How will they rule ??!

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Politics and policy are inherently complex things. It's rare when you have a simple, crystal clear example of "I said this, and then the exact opposite happened". Rhodes was so utterly wrong on this, it ought to provide a moment for reflection, an opportunity to reassess some fundamental beliefs he holds. I wonder if that will be his response?

I’m really shocked Mambasse Koulabolo Patara would not have respect for our immigrantion laws.

Also, his middle name sounds like a terrible new strain of Ebola
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Politics and policy are inherently complex things. It's rare when you have a simple, crystal clear example of "I said this, and then the exact opposite happened". Rhodes was so utterly wrong on this, it ought to provide a moment for reflection, an opportunity to reassess some fundamental beliefs he holds. I wonder if that will be his response?
If you don't know, google what his college major was and who his brother is.
I’ve not slept since freaking Wednesday night - and one of my wife’s girlfriends also has a birthday right about now... the funk soul brother...check it out now the funk soul brother....pool party with live music (me playing some too) , abundantly stocked with The Alcohol....and a roomful of dark haired beauties....

Dude is a quality control manager for a cryogenic / liquid gas kind of place that my company uses quite a interesting dude

In other words

This is gonna be the kind of night where you have sex in an inappropriate location
I’ve not slept since freaking Wednesday night - and one of my wife’s girlfriends also has a birthday right about now... the funk soul brother...check it out now the funk soul brother....pool party with live music (me playing some too) , abundantly stocked with The Alcohol....and a roomful of dark haired beauties....

Dude is a quality control manager for a cryogenic / liquid gas kind of place that my company uses quite a interesting dude

In other words

This is gonna be the kind of night where you have sex in an inappropriate location

You should get a major discount. Get revived in about a hundred years only to discover that the entire world is under a Communist dictatorship. :joy:
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Democrat Senator Feinstein, second in command on the Judiciary committee, a committee that has been investigating Russia collusion, is now having her ties to Fusion GPS/Steele/dossier exposed. Wonder how many more were involved in the set up?


Basically, what they all did was lie during the public hearings to further the collusion narrative, trying to make Trump look guilty, but then tell Congress the truth in private, classified hearings, knowing that information wouldn't get out for months/years until the investigation was complete.

The Russia report discovered that Clapper, who is now a CNN national security analyst, “provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.”

They noted that when Clapper was initially asked about leaks related to the dossier in July 2017, Clapper denied “discussing the dossier compiled by Steele or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists.”

But according to the report, Clapper eventually acknowledged discussing the “dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper.” He also admitted that he may have told other journalists about the dossier.
Then, at least in Clapper's case, had the media run cover for them and publish their lies nationally, as if they were the truth. It was all a frame job. From the WH, Democrat Senators, DOJ, Intelligence Community, all the way down to the media.

I planned a 3 day party - and am in the middle of it Jamal....dude....YOU were the single most important recruit for UK since ....like1940

Thanks, I love UK and dedicate a lot of my time to fighting ignorant trolls and libtards on this forum. I hope you bone your wife in some inappropriate locations tonight my man. :sunglasses:
I think it's safe to say, CNN isn't just fake news. CNN is Democrat run state media, spreading propaganda and fiction to the masses. We've all joked and accused since the Wikileaks revelations, but now it is a proven and undeniable fact.
But I thought the MSM didn't make up news (wasn't someone arguing that a few weeks ago lol)
Aren't you the same dude who drinks shitty beer and smokes cheap-ass generic cigarettes?

Rejoice, craft beer fans — the new tax law could mean more brews on store shelves.

The new tax law won’t make beer cheaper, but will help open the market to small breweries.

Get with the program.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

Bro, you won't catch me out here sipping on craft beers like some liberal cuck from Portland. Never that.

I'm slugging Buds and blazing Marlboros until I feel satisfied. Light up some reefer and party with your boy tonight. Some call it "shitty" and "generic"...I call it being raised in western KY. Wouldn't trade it for anything, but I do need to give up squares at some point.

Go Preds. Also, anybody else here from western Kentucky?
From a Clinton crony...

Comey, Mueller and the poisonous tree

The more we learn about how these massive investigations were started, the more they look so corrupted that this entire investigation now could now qualify as the fruits of a poisonous tree, a doctrine first adopted by Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter as the only way to prevent government agents from abusing the rights of citizens and benefitting from those actions. The government can’t violate people’s rights with impunity and then just say “oops.”

The investigation was polluted from the beginning. Former British spy Christopher Steele was a government contractor when he illegally leaked the dossier and lied about it. Mueller team members and FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok operated with such open hatred for Trump that they were removed from the investigation after managing key parts of it. The heads of the FBI and CIA participated in spreading and vouching for a Trump dossier they never verified and yet used to spy on Americans.

The yarn leaked to the press about the start of the investigation doesn’t add up. They say it started because Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos said in a bar to an Australian diplomat that he heard from a Maltese professor that the Russians had some emails damaging to Clinton. But the source turns out to be a diplomat who happened to have shepherded a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. The report didn’t come through the official channels but likely through a Democratic operative who worked for the Clinton Foundation.

Perhaps most puzzlingly, Rosenstein wrote a critical memo supporting the Comey firing and then appointed a special counsel after the firing. By doing this, combined with the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Rosenstein set up a government within the government, with a super broad charter and practical immunity from being removed. The Mueller investigation then operated without any independent supervision from outside the agency, review by any elected officials or contemporaneous judicial review.

With this kind of freedom, it’s no surprise the treatment of their early targets involved guns-drawn searches, threats to prosecute family members and plea bargains for dubious process crimes even for those who did no actual underlying wrongdoing. Only one of the early targets, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, is even in a position to challenge the special counsel, and he has been all but denied bail, had his assets frozen and even placed under a highly unusual gag order

Mueller knew he may have had an obligation to set aside all of the work of Page and Strzok when he removed them from the case. Instead he simply ignored congressional demands for information on why they were fired until months later, when the Justice Department’s inspector general forced release of their text messages.

The FBI’s stonewalling of the document starting the Russia investigation engenders similar suspicions, especially since House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who has seen it, has reported it has no intelligence from official channels. The farther the investigators get from all this initial wrongdoing, the more they believe that their work product and witness interviews are free from being thrown out as fruits of a tree of illegal actions, which explains the endless foot-dragging.

The best way to end all this is not to fire Mueller and Rosenstein or wait for them to wrap it up but to challenge this entire process in court as irretrievably tainted. If Mueller does not agree to end the investigation in exchange for presidential interrogatories, then it may be time to try to block the whole thing in court, with full discovery into whether its foundation was so corrupted — and the stonewalling actions so blatant — that the doctrine of the fruits of a poisonous tree can be invoked to stop this national distraction.
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