How will they rule ??!

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No disagreement from me. Along that same line, why should US companies be allowed to move profits off shore to evade taxation? If I am made benevolent king I would rule that they would pay taxes on all US based income/operations regardless of where the money is held or the company is headquartered. That or they wouldn't be allowed to do business in this country.

I don't have a problem with the idea of a territorial business tax system. However, it would have to be competitive with our trading partners' rates.
I guarantee if fuzz had spent his whole life working his ass off building a family business now worth in excess of $10ml. he would be singing a different tune. It's easy to spend someone else's money. But when you've worked incredibly hard..paid taxes on the income over the course of your career, have something left over....why should you just have to mindlessly turn it over to the government?

Why? Because lazy ass bums who never made that kind of money have no idea what it took to accumulate that money.

I'm not wasting my time, but if anyone has a few extra minutes, check to see if fuzzy wuzzy was a bear started posting about the same time Deee was outed as an extremely biased moderator. TIA.
What did your kids and their kids, their kids, kids do to earn the right of being positioned with untold wealth from the time they leave the womb? Make your money, leave your kids enough money to put them in the top 1% and then spend the rest so that it grows the economy. Don't want to give it to Uncle Sam? Spend it, give it away before you die. Again, you can pass down $5.5 million tax free...not to mention all that you can gift to your kids every year.
Nobody said you had to give it to the government, there are plenty of ways to avoid that. Just put it back into the economy.
I don't have a problem with the idea of a territorial business tax system. However, it would have to be competitive with our trading partners' rates.
It would come down to who wanted the US as a market. Do you want to do business in the largest economy in the world and make what you can or not? If our trading partners don't want to compete, someone else will.
No disagreement from me. Along that same line, why should US companies be allowed to move profits off shore to evade taxation? If I am made benevolent king I would rule that they would pay taxes on all US based income/operations regardless of where the money is held or the company is headquartered. That or they wouldn't be allowed to do business in this country.

Go slow for me, this tax stuff sometimes flies over my head. But could you please explain how your plan to tax US sourced income regardless of where the company is headquartered or money is located is different than our current system of taxation?
@Big_Blue79 I agree with you about his talking points being a repackaging of the same rhetoric we've heard before. I also agree it's being received differently because of the mouth it's coming out of and the fashion in which it is coming out.

I also believe our influence as a country is declining, which is why I said I can't really argue with his (offensively dumbed down) points in those speeches. I think many Americans feel the same way.

Trump projects strength and power and I like that. He's also an untrustworthy two faced blow hard who will say whatever it takes.

"YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE SO HAPPY, SERIOUSLY, SO, SO HAPPY.....IT'S GONNA BE SO AWESOME IF I WIN" - paraphrased but I'm not sure it's far off some of the actual quotes. It's ludicrous.
What did your kids and their kids, their kids, kids do to earn the right of being positioned with untold wealth from the time they leave the womb? Make your money, leave your kids enough money to put them in the top 1% and then spend the rest so that it grows the economy. Don't want to give it to Uncle Sam? Spend it, give it away before you die. Again, you can pass down $5.5 million tax free...not to mention all that you can gift to your kids every year.
Nobody said you had to give it to the government, there are plenty of ways to avoid that. Just put it back into the economy.

Actually, you and your spouse each get to pass $5.45 million tax free or $10.9 million total. That new portability provision was part of the fiscal cliff deal that Obama agreed to in exchange for higher marginal rates. Thus, the estate tax only hits the top 2 tenths of 1%. It is an extremely ineffective tax and expensive to try to enforce. There are a lots of ways to shelter additional millions using trusts, life insurance, ect.
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Here's Colbert's White House Correspondent's dinner roast of George W. from ten years ago. Some is dated but IMO still pretty funny - it took some cajones to tell those jokes right to Bush's face.

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Actually, you and your spouse each get to pass $5.45 million tax free or $10.9 million total. That new portability provision was part of the fiscal cliff deal that Obama agreed to in exchange for higher marginal rates. Thus, the estate tax only hits the top 2 tenths of 1%. It is an extremely ineffective tax and expensive to try to enforce. There are a lots of ways to shelter additional mlillions using trusts, life insurance, ect.
Which only goes to further my argument about lower and middle class...and even most upper class folks who bitch about it.
IMHO the tax over and above the exclusion should be near if not at 100%. Because you're a billionaire should not entitle all of your foreseeable generations to those fortunes. 1000 millionaires do much more for the economy than 1 billionaire.
It's not my intent that the government should get the money, just that it should get recycled and redistributed to next generation of earners. That can be done by spending of giving it away before you die.
"Sorry, I just don't believe in generational wealth to the extreme. Recirculate that wealth back into the economy so that it is there to chase by the next generation"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is just plain stupid. Get out and work for it you bum! If a man or woman builds a legacy and wants to pass that on to their family they should be able to without the government sticking out their greedy hands. FUZZ you are part of the problem in this nation pure and simple.
Which only goes to further my argument about lower and middle class...and even most upper class folks who bitch about it.
IMHO the tax over and above the exclusion should be near if not at 100%. Because you're a billionaire should not entitle all of your foreseeable generations to those fortunes. 1000 millionaires do much more for the economy than 1 billionaire.
It's not my intent that the government should get the money, just that it should get recycled and redistributed to next generation of earners. That can be done by spending of giving it away before you die.
Sure it does if your family earned it. Who are you supposed to give it to? People who sit around like you bitching about not being rich because you are entitled to something you did not earn? Pathetic.
Think of all the stupid millennial kids who are going to be inheriting their parents wealth. And you want the government to take that?

