How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .

You made my point by illustrating that the "savages" coming across the border are of many different ethnicities. Yet you lump them all together and insult them based on the only thing the vast majority of them have in common, their brown skin. You are a racist.

Umm no, you're the dumbass who lumped them all together as Mexicans.

I didn't say anything about their skin. I made a simple point that it a savage wants to get in this country... it's pretty simple to cross the southern border. They could be Mexican, Chinese, ISIS, somalian, hell, even the devil russians..'re racist. You literally just walked into a perfect t exams of how you're a huge racist. Good job.
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Well, isn't that who gets a state's electoral votes now?

Or are they referring to the national popular vote? If the latter, how can a legislature overturn the will of its own state's voters? I mean, why should anyone in CT bother to vote for Prez? And when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020 & CT votes Dem, are they going to give Trump their EV's?
Jobs half of what was expected and they revised last month down 50k jobs. Stock market on track before the midterms to go almost back to where it started when Trump took office. His approval is starting to backslide again, still hasn't even broken 50%. Ya, GOP gonna get prison raped in Nov. Stock market and jobs were literally the only thing Trump had to gloat about. He loses those and he's just a sad cheeto in a big chair. He can't even tweet about Rasmussen anymore since it is dropping. His new plan is try to distract everyone with the national guard. Someone should let him know that when Bush & Obama did the same thing it was overall negative for them. It's not their job, border crossings are already low, and its absurdly expensive to use the Guard on the border.
Please shut up. Just shut the eff up.

First reading on first-quarter GDP up 2.3%, vs 2.0% growth expected.
Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.

She should've been in jail and ineligible to even run

Clinton never had a real 10 point lead, never.

Sure she did. But polls are based on response. Libs overwhelmingly respond to these things. It's intentional because they want to create a follow the leader effect. It's why they flood every thing in terms of polls etc.

Many others just wait till election day to voice their opinion at the polls
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Gotta give Obama credit for all the pressure he put on NK for eight years to them 'round to discussing getting rid of nukes. What a Prez!. At least that's how the MSM will spin it.

If it wasn't for Obama (and the Clintons) they would have never had a nuclear bomb to begin with, and never had the opportunity to blow up a mountain and cripple their nuclear program (allegedly). So we should all be thankful Obama and the Clintons worked so hard to make NK a nuclear power.
18 or 19 others were also confirmed today. It's about time Mitch has decided to end the charade. Democrats keep invoking the filibuster but then none of them show up to debate. They're abusing the Senate rules.

From here on out Mitch should keep invoking cloture or make them show up and debate their filibuster until they fall over.

Mitch has 6 Circuit Court of Appeals judges lined up for a vote during the week of May 7th. By comparison, the Senate only confirmed 12 circuit court judges all of last year. That is huge progress and about time.
Honestly, I’d say a lot. A lot of people in California are against what their leadership does outside of major cities not named San Diego.

It’s clear to see this has become an issue of the will of the people (legal citizens) vs what the people in power want. And if the people in power are Uber liberals, then they’ll piss all over what any legal citizen wants. Blue cities and states are trying to pass laws that will ensure democratic victory forever... what people want or vote for be damned.

Let's see what happened.

California voted for Reagan, Reagan and Bush for three straight presidential elections. That was just 30-40 years ago.

What changed?

I'll tell you. In 1980, Latinos were about 10 percent of California's population. Now they're over 40 percent. They're the majority in California.

In 1970, the 2.4 million Latinos in California accounted for 12% of the population, while the 15.5 million whites in the state made up more than three-quarters of residents, according to state figures. By 1990, the Latino population jumped to 7.7 million, or about 25% of the state's population. The nation's Latino population has grown 57% since 2000, when Latinos numbered 35.3 million. Latinos accounted for most of the nation's growth — 56% — from 2000 to 2010.


So maybe you can understand why Democrats are 100 percent in on the anti-white stuff and wanting open borders.

That combined with Prop 187 where they got super offended by wanting legal immigration.

July 20, 2016 3:13PM
Proposition 187 Turned California Blue
By Alex Nowrasteh
California politics began to shift in the 1990s to such a degree that the state turned into a Democratic stronghold by the early 2000s. There are two main accounts of why that happened. The first is that Hispanics are naturally Democrats so as their numbers increased they naturally turned the state blue (Gimpel 2010 makes this point for presidential election outcomes by county) while an increasingly liberal white electorate also helped. The other theory is that Republican support for anti-immigrant ballot initiatives and candidates ruined the GOP brand in the eyes of immigrants, their children, and whites who were turned off by the nativist appeals – driving all of them into the arms of the Democrats who were pro-immigration. More evidence supports the second theory than the first.

