How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, normal response from a liberal troll. Lie about nothing to hide and deflect when caught. You are a pansy and a wimp pure and simple. Leave your country for a better life then, attack the people who allow you a better life. Dumb as hell if you ask me. Bite the log that feeds you. Canadian men are used to biting logs.

Disagreeing with some random dude from Mobilhoma on a message board = biting the “log” that feeds you.

Sound logic there chief.

No you're the racist POS who thinks only Mexicans come across the border.
You made my point by illustrating that the "savages" coming across the border are of many different ethnicities. Yet you lump them all together and insult them based on the only thing the vast majority of them have in common, their brown skin. You are a racist.
Disagreeing with some random dude from Mobilhoma on a message board = biting the “log” that feeds you.

Sound logic there chief.
See, that is the big problem with foreign morons like yourself, you think you have more intelligence because you were told that by the government controlled media and education system you were brainwashed by. America is everywheresville USA, you insult one you insult the whole country dumb ass. I realize you don't know any better because you were told to be that way and like all liberals, you lockstep to the beat. You truly are dumber than a rock boy.
See, that is the big problem with foreign morons like yourself, you think you have more intelligence because you were told that by the government controlled media and education system you were brainwashed by. America is everywheresville USA, you insult one you insult the whole country dumb ass. I realize you don't know any better because you were told to be that way and like all liberals, you lockstep to the beat. You truly are dumber than a rock boy.
Yall like to bitch about brainwashing and say all liberals are in lockstep, but posting history shows the left-leaning posters in this thread have a far broader spectrum of opinions than the righties. @JohnKBA, the guy you're calling out for this very thing, just posted his opinions on a laundry list of issues and few of them were in "lockstep" with the Democratic platform.
You made my point by illustrating that the "savages" coming across the border are of many different ethnicities. Yet you lump them all together and insult them based on the only thing the vast majority of them have in common, their brown skin. You are a racist.

Jesus. I've never seen anybody on here as obsessed with playing the race card as you. I'd hope MS-13 would pay you a personal visit just for the lesson, but you'd just offer them your wife (or husband), your bed, and give them a high five and a beer when they were done. Your an incorrigible irrational puss.
Jesus. I've never seen anybody on here as obsessed with playing the race card as you. I'd hope MS-13 would pay you a personal visit just for the lesson, but you'd just offer them your wife (or husband), your bed, and give them a high five and a beer when they were done. Your an incorrigible irrational puss.

Qwes maybe right. Dionysus/Platinum is either Cardkilla. But I think it's Fuzz/RQ
Yall like to bitch about brainwashing and say all liberals are in lockstep, but posting history shows the left-leaning posters in this thread have a far broader spectrum of opinions than the righties. @JohnKBA, the guy you're calling out for this very thing, just posted his opinions on a laundry list of issues and few of them were in "lockstep" with the Democratic platform.

John it never was much of a ruse, but now you are just making it obvious
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Yall like to bitch about brainwashing and say all liberals are in lockstep, but posting history shows the left-leaning posters in this thread have a far broader spectrum of opinions than the righties. @JohnKBA, the guy you're calling out for this very thing, just posted his opinions on a laundry list of issues and few of them were in "lockstep" with the Democratic platform.
And, like all liberal idiots you failed to comprehend my post about it being a front but, that is no surprise since you are just as dumb as he is. Lefties lie about who they are all of the time. Problem is, you guys are too stupid to realize we see right through your deception.
Got to be. There can't be that many like-minded totally brainwashed, pussified victibats in here.

Yep. Cardkilla/Fuzz/RQ/Dion/Platinum may even be the same racist.

Honestly never seen more a racist bunch. Surprised that they don't show up at people of color's homes and bring them food because apparently in their racist minds, people of color can't succeed for themselves.

But they only matter when they need their votes in election years. Disgusting. Thankfully at least Black America is waking up the democrat slavery
And, like all liberal idiots you failed to comprehend my post about it being a front but, that is no surprise since you are just as dumb as he is. Lefties lie about who they are all of the time. Problem is, you guys are too stupid to realize we see right through your deception.

The lefties on this thread (cardkilla, fuzz, etc) are all very open about it. I'm open about the fact that I'm a pro choice atheist and the fact that I think you're a complete dumbass. If that makes me a "lefty" then so be it.

As to your point about me lacking real world knowledge, I've managed client startups on 4 continents and have churned through more passports than I can count traveling for my career. I've forgotten more about the world than you know about it.

