How will they rule ??!

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No secret I like Rubio - am I the house rubio cheerleader? but he's handling the aftermath of Saturday well.....

“I think it’s bad when Republicans are up there, tearing each other up. You have two choices: you attack them or you try to do something different,” he said. “And that’s what I tried to do, because I just don’t think it’s good for us to be tearing each other apart.”

Told that Mr. Christie was likely to drop out of the race, Mr. Rubio said he had no hard feelings over their debate skirmish: “He was trying to win, and he made a decision that in order to win he had to come after me. I respect that. It’s part of the deal.”

He could easily be a horse's ass to/about Christie.....
No secret I like Rubio - am I the house rubio cheerleader? but he's handling the aftermath of Saturday well.....

“I think it’s bad when Republicans are up there, tearing each other up. You have two choices: you attack them or you try to do something different,” he said. “And that’s what I tried to do, because I just don’t think it’s good for us to be tearing each other apart.”

Told that Mr. Christie was likely to drop out of the race, Mr. Rubio said he had no hard feelings over their debate skirmish: “He was trying to win, and he made a decision that in order to win he had to come after me. I respect that. It’s part of the deal.”

He could easily be a horse's ass to/about Christie.....

Don't buy into that. On Monday, he was in New Hampshire and did the exact same type of robotic scripted speech AFTER being called out on it by Christie. He hasn't "learned" anything from it.
Not funny at all to me. I have never found him funny but, I am not a big fan of many of today's comedians. Will Ferrell being on of the biggest today and I don't like anything he has done. BTW, Colbert is a moron.
Hmpf. I always thought you were a barrel of laughs.
Not funny at all to me. I have never found him funny but, I am not a big fan of many of today's comedians. Will Ferrell being on of the biggest today and I don't like anything he has done. BTW, Colbert is a moron.
I'll bet you're a real blast at a party. I guess their humor hits a little too close to home for the ole warrior.
Carly just dropped out and this will affect the race in not one single way.

Exactly. What little traction she ever had, was all based on lies.

Colbert is hilarious is you can hop out of the conservative bubble for a second.

Dude's a comedian, not a leading voice in real things. Most comedians lean liberal because, let's face it, cons aren't known for being funny. They're the mad dudes. (Although, I do find Evan Sayet to be pretty hilarious both on his own and in his past as a writer for other comics)

He is hilarious. But if you dont think the average voter takes this stuff into consideration when forming their opinion on candidates; youre badly mistaken.

Hillary has TONS of material. John Oliver could devote an entire season to the Clinton lies, if they chose.


James Pethokoukis‏@JimPethokoukis
Christie: "Tell Marco it was only business. I always liked him."

He shouldnt apologize - he was dead on center.

Don't buy into that. On Monday, he was in New Hampshire and did the exact same type of robotic scripted speech AFTER being called out on it by Christie. He hasn't "learned" anything from it.

What a joke of a candidate. Yet hes probably the most electable. Horrible.
Someone on the right calling Colbert a moron is akin to someone on the left calling Reagan a shitty public speaker. The opinion should be immediately dismissed and mocked.

Colbert is obviously very bright, quick with wit, and arguably the best live interviewer in the business. He's a champion of modern satirical comedy, at least according to his autobiography.
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if you like Rubio I compare that to the parent of a drug addict. Clearly you always hope this time is the last time and truly want to believe they are getting clean and taking it serious, this time! Then boom on to the next time. And so on and so on until eventually one day you have this epiphany that the MFer is a lying skeeze POS that will manipulate and abuse anything he can to get over and onto easy street.

He could have said George McGovern.

Colbert is hilarious is you can hop out of the conservative bubble for a second.

Dude's a comedian, not a leading voice in real things. Most comedians lean liberal because, let's face it, cons aren't known for being funny. They're the mad dudes. (Although, I do find Evan Sayet to be pretty hilarious both on his own and in his past as a writer for other comics)

The bad thing is youth takes him as the gospel and laughs like seals in agreement. He also has presented himself as "moderate" despite all of us knowing that's a lie.

He made news a few years ago when he did not allow a conservative on his show simply because he was conservative and the email was leaked (Video is below). This is common. Lib networks like to have the crazy religious loon on their show to make fun of while they all gang up on them in joint mockery. They don't want someone who can actually go toe-to-toe with them and make fun of them. They want a politician who will say the PC crap or the lunatic that can't debate.

The same goes for the other side as well.

The problem is, don't present yourself as "unbiased" when you're just a mouthpiece for Democrats.

