How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Hahahaha. You really can’t read, can you? Maybe you should go back into the armed forces. I hear they’re having trouble recruiting and your lack of any marketable skills or knowledge would make you a prime candidate.
Your inability to see your own hypocrisy makes you the perfect little goose stepping liberal.

BTW, the only reason Canada has survived over the years is because you border the US. You guys don't have the intelligence or the balls to be real men up there, you're welcome.
Your inability to see your own hypocrisy makes you the perfect little goose stepping liberal.

BTW, the only reason Canada has survived over the years is because you border the US. You guys don't have the intelligence or the balls to be real men up there, you're welcome.

Thanks man! Glad you’ve personally contributed to Canada’s survival.

Can you make a man out of me too?

You will have to go to Sweden and get a sex change first, then get on some testosterone pills for a while but, watch out for JohnKBA, she likes them fresh out of the cleaners.
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He was clearly implying that Obama should have been focused on Chicago specifically

He should have. It's a damn murderous shithole. At least try to do something, anything. Just because "the job of the executive branch isn’t to govern cities.", doesn't mean a president can't offer a help nor does he get a pass for sitting back, ignoring it, demonizing police, fomenting anger and allowing it to get worse.
He should have. It's a damn murderous shithole. At least try to do something, anything. Just because "the job of the executive branch isn’t to govern cities.", doesn't mean a president can't offer a help nor does he get a pass for sitting back, ignoring it, demonizing police, and allowing it to get worse.

Fair enough. So let’s look back in 6 years and see how things in Chicago are. Should be way better, right?
You will have to go to Sweden and get a sex change first, then get on some testosterone pills for a while but, watch out for JohnKBA, she likes them fresh out of the cleaners.

Sounds gnarly, bro. I'll pass.

What's for dinner tonight?
Hey, for those interested, Pelican is experiencing problems filling all the orders they are getting right now. Sounds like there are a lot of like minded people out there who put the needs of the nation ahead of personal cost. Something some idiots don't understand.
Fair enough. So let’s look back in 6 years and see how things in Chicago are. Should be way better, right?

And if not, some of the blame falls on Trump. But, at least it's part of Trump's agenda. He hasn't just given up and forgotten about the problems. He's trying (that's already more than Obama can say), even though Emanuel/Chicago Democrats are fighting him every step of the way.

After his first few months in office Trump sent in the ATF. He's also trying to put an end to Chicago's sanctuary policies. Both of those might not fix the problems 100%, but they're a start.
When people wake up to the insidiousness of identity politics and PC religion, democrats entire world view will be destroyed. bwlsturd and platinumdouchebag will be wandering aimlessly screaming oppression to deaf ears.

Awwwwwww LMAO!!!

"bwlsturd" is the best you could do? I'm done, bro. Hahaha!

You're probably the kind of guy who likes watching TV.

Wanna watch a little telly-telly tonight? Let's order a pizza.
Hey, for those interested, Pelican is experiencing problems filling all the orders they are getting right now. Sounds like there are a lot of like minded people out there who put the needs of the nation ahead of personal cost. Something some idiots don't understand.

Hahahahaha. You obviously didn’t major in economics.
Two posters who are clearly racist.

Racism test one didn't work. Racism test two is a little more difficult...

And if not, some of the blame falls on Trump. But, at least it's part of Trump's agenda. He hasn't just given up and forgotten about the problems. He's trying (that's already more than Obama can say), even though Emanuel/Chicago Democrats are fighting him every step of the way.

After his first few months in office Trump sent in the ATF. He's also trying to put an end to Chicago's sanctuary policies. Both of those might not fix the problems 100%, but they're a start.
They do not want Trump to succeed because, if he does, they lose a large portion of their base and will have to import more idiots to vote for them. Something these guys do not understand or comprehend.
you liberal idiots lose even 20 percent of the black vote, which is going to happen, your party is dead.

Oh they gonna lose the black vote big time. Democrats still trying to keep black people enslaved

When people wake up to the insidiousness of identity politics and PC religion, democrats entire world view will be destroyed. bwlsturd and platinumdouchebag will be wandering aimlessly screaming oppression to deaf ears.