Get off your ass and figure out a way to have them give it to you. That's the American way. Convincing stupid people with money to give it to you for some reason. Sell them something. Become a televangelist. Anything other than have the government take every penny.

I swear to god if I had a taxable estate and the tax was 100% like Fuzz wants, I'd light the money on fire in front of the local food stamp building before I died rather than give it to Uncle Sam.

Actually, no, it's not.......and its grossly under reported and the exact reason "he is attractive" is thrown around. People for some reason never mind being robbed or lied to as long as the person is attractive doing it.
Sure it does if your family earned it. Who are you supposed to give it to? People who sit around like you bitching about not being rich because you are entitled to something you did not earn? Pathetic.
You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The irony of what you are saying is that because of your blood you should be entitled to something that YOU didn't earn.

My plan doesn't give money to anyone unless the person with the money chooses to give it away. It only requires that any money over $5 million, $10 million...pick a threshold get's plowed back into the economy. If you know you have to use it or lose it then you'll be more apt to spend it. Spending money creates jobs. Jobs allow people to earn and creates the opportunities for the next millionaire.
Think of all the stupid millennial kids who are going to be inheriting their parents wealth. And you want the government to take that?

Get off your ass and figure out a way to have them give it to you. That's the American way. Convincing stupid people with money to give it to you for some reason. Sell them something. Become a televangelist. Anything other than have the government take every penny.

I swear to god if I had a taxable estate and the tax was 100% like Fuzz wants, I'd light the money on fire in front of the local food stamp building before I died rather than give it to Uncle Sam.
I would stick half of it up Fuzz's ass and light to burn off all of the Fuzz on his brain because it is clearly blocking his ability to think straight.
You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The irony of what you are saying is that because of your blood you should be entitled to something that YOU didn't earn.

My plan doesn't give money to anyone unless the person with the money chooses to give it away. It only requires that any money over $5 million, $10 million...pick a threshold get's plowed back into the economy. If you know you have to use it or lose it then you'll be more apt to spend it. Spending money creates jobs. Jobs allow people to earn and creates the opportunities for the next millionaire.
It is family earnings and therefore belongs to the Family.
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Actually, no, it's not.......and its grossly under reported and the exact reason "he is attractive" is thrown around. People for some reason never mind being robbed or lied to as long as the person is attractive doing it.
I was being sarcastic.
So is Fuzz really just pissed because he looks around in class and sees some people who's parents are going to be paying for their college after they all graduate in a couple years?
So is Fuzz really just pissed because he looks around in class and sees some people who's parents are going to be paying for their college after they all graduate in a couple years?
Won't matter, he is not smart enough to make the grade.
Sure it does if your family earned it. Who are you supposed to give it to? People who sit around like you bitching about not being rich because you are entitled to something you did not earn? Pathetic.
I'm wealthy yet I complain about the majority of the world's wealth being in the hands of a handful of billionaires. I also give a lot of my money to the homeless. For me it's not about entitlement. I don't want to take money from those that are working and supporting their families. I'm pro-working class and I want a larger one of those in this country. It's not about a fantasy utopian world. It's about looking at someone who is worth 10-12 billion dollars, them doing everything they can to keep that wealth and then walking down my street and seeing homeless people with signs begging for anything and thinking to my self this is effed up. There has to be some way to alleviate this.
So is Fuzz really just pissed because he looks around in class and sees some people who's parents are going to be paying for their college after they all graduate in a couple years?
Given that I've already paid for all four of my kids to go to college, two of them with advanced degrees I'm not really sure that holds much water. My youngest will be 30 this year.
Nothing, but its irrelevant. It was someone's money, so they can decide to do whatever with it, even if they just set fire to it.
No problem if they want to set fire to it.
Here is the problem...we have a very small handful of people that have an extraordinary amount of power and influence. We shouldn't have ruling-class families. I don't care if your name is Bush or Kennedy, Koch or Gates, Vanderbilt or Roosevelt I think that is counter-intuitive to democracy over the long term. We see over time that wealth will concentrate in fewer and fewer hands. Wealth is power. How is it healthy for a nation when a relative few wield an inordinate amount of power?
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When Trump first go in, I didn't take it that seriously. Now, if Trump wins South Carolina and Nevada, he's one Super Tuesday away from getting the nomination. If Trump gets to the final dance, he can win it - hard to believe back in the summer, but very possible now.
I'm wealthy yet I complain about the majority of the world's wealth being in the hands of a handful of billionaires. I also give a lot of my money to the homeless. For me it's not about entitlement. I don't want to take money from those that are working and supporting their families. I'm pro-working class and I want a larger one of those in this country. It's not about a fantasy utopian world. It's about looking at someone who is worth 10-12 billion dollars, them doing everything they can to keep that wealth and then walking down my street and seeing homeless people with signs begging for anything and thinking to my self this is effed up. There has to be some way to alleviate this.
There is, make them actually pay the amount they owe and eliminate a lot of they tax shelters and such. If you try to tax them more they will just find ways out of it. It has not worked to this point and it will not work now. As it is now, promising free this or that only works the working stiffs like me. The problem with some on here is they just don't get it.

