How will they rule ??!

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I think Kasich drops out after SC, hopefully leaving just Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and Jeb!.

Cruz, Rubio, Jeb! will continue their bloodbath for too long, I fear, leaving Trump to sit back and watch while gathering delegates.
It's fine with me. I also don't need him to pretend to be Christian for me. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I need our leader to do the same. I also don't think you need to be a "nice guy." Just know what the eff you're doing, use logic, values and common sense and lead the right way.

I've had two things I wanted accomplished in this election. Get spending under control and stop illegal immogration, which is a burden on the economy and will significantly change our country to be on par with a dog wanting more fleas.

Any other GOP candidate and nothing drastic gets done, IMO.

Great post Heisman
Christies campaign turned into being a big fat bloated suicide bomber

was never gonna win, but in the end bearhuged Rubio & detonated, taking them both out. hey I was and somewhat still am partial to Rubio, but these primaries are the proving ground for POTUS. If you can't win, if you can't cut it then you obviously would have been terrible in the big chair having to win against China and Russia & islamic death cults.
All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee, err Christie. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son.

I wouldn't give up on Rubio just yet. Like jamo said, people are still trying to decide what they think of him, which is why Saturday was particularly harmful (and wouldn't have been for, say, Bush). The online betting markets still have Rubio as the second most likely to get the nomination.....It may all be irrelevant - the clammering political press, so hungry for a story, might end up right about Rubio by accident. Maybe it's over for him. if so, it won't be because of Saturday night, but rather just because the Rs have never understood what to do about the Trump campaign, and in the end he just rolled over them...
At least the liberal democrats has finally come out of the closet that they fully support socialists and communists. Kudos for finally embracing what we've all known for awhile.

Communists? I've been busy with work lately, but did I miss that a communist had entered the race?

I still think Kasich is the best candidate. He will likely help the Repubs carry Ohio, which is a must have state. He also has loads of experience (no, I dont agree with him on every issue but there are no perfect candidates).

Kasich will be the smart choice to get moderates and a better chance at swing states. However, after Romney picked Ryan as VP to try and get Wisconsin and ended up losing...I'm not cautious of that thought process.

But you have to do something like that because you're not getting California and you're not getting New York so you need a swing state like Ohio or Florida. Like someone said earlier, you gotta thing of the electoral map.
Communists? I've been busy with work lately, but did I miss that a communist had entered the race?
just a tongue in cheek fun response to a shrill empty barrel who came on here pouring out the evil that they are filled with

Hillary leaves NH with as many delegates as Bernie despite getting crushed. Wait, what?
Democrats and their undemocratic dictatorial mannerisms, man. never change, lefties, never ever change.
Kasich will be the smart choice to get moderates and a better chance at swing states. ......
It's interesting, how the perception of Kasich doesn't match the record. he's actually quite conservative - his ACU rating while in Congress was in the 90s for example (frame of reference, the average republican scores around 60). But mostly because of his speaking style, and because he has defended some moderate things and the fervor with which he's defended them (notably Medicaid expansion in Ohio) everyone thinks he's a moderate. He's not, and his record shows it - and if he became the nominee, that perception would get a beating by SuperPacs spending hundreds of millions to make everyone understand all the conservative votes and positions Kasich has taken over the years......
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Democrats and their undemocratic dictatorial mannerisms, man. never change, lefties, never ever change.

You'd have to wager the RNC will have some tricks for Trump if the race for delegates is a close one. Trump has already lodged complaints that the RNC is filling the debate seats with anti-Trump elites. You need to watch this closely.
Hillary leaves NH with as many delegates as Bernie despite getting crushed. Wait, what?

I don't like him, but he is getting the same shit end of the stick that Ron Paul got in 2012, when he was heads and tails above every other Repub candidate. But when your party has a "chosen one" already in place. No matter how awesome you are, you will be shit on. Again, Ron Paul in 2012. We wouldn't even be talking about this election if the Repubs had done the right thing and nominated Ron Paul at the RNC. They didn't and they ended up shitting the bed with Obama. Funny thing, Repubs still haven't got the clue yet. They are trying the same thing with Rubio.

Keep trying to convince people that Rubio is good enough. He isn't. He's worse than terrible.
Christie is dropping out so maybe that helps Kasich.

Doubt it will be immediately helpful to Rubio - lol. But yes, this should be a nod for Kasich in the sense that Christie supporters will look to the other Govs and among those supporters they should be expected to be less attracted to Jeb than Gov. K. Then again, who will Gov. Christie actually lend support? Perhaps nobody.
I remain convinced that either of Trump or Cruz is cyanide for the R party in a general election. Bush -- if his name were Smith he might very well be the most qualified candidate. But it's not. It's down to 5 people at this point, and it seems obvious: for the Republicans, the best and only viable ticket has the names Kasich and Rubio in some order......