California Partisan Background

California was never a Republican or conservative stronghold. Democrats controlled the legislature since 1959 with brief exceptions during 1969 to 1971 and from 1994 to 1996. Democratic governors were also elected in 1958, 1962, 1974, and 1978. On the policy front, California has been known for high progressive income taxes, high welfare benefit levels even after adjusting for the cost of living, and onerous building restrictions. California’s only claim to being a Republican state was that it voted for the Republican candidate in every post-World War II Presidential election prior to 1992 except for 1948 and 1964. The two presidents from California have both been Republicans – Nixon and Reagan.

Political changes in California occurred both in its elections for national positions and on the state level. This post will examine how the demographic changes, Proposition 187, other propositions that were viewed as anti-immigrant, and Republican Governor Pete Wilson’s embrace of nativism are mostly responsible for shifting the Golden State’s politics.

Proposition 187 and Pete Wilson

Known as the “Save Our State” initiative, Proposition 187 would have denied all public services to illegal immigrants and forced all state employees to immediately report illegal immigrants to the Immigration and Naturalization Service for deportation. It appeared on the ballot in 1994 when California Republican governor Pete Wilson was running a very hard fought campaign for reelection. Wilson’s campaign embraced Proposition 187, the Republican Party threw its financial support behind it and used other nativist talking points in order to win the election.

Prior to the vote, many Republican supporters of Proposition 187 admitted that its passage would not affect social service spending in California, mostly because unauthorized immigrants were already ineligible for welfare, and the rest of the package would likely be struck down by the courts. Republicans Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett even opposed Proposition 187. Their opposition was summed up by William F. Buckley Jr. thusly:

“The Kemp-Bennet position says: Look, there shouldn’t be illegal immigrants in California, but it is the business of the Federal Government to keep them away. To pass such a measure as 187 situates the GOP with a strain of xenophobia which will very quickly (California will be more than 50 percent Asian/Hispanic at the turn of the century whatever happens to illegals) evolve into anti-GOP resentments by the majority of Californians. That could lead to such electoral catastrophes as pursued many GOP candidates who were slow in boarding the civil-rights crusade.” [Emphasis added]

Bennett and Kemp were right.
[laughing] What in the hell was going on in this thread late last night? Looks like tad bit of gayness crept in. That is not what Kanye meant when he talked about dragon energy. Not cool, guys.

Blame Castle. Tell a guy happy birthday and he starts talking about his pants. Weird guy. Find his rants against communism informative though but he is an odd one.
Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.

You a whiny little loser. Clinton and Comey should be in jail.
Wonder how many people in CT will give a shit that CT House Democrats care more about the vote of a CA squatting illegal alien than a CT lawful resident.

Imagine if wealthy white liberals were forced to be around the stuff they advocate for but pawn off on other areas. Oh, you want open borders and to take in "refugees?" How about your neighborhood?

You're against the 2A? Disarm your security. Take down your wall and gate at your home.

You're all about "diversity?" How about you flood your private school with all of it?

You think there's systematic white privilege? Step down from your position and give it to someone else.
A new effort to diversify schools in the Upper West Side of Manhattan — one of the richest neighborhoods in the city — has drawn an angry reaction from many parents.

Local news station Spectrum News NY 1 has posted a video that shows white parents furiously attacking a plan to require all local middle schools to reserve 25 percent of their seats for students who score below grade level on state English and Math exams.

Trump is gonna throw a hissy fit and declare war on the entire peninsula when Moon gets the Nobel prize. Right now though all they are doing is saying a bunch of pretty words. We'll see if any action actually happens, when that time comes is when these talks always go to shit with NK.
Lol Hillary couldn't beat trump...after a grab em bu the pussy tape. The worst politician of all time. Given a senator position, then given sec of state for no reason, the had the dnc rig it for her, then got the candidate she wanted to face, and still couldn't win. I mean how hard is it to show up in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and talk about jobs instead of only talking about men wanting to be women and sharing bathrooms...something only 1/3 of 1% of the population cares about. What else where her platforms....oh she didn't have any.

LOL. FtWorth saying they handed the election to him on a silver platter? Is that why the day of, none of them thought they could lose. They scheduled fireworks just a week before the election too.

