How will they rule ??!

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The bad thing is youth takes him as the gospel and laughs like seals in agreement. He also has presented himself as "moderate" despite all of us knowing that's a lie.

Colbert and Stewart present themselves as unbiased source of news? Rhetorical question, they don't.

Do they present themselves as an unbiased source of news? No. But they certainly do nothing to allow uninformed viewers to make the assumption theyre unbiased and their material is factual. Thats the problem.

Fed tax on sex, weed, and gambling would pay a lot of the gov't spending and thus reduces the tax burden on people.

Would solve everything. All "victimless crime" should be made legal. We lost the war on drugs long ago. Make designated zones for all drug/prostitution use; hamsterdam style (for The Wire fans).

you should not be taxed on your productivity. only on what you consume and possess. The more stuff you take from society, the more tax you pay. The more space you occupy from society, the more tax you pay, in very basic terms that is. Tax the productivity not.

part of the issue is that we tax income more than we tax wealth. that's not exactly a shock when you consider our form of government, though.

Agree with both. We shouldnt be punished for being productive or successful. This, in fact, greatly prevents vertical movement in terms of financial standing. A tax on consumption, or alternatively wealth, would be much more fair.

The alternative tax on wealth would be a bit more desirable to me, as it would prevent the wealthy from just hoarding money, without spending it. Taxing consumption may cause people to hesitate about spending money, thereby slowing the economy. Whereas taxing wealth would promote spending and especially investing, since the income from the investment itself would not be taxed.

But I think some combination of both would be best.


Sadly hilarious.
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When I think of funny people, I immediately think of liberals who get angry and offended by everything.

Well they can't be as funny as conservative comics like Gallagher.

Honestly, Colbert is too smart and witty for most people in this thread.
Well they can't be as funny as conservative comics like Gallagher.

Honestly, Colbert is too smart and witty for most people in this thread.

Dennis Miller would crush Colbert in a battle of wits (at least in his prime).

And are you trying to tell me Larry The Cable guy ain't witty? Come on now!!

In all seriousness, it's well known comedians are getting fed up with liberals and their PC bullshit. Congrats on killing your own, I suppose.
Honestly, Colbert is too smart and witty for most people in this thread.

he's a smarmy liberal who's act is trashing conservatives and normal American values. what a shock, he is failing when trying to sell his shit to a bigger more diverse audience beyond a fringe cable network & getting trashed in the ratings. just like his mentor Stewart, his act is very very narrowly targeted and doomed to fail drawing wider acceptance.

but CBS is fine with that, they have been open to admitting his slot & his performance is propaganda for the left.
Dennis Miller wasn't always conservative, and he's also batshit crazy.

And I hate the PC culture too, it actually goes against everything "liberal" is supposed to be about. Of course people who make their living speaking freely are going to hate it, as they should.

And "trashing normal American values" has been a cornerstone of satire since it's inception. George Carlin would have been so much better with more airplane food jokes. Learn comedy.
I don't really care for comics who make their whole living trying to tear down the half of America that they don't agree with politically.
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Does Colbert's shitty ratings and being a smarmy liberal puppet change the content of the video? Does the bias of his show discredit the content of the video? The video was to show Trump is full of shit, a buffoon who contradicts himself left and right. And a lot of you are considering him to be the leader of the free world. Was some of it cherry picked? Sure. He still said those things though. But, hey, keep talking about Colbert's comedy or lack thereof and his shitty ratings.
Don't think the NH delegate count matters. No one thinks Bernie has any real shot at the nomination. He will eventually fade. The value in the NH results was to show Hillary's weakness as a candidate. That's the story there.....
Do they present themselves as an unbiased source of news? No. But they certainly do nothing to allow uninformed viewers to make the assumption theyre unbiased and their material is factual. Thats the problem.

Their shows were on Comedy Central. Stewart used to hammer home the fact that his program followed a show where puppets made crank calls. If an 'uninformed viewer' couldn't infer that these were satirical fake news shows then that's on them.

"That's the problem" [laughing]
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Not sure why some get so defensive about Colbert. Just stating the facts, no one watches his show. Trump is obviously a two faced blow hard and I don't / will never trust him....I don't need a Colbert segment to form an opinion.

I like the bravado he brings, though, because it's something this country has lost and needs back. His canned "America never wins anymore...." speech has become thoroughly nauseating but the man does have a point.

Many people in this country are YEARNING for a candidate that has Jeb!'s / Kasich's experience combined with Trump's alpha demeanor and balls. (Don't take "balls" the wrong way, a woman can fit that description as easily as a man) Someone who doesn't have roots from Washington D.C already wrapped around their legs. Someone who will chop down the goddamn federal government efficiently and quickly.

