How will they rule ??!

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I'm alarmed that you guys are so blindly loyal to DONALD TRUMP as the President of The United States.

Donald Trump, FFS. *Anybody* would have been better prepared to take on the responsibilities of the job, and yet because of your devotion to being a Republican and "winning" overrides anything else, you praise his Twitter meltdowns and talk about Hillary F*cking Clinton every day. Comical.

Where's the "this is fine" .gif when you need it? Apparently Fox News was talking about pandas or something last night instead of the FBI raid. What a complete joke.
How is anyone this dumb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I mean this sincerely. Please get help, you will probably be reamed on a daily basis if you step outside. It has to be all of that partying. Official and professional opinion is that your mind is fried.
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Not only is it months old news and not "exclusive", but the story isn't even a "scoop". The guy who helped make the video publicly bragged and laughed about it during a TV interview, even admitting it's so ridiculously fake that no one will ever believe it. Matter of fact, he's probably laughing his ass off at Ben right now, too.

Ben managed to take fake, irrelevant, fringe, months old news and turn it mainstream, all the while he's complaining that "over than 250K people saw this garbage". Well... congratulations, Ben, you just ensured that it now gets millions of searches, hits, views, likes, shares, comments, etc... Putin and the Russians thank you.

Liberal mainstream media ate up with TDS is what made, and continues to make, the Russian disinformation campaign so successful. Putin couldn't have hand picked a better propaganda mouthpiece than them. They continously further his disinformation campaign by constantly spreading his propaganda in the mainstream and are so blinded by their hate for Trump that they either don't realize it or don't care.

10/27/17 AT 9:44 AM

A Russian man who said he once worked as an internet troll claimed the nation’s propaganda factory produced a sex tape featuring a Hillary Clinton look-alike and an African-American man, among other accusations.

During an interview with an independent Russian TV channel, the former troll, Alan Baskaev, said he worked at Russia's now infamous Internet Research Agency (IRA), which used social media to whip up discord and deepen political divides in the United States.

The first of the trolls to speak out publicly, Baskaev said one of those ridiculous efforts was the fake video of a woman who looked like Clinton having sex with an African-American man. In fact, he said it was so ridiculous that “no one will believe that.”
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I dont think dems understand what's going to happen with this Mueller, Cohen, et al saga. Either A. Trump gets vindicated and they look absolutely pathetic and non trustworthy. It B. We end up with President pence who is extremely conservative and way more effectual than trump...meaning a lot of conservative legislation will start getting brought to the table.
Y'all see Cohen's remarks to CNN? Has to rethink his loyalty to Trump because of the effect it's having on his family. That man bout to bend over and willing take it from Mueller. I put Trumps odds of leaving office before this at like 5%. Now I would say 30%. If Cohen is charged soon I would bump it to 40%. He won't be impeached though, he will resign to try and save his brand.
I see they've ran out of material and are recycling old news again to keep the Russia narrative in the headlines.

Exclusive: Ben Collins, pedestrian word writer, stuck in the year 2017

Control the narrative as a fake before the real one on Weiner laptop drops. Then they can try and claim it is fake blaming the Russians again.
[QUOTE="Bill Cosby, post: 6851889, member: 7670"

Trump really is the best Democrat President we've had, and I'm actually fine with that as a conservative. Have to compromise at some point.[/QUOTE]

You are generally spot on but Trump is about as far from a Dem as can be, especially on social issues. The other stuff has to play out in order to get what he wants for the country.
Y'all see Cohen's remarks to CNN? Has to rethink his loyalty to Trump because of the effect it's having on his family. That man bout to bend over and willing take it from Mueller. I put Trumps odds of leaving office before this at like 5%. Now I would say 30%. If Cohen is charged soon I would bump it to 40%. He won't be impeached though, he will resign to try and save his brand.
lol nope

It’s uncanny how many times, how many people with power, how many political apparatuses (-i?) have tried to kill this guy, unsuccessfully. And he’s going to resign? For his brand? The media is never going to let him have a “brand” for commercial purposes the rest of his God given life.

Weird times. Bill is correct, if for some reason DT is removed sans election there will be a consolidation of power amongst the elite class the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Everyone here including you dumbass libs will all have one big thing in common, we’ll be slave to/at the mercy of them and no one will e’er crash the party again. Illegals/taxes/welfare/appeasement.....they’d just be getting started bro.

You’d think this is one thing most of us here could actually agree on since we’re all such “independent Jary Gohnson voters”. In all cirrusness Trump’s last day in 7 years will likely be my last day as a R for the rest of my life. They don’t deserve my membership. When’s the last time one of you Lib dickweeds has said that about your “team”?
Teachers armed with bats...not even real bats, but mini bats that will be locked away in each classroom.

With bullets flying and the gunman approaching your algebra class, your life depends on how well Mrs. Margaret can wield this glorified stick they gave her.

Speaking of bats, saw this yesterday. They didn’t give two sh-ts back in the day.

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Teachers armed with bats...not even real bats, but mini bats that will be locked away in each classroom.

With bullets flying and the gunman approaching your algebra class, your life depends on how well Mrs. Margaret can wield this glorified stick they gave her.

