How will they rule ??!

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third period, my teacher got a call from the office saying I need to go down and see a Mr. Greenleaf. I didn’t know Mr. Greenleaf, but it turned out that he was an armed school resource officer. I went down and found him, and he escorted me to his office. Then a second security officer walked in and sat behind me. Both began questioning me intensely. First, they began berating my tweet, although neither of them had read it; then they began aggressively asking questions about who I went to the range with, whose gun we used, about my father, etc. They were incredibly condescending and rude.

Then a third officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office walked in, and began asking me the same questions again. At that point, I asked whether I could record the interview. They said no. I asked if I had done anything wrong. Again, they answered no. I asked why I was there. One said, “Don’t get snappy with me, do you not remember what happened here a few months ago?”

They continued to question me aggressively, though they could cite nothing I had done wrong. They kept calling me “the pro-Second Amendment kid.” I was shocked and honestly, scared. It definitely felt like they were attempting to intimidate me.

I was treated like a criminal for no reason other than having gone to the gun range and posted on social media about it.

^ that’s either totally fake bs (probably) or totally nuts (also probably). Idk. Crazy times.
You're a teacher. Bet parents love you around their kids.

you have no idea what addiction is like. It's not a party "bro"

Yeah, I bet they hate all that librul math and science I'm teaching the youth.

Where'd the addiction thing come from?

More importantly, why did you put "bro" in quotations??

Do you even enjoy life, bro?
Yeah, I bet they hate all that librul math and science I'm teaching the youth.

Where'd the addiction thing come from?

More importantly, why did you put "bro" in quotations??

Do you even enjoy life, bro?

lol. Guy, you aren't smart as you think you are. But Liberals have a deep dish of lack of insight and a high range of sense of self worth.

I hate life because of people like you.
Yeah, I bet they hate all that librul math and science I'm teaching the youth.

Where'd the addiction thing come from?

More importantly, why did you put "bro" in quotations??

Do you even enjoy life, bro?
I know brother Willy very well and have partied with him many times.

He certainly enjoys life. Believe me.
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DNC shuns its anti-Trump Kremlin dossier in collusion law suit

The Democratic National Committee’s Russia collusion law suit against the Trump campaign cites a number of press stories, tweets and investigative reports as evidence, but there is one notable absence.

The 66-page suit doesn’t mention the Christopher Steele dossier, an investigation financed by the very same DNC as well as the Hilary Clinton campaign and sourced to Kremlin operatives.
The Washington Times huh? Looks like someone there would know that a "lawsuit" is what people bring against other people. A law suit would be what a lawyer wears.
She's right. Mueller isn't after the truth. He's well aware that this meeting was a set up so he's avoiding interviewing her.

Russian lawyer who met with top Trump campaign officials says Mueller hasn't contacted her

The Russian lawyer who top Trump campaign officials were told had compromising information on Hillary Clinton ahead of a June 2016 meeting told the Associated Press on Sunday that she is surprised she has not been contacted by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to The Associated Press.

The Russian attorney said Mueller’s team, which is investigating Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and allegations that individuals tied to Trump colluded in those efforts, has not contacted her. If it does not, she said, it would be an indication that the special counsel’s office “is not working to discover the truth.”
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Its funny to give Hannity this label. Took 19 million in government handouts over 7 years. He is being smart using the government welfare even though he rails on it daily on his stupid show.


Congressional report shows how horribly lopsided the tax reform is towards the rich. roughly 80% going to those making 200k+, and 93% going to those making 100k+. also shows that individual tax rates will actually be higher in 2026 than they were last year.

Work harder and you can get on the $200k+ level. Ambition, man.
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The Supremacy of the Internet Mob

However, we should acknowledge that as virtual life and real life approach singularity that we better start having smarter conversations about how our republic treats mob justice.

Part of the reason for its efficacy in the latter is that getting a mob together takes almost no effort at all. If you have a catchy cause and have proficient social media skills you can work wonders. The secret is that mob instigators ask very little of the participants they recruit.

A comment, a re-tweet or even just a “like” is all it takes. And in a country of 325 million people getting a million folks to make a sacrifice-free commitment to a cause isn’t so tough.

This new regime is having a corrosive effect on politics and government.

In the old days when you wanted to have a mob you had to get people on buses, get their torches lit and somebody had to stop off and buy some pitchforks. If you are willing to go that far for a cause it’s likely that you would have learned at least a little about it.

But we are developing a system in which unaccountable, unelected individuals who bear little to no consequence for their participation or leadership have become arbiters of justice.

Even in those instances where you may think the mobs’ judgement is right, it may be helpful to think about what the future may hold.

Congressional report shows how horribly lopsided the tax reform is towards the rich. roughly 80% going to those making 200k+, and 93% going to those making 100k+. also shows that individual tax rates will actually be higher in 2026 than they were last year.

Trump's revenge: U.S. oil floods Europe, hurting OPEC and Russia.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

Its funny to give Hannity this label. Took 19 million in government handouts over 7 years. He is being smart using the government welfare even though he rails on it daily on his stupid show.

How much of a God damn idiot are you?

Hannity has his schtick.. the best part of his show is listening to his guests, a liberal spar with a conservative. Even with hannity being there, it's no doubt or question who does the mental gymnastics. These libs on his show literally justify anything.. anything..


you effing idiot. Look, when you get out of the drive thru, and actually have to itemize deductions and be strategic ... you'll hire someone to handle it all. But you'll understand.. you'll understand from that one year you did it yourself. Hell. I'm still under audit from 4 fricken years ago.

But my God man, you're a nincompoop
Work harder and you can get on the $200k+ level. Ambition, man.
In platinum's case he needs to commit to handling more household chores to free his wife up to earn more. Or work a deal with a poor family of a student to bang his wife teacher and get a cut of the lawsuit against the school.

This is very subtle but important. Anyone could get the data from Facebook that Cambridge got. The breach of policy was it being acquired through an intermediary.

Facebook had no intention of providing this info to Trump's team. Even though they provided it to Obama and almost surely Hillary.

That's their real outrage here. Not that it was used for political gain. But that it was used by a republican for political gain.

This should concern everyone but surprise noone.
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Congressional report shows how horribly lopsided the tax reform is towards the rich. roughly 80% going to those making 200k+, and 93% going to those making 100k+. also shows that individual tax rates will actually be higher in 2026 than they were last year.

Nearly 50% of Americans don't pay any federal income tax and they sure as heck don't own businesses (legal ones anyway). So if you cut individual and business taxes, that bottom half aren't going to benefit. Are you just figuring that out?
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Thank God we live in the United States. This is the type of shit they have going on across the pond. They will let terrorists stay, Islamic hate preachers and Muslims to gang rape and go unpunished but give a traffic cam the finger? Watch out.
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Nearly 50% of Americans don't pay any federal income tax and they sure as hell don't own businesses (legal ones anyway). So if you cut individual and business taxes that bottom half aren't going to benefit. Are you just figuring that out?

He's not just figuring that out. He still hasn't figured it out even though you figured it out for him. In PC vernacular, he's what they call special.