I wanted Romney to be that guy in 2012 (even though he was generally left of me fiscally and backed by the GOP establishment) but he was too much of a milquetoast pussy to close the deal with the conservative base. I was probably wishing he would be something that he would never be.

This could be the first election that I'm able to vote in that I don't.
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Does Colbert's shitty ratings and being a smarmy liberal puppet change the content of the video? Does the bias of his show discredit the content of the video? The video was to show Trump is full of shit, a buffoon who contradicts himself left and right. And a lot of you are considering him to be the leader of the free world. Was some of it cherry picked? Sure. He still said those things though. But, hey, keep talking about Colbert's comedy or lack thereof and his shitty ratings.

Would love to know who you're considering voting for, and who you've voted for in the past.

I mean, if we're criticizing people for voting for full-of-shit-buffoons who contradict themselves left and right.

There's not a single person running for POTUS at this point who isn't a full-of-shit-buffoon. So you can either stay home in November like I'll be doing, or stop being a hypocrite criticizing people for considering voting for full-of-shit-buffoon.

And good lord, if someone is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, they shouldn't just stay home in November. They should drive off a bridge on the way to the polling place.
Would love to know who you're considering voting for, and who you've voted for in the past.

I mean, if we're criticizing people for voting for full-of-shit-buffoons who contradict themselves left and right.

There's not a single person running for POTUS at this point who isn't a full-of-shit-buffoon. So you can either stay home in November like I'll be doing, or stop being a hypocrite criticizing people for considering voting for full-of-shit-buffoon.

And good lord, if someone is considering voting for Hilary Clinton, they shouldn't just stay home in November. They should drive off a bridge on the way to the polling place.
I'm flattered you would love to know. And if I wasn't talking to you then why do you feel the need to chime in? You're staying home. Great. So am I. If you don't have the intention to vote for trump then obviously that video and post wasn't intended for you. So, in other words, stfu.

Is the federal govt trying to help, or destroy the city of Ferguson?

"The city and the federal government reached an agreement in January, after seven months of negotiations, that called for improvements in police training and practices as well as changes in how local courts operate. But Tuesday night, the Ferguson City Council, saying it was concerned that the agreement could cost nearly $4 million during the first year, voted to make changes."
Good post, Argubs.

Colbert is soooooo smart! I mean, look at how he DESTROYED Trump in that video!!!

Never mind everyone in the free world already knows he's a 2-faced buffoon and businessman who will say/do just about anything for an extra dollar or power.

Really groundbreaking stuff from Colbert.
I wanted Romney to be that guy in 2012 (even though he was generally left of me fiscally and backed by the GOP establishment) but he was too much of a milquetoast pussy to close the deal with the conservative base. I was probably wishing he would be something that he would never be.

Although I might agree with most of that, many poli analysts would disagree and say that Romney was too far to the right, and did not appeal enough the tilting middle, particularly the all too important white female voting population. This is where your comments about yearning for somebody with experience like Kasich but with balls like Trump is novel to many conservatives, but possibly cautious to even Kasich and his strategists.
I think Romney lost because of 2 reasons.
1) his association with a state run health care system
2) he was a mormon

people in the GOP base stayed home on him as a result, IMO
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part of the issue is that we tax income more than we tax wealth. that's not exactly a shock when you consider our form of government, though.
There are too many problems with taxing wealth...the first being that wealth can be subjective and is fluctuating.
We do tax property which is a form of wealth. In general, I agree with your premise...just not sure how you'd pull it off.

I've never understood the widespread opposition to inheritance taxes given that nobody is paying them unless they inherit more than $1 million in assets and then it is only on that value over $1 million. Yes, a few states, Ky being one have inheritance taxes on lesser values but the children and grandchildren of the deceased are exempt.
It's actually over like $5.6 million at this point for federal purposes.

And I don't expect you to understand, given your takes on everything else, but I am opposed to working my whole life so I can set my children and their children up with a head start in life only to have Uncle Sam take half of it to piss away on any amount of useless bullshit.

Maybe the widespread opposition comes from people not thinking the government should just confiscate half the assets of a family simply because someone died.

I guess I've never understood the widespread liberal belief that all money belongs to the government, and it's but for the grace and generosity of Congress you're allowed to keep anything you earn.
I'm flattered you would love to know. And if I wasn't talking to you then why do you feel the need to chime in? You're staying home. Great. So am I. If you don't have the intention to vote for trump then obviously that video and post wasn't intended for you. So, in other words, stfu.