Kasich is really the most qualified candidate. I agree, some combination of Kasich/Rubio wins the election.

It's interesting, how the perception of Kasich doesn't match the record. he's actually quite conservative - his ACU rating while in Congress was in the 90s for example (frame of reference, the average republican scores around 60). But mostly because of his speaking style, and because he has defended some moderate things and the fervor with which he's defended them (notably Medicaid expansion in Ohio) everyone thinks he's a moderate. He's not, and his record shows it - and if he became the nominee, that perception would get a beating by SuperPacs spending hundreds of millions to make everyone understand all the conservative votes and positions Kasich has taken over the years......

I dont think the general populous really cares about being conservative or not, unless its on social issues. So far, Kasich has been terrific at avoiding all the typical social issue landmines that plague the GOP candidate as they carry over to the general. Bad news, by avoiding the landmines hes unlikely to get the nomination.

Keep trying to convince people that Rubio is good enough. He isn't. He's worse than terrible.

You know hes somewhere in a blank stare right now regurgitating his line about Obama knowing exactly what hes doing...
Kasich is not dropping out. SC (and most of the primaries that are upcoming) are totally immaterial to him; NH was the only early primary he needed to survive. He'll probably go back and start building a firewall in the upper Midwest in preparation for the OH, MI, and WI primaries.
yeah to think after a surge to 2nd in NH Kasich would drop out before the primary in his home turf is nuts
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Entertaining. Most were on point, but some were cherry picked, or taken out of context. Especially the one about Hillary, as it was not even conflicting statements if you really listened.

So whens the one about Hillary? Granted, it would be tough to cut that down to fill just one show. But surely the unbiased media will do one on her? Right?
yeah to think after a surge to 2nd in NH Kasich would drop out before the primary in his home turf is nuts
and not just any primary. a winner-take-all primary.

the rules changes from 2012 are huge. they've totally altered strategies that have been used in the past.
just a tongue in cheek fun response to a shrill empty barrel who came on here pouring out the evil that they are filled with

Democrats and their undemocratic dictatorial mannerisms, man. never change, lefties, never ever change.
Which is why most think she is the nominee already.
Kasich is not dropping out. SC (and most of the primaries that are upcoming) are totally immaterial to him; NH was the only early primary he needed to survive. He'll probably go back and start building a firewall in the upper Midwest in preparation for the OH, MI, and WI primaries.

lol at anybody thinking Gov. K is not just as serious as any of the "other" rep. candidates. And don't expect him to just mail it in on Super Tuesday, as carry-over attention - from yesterday - into neighboring states Vermont and Mass will be pursued. He was endorsed by the Boston Globe recently. Other candidates can lead Kasich - for now - in the polls all they want, but none of them have any better chance than him to win states. In fact, they have considerably less.

First stop today.
Y'all righties are angry.

I like it when whitey gets mad. He gets all red and shit.

It's gonna be Rubio (aka slightly gay, sexy, Catholic Romney) vs Hillary (aka should-be-indicted, pantsuit wearing, cankles having beyotch) in November.

Trump is too racist and buffoonish to appeal to more than white supremacists and dumb people who think he's a "star." Bernie wants to spend too much money and could die in office because he's 307 years old. Cruz looks like Mr. Bean but isn't funny and also he is a thin-skinned bitch. Kasich is the most reasonable Republican but will get lost in the "yell louder, drool harder" shuffle that is the 2016 GOP.

I'm likely gonna go with Gary again like I did in 2012. Or I might write in a member of Slayer. Probably the dead one.
maybe more significant for Sanders, he got an official/official endorsement from that Reparations Are Great writer that the left is gaga about.
He ranks right up there with Michael Moore. He has about that much credibility.

Colbert is hilarious is you can hop out of the conservative bubble for a second.

Dude's a comedian, not a leading voice in real things. Most comedians lean liberal because, let's face it, cons aren't known for being funny. They're the mad dudes. (Although, I do find Evan Sayet to be pretty hilarious both on his own and in his past as a writer for other comics)
Colbert is hilarious is you can hop out of the conservative bubble for a second.

Dude's a comedian, not a leading voice in real things. Most comedians lean liberal because, let's face it, cons aren't known for being funny. They're the mad dudes. (Although, I do find Evan Sayet to be pretty hilarious both on his own and in his past as a writer for other comics)
Not funny at all to me. I have never found him funny but, I am not a big fan of many of today's comedians. Will Ferrell being on of the biggest today and I don't like anything he has done. BTW, Colbert is a moron.