How will they rule ??!

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Yep, timing is bad - although I'd read so much commentary that by the time I actually saw video of the exchange, it wasn't as bad as I figured. On one hand, the average person often walks away from a debate with a much different take than what the political class thinks. And Rubio did recover well thru the rest of the night. On the other hand, that moment could be a debate moment that lives on - Saturday Night Live, etc. - in which case it becomes self-fulfilling......
Pretty good night for the governors. I thought Cruz had a good night. Trump made some points, but still just too much ego for me.
Rubio had a bad night last night. Maybe fatal.
Not a bad night, a bad exchange with Christie. Finished well. But, if all anyone remembers is that exchange, it won't matter. Saw this last night:

5m5 minutes ago
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538
I thought Rubio had a real bad night too but given the media groupthink on the issue I'm rapidly becoming less certain.

Will be interesting to see how this impacts Rubio in NH, and then how it impacts him going forward, two different things......
You know if it weren't for Christie's staunch views on Patriot act, NDAA, NSA, LEO reform, I'd vote for him. But that guy scares the hell out of me. He wants an Orwellian society
Not to mention his views on drug and justice reform. He is straight out of the 80s with his tough on crime/drugs b.s. He's a bully and a fat ass who can't even control his own portions, let alone control the entire federal gov't.
You mean like the Democratic Party who needs them to stay complacent, stupid and poor to make them feel like they're oppressed and owed something so they can exchange some handouts in favor of voting at the polls?

Actually, there was a democrat/senator a few years back who basically said something to that effect if I recall but, I cannot remember who said it.
i have absolutely zero data to back this up, but I really don't think televised presidential debates ever make much of a difference, especially in primary season.

in fact, the only debate that I think ever really helped a ticket significantly was the 04 VP debate where Cheney absolutely schooled Edwards for a solid two hours on national television.
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Not to mention his views on drug and justice reform. He is straight out of the 80s with his tough on crime/drugs b.s. He's a bully and a fat ass who can't even control his own portions, let alone control the entire federal gov't.
Yeah folks, here is your typical liberal responder. While you cannot say anything personal about democrats, the PC community including the poster above would attack you for it. What does him being fat have to do with his abilities? You see, looks for the dummycraps does matter as long as it is not their candidate.
Christie being fat is like Obama smoking. Shows they're weak people that lack self control.

Not a trait I want in a president.
i have absolutely zero data to back this up, but I really don't think televised presidential debates ever make much of a difference, especially in primary season.

in fact, the only debate that I think ever really helped a ticket significantly was the 04 VP debate where Cheney absolutely schooled Edwards for a solid two hours on national television.

I lost faith in even presidential debates after Romney destroyed Obama and still lost.
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You mean like the Democratic Party who needs them to stay complacent, stupid and poor to make them feel like they're oppressed and owed something so they can exchange some handouts in favor of voting at the polls?


No. I mean the handful of billionaires that control all the wealth in this country. The ones who truly benefit from the policies in place. The only ones who have any influence on the policy. The ones who have created this oligarchy we live in.

Not exactly true. Do billionaires control policy? Mostly.

But if a poor person possesses a marketable skill, the billionaire will pay well for the use of that skill. This provides ample opportunity for vertical financial movement. Whereas the government will always only give a handout, meaning they never have vertical movement and always depend on the government.

Christie with the bodybag:

Climate change may have fueled the outbreak of the Zika virus, researchers say

DNC schedules debate in Flint.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Wow.....bodied him for sure. One of the easiest smackdowns ive seen. To make it worse, Rubio kept going back to the canned speech that Christie called him out on lol. What a fraud of a candidate.
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Not exactly true. Do billionaires control policy? Mostly.

But if a poor person possesses a marketable skill, the billionaire will pay well for the use of that skill. This provides ample opportunity for vertical financial movement. Whereas the government will always only give a handout, meaning they never have vertical movement and always depend on the government.

