How will they rule ??!

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Eh, I'm not going that far. As a kid I remember Dumbo wanting uniforms which instantly made him unelectable.
Not literally, but yeah. Cruz on the other hand is actually having intercourse with GS.

Not a Cruz guy. Hate that a lot of my family is falling for his crap simply because of religion. Can't afford it. Not a fan. He's very intelligent but I don't think he's winning a general election.

Two best bets are Trump and Rubio, surprisingly. I'm actually in for Trump simply because of the establishment crap, which blows me away that I'm saying that. Just hope he gets an intelligent VP that can be more appealing to the masses.
One I assume by "billionaire" you mean Trump or business owner. Therefore you blame the rich for sending the factory work within their companies to foreign land. And at the base of lack of political understanding on its face, that would seem like a legit comment to make which it seems your making.

However, and you seem to be on a more intelligent level, only an excuse making idiot would stop there because they have to because any real understanding would technically point the finger at Bill Clinton and NAFTA.

See the problem was that American companies couldn't get around the unions here and and Clinton had the economy rolling so well that he wanted more taxes. So the corporate folk said look we are doing great but we are getting crushed by foreign companies paying lower taxes and lower wages and not really having the tariffs in place to keep us competitive is killing American companies.

So BIll said look get me re elected(which was a lock regardless) and I'll get things fixed but taxes will go up. He got re elected and passed Nafta allowing companies to take advantage of foreign wages and taxes as long as that money stayed foreign.

What Trump is saying is he is going after NAFTA, and at the same time he is going to go after our weak trade agreements and together that will bring some of this work back to America.

As a business man that is exactly what it takes to fix us, but no one believes he can get it done.....NO ONE!

So at the face of your comment I'm saying please tell me it's a joke?

I will give you this.
Not literally, but yeah. Cruz on the other hand is actually having intercourse with GS.

Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner.

Isn't Hillary as well?

HW85 you get a cookie too.

“You take a guy like Cruz, people are liking the Cruz — they think he’s for the free market, and [in reality] he’s owned by Goldman Sachs. I mean, he and Hillary have more in common than we would have with either Cruz or Trump or any of them so I just don’t think there is much picking,” Paul said of the Texas senator on Fox Business

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I don't care if you want to take it back to Reagan, that's fine, but that article has now been proven false! Clearly it didn't create more job, and clearly it wasn't passed with America's best intentions in mind.

Pretty close to Obama care really. Originated as a republican idea, passed by democrat, and is going to literally f**k America.
Trump is the only candidate that has the business resume, guts, and will to give this country any chance to at least start the process of pulling itself out of this massive financial hole we are in right now.

I can see why people are drawn to Trump, sick of politicians, etc. Honest question, how much does the ego and personality bother you? Can he work/play well with others?
My favorite part about the lefty argument that the rich own the government is the fact that they continuously propose plans to consolidate as much power in the federal government as possible.

I mean Jesus Christ. Most of you on here just supported a complete government take over of the health care system. As a way to fix a broken system. Do you realize how stupid that is? Of course you don't.

And most of the lefties on here supported the bail outs of the big businesses at the expense of the taxpayer in the recession. All the while, the same ass holes who led those banks escape without consequence thanks to being in bed with the administration.

Yet just a couple of pages ago we had people defending Obama's use of executive order. You bitch about NAFTA, and then support Obama's use of executive dictate to scrap the immigration laws of the country? That's 100% done outside of the legislative bodies of the United States and under the control of one single person. How hard do you think it is to buy a policy you want from an executive who could give a shit less about the legislative process or Constitution?

I've said it many times before. More damage has been done to this country by idiots with votes than could ever be done by idiots with guns Vote control is what this country needs.

Yet 95% of the people posting in this thread are going to go to the voting booth in November and actually ask one of these people to accept tax payer money to run this country. Think about how stupid that is. Donald Trump. Hilary Clinton. Ted Cruz. Bernie Sanders. Marco Rubio. One of those worthless assholes is going to be the next leader of this country because some of you are going to ask them to do it.

It doesn't matter who's idea it was, Reagan nor any other Republican was getting NAFTA passed....EVER.

It took a Democrat President to sway enough Dems to pass it. The socalled party of the working class sold them out, one of the worst pieces of legislation in our history. It has crippled the middle class, now we have a record number of people on some sort of government welfare.
I don't care if you want to take it back to Reagan, that's fine, but that article has now been proven false! Clearly it didn't create more job, and clearly it wasn't passed with America's best intentions in mind.

