How will they rule ??!

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Donald Trump is WAY too stupid to orchestrate some kind of collusion plot. I mean...this dude is as low-brow as most of the posters on this thread.

Is that trolling, or simply having an opinion?

Well, we can’t all be as high class as you.

Uhhhhhh safe to say the Russia thing is officially dead. Sooooo get the FBI to, like, nail him on the pussy thing?

Jesus.....prolly the weakest (but clearest) attempt at a coup d’etat in history. Good Christ when do the grownups on the left start shaking their f*cking heads?

I thought that worthless cuck Jeff Sessions recused himself from matters related to Russia?

He needs to stop being a worthless piece of shit and shut this down immediately.
Your boy Trump tweeted out the equivalent of the "this is fine" .gif on Twitter today. Called the damn White House "calm" this morning. LMAO!!!

Why is our "very stable genius" using social media to announce missile attacks? And GOD you know he wanted to use the word "beautiful" when he mentioned them. This cuck is so freaking clueless.
Because moron, your false news main stream media will not tell the truth. Have you not paid attention to what has been going on? No, I guess not, you simply must follow the party's talking points because, lemmings don't know better. I feel sorry for you, I really do. When you finally realize after they turn on you, it will be too late. Carry on.
[laughing] Yep, so low-brow we're scaring all those woke recruits away. Takes a highly intelligent winner to believe that nonsense, much less repeat it as if it were fact. Not low-brow at all. No, definitely not him.

What a f***in' lame.
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Donald Trump is WAY too stupid to orchestrate some kind of collusion plot. I mean...this dude is as low-brow as most of the posters on this thread.

Is that trolling, or simply having an opinion?

Lol, you're the least intelligent person in this thread. But you wouldn't know it because of your inflated sense of self worth
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Donald trump was smart enough to use Facebook/internet to demolish Hillary on the campaign trail.

For example, his campaign purchased 5.5million ads from Zuckerberg, Hillary’s camp purchased 66K. Wtf was running her campaign?
[laughing] Yep, so low-brow we're scaring all those woke recruits away. Takes a highly intelligent winner to believe that nonsense, much less repeat it as if it were fact. Not low-brow at all. No, definitely not him.

What a f***in' lame.

I have that guy on ignore because he’s a total retard. But the idea that any of us should give a crap about changing our values because a clueless 18 year old guy that can put a ball in a hoop might be hilarious.

One thing I took from all the Zuckerberg/Congress stuff was how many questions he answered with “well we are developing AI that will solve that in a few years” type answer and wasn’t pushed further. For many in Congress on the left, they weren’t concerned with the supposed reason he was there but with “hate speech” and how it will be stopped on his platform. One of the great political battles of the next couple of decades will be those protecting the First Amendment vs those trying to strangle free speech like parts of Europe are doing now.
Having your door kicked in is the rule of law. Having your lawyers called up and asked nicely for evidence is rich white guy law. Mueller isn't playing nice with his targets and he's not supposed to. Oh boo hoo, Poor rich guys had the big mean FBI raid their houses early in the morning. If they weren't breaking the law they wouldn't need a new door.
This is exactly how communities of color have been treated in this country for generations. Time to get some white collar criminals in on the action.
Here we go, the racist start to show up over nothing. There was no racial point in that post or video and then you pull a race card. Who are the racist in this country? You and people like you are the worst.
Having your door kicked in is the rule of law. Having your lawyers called up and asked nicely for evidence is rich white guy law. Mueller isn't playing nice with his targets and he's not supposed to. Oh boo hoo, Poor rich guys had the big mean FBI raid their houses early in the morning. If they weren't breaking the law they wouldn't need a new door.
Another racist shows his true bigotry^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Having your door kicked in is the rule of law. Having your lawyers called up and asked nicely for evidence is rich white guy law. Mueller isn't playing nice with his targets and he's not supposed to. Oh boo hoo, Poor rich guys had the big mean FBI raid their houses early in the morning. If they weren't breaking the law they wouldn't need a new door.

I’ve noticed that hate speech tends to mean

- Disagreeing with the left
- Pointing out statistical data and facts that are inconvenient for Democrats
- Wanting to protect the borders and voter ID laws
- Not being a self loathing cuck
- Accurately citing issues with anyone who isn’t white
- Being critical of Obama
- Supporting conservatives and being a conservative on campus
- Believing in personal responsibility and that you should be held accountable regardless of race or gender.

Meanwhile, the left can go on social media and cheer for someone to die, have their house burn down, threaten conservatives and their kids, censor info, curse and be obscene.

