How will they rule ??!

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Conservatives don't resist change. It's not about being old fashioned and clinging to the current way of doing things.
1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

My definition would be more along the lines of a conservative is someone who wants to preserve the concepts of individual liberty in the Constitution. It's about preserving and protecting individual liberty and freedom.
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Seems some in this thread need to review their dictionaries.
1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Seems some in this thread need to review their dictionaries.
You might want to look up what liberal actually means politically....its not what dems are. Google classical liberal. Liberal actually derives from what is a libertarian...not what screw jobs that stole the term use it as.

Also again, political alliances aren't about morality, altruism, feelings, etc. Its about philosophy on how govt is to be organized...meaning big govt vs small, govt knowing best, stimulation, etc, etc, etc.

Good to know to you tho it means "I care" and conservative mean "you dont care about (insert victim), ppl will die in the street, and something about rich ppl"
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You might want to look up what liberal actually means politically....its not what dems are. Google classical liberal. Liberal actually derives from what is a libertarian...not what screw jobs that stole the term use it as.

Also again, political alliances aren't about morality, altruism, feelings, etc. Its about philosophy on how govt is to be organized...meaning big govt vs small, govt knowing best, stimulation, etc, etc, etc.

Good to know to you tho it means "I care" and conservative mean "you dont care about (insert victim), ppl will die in the street, and something about rich ppl"
If you mean Democrats then say Democrats. This was about the definition of the words liberal and conservative from a sociology textbook. Not which party espouses what ideas. Original post for reference since you can't seem to follow along on your own.

And I did "look up what liberal means". That's what the linked definitions from the dictionary were.
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I have never encountered that thought process. Do you watch cable TV news or something?

I'm laughing at how the right seems more incensed than ever, even after they won the election! I'm about to Google the term "sore winners." Hoping to God that a photo of Trump's micro-dick doesn't appear in the images.

Republicans are a shoe-in to dominate the midterms, right? Isn't that what you guys were saying? Donald Trump is...uh..."killing it," right?

Why do you guys seem so mad all the time?

Do you even party, bros?
Do you have any intelligence at all? I don't think you realize who the angry people have been since Trump was elected. Do you even stop partying Bro? Too much crack and weed will cloud you brain. In your case it seems that this is happening.
1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Seems some in this thread need to review their dictionaries.
Seems some need to understand who controls definitions. Lemming.
Am I missing something here? So it's okay to drastically expand into China and help them with the development of their AI, knowing that they are looking for an advantage over the US military and that they plan to use it specifically for military purposes, but it's wrong to help America and work for the Pentagon is met with protest?

‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon - April 4, 2018

Thousands of Google employees, including dozens of senior engineers, have signed a letter protesting the company’s involvement in a Pentagon program that uses artificial intelligence to interpret video imagery and could be used to improve the targeting of drone strikes.

The letter, which is circulating inside Google and has garnered more than 3,100 signatures, reflects a culture clash between Silicon Valley and the federal government that is likely to intensify as cutting-edge artificial intelligence is increasingly employed for military purposes.

Is Google endangering American national security? - April 5, 2018 2:44 pm

All this week we’re airing special reports on tech tyranny, looking at how big tech companies are getting more and more power and endangering a lot of things that we think are important, like democracy and clear thinking. Here’s another example: China’s military is obsessed with artificial intelligence and is investing massive resources into developing an advantage over US military in artificial intelligence. Eric Schmidt chairs Alphabet, that’s the parent company of Google, and he’s admitted that China will soon be the world’s leader in AI and they’ll use it for military purposes. He’s right, maybe. Google is dramatically expanding its artificial intelligence research operations in China, which is bolstering an effort that could eventually impair the security of this country. . . .
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@PhattyJ4UK Manafort had his hearing today on the suit against Mueller saying he had overstepped his authority and the Judge pretty much told his lawyer to **** off for being a complete moron.

I've been pretty busy, but saw this the other day and finally looked. Looks like the court granted Manafort an extension of time to file an answer, since Team Treason wrote 45 pages worth of bullshit and attached a "memo" that hadn't been created yet when Manafort filed his original motion, after having said there would be no more extensions of time on anything

Maybe I'm missing something, but was that the judge telling Manafort's lawyer to **** off?
I've been pretty busy, but saw this the other day and finally looked. Looks like the court granted Manafort an extension of time to file an answer, since Team Treason wrote 45 pages worth of bullshit and attached a "memo" that hadn't been created yet when Manafort filed his original motion, after having said there would be no more extensions of time on anything

Maybe I'm missing something, but was that the judge telling Manafort's lawyer to **** off?
This is correct. The judge has yet to rule, nor did she set a date when she was going to rule. Manafort's civil case was in no way denied.

You know you can't take anything he says seriously. He purposely misrepresents everything, always trying to twist it to validate his b.s. arguments.

Wednesday’s hearing did not touch on what Judge Jackson called “a little bit of the elephant in the room,” over a District court filing late Monday by prosecutors in Manafort’s criminal case. The filing included a partly redacted memo that revealed Deputy Attorney General Rodney J. Rosenstein authorized Mueller to pursue allegations that Manafort colluded with Russia in 2016. Manafort has not been charged with any crimes connected to the presidential race.

Downing said Manafort’s defense had “major issues” with the added authorization, saying it came after a search warrant had already been executed on Manafort’s home.

The judge did not say when she would rule on the civil case.

Also, not only did Mueller raid Manafort’s home a week before having the authority to do so, but he also raided a storage unit of Manafort's months before he ever had the authority to do so.