Pretty close to Obama care really. Originated as a republican idea, passed by democrat, and is going to literally f**k America.
Not the point. NAFTA was a GOP/Conservative idea/approach to trade. Clinton had to fight his own party to get support...the GOP embraced it. That article was from 1993 and source was The Heritage Foundation...a conservative think tank.
The House vote for NAFTA was 234 - 200 156 of the no votes were Democrats...132 of the yes votes were GOP.
In the Senate it passed 61-38 with 28 of those no votes being Democrats.
How does Mitch McConnell stay in office?
Voted in favor of NAFTA, GATT and normalized trade with China.
He wants to protect coal jobs but he's helped send more jobs out of state than the coal industry has ever employed.
He's like the poster boy for the Chamber of Commerce.
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The House vote for NAFTA was 234 - 200 156 of the no votes were Democrats...132 of the yes votes were GOP.
In the Senate it passed 61-38 with 28 of those no votes being Democrats.

Sounds pretty similar to the Iraq War resolution vote breakdown. Who you blame for that?
You mean like the Democratic Party who needs them to stay complacent, stupid and poor to make them feel like they're oppressed and owed something so they can exchange some handouts in favor of voting at the polls?


Too long, Buster Bluth:

He was also right that Senators on the whole are much inferior candidates than governors; and did a good job of explaining why.

Been harping on this point for a while. Competence probably matters more than strict ideology, yet we keep nominating senators. Ugh.

Sounds pretty similar to the Iraq War resolution vote breakdown. Who you blame for that?

I don't know about others, but the problem I had with the Iraq War issue was the control of information by the executive branch. They presented a case that was loose with facts. The problem I have with Congress in that instance is how many simply did not read the report, or only read the executive summary, and the poor oversight of intelligence generally. That and the sheer naivete of the poorly named neo-conservatives; pure pie in the sky idiocy.
Have democrats ever once been accountable for anything? I don't give a damn who's idea it was because 8 years after it was thought up Clinton got it passed. Corporate America hand picked him to get it passed because they knew that slick willy MF'er would get it done.

He did, and yes he had to talk his side into it, but he did! Blame whoever you want, I don't give a damn. It's a bad deal for America and Trump has the business sense to get it right. That was the damn point of mine and DaBoss conversation.
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He said the same thing 3 straight times because thats all he knows - preprogrammed talking points. Christie has no chance, but he was exactly right on this point. He was also right that Senators on the whole are much inferior candidates than governors; and did a good job of explaining why.


However, his point (repeated several times because he was rattled) was correct. vs Trump's or Christie's opinion. Obama is an idealogue, and cleverly implementing as much as he can, dodging congress and the constitution along the way.

Obama is incompetent only in his belief system, not in implementing what he believes in. He's doing a bang up job of that, IMO.
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I don't know about others, but the problem I had with the Iraq War issue was the control of information by the executive branch. They presented a case that was loose with facts. The problem I have with Congress in that instance is how many simply did not read the report, or only read the executive summary, and the poor oversight of intelligence generally. That and the sheer naivete of the poorly named neo-conservatives; pure pie in the sky idiocy.

I don't know why this is so often overlooked..... Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi were all in sell mode. They cherry picked the faulty intelligence while suppressing info that suggested there was no threat from Saddam. Nuclear bombs and mushroom clouds was their pitch to the American public. That is what the Senate voted for, with a backdrop of you're either with us or you're against us.
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However, his point (repeated several times because he was rattled) was correct. vs Trump's or Christie's opinion. Obama is an idealogue, and cleverly implementing as much as he can, dodging congress and the constitution along the way.

Obama is incompetent only in his belief system, not in implementing what he believes in. He's doing a bang up job of that, IMO.

Noone disputes the point he was making. Whats scary is that Christie called him out on the canned speech, and he STILL went back to it 2 or 3 more times! Presidents need to be more than just catch phrases and soundbites. They need to have substance too. He just doesnt.

Doesnt mean he isnt electable, because hes probably the most electable GOP candidate because of how the general public thinks. But hes a terrible candidate.
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I don't know about others, but the problem I had with the Iraq War issue was the control of information by the executive branch. They presented a case that was loose with facts.
Perfect. So they came and presented to the intel committees?

If those people were so easily duped why did many key members get named to very important foreign policy positions in the Obama administration....Biden, Kerry, Hagel, Clinton? And Obama should have definitely refused support from Powell who made the influential case to the UN.
Have democrats ever once been accountable for anything?

On this board, never. There is a great post a couple pages back where one said something like, "well looks like you finally caught Hillary in something after all the BS you tried, congrats"

Bush is an idiot and terrible speaker but he conned many tenured Senators into Iraq. All his fault.
Noone disputes the point he was making. Whats scary is that Christie called him out on the canned speech, and he STILL went back to it 2 or 3 more times! Presidents need to be more than just catch phrases and soundbites. They need to have substance too. He just doesnt.