In a 2007 blog post, MSNBC host Joy Reid attacked TV host Rosie O’Donnell using misogynistic and fat-shaming language and defended future president Donald Trump.

In a January 9th blog post, Reid weighed in on the celebrity feud between “The View” host O’Donnell and Trump. Earlier in the feud, Trump had called O’Donnell “a real loser,” a “slob” with a “fat, ugly face,” and “fat little Rosie.”

“How much longer until that chubbed-out shrew Rosie O’Donnell gets her fat ass canned by Babwa?” Reid asked, in an imitation of “The View” co-host Barbara Walters’ first name.

“How much longer will the freak show that is ‘The View’ continue to darken our television screens?” she continued. “How much more kick-ass funny can Donald Trump be???"
Dion's grammar and vocabulary aren't on the same level as mine and his sentence structure is completely different. I'm surprised you're still running with this.

I never mentioned it before I don’t think, seen a couple of other posters point it out. It is pretty obvious but if you think you are fooling everbody have at it.
Norm is the best. I don't even think he believes anything he says (he's basically in character all the time), but his willingness to make people confront their own stupidity is amazing.

Here's a clip where he gets a white woman to have to choose between saying black people are poor (she says Norm is racist for saying that) or saying that black people aren't poor and don't have any obstacles to overcome

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I never mentioned it before I don’t think, seen a couple of other posters point it out. It is pretty obvious but if you think you are fooling everbody have at it.

You've mentioned it before. If you think that after 15 years on the site with one user name I'd create another one to post troll BS, be my guest.
The lefties on this thread (cardkilla, fuzz, etc) are all very open about it. I'm open about the fact that I'm a pro choice atheist and the fact that I think you're a complete dumbass. If that makes me a "lefty" then so be it.

As to your point about me lacking real world knowledge, I've managed client startups on 4 continents and have churned through more passports than I can count traveling for my career. I've forgotten more about the world than you know about it.
I have been to places you would be too afraid to venture in to and others you read about as great vacations. Board rooms or office meetings can't compare and I also have many college credits to my background. Problems is, I am not a pretentious moron living off of another countries wealth all the while disrespecting its people and culture. You are a weak ass human being who lacks the courage to own up to your own leanings for fear of being labeled.
I have been to places you would be too afraid to venture in to and others you read about as great vacations. Board rooms or office meetings can't compare and I also have many college credits to my background. Problems is, I am not a pretentious moron living off of another countries wealth all the while disrespecting its people and culture. You are a weak ass human being who lacks the courage to own up to your own leanings for fear of being labeled.

Fine, I'm a radical antifa left wing nut. Consider me labeled. I'll still wake up tomorrow with a better life than you.
If some liberal tries assassination of Trump, then I hope he opens up an executive order to massacre all liberals. The military are mainly Trump supporters and most civilian Trump supporters have the guns and bullets.

Democrats may try to bring dildos and pussy hats to a gun fight and GD i can't wait
If some liberal tries assassination of Trump, then I hope he opens up an executive order to massacre all liberals. The military are mainly Trump supporters and most civilian Trump supporters have the guns and bullets.

Democrats may try to bring dildos and pussy hats to a gun fight and GD i can't wait
Waiting for JohnKBA's response to this. He called someone else out he did not like for a similar post a few days ago. Will he stand on principle here too?
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Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.
Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.
[roll]Another Clinton apologist, you guys are too easily duped.
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Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.

Clinton never had a real 10 point lead, never.
The LA times/usc poll and Rasmussen poll, which were the most accurate and consistent in the 2016 and 2012 elections didn’t dramatically change after the announcement.

What happened was exactly what Comey stated. He thought for sure she’d win, and was covering his ass.
He didn’t hand Trump anything, he thought she’d win, he’d given her a pass in the summer, the debates were over, so now he was going to cover all bases.
Oh puhleeeze!! Comey handed Trump the Presidency on a silver platter with his bullshit about the Clinton emails a week before the election. Clinton's lead in the polls went from around 7-10% down to almost nothing in the week leading up to the election, and as it turned out it was total crap.
Lol Hillary couldn't beat trump...after a grab em bu the pussy tape. The worst politician of all time. Given a senator position, then given sec of state for no reason, the had the dnc rig it for her, then got the candidate she wanted to face, and still couldn't win. I mean how hard is it to show up in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and talk about jobs instead of only talking about men wanting to be women and sharing bathrooms...something only 1/3 of 1% of the population cares about. What else where her platforms....oh she didn't have any.