New details in the latest filing indicate that the storage unit search took place in late May or early June, about two months before the FBI conducted an early morning raid on Manafort's Alexandria, Va. condo.
It’s early, but in the Tennessee US Senate race, former Governor Phil Bredesen leads his Republican challenger by 10 points. Last Democrat elected to the Senate from Tennessee was Al Gore.
It’s early, but in the Tennessee US Senate race, former Governor Phil Bredesen leads his Republican challenger by 10 points. Last Democrat elected to the Senate from Tennessee was Al Gore.

Saw that MTSU poll this morning. 45% for him, 35% for her. Although, 17% answered not sure, so, like you said, still early and still a lot of undecideds in play.
[laughing] They're dead serious, too. That bald headed b**** is fuming. Looks ornery as hell.

The woman on the left is the one when shown a video of a white trump supporter beaten in the streets last year said something like ‘ohh like I’m suppose to have sympathy for a white man’
City in Indiana, Elkhart, the RV producing capital of the country, is now the leading job creator in the country. More job openings than workers. A total of 9,000+ jobs openings.

Matter of fact, the entire 12 state Midwest region is booming. If you combined all of the jobs openings across the 12 states, then took all the unemployed across all 12 states and gave them a job, there would still be job openings. The 12 state region is the only region in the country that can make that claim.
City in Indiana, Elkhart, the RV producing capital of the country, is now the leading job creator in the country. More job openings than workers. A total of 9,000+ jobs openings.

Matter of fact, the entire 12 state Midwest region is booming. If you combined all of the jobs openings across the 12 states, then took all the unemployed across all 12 states and gave them a job, there would still be job openings. The 12 state region is the only region in the country that can make that claim.

Much of the media is placing a negative spin on the latest jobs numbers. Adding 103K jobs in this booming economy is challenging. Nevertheless, unemployment remains at a 17-year low. Below are a few other overlooked headlines:

BANK OF AMERICA: Massive amounts of overseas cash are about to pour into the US — and provide a boost to the dollar.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts expect a portion of the $3.5 trillion in corporate cash abroad to flow back into the US over the coming quarters.

Apple will give $100 billion more back to shareholders because of the tax cut: Citigroup.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Tariffs on Chinese goods:
What is the truth? Long term, is this Good or bad for our economy. I know we like cheap Chinese stuff, but the trade gap is so large, that can’t be good either.
I honestly don’t know. Any moderate economists on here?

Much of the media is placing a negative spin on the latest jobs numbers. Adding 103K jobs in this booming economy is challenging. Nevertheless, unemployment remains at a 17-year low. Below are a few other overlooked headlines:

Yeah, it's not what they were expecting and piss poor compared to last month. They knew it wasn't going to be close to the 300K+ last month, but they were still expecting upwards of 160K. Like you said, though, the economy is booming right now and adding new jobs is more challenging.

Still, that's only one month of lower than expected numbers out of how many months of high numbers? It reminds me of UofL fans bragging about one win when they've lost eight out of nine, and pretending that that one win is greater than the eight losses.
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Tariffs on Chinese goods:
What is the truth? Long term, is this Good or bad for our economy. I know we like cheap Chinese stuff, but the trade gap is so large, that can’t be good either.
I honestly don’t know. Any moderate economists on here?

We'll have to wait and see how it plays out to know whether it's good or bad. No one knows yet. Any who claims otherwise is guessing.

The reason is because there aren't any tariffs yet. They're all just proposals. None of them take effect for at least six weeks. This is the d*** measuring contest leading up to the negotiations phase.
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Tariffs on Chinese goods:
What is the truth? Long term, is this Good or bad for our economy. I know we like cheap Chinese stuff, but the trade gap is so large, that can’t be good either.
I honestly don’t know. Any moderate economists on here?

I don't think anybody can give an easy answer. The Art of War is at play and has been with China for a long time. This is deeper than just tariffs and cheap Chinese stuff.

North Korea
Chinese satellite crashing
intellectual property
Am I missing something here? So it's okay to drastically expand into China and help them with the development of their AI, knowing that they are looking for an advantage over the US military and that they plan to use it specifically for military purposes, but it's wrong to help America and work for the Pentagon is met with protest?

‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon - April 4, 2018

Thousands of Google employees, including dozens of senior engineers, have signed a letter protesting the company’s involvement in a Pentagon program that uses artificial intelligence to interpret video imagery and could be used to improve the targeting of drone strikes.

The letter, which is circulating inside Google and has garnered more than 3,100 signatures, reflects a culture clash between Silicon Valley and the federal government that is likely to intensify as cutting-edge artificial intelligence is increasingly employed for military purposes.

Is Google endangering American national security? - April 5, 2018 2:44 pm

All this week we’re airing special reports on tech tyranny, looking at how big tech companies are getting more and more power and endangering a lot of things that we think are important, like democracy and clear thinking. Here’s another example: China’s military is obsessed with artificial intelligence and is investing massive resources into developing an advantage over US military in artificial intelligence. Eric Schmidt chairs Alphabet, that’s the parent company of Google, and he’s admitted that China will soon be the world’s leader in AI and they’ll use it for military purposes. He’s right, maybe. Google is dramatically expanding its artificial intelligence research operations in China, which is bolstering an effort that could eventually impair the security of this country. . . .
I saw Tucker talking about this a day or 2 ago. Sickening.
Jobs half of what was expected and they revised last month down 50k jobs. Stock market on track before the midterms to go almost back to where it started when Trump took office. His approval is starting to backslide again, still hasn't even broken 50%. Ya, GOP gonna get prison raped in Nov. Stock market and jobs were literally the only thing Trump had to gloat about. He loses those and he's just a sad cheeto in a big chair. He can't even tweet about Rasmussen anymore since it is dropping. His new plan is try to distract everyone with the national guard. Someone should let him know that when Bush & Obama did the same thing it was overall negative for them. It's not their job, border crossings are already low, and its absurdly expensive to use the Guard on the border.