Pot, meet kettle.
Hey, how ya doin.
Here's Colbert's White House Correspondent's dinner roast of George W. from ten years ago. Some is dated but IMO still pretty funny - it took some cajones to tell those jokes right to Bush's face.

Maybe. He didn't have to worry about the media trying to ruin him at that point or be concerned about being labeled a racist if he did it Obama.

The media and Bush were a tale of two different eras. Right after 9/11, if you bashed Bush you were donezo. After that though? Open season on that guy...totally brutal for his second stint.
When Trump first go in, I didn't take it that seriously. Now, if Trump wins South Carolina and Nevada, he's one Super Tuesday away from getting the nomination. If Trump gets to the final dance, he can win it - hard to believe back in the summer, but very possible now.

Same here and there's only a few reasons why he's so popular.

1. He's not PC- He's the one that got the discussion of illegal immigration in the forefront.
2. Islamic terrorism- The majority of people are not stupid. They know Muslims are dangerous and a plague on whatever western country they try to go to. Democrats refusing to say anything about Islam will bite them in the ass with moderates. Bill Maher even stated so and he's hardcore liberal.
3. He's not anyone's puppet in a year where people are sick of puppets.

So everyone can overlook his inexperience and him being a dickhead because those things above really matter to the majority.
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So South Cackalacky gets the spotlight now. Here's what is NOT being said...IF Trump and Clinton meet up in the general election, Trump gets at least 25% of the black vote here. Of course the black elected officials are swinging towards Clinton, they want the patronage/graft that she'll hand out for their support. Ever since New Hampshire my poor old landline has been ringing from candidates asking for my support (I'm in a relatively minor position with the American Legion). I was a supporter of Ben Carson ever since he announced, and I'm not backing off from him now. Push comes to shove (when/if Ben drops out of the race), I'll probably go with Trump. Rubio just isn't ready (he will be in 2024), Bush would be the answer to Clinton's prayers, Cruz will be another Goldwater...conservative favorite that would be obliterated in the general election, and Ill go with Jim Gilmore before I go with Kasich. Trump is the ONE Republican that would put a dent in the minority vote (yes I'm counting Ben Carson too).
So South Cackalacky gets the spotlight now. Here's what is NOT being said...IF Trump and Clinton meet up in the general election, Trump gets at least 25% of the black vote here. Of course the black elected officials are swinging towards Clinton, they want the patronage/graft that she'll hand out for their support. Ever since New Hampshire my poor old landline has been ringing from candidates asking for my support (I'm in a relatively minor position with the American Legion). I was a supporter of Ben Carson ever since he announced, and I'm not backing off from him now. Push comes to shove (when/if Ben drops out of the race), I'll probably go with Trump. Rubio just isn't ready (he will be in 2024), Bush would be the answer to Clinton's prayers, Cruz will be another Goldwater...conservative favorite that would be obliterated in the general election, and Ill go with Jim Gilmore before I go with Kasich. Trump is the ONE Republican that would put a dent in the minority vote (yes I'm counting Ben Carson too).
related: are blacks the only significant minority in this country Trump hasn't alienated yet?
related: are blacks the only significant minority in this country Trump hasn't alienated yet?
It is very interesting the way Trump has reinvented the old George Wallace playbook of running a populist campaign with a heavy dose of racial fear mongering. He just replaced Blacks with Mexican/Muslims groups. I really think his message is going to be a hit in the SEC states.
No problem if they want to set fire to it.
Here is the problem...we have a very small handful of people that have an extraordinary amount of power and influence. We shouldn't have ruling-class families. I don't care if your name is Bush or Kennedy, Koch or Gates, Vanderbilt or Roosevelt I think that is counter-intuitive to democracy over the long term. We see over time that wealth will concentrate in fewer and fewer hands. Wealth is power. How is it healthy for a nation when a relative few wield an inordinate amount of power?

So just take their money because its not fair? Also your post assumes theres no upward/downward mobility in economic standing. Thats false. There are tons of examples where the average person gets rich, or the rich person loses it all.

Ironically, the income tax inhibits upward mobility much more than the estate tax. The estate tax is easily avoidable with proper planning. And the income tax punishes an individual attempting to climb the financial ladder. For every $1 they make, a significant portion is taken by the government. Whereas existing wealth isnt taxed. So that maintains the status quo.
related: are blacks the only significant minority in this country Trump hasn't alienated yet?

yeah, I wanted to take that as a serious analysis - hope maybe he can add a basis statement with it. Where he gets the "at least 25%" figure from and where "here" is exactly. All of SC or regionally applied?