It's fine with me. I also don't need him to pretend to be Christian for me. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I need our leader to do the same. I also don't think you need to be a "nice guy." Just know what the eff you're doing, use logic, values and common sense and lead the right way.

I've had two things I wanted accomplished in this election. Get spending under control and stop illegal immigration, which is a burden on the economy and will significantly change our country to be on par with a dog wanting more fleas.

Any other GOP candidate and nothing drastic gets done, IMO.
Like much of what you say. The part about values is the big hang-up for me. We all serve something or somebody. For me, the benefit of a true Christian being the leader is that he subscribes to absolutes. If not, he could be subject to being swayed by whatever the popular opinion of the day might be.
I just heard Sanders say he'd propose a 52% tax bracket. I would never approach making the kind of money that would qualify me for that bracket, but I can't see how anyone would ever believe that to be right, fair, moral. It's nothing short of theft. Wow!
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I just heard Sanders say he'd propose a 52% tax bracket. I would never approach making the kind of money that would qualify me for that bracket, but I can't see how anyone would ever believe that to be right, fair, moral. It's nothing short of theft. Wow!

First off, why would you "never" yourself, in regard to you ability to produce? Second, in the history of where socialism has been applied "never" has a ceiling been established from where money is taken when that ceiling has not been lowered, and even larger portions later taken. Only fools expect socialism's first reach to be it's last. Only greater fools expect there will be no last. And great is the tragic fall of that last reach.
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Like much of what you say. The part about values is the big hang-up for me. We all serve something or somebody. For me, the benefit of a true Christian being the leader is that he subscribes to absolutes. If not, he could be subject to being swayed by whatever the popular opinion of the day might be.
Yes. A true Christian leader who subscribes to absolutes is exactly what this country needs. (Silence)
I just heard Sanders say he'd propose a 52% tax bracket. I would never approach making the kind of money that would qualify me for that bracket, but I can't see how anyone would ever believe that to be right, fair, moral. It's nothing short of theft. Wow!

It is theft. Between local, state, and federal gov't, they would rather we just go broke. Rather it be by too many taxes or fees, no wonder everyone is broke. But just to take 52% is highway robbery. Cut spending and create new ways to improve economy. I have mentioned it before. Fed tax on sex, weed, and gambling would pay a lot of the gov't spending and thus reduces the tax burden on people.
It is theft. Between local, state, and federal gov't, they would rather we just go broke. Rather it be by too many taxes or fees, no wonder everyone is broke. But just to take 52% is highway robbery. Cut spending and create new ways to improve economy. I have mentioned it before. Fed tax on sex, weed, and gambling would pay a lot of the gov't spending and thus reduces the tax burden on people.
Personally, I like the flat tax. No deductions or write-offs. Everyone pays the same %. Even better, I'd be for no income tax at all, but a federal sales tax on everything that one could buy. They can tax medicine, food, insurance, childcare....everything as far as I'm concerned. My family would be eating a lot less, fewer new clothes, but our savings account would be a lot bigger.
Personally, I like the flat tax. No deductions or write-offs. Everyone pays the same %. Even better, I'd be for no income tax at all, but a federal sales tax on everything that one could buy. They can tax medicine, food, insurance, childcare....everything as far as I'm concerned. My family would be eating a lot less, fewer new clothes, but our savings account would be a lot bigger.

you should not be taxed on your productivity. only on what you consume and possess. The more stuff you take from society, the more tax you pay. The more space you occupy from society, the more tax you pay, in very basic terms that is. Tax the productivity not.
I'll bet you're a real blast at a party. I guess their humor hits a little too close to home for the ole warrior.
Actually considered very funny by co-workers and friends but, comedy or what some seem funny may not be funny to others. What I find interesting is those on the left would think Trump snorting baby powder would be funny however, if the same thing were said about Obama or the like it would be blasphemy. All you have to say to the left is any disparaging remark about the right and it is comedy gold whether it was funny or not. If something is funny, I don't care who side it rags on. I just don't find Colbert funny. John Stewart? Sometimes. I even liked Letterman early on until he became more cynical than funny. As far as if hitting too close to home. Not hardly but, I would not expect someone like you to understand that.
I like the idea of deciding how much tax I pay. If I don't want to pay a ton of tax, I go to the car auction and buy a junker vs a new vehicle. I can eat burger vs steak. The way America should be.
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you should not be taxed on your productivity. only on what you consume and possess. The more stuff you take from society, the more tax you pay. The more space you occupy from society, the more tax you pay, in very basic terms that is. Tax the productivity not.
part of the issue is that we tax income more than we tax wealth. that's not exactly a shock when you consider our form of government, though.
Actually considered very funny by co-workers and friends but, comedy or what some seem funny may not be funny to others. What I find interesting is those on the left would think Trump snorting baby powder would be funny however, if the same thing were said about Obama or the like it would be blasphemy. All you have to say to the left is any disparaging remark about the right and it is comedy gold whether it was funny or not. If something is funny, I don't care who side it rags on. I just don't find Colbert funny. John Stewart? Sometimes. I even liked Letterman early on until he became more cynical than funny. As far as if hitting too close to home. Not hardly but, I would not expect someone like you to understand that.
If you have to tell people you're funny, you're not funny.

