How will they rule ??!

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Lols....quick tv check a min ago and they’re back to collusion with Russia.

I’m assuming at this point CNN and MSNBC just do this for their viewers, certainly not a worthy topic to midwestern voters.....because it’s not real.

Yeah, it's about a Russian NRA member trying to -- not actually doing so, and ultimately being turned down -- set up a back channel with the campaign.

The best part? Their "breaking new information" comes from the Russian conclusion report from today. Yes, that report. The same report that clearly lays out that there was no conspiracy, collusion, etc..., but CNN is actually using it as evidence to further push the Russian collusion narrative. Enough to make your head spin.

Here's an interesting case for you hardcore conservatives. Trump admin is trying to go around the constitution in the name of terror to send an american citizen to be jailed in Saudi Arabia that hasn't been charged with any crime. The dude is a POS that apparently tried to help ISIS in Syria before turning himself in.
Weird, no story when obama killed a us citizen with a drone without due process...why is vox outraged about this all of a sudden
Bro, you won't catch me out here sipping on craft beers like some liberal cuck from Portland. Never that.

I'm slugging Buds and blazing Marlboros until I feel satisfied. Light up some reefer and party with your boy tonight. Some call it "shitty" and "generic"...I call it being raised in western KY. Wouldn't trade it for anything, but I do need to give up squares at some point.

Go Preds. Also, anybody else here from western Kentucky?

born and raised in Union County. been in .lexington for 18 years now though
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When has an outgoing administration EVER behaved like Obama’s?
They were clearly trying to undermine Trumps election, and the media helped them. Like Cosby has posted prior, it appears to be an attempted coup.
The next question is why? What were they trying to prevent from coming to light?
Head of twitter issues apology to Candace...didn’t see that one coming.

That's only because she's become more well known and has been invited to/made appearances on numerous mainstream TV shows since Kanye first sent that tweet. After just seeing her and listening to her for 60 seconds, most everyone with half a brain will easily realize that she's far from being far-right.

Twitter is just trying to cover their asses from looking biased. If Candice would have stayed just some random girl on social media and didn't go mainstream, giving the entire country the opportunity to actually judge for themselves, Twitter wouldn't have corrected or apologized.
When has an outgoing administration EVER behaved like Obama’s?
They were clearly trying to undermine Trumps election, and the media helped them. Like Cosby has posted prior, it appears to be an attempted coup.
The next question is why? What were they trying to prevent from coming to light?

Merkel Muff and Macroni in washington to save the Iran deal would be a good place to start. Awans compromising half of washington. U1 and Libya. Fast and furious. Operation Cassandra. Man it is a long list of corruption with many players on both sides of the aisle. Not to mention the 21 trill missing from DoD and HUD.

They can't buy him off. They are trying everything to compromise him or at least keep him under investigation to stall his political power enough to take back the house with hopes of impeachment.

The stormy bs is somewhat close to what they did to the rapist. Send in Monica to start a new investigation to put the hush on Whitewater.
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The Flynn guilty plea is still a headscratcher. Everyone agrees he isn't guilty. So why plead so quickly?

I know there are long game theories out there. But I'm not sure I buy them.
The Flynn guilty plea is still a headscratcher. Everyone agrees he isn't guilty. So why plead so quickly?

I know there are long game theories out there. But I'm not sure I buy them.

Probably the most easiest and obvious explanation. From the Sara Carter article I linked earlier...

1. Flynn Didn’t Lie

Former National Security Advisor Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the embattled three-star general who was fired by the White House for allegedly misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his conversation with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, did not lie to the FBI special agents who interviewed him at the White House in January 2017.

This is important because Flynn eventually plead guilty to one count of making false statements about his December 2016 phone conversation with Kislyak to DOJ Special Counsel Robert Mueller, “even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents did not detect any deception during Flynn’s interview.”

It is odd that Flynn would plead guilty to one count of lying when the agents didn’t believe that he was purposefully misleading them but close friends and associates of Flynn told this reporter that he has been forced to sell his home in northern Virginia in an effort to keep up with mounting legal fees and that he couldn’t afford to keep fighting the Special Counsel.
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When has an outgoing administration EVER behaved like Obama’s?
They were clearly trying to undermine Trumps election, and the media helped them. Like Cosby has posted prior, it appears to be an attempted coup.
The next question is why? What were they trying to prevent from coming to light?
bwahaha, yeah undermine his election, coup, laughable.

You all continue to try to discount the Steele doussiere although it continues to be proven more and more accurate.

I also can't believe you guys take that House committee report as anything but a highly partisan report used only to try to protect Trump. Nunes recused himself but then didn't, used the committee to try to attack Clinton and other Democrats, and was keeping Trump up to date on this 'investigation'

If all the Trump guys are so innocent, why did all of them lie about the 2016 meeting and all other meetings with Russians? Because they aren't innocent and they all knew what was going on but they wanted the power, so they didn't care if they had to cheat or get help from foreign governments. Trump would have made a deal with ISIS if they said they would help him get elected. Dude has zero shame.
Then, at least in Clapper's case, had the media run cover for them and publish their lies nationally, as if they were the truth. It was all a frame job. From the WH, Democrat Senators, DOJ, Intelligence Community, all the way down to the media.

So Clapper lied about sharing this info with journalists, not sure how that shows the collusion story is a lie. Every.single.Trump.administrator has been caught lying to these committees/Congress but you believe everything they tell you.
Does anyone have a website with an ongoing list of countries presidents/leaders who have either bashed trump or praised him?

@CastleRubric @moe_schmoe anyone?

You will find quotes from national rep's from Poland, Israel, Hungary, Nigeria ( I THINK) and probably Japan as far as general supportive comments on various aspects of this admin's approach to things

I'd imagine S Korea goes without saying as well

There are other supportive discussions happening out there - you just have to be purposeful about GOING AROUND the useless (and often distracting) propaganda outlets

Other notable org's and individuals who have praised this admin include:
the AFL-CIO, Henry Kissinger, various veterans groups and law enforcement types
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bwahaha, yeah undermine his election, coup, laughable.

You all continue to try to discount the Steele doussiere although it continues to be proven more and more accurate.

I also can't believe you guys take that House committee report as anything but a highly partisan report used only to try to protect Trump. Nunes recused himself but then didn't, used the committee to try to attack Clinton and other Democrats, and was keeping Trump up to date on this 'investigation'

If all the Trump guys are so innocent, why did all of them lie about the 2016 meeting and all other meetings with Russians? Because they aren't innocent and they all knew what was going on but they wanted the power, so they didn't care if they had to cheat or get help from foreign governments. Trump would have made a deal with ISIS if they said they would help him get elected. Dude has zero shame.
Was Barry president in 2016? Wasnt the election in 2016? Discuss
Man it's like the Wild West in L'ville. Several police shooting in the past few weeks.
An officer shoots at the suspect through the freaking windshield as he drives. That can't be something that is trained.

Didn't watch, but if they're using the car as a weapon it is certainly trained.
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