Good job. I'll take that as a, "Now that you say that Bill, I voted for Obama and realize how stupid it is to criticize anyone thinking about voting for Trump."
Good job. I'll take that as a, "Now that you say that Bill, I voted for Obama and realize how stupid it is to criticize anyone thinking about voting for Trump."
Except I didn't vote for Obama. Last election I voted in was 2004 and I voted for Kerry. Was that a good or bad decision? Don't know, don't care, it's irrelevant now. You assume a lot.
I think Romney lost because of 2 reasons.
1) his association with a state run health care system
2) he was a mormon

people in the GOP base stayed home on him as a result, IMO

I will add two to your list.

1.) Romney did not attract enough Hispanic vote compared to historic republican performance.
2.) The free lunch crowd came out in force for O.
If you voted for Obama twice please excuse yourself from ANY discussion about the shortcomings of any candidate.

You are simply not credible and possibly stupid.
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Then the post on here would have been reversed. FACT.
I guess you missed Phil Hartman and his portrayals of Bill Clinton...or Dan Akroyd spoofing Jimmy Carter...or Fred Armisen and Jay Pharoah doing Obama, Amy Poehler and Kate McKinnon doing Hillary, Darrell Hammond doing Al Gore...Kenan Thompson's portrayals of Al Sharpton, Darrell Hammond doing Jesse Jackson.
I think it is sad that anyone would take their politics so seriously that they don't see the humor in the characteristics of our politicians simply because that politician may hold certain beliefs.
WC, you made a comment about the "Trump debate" held by Stephen Colbert and that "those on the left" might see the same action as funny with Trump and not so funny with Obama. First it is quite funny that you think that Trump is "on the right". Driving home last night I turned on Mark Lavin, a right-wing radio talker and he was saying the EXACT same thing about Trump that I said a month ago...that Trump is closer to Sanders than anyone else in the field...including Hillary!
Second, humor, especially political satire requires that a thread of truth or widely held belief or a captured characteristic exist within the satire. Otherwise it doesn't is someone playing the part of someone playing a part.
Dubya and Palin give comedians lots of material with which to does Trump. Bill Clinton gave them lots of material and they used it. Boring people don't make for as many laughs. How often did you see Bush 1 on SNL? They did Reagan all the time...they did Clinton all the time. Hell Trump has hosted SNL twice and appeared otherwise on more than 20 other occasions. That looks to me like someone who enjoys being laughed at.
I like the bravado he brings, though, because it's something this country has lost and needs back. His canned "America never wins anymore...." speech has become thoroughly nauseating but the man does have a point.

Eh, it's repackaged "show strength with strong displays of strength" stuff that we've been hearing for years. Difference is he's not an insider, which, as you noted, makes a difference in the reception of the message. At the end of the day, though, like almost everything a politician says it's just rhetoric that offers nothing in substance. Personally, I appreciate someone like Kasich (or even sometimes Christie) who seems to avoid empty rhetoric more than most politicians and acknowledge complexity and subtlety. It's more reflective of reality, but makes for horrible campaigning. Romney did it, too. Gore way overdid it. Dole from what I recall (I was in HS, so mostly my dad's rantings and an occasional newspaper article).
Their shows were on Comedy Central. Stewart used to hammer home the fact that his program followed a show where puppets made crank calls. If an 'uninformed viewer' couldn't infer that these were satirical fake news shows then that's on them.

"That's the problem" [laughing]

Youre giving the average voter way too much credit by assuming theyre able to discover the distinction on their own. Im sure you know that and this is just another example of your head in the sand posts.

There are too many problems with taxing wealth...the first being that wealth can be subjective and is fluctuating.
We do tax property which is a form of wealth. In general, I agree with your premise...just not sure how you'd pull it off.

I've never understood the widespread opposition to inheritance taxes given that nobody is paying them unless they inherit more than $1 million in assets and then it is only on that value over $1 million. Yes, a few states, Ky being one have inheritance taxes on lesser values but the children and grandchildren of the deceased are exempt.

Income is subjective and fluctuating too. It would require a rework of the entire tax code, which noone wants. But it would still be the better solution.

Why oppose an estate tax? Why should the government get anything just because someone died with a good deal of wealth? Especially considering its about 50% tax rate, and the moneys already been taxed at least once prior.

2.) The free lunch crowd came out in force for O.

Bingo. The free lunch crowd came out and gave him both elections.
It's actually over like $5.6 million at this point for federal purposes.