But let's examine everything Hillary and the Democrats did and still lost.
- Rigged a primary to defeat Bernie and this started before 2015/2016 as DWS replaced Tim Kaine as the head of the DNC. Weird how that happened. lol
- Colluded with media to dictate coverage, even offered debate questions to networks for the GOP debates and Trump interviews (Jon Harwood comes to mind), got them to build up candidates they thought would be easy to beat.
- Created 24/7 negative coverage on Trump. Misrepresented the Mexican comments, which BTW, helped him get elected.
- Created the Russian BS, told everyone he was going after gays, blacks would be enslaved, that he was Hitler
- Had Super PACs planting people in the audience of Trump rallies to create chaos and get a narrative (this was proven via the O'Keefe tapes)
- Assaulting Trump supporters, shutting down cities
- Oversampling Dems in polls, really pushing the narrative that he had no shot
- Colluded with FBI/DOJ
- Held on to the "pussy tapes" until October
- Then when Trump countered with Bill's accusers, Dem donors paid Lisa Bloom's women to accuse Trump
- Had the entire entertainment industry, media industry and academia campaigning for her
- Spent the most money and had the biggest donors- Soros, Buffet, Schmidt from Google, etc.
- Had voter fraud out the wazoo. Orange County, California, which has voted Republican since the Great Depression, miraculously went blue by 40,000 votes. No way!

Then got together with Jill Stein to push for a recount in only the states Trump won. This failed.
Threaten electoral college voters with death threats...still didn't work
Pushed the Russian BS. Still hasn't worked

We're approaching three years of constant protests and insanity by Democrats.
A new effort to diversify schools in the Upper West Side of Manhattan — one of the richest neighborhoods in the city — has drawn an angry reaction from many parents.

Local news station Spectrum News NY 1 has posted a video that shows white parents furiously attacking a plan to require all local middle schools to reserve 25 percent of their seats for students who score below grade level on state English and Math exams.


Ohhh, suddenly it's not that fun, huh, progressives? "Diversity is our strength." lol
A new effort to diversify schools in the Upper West Side of Manhattan — one of the richest neighborhoods in the city — has drawn an angry reaction from many parents.

Local news station Spectrum News NY 1 has posted a video that shows white parents furiously attacking a plan to require all local middle schools to reserve 25 percent of their seats for students who score below grade level on state English and Math exams.

It's this crap that gives private schools their only advantage over public schools. Public schools and their employees could run circles around the privates IF they only had to work with kids who were on grade level; who didn't have every condition (real or fantasy) known to man and who came from families that demanded their kids get an education.
Clinton never had a real 10 point lead, never.
The LA times/usc poll and Rasmussen poll, which were the most accurate and consistent in the 2016 and 2012 elections didn’t dramatically change after the announcement.

What happened was exactly what Comey stated. He thought for sure she’d win, and was covering his ass.
He didn’t hand Trump anything, he thought she’d win, he’d given her a pass in the summer, the debates were over, so now he was going to cover all bases.

Considering all of the stuff they did to try to ruin Trump, I'd hate to imagine what they would have done if they thought he had a real shot to win. Imagine what levels they would have went to.

I never believed the polls. I thought he had a shot simply because of patterns of the other party historically winning after two terms but when I really started to believe that, 'Hey, he might actually have a better shot than I thought' was when the Dems had to campaign the night before in Michigan. No way you do that if you think you have it in the bag.
Imagine if wealthy white liberals were forced to be around the stuff they advocate for but pawn off on other areas. Oh, you want open borders and to take in "refugees?" How about your neighborhood?

You're against the 2A? Disarm your security. Take down your wall and gate at your home.

You're all about "diversity?" How about you flood your private school with all of it?

You think there's systematic white privilege? Step down from your position and give it to someone else.

They always have great ideas they think everyone else should follow
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Right now though all they are doing is saying a bunch of pretty words. We'll see if any action actually happens, when that time comes is when these talks always go to shit with NK.

Face it, you're unhinged. Long lasting or not, what we just witnessed was a huge deal. Only a mentally challenged twit ate with TDS would try to claim otherwise.
A new effort to diversify schools in the Upper West Side of Manhattan — one of the richest neighborhoods in the city — has drawn an angry reaction from many parents.

Local news station Spectrum News NY 1 has posted a video that shows white parents furiously attacking a plan to require all local middle schools to reserve 25 percent of their seats for students who score below grade level on state English and Math exams.


The Elite have to be forced to endure the same consequences as the rest of us in order for anything to get changed. The Vietnam War started winding down when they went to the lottery draft and everybody, including the sons of the Elite, was subject to the draft if their number came up. Even Bill Clinton was squirming.
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Lol what a fraud

"The vital role of the press" LOL. Yeah, in propaganda. You all love them because you tell them what you want, strategically leak and then watch them spread it to everyone and they're happy to do it just because these reporters like to feel important and enjoy the access. But you think Dems would love the media if they actually challenged them and didn't collude with them?
Pretty amazing stuff in the peninsula. It’s been 2-3 generations since something like this has happened. Have to believe the tough stance taken by Mattis and Trump had a lot to do with it.
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