re Hitler and Nazis and tries to massacre GOP congressmen and tries to remove a president and follows conservatives to speeches and on campus to try to hurt them and silence them.
Was that whole charade they put on last night that cringe worthy? Good lord. If you want to say offensive things as a comic, you better make sure they're funny. Saying them in an annoying voice does not make them funny.

My hate for the Correspondents Dinner is well documented. Glad Trump skips that circle jerk.

Why would anyone go to that? Why would you even allow them the opportunity to do this in your presence? These scumbags insult 24/7 so why is them doing it with a gown and a tux on special?

I’m glad Trump doesn’t do this BS. No one from the White House should.
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That's not a cut and dry defense and depends on state laws.

As for law enforcement, should they be using a gun for their first line of defense against a lesser force?
Should they shoot to kill guy with a screw driver? Batons, rubber bullets, canines and law enforcement officers that should be trained in hand to hand.
Why they even spend on non-lethal equipment if you don;t use it?
Yes, if his intent to harm you is sincere (given the taser did not work I would say yes) you do not let him have a chance. If you have superior fire power you use it to protect people.