And I don't expect you to understand, given your takes on everything else, but I am opposed to working my whole life so I can set my children and their children up with a head start in life only to have Uncle Sam take half of it to piss away on any amount of useless bullshit.

Maybe the widespread opposition comes from people not thinking the government should just confiscate half the assets of a family simply because someone died.

I guess I've never understood the widespread liberal belief that all money belongs to the government, and it's but for the grace and generosity of Congress you're allowed to keep anything you earn.
If you have 5 kids, being able to pass $1 million+ to them tax free isn't setting them up? Isn't giving them a head start?
Yes, $1 million isn't what it used to be but it's still more than most will ever see. Only .2%...or 1 out of every 500 estates are subject to the tax. Hell, if you're married you can gift $28,000 to your kids every year...$56,000 if they are married, give another $28K to your grandkids... point being, you can xfer a hell of a lot of wealth to your kids tax free.

Most people think that the $5,000 they may get when their parents kick the bucket is going to be subject to inheritance taxes.

Sorry, I just don't believe in generational wealth to the extreme. Recirculate that wealth back into the economy so that it is there to chase by the next generation.
If you have 5 kids, being able to pass $1 million+ to them tax free isn't setting them up? Isn't giving them a head start?
Yes, $1 million isn't what it used to be but it's still more than most will ever see. Only .2%...or 1 out of every 500 estates are subject to the tax. Hell, if you're married you can gift $28,000 to your kids every year...$56,000 if they are married, give another $28K to your grandkids... point being, you can xfer a hell of a lot of wealth to your kids tax free.

Most people think that the $5,000 they may get when their parents kick the bucket is going to be subject to inheritance taxes.

Sorry, I just don't believe in generational wealth to the extreme. Recirculate that wealth back into the economy so that it is there to chase by the next generation.

It was as low as maybe $250k at one point, iirc.

Back into the economy? It goes to the government. That doesnt help the economy.
Dennis Miller would crush Colbert in a battle of wits (at least in his prime).

This is unequivocally and scientifically false. I'm a fan of Dennis Miller but his smart, observational comedy is mostly prepackaged and predicated on delivery. Colbert's wit shines brightest during live interviews. The reason Dennis Miller failed with NFL commentating is that he delivered the same one liners and his spontaneous wit was sorely lacking.

Yes, Colbert's ratings of his new late night format isn't great but he's also ditched the self obsessed political pundit caricature used in the Colbert Report, which actually had better ratings.

I personally don't care if his current Late Night show is successful. If he tanks he'll be back in some other capacity because he's obviously bright and talented.
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Its funny that rich liberals don't want to pay the estate tax either. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are both leaving most of their billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation thus avoiding the tax. Since most of that foundation's money goes to causes outside of the U.S., why is that deserving of being estate tax exempt.
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And by economy you of course mean back into the federal government
No, if people know that 40% is actually going to go in taxes them perhaps they will spend that money while they are living in the manner they choose.
You can pass millions to your kids tax free through the exclusion and gifting.
Its funny that rich liberals don't want to pay the estate tax either. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are both leaving most of their billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation thus avoiding the tax. Since most of that foundation's money goes to causes outside of the U.S., why is that deserving of being estate tax exempt.
Who is saying that it is and should be? You'll get more objection to changing those rules on the right rather than the left.
I guarantee if fuzz had spent his whole life working his ass off building a family business now worth in excess of $10ml. he would be singing a different tune. It's easy to spend someone else's money. But when you've worked incredibly hard..paid taxes on the income over the course of your career, have something left over....why should you just have to mindlessly turn it over to the government?

Why? Because lazy ass bums who never made that kind of money have no idea what it took to accumulate that money.

I'm not wasting my time, but if anyone has a few extra minutes, check to see if fuzzy wuzzy was a bear started posting about the same time Deee was outed as an extremely biased moderator. TIA.
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Who is saying that it is and should be? You'll get more objection to changing those rules on the right rather than the left.

That is not really provable. I would be for disallowing the deduction for charitable giving where the majority of the funds don't go to benefit U.S. citizens. Why should you get a tax break for transferring money to benefit other nations? We have plenty of sick, poor and uneducated here at home.
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That is not really provable. I would be for disallowing the deduction for charitable giving where the majority of the funds don't go to benefit U.S. citizens. Why should you get a tax break for transferring money to benefit other nations? We have plenty of sick, poor and uneducated here at home.
No disagreement from me. Along that same line, why should US companies be allowed to move profits off shore to evade taxation? If I am made benevolent king I would rule that they would pay taxes on all US based income/operations regardless of where the money is held or the company is headquartered. That or they wouldn't be allowed to do business in this country.