Wow.....bodied him for sure. One of the easiest smackdowns ive seen. To make it worse, Rubio kept going back to the canned speech that Christie called him out on lol. What a fraud of a candidate.

The billionaire will find the cheapest labor possible. There are no jobs to be had in this country. There is no working class anymore. Upward mobility is a myth.
Not exactly true. Do billionaires control policy? Mostly.

But if a poor person possesses a marketable skill, the billionaire will pay well for the use of that skill. This provides ample opportunity for vertical financial movement. Whereas the government will always only give a handout, meaning they never have vertical movement and always depend on the government.

Wow.....bodied him for sure. One of the easiest smackdowns ive seen. To make it worse, Rubio kept going back to the canned speech that Christie called him out on lol. What a fraud of a candidate.

It was a bad exchange but not as bad as I was expecting. No idea why he would say the same phrasing three different times though. Also, get everyone but the top three of the stage so we can get one candidate and move on. Christie has no chance and it only hurts the GOP.

The further this goes on, the more I get depressed. Trump has the most appeal to me because of the "IDGAF" attitude and disdain for the PC garbage and not being a corporate puppet but he would need a legit VP candidate that everyone could get behind.

Cruz is the one who I think is going to get the conservatives blown out.
Still think the GOP may have to decide this at the convention. May not get an outright winner if people don't start dropping out.
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While you cannot say anything personal about democrats, the PC community including the poster above would attack you for it. What does him being fat have to do with his abilities? You see, looks for the dummycraps does matter as long as it is not their candidate.

I'm calling Hillary a crooked old hag right here. That gives me immunity to label Rubio a Chippendale fancy boy, Christie a oil tanker, Cruz a phony, Bush a loser etc...
The billionaire will find the cheapest labor possible. There are no jobs to be had in this country. There is no working class anymore. Upward mobility is a myth.

Please tell me this is a joke! You seem intelligent enough to at least be thoughtful of what you type.
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i have absolutely zero data to back this up, but I really don't think televised presidential debates ever make much of a difference, especially in primary season.

in fact, the only debate that I think ever really helped a ticket significantly was the 04 VP debate where Cheney absolutely schooled Edwards for a solid two hours on national television.
Yep. Generally very true. The political media and even those of us who pay attention to politics often have a very different reaction to a debate than average voters. But maybe this is different. The NH electorate has a rep for being informed and willing and able to move in mass at the last moment. Best example of that was in '08 with Hilary. So maybe they buy the current convention that Rubio revealed himself to be a lightweight and they begin to move away from him. Which then becomes a big story with its own self fulfilling momentum as we move to other states.

Then again they really seem to like Trump, so how informed can they be.
One I assume by "billionaire" you mean Trump or business owner. Therefore you blame the rich for sending the factory work within their companies to foreign land. And at the base of lack of political understanding on its face, that would seem like a legit comment to make which it seems your making.

However, and you seem to be on a more intelligent level, only an excuse making idiot would stop there because they have to because any real understanding would technically point the finger at Bill Clinton and NAFTA.

See the problem was that American companies couldn't get around the unions here and and Clinton had the economy rolling so well that he wanted more taxes. So the corporate folk said look we are doing great but we are getting crushed by foreign companies paying lower taxes and lower wages and not really having the tariffs in place to keep us competitive is killing American companies.

So BIll said look get me re elected(which was a lock regardless) and I'll get things fixed but taxes will go up. He got re elected and passed Nafta allowing companies to take advantage of foreign wages and taxes as long as that money stayed foreign.

What Trump is saying is he is going after NAFTA, and at the same time he is going to go after our weak trade agreements and together that will bring some of this work back to America.

As a business man that is exactly what it takes to fix us, but no one believes he can get it done.....NO ONE!

So at the face of your comment I'm saying please tell me it's a joke?
19 trill in debt & the selfish ass baby boomers have just begun cashing in soc security & Medicare

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It was a bad exchange but not as bad as I was expecting. No idea why he would say the same phrasing three different times though. Also, get everyone but the top three of the stage so we can get one candidate and move on. Christie has no chance and it only hurts the GOP.

