How will they rule ??!

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I like Kasich, and since I'm all about electability he'd put Ohio nicely in play. But isn't he polling around 2% in the next several states? I read today he's counting on Michigan. What?
Most of the swing states are holding their primaries after Michigan anyways. Doesn't matter if he wins/loses most of the upcoming states when it comes to gauging the general electability of the candidates; any republican candidate (besides maybe Trump) would win/lose those states in the same pattern as Kasich would.

Edit: Michigan is also an open primary in a huge state, so it makes sense for Kasich to pour his money into it.
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I like Kasich, and since I'm all about electability he'd put Ohio nicely in play. But isn't he polling around 2% in the next several states? I read today he's counting on Michigan. What?

It's fair to expect that his polling will improve. His 2nd place finish has a noticeable margin back to 3rd. Up to him to use that as basis for drawing attention to himself, and making it clear that he is definitely the one rep candidate with the most political experience, with best performance, and best qualified for the nomination.

Trump destroyed the field tonight and all I hear these bozos on tv say is that Kasich has real momentum with 2nd place. So he is a winner tonight yet Trump lost with a close 2nd place in IA. Yeah, pretty fair analysis.

By the way, if Sanders wins this country is done.

Trump is the solid winner. Shit news for this country if Sanders gets elected. Hilary too for that matter.
On a slightly important note is the observation of how independent voters seem to have distributed themselves tonight in New Hampshire. Total number of votes received by republicans thus far approximately 205k. dems, 181k
On a slightly important note is the observation of how independent voters seem to have distributed themselves tonight in New Hampshire. Total number of votes received by republicans thus far approximately 205k. dems, 181k

Bernie is a good thing for the GOP if they take advantage of it
CNN with some fantastic exit polling data right now.

"Is experience the most important for you?"
1. Kasich 28% 2. Jeb 20%

"Is leadership the most important for you?"
1. Trump 30% 2. Kasich 20-something percent

"Is 'sharing your values' the most important for you?"
1. Kasich 21%, 2. Cruz 21%
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Bernie is a good thing for the GOP if they take advantage of it

I hope like all heck you're right. Been looking at some of those polling based head-to-head predictions on RealClearPolitics. Rubio polls best against either of them. None of the rest have very good numbers. I don't like Cruz's chances in a national election. Trump needs to become more about playing the role of a serious candidate instead of playing the role of a nominee winner. There is a difference. And yes, the party is jerking off. You can bet your bottom dollar they are hoping Kasich catches fire by some miracle with this 2nd place finish.
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CNN with some fantastic exit polling data right now.

"Is experience the most important for you?"
1. Kasich 28% 2. Jeb 20%

"Is leadership the most important for you?"
1. Trump 30% 2. Kasich 20-something percent

"Is 'sharing your values' the most important for you?"
1. Kasich 21%, 2. Cruz 21%

That is very interesting - obviously in that Gov. K appears in each response, but particularly that he ranked 2nd in responses re. leadership, when almost all of his talking points in debates have been simply to avoid the fear and loathing. Still, JK has been in NH in the physical sense more than any of the other candidates and what local message he's been delivering is likely something we (at least I) don't know about. That's for posting that.
I hope like all heck you're right. Been looking at some of those polling based head-to-head predictions on RealClearPolitics. Rubio polls best against either of them.
none of those numbers really matter, though. it's still super early in the election cycle and those numbers don't take into account the electoral map.

everybody already knows how they feel about clinton and trump (less so Bernie and Jeb). lots of people don't know how they feel about Rubio and Kasich.
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And think how many of our resident 'enlightened posters' constantly bitch and scream about eastern Kentucky? Pffffft.

But California pays quite a bit into the system and gets less in return.
Take South Carolina for every federal dollar collected from their citizens nearly $8 is returned.
At least the GOP has finally come out of the closet that they fully support bigots and racists. Kudos for finally embracing what we've all known for awhile.
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Hillary can't beat Bernie friggin Sanders. Think about that.

I still say, get this down to Trump and one other GOP and Trump doesn't get the nomination. Problem is, it may take a while for these guys to drop out.

Biden has to be warming up in the bullpen.
At least the GOP has finally come out of the closet that they fully support bigots and racists. Kudos for finally embracing what we've all known for awhile.

Blah blah blah. You progs love to call everyone who doesn't agree with you "bigots." If someone isn't going around brainwashed with PC nonsense and oozing with white guilt, they must be "racist."

It's the go-to tactic for you to try and win arguments. To simply target people who are terrified of being called the "r word" that they will concede defeat and let you bully them into ignoring racial and cultural realities.

People are sick of it.
Jeb! spent roughly $1,200 per vote in NH. Improvement from his $2,300 per vote in Iowa, obviously, but this was also supposed to be a primary that would be friendly for him.

SC could turn into Antietam for Jeb! and Rubio. Both are going to spend the other into oblivion and still might finish 3rd/4th.

What a bloodbath.
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Before, Biden had to be asking himself if he could really beat Hillary. But right now, Sanders looks like he could beat any Democrat.
Hillary can't beat Bernie friggin Sanders. Think about that.

I still say, get this down to Trump and one other GOP and Trump doesn't get the nomination. Problem is, it may take a while for these guys to drop out.

Biden has to be warming up in the bullpen.

Hoping Bernie gets the nomination so the left gets blown out in the general election.
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Blah blah blah. You progs love to call everyone who doesn't agree with you "bigots." If someone isn't going around brainwashed with PC nonsense and oozing with white guilt, they must be "racist."