And let’s not forget that the left’s hatred of whites is celebrated and considered okay.
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Ivan backing down.

Russia Reins In War Talk as U.S. Strike Looms..

.....Officials in Moscow aren’t so quick to repeat a top general’s warning last month that Russia will shoot down missiles that threaten its troops in Syria and attack the ships or planes that fired them.

The tough talk played well at home and abroad for a while. But with the U.S. showing no sign of backing away from a major strike on Syria, the Kremlin may be preparing to limit the escalation. President Vladimir Putin yesterday appealed for common sense in a world growing “more chaotic.”....

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Ivan backing down.

Russia Reins In War Talk as U.S. Strike Looms..

.....Officials in Moscow aren’t so quick to repeat a top general’s warning last month that Russia will shoot down missiles that threaten its troops in Syria and attack the ships or planes that fired them.

The tough talk played well at home and abroad for a while. But with the U.S. showing no sign of backing away from a major strike on Syria, the Kremlin may be preparing to limit the escalation. President Vladimir Putin yesterday appealed for common sense in a world growing “more chaotic.”....

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Probably the most sensible move for Russia at the moment. Hopefully whatever strikes Trump orders are openly known/forewarned ahead of time so Syria has a chance to evacuate any personnel from the area. Best-case scenario is the strikes landing in non-value areas as nothing more than a show to placate war-mongering idiots.
I'd prefer we don't bomb Syria over a pretty clearly staged gas attack.

Not saying the gassing didn't happen. But what the hell motivation would Assad and/or the Russians have to do it?

Top Suspects:

1. ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever the hell group of radical islamists currently occupies the area

2. The same people trying to take down Trump with the whole muh Russia charade. i.e. the entrenched deep state

I would assume Assad and Putin are smart enough not to do the lone sole thing that would cause the US to bomb the shit out of you after they talk about pulling out.
Having your door kicked in is the rule of law. Having your lawyers called up and asked nicely for evidence is rich white guy law. Mueller isn't playing nice with his targets and he's not supposed to. Oh boo hoo, Poor rich guys had the big mean FBI raid their houses early in the morning. If they weren't breaking the law they wouldn't need a new door.

So everyone who is raided by the FBI is automatically guilty now according to you. The FBI and Mueller never make mistakes. What about that time when Mueller botched the 10 year long anthrax investigation post 9/11? He and the FBI incorrectly blamed and harassed two people. One sued the government and won $6 million for the FBI's blunders and tactics.
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I’ve noticed that hate speech tends to mean

- Disagreeing with the left
- Pointing out statistical data and facts that are inconvenient for Democrats
- Wanting to protect the borders and voter ID laws
- Not being a self loathing cuck
- Accurately citing issues with anyone who isn’t white
- Being critical of Obama
- Supporting conservatives and being a conservative on campus
- Believing in personal responsibility and that you should be held accountable regardless of race or gender.

Meanwhile, the left can go on social media and cheer for someone to die, have their house burn down, threaten conservatives and their kids, censor info, curse and be obscene.

And let’s not forget that the left’s hatred of whites is celebrated and considered okay.
hate speech is just shutting up conservative opinions. The left would label the Bible as hate speech if they take total control. As far as they are concerned rights come from the government not god. All of them.
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Probably the most sensible move for Russia at the moment. Hopefully whatever strikes Trump orders are openly known/forewarned ahead of time so Syria has a chance to evacuate any personnel from the area. Best-case scenario is the strikes landing in non-value areas as nothing more than a show to placate war-mongering idiots.

I'd prefer we don't bomb Syria over a pretty clearly staged gas attack.

Not saying the gassing didn't happen. But what the hell motivation would Assad and/or the Russians have to do it?

Top Suspects:

1. ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever the hell group of radical islamists currently occupies the area

2. The same people trying to take down Trump with the whole muh Russia charade. i.e. the entrenched deep state

I would assume Assad and Putin are smart enough not to do the lone sole thing that would cause the US to bomb the shit out of you after they talk about pulling out.
Well, I may just be right. Good news on this front.
Hell maybe it's 4D chess. Of course the Pentagon is pissed. Why bomb another country if you aren't going to destroy any high cost pieces of equipment they'll need to buy from your donors again.
Here come the leaks about things in Cohen's files. All too predictable. Who knows what all sorts of crazy claims that man had to track down and deal with, with many of them likely true.

Of course we know the entire intent behind the raid was exactly this. Prosecutors and FBI should be fired immediately and misconduct claims filed against all of them.

It can't be overstated what a gross overstep of authority this is.