How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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lol, suck it repug

Dems still looking for that key referendum on trump win. All without realizing trump doesn't necessarily equal the gop. In fact I'd say at this point he's dragging some of these candidates because people know they're needed to pass his agenda

Liberals love minorities except minorities that disagree with any part of liberal orthodoxy

Asians are considered "honorary whites" to the aggrieved crowd because they're A) Smart and put an emphasis on education B) More wealthy C) Believe in the nuclear family D) Don't commit a lot of crime or idolize street culture.

That's not good for the narrative. Weird how none of this "systematic racism" affects Asians' ability to succeed. Weird how cops don't have to spend a ton of time in those neighborhoods.
Q: When is a win a loss? A: When it's liberal propaganda
It's a loss when you drop 15-20% from the last election which has held in all the special elections so far. If that trend holds to the midterms its an absolute beatdown for the GOP. 10% loses them the house by 15-20 seats. 15% makes the senate a complete toss up, Cruz losing would probably flip it. 20% loses the senate. Democrats didn't even put any effort or money into the 8th district race while the GOP was forced to spend out the ass in a district they usually win by 20-30%. The race will also be redone in November which will add more support to Tipirneni.
It's a loss when you drop 15-20% from the last election which has held in all the special elections so far. If that trend holds to the midterms its an absolute beatdown for the GOP. 10% loses them the house by 15-20 seats. 15% makes the senate a complete toss up, Cruz losing would probably flip it. 20% loses the senate. Democrats didn't even put any effort or money into the 8th district race while the GOP was forced to spend out the ass in a district they usually win by 20-30%. The race will also be redone in November which will add more support to Tipirneni.
Yes and if Nancy is back in charge of the House, which is likely, all will be good in your world won't it? Such conviction and principled leadership! Pls tell us what legislation you would like her to introduce?
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Yes and if Nancy is back in charge of the House, which is likely, all will be good in your world won't it? Such conviction and principled leadership! Pls tell us what legislation you would like her to introduce?
I wish Nancy would drop dead, along with all the other baby Boomer & older useless ****s in congress that have destroyed our political system.
“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress. If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you,” Mulvaney said.

pretty rare for someone to straight up admit they took bribes for access. At least he's honest i guess.
Corker won his seat last election by 30 points. Right now the polls have the Dem up 5% in the race for his seat. If that seat is taken and Cruz loses his seat Trump gonna have a real shitty 2nd half of his term.
The GOP hasn't figured out yet that Clinton isn't running anymore. Apparently their brilliant strategy for the midterms is go all in against Clinton.
Corker won his seat last election by 30 points. Right now the polls have the Dem up 5% in the race for his seat. If that seat is taken and Cruz loses his seat Trump gonna have a real shitty 2nd half of his term.

How far back did the polls have Trump this far out?
The Cruz race is dead even now. He is hated by everybody across both aisles so he has very good odds of losing.

Hated or not. Cruz will win because Texas republicans don't want to lose control of the senate. They will hold their noses and vote for him. Same thing happened in Kentucky when Grimes thought she was running close to McConnell and then got whipped badly on election day.
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I wish Nancy would drop dead, along with all the other baby Boomer & older useless ****s in congress that have destroyed our political system.
Dipshit populism has destroyed our political system, they are just the vessels. You are the same guy that brags about poor immigrants helping Dems control our govt in the future.
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The GOP hasn't figured out yet that Clinton isn't running anymore. Apparently their brilliant strategy for the midterms is go all in against Clinton.

Given your unwavering approach to ignorance and refusal to accept reality, please list just 3 bullet points on how Trump being POTUS has made your life hell. Then list 3 bullet points on how your life would be better if Pant Suit was madam Pres....
How far back did the polls have Trump this far out?

I'm starting to think platinumdragqueen may be the return of the guy who made the bet with krazykats on the election. Can't recall his name. Although that guy actually seemed like a pretty good dude. Probably not. Just another Z account. Either way platinum is really into polls. In more ways than 1 I'm sure. I just wish we could go back to the good old days when President J Edgar Hoover was running things and was free to lounge around the White House in his best evening gown.
I'm starting to think platinumdragqueen may be the return of the guy who made the bet with krazykats on the election. Can't recall his name. Although that guy actually seemed like a pretty good dude. Probably not. Just another Z account. Either way platinum is really into polls. In more ways than 1 I'm sure. I just wish we could go back to the good old days when President J Edgar Hoover was running things and was free to lounge around the White House in his best evening gown.
No he is not jamo (he was somewhat rational) or z (posts are too short for z). cardkilla is the leader for now
There needs to be a "beginners" page for politics... for people that post regardless of intelligence. Right now, they just clog up the board. Let them work their way up, so to speak, to the main site once they actually understand politics.

Platinum- I nominate you as the first member, along with all of your pseudonyms. You really need to work out your issues somewhere else.