It's the go-to tactic for you to try and win arguments. To simply target people who are terrified of being called the "r word" that they will concede defeat and let you bully them into ignoring racial and cultural realities.

People are sick of it.
Well, Trump has made a lot of racist comments though, through out his career and campaign. Dont think the rest of the field are though. He was using the same hyperbole that the pubs on here use to make fun of Obama's presidency. All Obama policies are bad, etc.

Everywhere Ive read, days before, Bern was supposed to win NH, since neighbor is Vermont. What am I missing?

Also, not sure, but I am really starting to like Cruz. Think he is the best prepared. I might need to get me head checked.
Jeb! spent roughly $1,200 per vote in NH. Improvement from his $2,300 per vote in Iowa, obviously, but this was also supposed to be a primary that would be friendly for him.

SC could turn into Antietam for Jeb! and Rubio. Both are going to spend the other into oblivion and still might finish 3rd/4th.

What a bloodbath.

I'm thinking SC results will look more like Iowa than NH. You have to think Carson, Carly, and Christie may drop out now.
I'm thinking SC results will look more like Iowa than NH. You have to think Carson, Carly, and Christie may drop out now.
Oddly enough, SC tends to be fairly establishment. Gingrich and Romney were #1 and #2 in 2012, not Santorum (Iowa winner)
Fox news is panicking over Donald Trump, while shamelessly promoting their preferred candidate, Marco Rubio.

Dick Morris, who has been a long time contributor to the network has been "appalled at the blatant bias in favor of Rubio" demonstrated by the network in recent months.

After the last debate in Iowa, Breitbart reported that "pollster Frank Luntz got significant airtime to direct a post-debate focus group that unsurprisingly was very favorable to Rubio, the GOP establishment pick in the primary race."

Luntz of course is the political pollster paid by FOX to tell us what people are thinking. But they didn't tell us that Rubio paid Luntz $250,000 for consulting work.
I still think Kasich is the best candidate. He will likely help the Repubs carry Ohio, which is a must have state. He also has loads of experience (no, I dont agree with him on every issue but there are no perfect candidates).

Having said that, I'll have no problem with Trump. In fact Trump/Kasich would probably be a winner.

I'd love to see a Trump/Sanders debate! Capitalism vs Socialism.
Christies campaign turned into being a big fat bloated suicide bomber

was never gonna win, but in the end bearhuged Rubio & detonated, taking them both out. hey I was and somewhat still am partial to Rubio, but these primaries are the proving ground for POTUS. If you can't win, if you can't cut it then you obviously would have been terrible in the big chair having to win against China and Russia & islamic death cults.
I remain convinced that either of Trump or Cruz is cyanide for the R party in a general election. Bush -- if his name were Smith he might very well be the most qualified candidate. But it's not. It's down to 5 people at this point, and it seems obvious: for the Republicans, the best and only viable ticket has the names Kasich and Rubio in some order......
Fox news is panicking over Donald Trump, while shamelessly promoting their preferred candidate, Marco Rubio.

Dick Morris, who has been a long time contributor to the network has been "appalled at the blatant bias in favor of Rubio" demonstrated by the network in recent months.

After the last debate in Iowa, Breitbart reported that "pollster Frank Luntz got significant airtime to direct a post-debate focus group that unsurprisingly was very favorable to Rubio, the GOP establishment pick in the primary race."

Luntz of course is the political pollster paid by FOX to tell us what people are thinking. But they didn't tell us that Rubio paid Luntz $250,000 for consulting work.
First, I'm not too convinced about anything Dick Morris has to say. But, to your point, this is something that I re-learn every four years. Right now if you go to websites or listen to conversations or read some stories, you see a circular firing squad on the right. People on the right who ordinarily reserve their really heated criticism for Dems, in a primary will unload in that same way on others in their own party who are getting in the way of their guy getting the nomination. Saw the same thing in '08 between Hillary people and Obama people. Interesting to watch.....
If Trump keeps out in front. I'll prolly vote for him. Any other candidate and it's Gary Johnson for me. Trump just doesn't seem to pander to the Far Right, and I love that.

It's fine with me. I also don't need him to pretend to be Christian for me. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I need our leader to do the same. I also don't think you need to be a "nice guy." Just know what the eff you're doing, use logic, values and common sense and lead the right way.

I've had two things I wanted accomplished in this election. Get spending under control and stop illegal immigration, which is a burden on the economy and will significantly change our country to be on par with a dog wanting more fleas.

Any other GOP candidate and nothing drastic gets done, IMO.
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Nate Silver with an interesting - if dour, if you're an R, but then i guess we should expect that of him - column this morning. Good point here:

"If you could somehow combine Rubio’s likability and appeal to conservatives, Kasich’s policy smarts and post-New Hampshire momentum, and Bush’s war chest and organization, you’d have a pretty good candidate on your hands. But instead, these candidates are likely to spend the next several weeks sniping at one another. The circular firing squad mentality was already apparent in New Hampshire, where fewer advertising dollars were directed against Trump despite his having led all but one poll of the state since July. Trump has also been attacked less than Rubio and Cruz in recent debates."

It's clear that all of them are thinking "I can't do much about Trump right now, and really I don't have to. I don't have to be faster than the bear, I just have to be faster than the other guy I'm with. Trump can't win 1 on 1, so all I need to do is survive, and therefore take out the other guys." That strikes me as tactically sound and strategically poor.