Disagree with most of what you say, but I'd buy you a beer in a heartbeat for fighting for my rights to say these things.
Like much of what you say. The part about values is the big hang-up for me. We all serve something or somebody. For me, the benefit of a true Christian being the leader is that he subscribes to absolutes. If not, he could be subject to being swayed by whatever the popular opinion of the day might be.
Agree. Sharia law is exactly what this country needs. Oops, I mean Christian law.
I like the idea of deciding how much tax I pay. If I don't want to pay a ton of tax, I go to the car auction and buy a junker vs a new vehicle. I can eat burger vs steak. The way America should be.

Agreed, and frankly, that's the way the progressives have promised it should become. You have imagined for yourself a low overall carbon footprint, it would seem, by not requiring the production of an additional vehicle, by doing your part to prevent, or at least delay, the entry of an older automobile into the waste stream of dear mother earth. Your diet includes the consumption of protein items produced from meat packaging residuals. You will still have to pay consumption taxes to eat the burger, and you will contribute to those industries, even as you effort to maintain the older vehicle, pay taxes to license it, insure it, put gasoline in it, etc. Maybe you will horde your money over the course of your lifetime and become a modest example of the evil rich without anybody knowing it. A millionaire living on a 1/2 acre plot in a double wide with no debt by the time you're 50. As American's reward for your filthy greed, you will be an ugly, selfish example of somebody that does not require a couple dozen or so young people to be taxed heavily when you're in your late 60s, just to stretch your social security payments enough so you can make end's meat. Shame on you. Exactly the sort of person I dream about. Believe me, it can happen. Easier than people think. At every turn, hate each man who says to you that this is beyond your reach, as it is certainly not the minimum you can achieve.
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Not funny at all to me. I have never found him funny but, I am not a big fan of many of today's comedians. Will Ferrell being on of the biggest today and I don't like anything he has done. BTW, Colbert is a moron.

You don't like Ferrell's constantly yelling and screaming and flailing while playing virtually the same character in every role? I'm not a huge fan either. We almost agreed on something.

I like Colbert (in his Comedy Central role. I haven't watched his CBS show) because I enjoy satire and I hate cable news because I think it makes people stupid. But if I were conservative, I could see where his shtick could get old. And I wasn't a regular viewer. I just watched occasionally. I also loved all the Clinton jokes in the 90s and will laugh at both sides because they both do dumb ish.

It is theft. Between local, state, and federal gov't, they would rather we just go broke. Rather it be by too many taxes or fees, no wonder everyone is broke. But just to take 52% is highway robbery. Cut spending and create new ways to improve economy. I have mentioned it before. Fed tax on sex, weed, and gambling would pay a lot of the gov't spending and thus reduces the tax burden on people.

This is what I'm talking about.

Hell, Kentucky could knock that pension/teacher's retirement problem out pretty quick if a consenting Kentuckian could smoke legal pot, solicit a legal, consenting whore,who may or may not be able to squirt to the ceiling, or legally gamble in some other fashion other than the lotto and ponies. I could live with a flat tax IF the absolute poorest of the poor paid a bit less.

But, that likely will never happen here unless those things become federal laws the Supreme Court forces us to uphold because of that segment of the red team and the blue teamers who pretend to be all "Kentucky values" to get votes.

That's all I want. The freedom to choose my own vices that harm only me. I will pay the taxes on said vices. It could also help eliminate dangerous black markets for the previously banned substance/service. The federal boys can haggle all day about wasting our tax money on giving handouts to deadbeats or increasing an an already too damn big military budget. At this point, all I know is both teams are crap. It's about which pile you feel most comfortable standing in.
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If you have to tell people you're funny, you're not funny.

Disagree with most of what you say, but I'd buy you a beer in a heartbeat for fighting for my rights to say these things.
I am funny dang it! You'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise (especially on here). However, I'll see your beer and raise you whisky sour.