Speaking of bats, saw this yesterday. They didn’t give two sh-ts back in the day.

you can just see the "stupid" all over that guy's face holdig that bat. People that dumb shouldn't have any control
"deep state neocons"

Rarely do I see such abject stupidity that necessitates me to post, but the shit that's just so wrong on so many levels.

I was for doing something about Syria when it first started going to hell win what was it 2013... IMAGINE ALL THE PROBLEMS WE WOULD NOT HAVE NOW IF OBAMA/KERRY would have the stones to do something.

IMAGINE all that has happened since then in Europe and here that is either directly or indirectly related to that failed inaction!

Now, it's a proxy war for saudi arabia and iran and possibly US/Russia and therefore world war 3... what unbelievable stupidity ya'll have wrought on civilization.
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Now, it's a proxy war for saudi arabia and iran

It's always been that. Don't know where you've been, but I'm certainly not a Trump hater. More of a Trump agnostic, but the one thing I was liking about him was his focus on domestic issues ahead of world policing.

If you think attacking the Assad regime is in America's best interest then you'll have to show your work, because it sure as hell isn't very obvious. ISIS is almost completely gone, Assad is starting to reassert control in former rebel territories, etc. But then he decided to gas his own people right as Trump said we were getting ready to leave...please connect those dots for me.
"deep state neocons"

Rarely do I see such abject stupidity that necessitates me to post, but the shit that's just so wrong on so many levels.

I was for doing something about Syria when it first started going to hell win what was it 2013... IMAGINE ALL THE PROBLEMS WE WOULD NOT HAVE NOW IF OBAMA/KERRY would have the stones to do something.

IMAGINE all that has happened since then in Europe and here that is either directly or indirectly related to that failed inaction!

Now, it's a proxy war for saudi arabia and iran and possibly US/Russia and therefore world war 3... what unbelievable stupidity ya'll have wrought on civilization.

You're right about Kerry/Clinton/Obama, but... if I had a nickel for every "he's starting WW3!" comment in my lifetime I'd have Gates and Buffet in my rearview.
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If you think attacking the Assad regime is in America's best interest then you'll have to show your work, because it sure as hell isn't very obvious.

It's not obvious now, but it was obvious then... half a million lives would've been saved, ISIS would've never formed in the first place and many terrorist attacks would have not happened without the large influx of refugees into Europe and therefore various other side effects of that.

The only thing stopping evil from prevailing is good men doing nothing, and they did nothing... I realize it's probably unpopular opinion in this thread, but it's abject stupidity to be isolationist because there are times if you don't act you create massive problems for yourself, and these problems are easily foreseen.
OK, but the point is, bombing Assad now doesn't change any of that. In fact, it would start a brand new cycle of those same problems. At this point, if we are simply going to what's most pragmatic for stability in the region, it would be to prop up Assad and help reassert control.

Is that the moral thing to do? Who knows; it's far too complicated for any of us to dissect. But there is no way bombing him is better than helping him or not doing anything
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You're right about Kerry/Clinton/Obama, but... if I had a nickel for every "he's starting WW3!" comment in my lifetime I'd have Gates and Buffet in my rearview.

World peace pisses me off, maybe because in my lifetime my motherland was at war and I actually know civilians affected by war not just a ticker across the news, but this is obviously more serious of a situation than you realise.
Is that the moral thing to do? Who knows; it's far too complicated for any of us to dissect. But there is no way bombing him is better than helping him or not doing anything

At this point (as others) you have to do something severe, maybe not force but something of real impetus has to be done.

The implication of your initial post was the only reason we go to war is to feed the military industrial complex to feed the profit motive, which is what I objected to.... now, what to do about the probably fake and contrived attack I don't know because yeah the situation only gets more complicated the longer you do nothing, like leading an open wound fester.
The implication of your initial post was the only reason we go to war is to feed the military industrial complex to feed the profit motive, which is what I objected to....
Why, though? What other motive is there? The gas attack has not been confirmed to be Assad, Assad has no strategic reason to do this, the consequences will be far greater than just lobbing in a couple cruise missiles, etc. It seems extremely likely that the people in Trump's ear (John MF'ing Bolton for instance) are using this flimsy excuse to get us to go to war for reasons that aren't necessarily related to national security
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Well, there is a moral motive as I already stated... but yeah, that drops to the side when money is involved and war can be a good way to stimulate an economy, and there is money to be made in increased market volatility.. but that's all speculation.

An excuse to enter the theatre, or the final straw that broke the camel's back? I don't know, but there are too many cogs in the machine to fully appreciate what inaction or action really means now.
World peace pisses me off, maybe because in my lifetime my motherland was at war and I actually know civilians affected by war not just a ticker across the news, but this is obviously more serious of a situation than you realise.
any "cause" is going to be something politicians talk about but have no intention on solving. And then when Trump really tries to solve it, they get angry and attack him. Racism, world peace, global warming. Just ways to punish earners and give to democrat voters.
i wonder what Zuckerberg's secrets are. You talk about a pedo. that guy probably has a dungeon in Taiwan with children he can play with.