How will they rule ??!

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How much of a God damn idiot are you?

Hannity has his schtick.. the best part of his show is listening to his guests, a liberal spar with a conservative. Even with hannity being there, it's no doubt or question who does the mental gymnastics. These libs on his show literally justify anything.. anything..


you effing idiot. Look, when you get out of the drive thru, and actually have to itemize deductions and be strategic ... you'll hire someone to handle it all. But you'll understand.. you'll understand from that one year you did it yourself. Hell. I'm still under audit from 4 fricken years ago.

But my God man, you're a nincompoop

Leave it to the left to be mad about you keeping more of your own effing money.

They’re pure poison. It is so insane that we have a huge portion of this country who wants big government, thinks it’s okay to spy on you, wants to control your speech, thinks it’s okay to assault you, push for an invasion through the third world/Muslims, loves the idea of socialism and thinks they have a right to the money you worked for.

and they think they’re the good guys.
Nearly 50% of Americans don't pay any federal income tax and they sure as hell don't own businesses (legal ones anyway). So if you cut individual and business taxes that bottom half aren't going to benefit. Are you just figuring that out?
Some people simply have a problem with upper income level groups receiving any breaks at all. Logic escapes such people. Doesn't it make sense that those who pay the most taxes to begin with are the ones that benefit most from tax breaks? I personally know people that not only don't pay any taxes but annually get more than $5K refunds. How do you get a refund when you don't pay to begin with???? It's no more than welfare and it's wrong. I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but what's right is right. It's nothing short of legalized theft that the top 1% or so has paid something close to 40 % of all federal income taxes received by the feds.

Robin Hood was not a hero. He was a low life thief.
This Alfie Evans shit is disgusting. Remember folks, death panels are just stupid conspiracy theories propagated by backwoods hillbillies. Of course the government would never ration healthcare if they are in charge of rationing healthcare...
I remember back before the days the country went stupid and elected a muslim, an interviewer asking O'bama about death panels. He said there would be no death panels and it was ridiculous to think that there would be. Then he said "some tough decisions will have to be made".

Made by whom? In what capacity? On whose behalf?

They won't be called "death panels", they may be called "end of life committees" but they will definitely exist under a national health care system.
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I remember back before the days the country went stupid and elected a muslim, an interviewer asking O'bama about death panels. He said there would be no death panels and it was ridiculous to think that there would be. Then he said "some tough decisions will have to be made".

Made by whom? In what capacity? On whose behalf?

They won't be called "death panels", they may be called "end of life committees" but they will definitely exist under a national health care system.
I also remember him saying that he would not let his family be subject to such arbitrary decisions and he would use his wealth to make sure his mother got the best care available.

We have a highly developed first world country fighting to be allowed to kill a baby and somehow we think racism or believing a person with a penis is a man is the greatest problem in our culture.
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Gonna be :fire:!

I also remember him saying that he would not let his family be subject to such arbitrary decisions and he would use his wealth to make sure his mother got the best care available.

We have a highly developed first world country fighting to be allowed to kill a baby and somehow we think racism or believing a person with a penis is a man is the greatest problem in our culture.

The evil of this country thinking it's okay to slaughter millions of babies in the womb is the most disgusting thing about us. The left trying to convince you that they're not human is like when Hitler convinced Germany that Jews were non-human. They like to accuse everyone of being a Nazi yet they have the most in common with them. It's a holocaust on our soil and we have a political party who demands taxpayers fund it and that it's their right yet how many of them have even seen what occurs in an abortion?

You don't even have to be religious to know that murder is wrong but the mental gymnastics that takes place is unbelievable.
James Woods gets a lot of play on Twitter for a guy whose biggest career achievement in the last 20 years is being the butt of jokes in a handful of Family Guy episodes.

A guy who was in Casino, Salvador, Nixon, Any Given Sunday and Ghosts of Mississippi is certainly worth following more than Michael Moore, the Parkland kids and every blue haired SJW activist writer and professor on there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
A guy who was in Casino, Salvador, Nixon, Any Given Sunday and Ghosts of Mississippi is certainly worth following more than Michael Moore, the Parkland kids and every blue haired SJW activist writer and professor on there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh I agree King - I think we should apply the same standard though. A common refrain from right pundits (Laura Ingraham for example) is to shut up and act, or shut up and dribble, or whatever. I don't see her telling James Woods to shut up and let Peter Griffin trap you with Reese's Pieces. :)
James Woods gets a lot of play on Twitter for a guy whose biggest career achievement in the last 20 years is being the butt of jokes in a handful of Family Guy episodes.

Watch your mouth John or he’ll steal your identity. You should know better than to criticize James Woods.

But seriously, he’s just not afraid to say what he thinks. He’s a needle in a haystack for someone who has been involved with Hollywood.
Ol Mitt Romney taunted Russel Westbrook last night..

...he really wants to win this election, lol.
So we had a far right terrorist kill 4 black people and no Trump tweet :( and another white terrorist kill 10 canucks and no tweet :( He sure is scared of calling out white killers.
So we had a far right terrorist kill 4 black people and no Trump tweet :( and another white terrorist kill 10 canucks and no tweet :( He sure is scared of calling out white killers.
Far right? Lmao dude went past a barrier at the white house a year ago and was arrested by the Secret Service. Jesus you are one dumb SOB.
So we had a far right terrorist kill 4 black people and no Trump tweet :( and another white terrorist kill 10 canucks and no tweet :( He sure is scared of calling out white killers.
Have all liberals been taught to think any time a white guy has a gun that they are far right? This is the same guy that wanted to kill trump. And why is it his job to call out people in canada? Since its supposedly a liberal utopia why isnt Trudeau explaining why this happened?
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So we had a far right terrorist kill 4 black people and no Trump tweet :( and another white terrorist kill 10 canucks and no tweet :( He sure is scared of calling out white killers.

LOL, wrong wrong wrong.

Why do democrat racist POS want to kill black people? It isn't 1940s anymore.

The guy tried to kill Trump. Hope the short bus didn't pass up your mom's basement today. You need help
So we had a far right terrorist kill 4 black people and no Trump tweet :( and another white terrorist kill 10 canucks and no tweet :( He sure is scared of calling out white killers.
wait... so you confirmed that all 4 waffle house were black? I haven't even heard a hate crime peep. If they were all black I think the media would be pimping that angle.
James Woods gets a lot of play on Twitter for a guy whose biggest career achievement in the last 20 years is being the butt of jokes in a handful of Family Guy episodes.
At least he had a career, a lot of these people out there are making their careers off of the backs of people who have suffered from some life altering disaster. Some were groomed for a job to be given to them only to be rejected because they sucked as humans . Still others live off of the backs of hard working Americans courtesy of the liberal left needing votes. I wonder what would happen if those hard working Americans decided to stop working and look for handouts from those who now have because it was given to them. Bet money they would tell you to get a job and get your own.