The further this goes on, the more I get depressed. Trump has the most appeal to me because of the "IDGAF" attitude and disdain for the PC garbage and not being a corporate puppet but he would need a legit VP candidate that everyone could get behind.

Cruz is the one who I think is going to get the conservatives blown out.

He said the same thing 3 straight times because thats all he knows - preprogrammed talking points. Christie has no chance, but he was exactly right on this point. He was also right that Senators on the whole are much inferior candidates than governors; and did a good job of explaining why.

Christie, Fiora, and Carson all need to drop out. Bush does too, but wont with all the money flowing. Youre right about Cruz, hed be a landslide loss to whomever the Dems nominate.
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One I assume by "billionaire" you mean Trump or business owner. Therefore you blame the rich for sending the factory work within their companies to foreign land. And at the base of lack of political understanding on its face, that would seem like a legit comment to make which it seems your making.

However, and you seem to be on a more intelligent level, only an excuse making idiot would stop there because they have to because any real understanding would technically point the finger at Bill Clinton and NAFTA.

See the problem was that American companies couldn't get around the unions here and and Clinton had the economy rolling so well that he wanted more taxes. So the corporate folk said look we are doing great but we are getting crushed by foreign companies paying lower taxes and lower wages and not really having the tariffs in place to keep us competitive is killing American companies.

So BIll said look get me re elected(which was a lock regardless) and I'll get things fixed but taxes will go up. He got re elected and passed Nafta allowing companies to take advantage of foreign wages and taxes as long as that money stayed foreign.

What Trump is saying is he is going after NAFTA, and at the same time he is going to go after our weak trade agreements and together that will bring some of this work back to America.

As a business man that is exactly what it takes to fix us, but no one believes he can get it done.....NO ONE!

So at the face of your comment I'm saying please tell me it's a joke?
You have a pretty good grasp of it. Congrats. Clinton is a big business democrat and he helped his billionaire constituents with NAFTA. My comment had nothing to do with Trump.
Ok then you explain?

The issue isn't labor! It isn't cost of materials! And it isn't profits!

It's about providing anything and remaining competitive. If your not competitive you sink, which is what foreign labor/taxes made happen here and instead of increasing tariffs Clinton sent jobs elsewhere as a favor to his corporate affiliations.

So I guess what I'm saying is democrats really do not understand the people they actually support are the ones crippling our country.

Is it genius to sell taxing the rich? Absolutely, but effectively it's about the dumbest damn idea anyone could ever have!
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Heisman, I really appreciate your input on here. You call out your own party unlike dems. You notice there is no "wrong democrat" from the libs on here. Only one that is "maybe" better than the other.
Ok then you explain?

The issue isn't labor! It isn't cost of materials! And it isn't profits!

It's about providing anything and remaining competitive. If your not competitive you sink, which is what foreign labor/taxes made happen here and instead of increasing tariffs Clinton sent jobs elsewhere as a favor to his corporate affiliations.

So I guess what I'm saying is democrats really do not understand the people they actually support are the ones crippling our country.

Is it genius to sell taxing the rich? Absolutely, but effectively it's about the dumbest damn idea anyone could ever have!
We are in two different places. You're blaming the government. I'm blaming both the government and their billionaire constituents. The problem isn't solely on Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Obama, etc. The problem is them plus the ultra rich who are behind them pulling the strings. The people in this country have no power. This isn't a government for the people by the people. It's a government for the rich, paid for by the rich.
I blame the govt because of their dumb involvement in everything that affects business in this country.

They get as greedy as the as the rich business owners and can't see the forest from the trees!

The answer wasn't allow NAFTA and raise taxes. The answer was raise tariffs and renegotiate trade agreements, then lower taxes so business stays here and can compete with foreign companies in our own country.

That is the one and only reason I like trump because he has business experience that career politicians do not. They are former lawyers(or in W's case just plain stupid) that don't honestly have a clue the bad business decisions they make.