Doesnt mean he isnt electable, because hes probably the most electable GOP candidate because of how the general public thinks. But hes a terrible candidate.

Perfectly stated. Rubio was preaching. No substance, just a canned scripted speech that absolutely was pointless. If he can't deal with big ol meanie Christie, then Rubio has no business anywhere near the White House. What a soulless empty suited robot.

I look at like this. It's like titty cancer (Hillary) and testicle cancer (Rubio). Both can be deadly, but one is worse than the the other.
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Based on the William F Buckley doctrine of supporting the most conservative candidate 'who can win', I had decided that was Rubio. Saturday's debate has made me question that. I'm back to square one. The South Carolina primary will tell the tale with Rubio, IMO.
Noone disputes the point he was making. Whats scary is that Christie called him out on the canned speech, and he STILL went back to it 2 or 3 more times! Presidents need to be more than just catch phrases and soundbites. They need to have substance too. He just doesnt.

Doesnt mean he isnt electable, because hes probably the most electable GOP candidate because of how the general public thinks. But hes a terrible candidate.
That was a horrible performance, no question. And I understand why some say he does nothing but repeat himself - he memorizes a few phrases and repeats them. And otherwise is an empty suit. Certainly, the political media believes that, and wants you to understand it.

I don't agree with the characterization. I began to pull for Rubio early, for two reasons. One, biggest, is I think he's the only electable R. Two, I think he has the makings of a conservative who can articulate conservative principles - the first such person since Reagan, IMO. And after I came to that conclusion, I started watching him. Bottom line, I've seen enough video now, of meet and greets and other public events, to confirm my suspicion. he's pretty good on his feet. On a host of issues. Now, maybe he really is a robot, and has been able to memorize hundreds of different sentences and phrases. but I doubt it. The questions I've seen posed to him cover a multitude of issues - IMO, he couldn't possibly have memorized them all.

So, how to explain Saturday? I can't, other than to say he had a really bad 5 minutes. A really bad 5 minutes isn't enough for me to change course - especially with a lack of electable alternatives. But, of course, i can understand why others might react differently/.
Based on the William F Buckley doctrine of supporting the most conservative candidate 'who can win', I had decided that was Rubio. Saturday's debate has made me question that. I'm back to square one. The South Carolina primary will tell the tale with Rubio, IMO.
Exactly, Rubio has to connect with people. Being a good speaker isn't enough. So far his performance has felt manufactured.
That was a horrible performance, no question. And I understand why some say he does nothing but repeat himself - he memorizes a few phrases and repeats them. And otherwise is an empty suit. Certainly, the political media believes that, and wants you to understand it.

I don't agree with the characterization. I began to pull for Rubio early, for two reasons. One, biggest, is I think he's the only electable R. Two, I think he has the makings of a conservative who can articulate conservative principles - the first such person since Reagan, IMO. And after I came to that conclusion, I started watching him. Bottom line, I've seen enough video now, of meet and greets and other public events, to confirm my suspicion. he's pretty good on his feet. On a host of issues. Now, maybe he really is a robot, and has been able to memorize hundreds of different sentences and phrases. but I doubt it. The questions I've seen posed to him cover a multitude of issues - IMO, he couldn't possibly have memorized them all.

So, how to explain Saturday? I can't, other than to say he had a really bad 5 minutes. A really bad 5 minutes isn't enough for me to change course - especially with a lack of electable alternatives. But, of course, i can understand why others might react differently/.

As Christie attacked his record as a Florida senator. Rubio has no notable accomplishments. Zilch. he doesn't show up for work half the time. I am honestly baffled as to how he is so well liked. I think its people using rationalization to the point that they've talked themselves into actually believing that he is a good candidate. which he isn't.
He is hound and fairly attractive making him easily sold to the public. It's the Kim Kardashian affect, it can look good and be stupid as F, and the public will buy it.

I truly believe he is the ONE the GOP wants was to hire. I also truly believe he is too stupid to get it done. Not knocking Christie but it was easy for him to pick Rubio apart, easy!
Rubio has no notable accomplishments. Zilch.
Very true. Can't imagine anyone being a big fan or passionate supporter. His votes will come from eliminating everyone else. I do give him credit for not running a trash campaign like the other top tier guys.

UKFB should sell him the "Why Not?" slogan.
Very true. Can't imagine anyone being a big fan or passionate supporter. His votes will come from eliminating everyone else. I do give him credit for not running a trash campaign like the other top tier guys.

UKFB should sell him the "Why Not?" slogan.

I totally agree.
I truly believe he is the ONE the GOP wants was to hire.
but the money donated thus far sure has not shown that. if he were the one the money would have followed in a tidal wave. but no Koch's or Sheldon Adleson's in his corner, $100M in establishment cash went to Jeb!!.

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