How will they rule ??!

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OK....what leaders have endorsed him? so far only a few tea party darlings like Sen Scott & Trey Gowdy.
That was a horrible performance, no question. And I understand why some say he does nothing but repeat himself - he memorizes a few phrases and repeats them. And otherwise is an empty suit. Certainly, the political media believes that, and wants you to understand it.

I don't agree with the characterization. I began to pull for Rubio early, for two reasons. One, biggest, is I think he's the only electable R. Two, I think he has the makings of a conservative who can articulate conservative principles - the first such person since Reagan, IMO. And after I came to that conclusion, I started watching him. Bottom line, I've seen enough video now, of meet and greets and other public events, to confirm my suspicion. he's pretty good on his feet. On a host of issues. Now, maybe he really is a robot, and has been able to memorize hundreds of different sentences and phrases. but I doubt it. The questions I've seen posed to him cover a multitude of issues - IMO, he couldn't possibly have memorized them all.

So, how to explain Saturday? I can't, other than to say he had a really bad 5 minutes. A really bad 5 minutes isn't enough for me to change course - especially with a lack of electable alternatives. But, of course, i can understand why others might react differently/.

You may well be right. But to me, he seems as if he has about 2 or 3 canned responses to any given issue. Nothing genuine. Not speaking from a position of knowledge. Just regurgitation, like a college kid answering an essay on their final after pulling an all nighter.

Contrast him with Rand, Kasich, Christie, or Trump. Totally different, those guys know what theyre talking about on certain issues, because they speak from a position of knowledge. Not one of studied regurgitation.

Again, says nothing about his electability. Hes almost certainly the most electable. If he pairs with Kasich, they likely win this thing. But hes just a terrible candidate when it comes to substance.
Rubio has been pretty good on his feet until Saturday night. What knocked him off balance, was his weak point. His experience. His accomplishments. He had no answer, and went back to his best fall back. Several times.

Rubio prolly isn't ready for prime time yet. One day, he will be a better candidate.
I'm not in love with Rubio. But I want to win, bottom line. At this point, unless there's drastic change - and there may be, this thing has been volatile enough - it's down to Trump, Cruz and Rubio. I've repeatedly said, and believe, that Trump and Cruz would get crushed in a general. Even before it got down to 3, I thought Rubio was the R with the best chance in a general. Is being governor better experience to prepare one for being President relative to being a Senator? Certainly - generally speaking. A governor has executive experience running a state. A Senator bloviates. Naturally, there are governors you wouldn't want running the country - I don't recall a lot of shouts about Sarah Palin's governorship being a defining and qualifying characteristic. And there are Senators who might do a good job. It's also possible Rubio has real talent and it's just too soon - he needs to grow up some and have some actual accomplishments. And it's also possible he has no real talent, he just memorizes stuff.

I can't believe I typed all that. What mush.
Rubio prolly isn't ready for prime time yet. One day, he will be a better candidate.
allegedly he got into this because he hated being a senator and did not want to run for reelection, wants to raise his profile & gain experience campaigning knowing he had a long long shot to win. with the ultimate goal of taking the experience & fundraising contacts to win the 2018 Fla Gov race

That Rubio clip is still making me laugh.

I forgot about that one. I like how the camera angle follows him.
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Perfect. So they came and presented to the intel committees?

If those people were so easily duped why did many key members get named to very important foreign policy positions in the Obama administration....Biden, Kerry, Hagel, Clinton? And Obama should have definitely refused support from Powell who made the influential case to the UN.

Because politics? I'm not going to pretend to defend decisions I don't agree with, so maybe someone else has better stuff.

Bush is an idiot and terrible speaker but he conned many tenured Senators into Iraq. All his fault.

The executive branch is more than the president, so whatever qualifications Bush had are pretty irrelevant here, right? I make my arguments narrow and focused for a reason.

How many times in this thread will Rubio's attractiveness be cited

He's a guy, so not many. Compare Palin's coverage to Rubio's coverage.
I love the logic of "I've been watching the guy a lot. Not that enthused about him, but I bet other people would wanna vote for him". Wut??
I love the logic of "I've been watching the guy a lot. Not that enthused about him, but I bet other people would wanna vote for him". Wut??

I can see what he means. Some people in a general election don't follow this stuff like most on the paddock. They can be more visual, less informed, etc. For instance, some females may say 'he's kinda cute, i'm gonna vote for him.' Or, 'he has a nice family , cute kids, etc'.

The visuals of the JFK/ Nixon debate were pretty significant for example back in 1960.
As Christie attacked his record as a Florida senator. Rubio has no notable accomplishments. Zilch. he doesn't show up for work half the time. I am honestly baffled as to how he is so well liked. I think its people using rationalization to the point that they've talked themselves into actually believing that he is a good candidate. which he isn't.
See Hillary supporters.
Because politics? I'm not going to pretend to defend decisions I don't agree with, so maybe someone else has better stuff.

The executive branch is more than the president, so whatever qualifications Bush had are pretty irrelevant here, right? I make my arguments narrow and focused for a reason.

He's a guy, so not many. Compare Palin's coverage to Rubio's coverage.

I can see what he means. Some people in a general election don't follow this stuff like most on the paddock. They can be more visual, less informed, etc. For instance, some females may say 'he's kinda cute, i'm gonna vote for him.' Or, 'he has a nice family , cute kids, etc'.

The visuals of the JFK/ Nixon debate were pretty significant for example back in 1960.

Think it's more a sub-conscious thing.
Sounds like anxiety to me. I have to do public speaking and I usually have to have water because there are times I do get a little nervous.

A water thing? hahaha, Yeah, it's dry mouth from anxiety.
I have been in the training "world" for a long time.

One of the first things I teach a new instructor..... Keep something to drink handy, if you get stuck, need to think, gather yourself, etc... grab the drink and take a second. No one ever questions that.

Well, up until now. :)
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Had a couple of ladies in the office near mine talking about losing their jobs come 1 April. They were looking at ads for jobs and came across one for a dentist in town here. Along with needing computer skills, be able to work extra hours if necessary, the receptionist also needed to be attractive. They all started asking what that had to do with being able to do the job. It got me wondering about what kind of job the dentist wanted them to do in the extra hours.
I can see what he means. Some people in a general election don't follow this stuff like most on the paddock. They can be more visual, less informed, etc. For instance, some females may say 'he's kinda cute, i'm gonna vote for him.' Or, 'he has a nice family , cute kids, etc'.

The visuals of the JFK/ Nixon debate were pretty significant for example back in 1960.
All due respect, I don't know that the august body of posters in the cats pause political forum is necessarily any better than your garden variety voter in assessing who should be President. This crowd, like most online groups, tends to drip with cynicism. Who would measure up?
The visuals of the JFK/ Nixon debate were pretty significant for example back in 1960.
That supports my point
who said that?
The sentiment has been thrown around a LOT in this thread (and others) re: Rubio. Everybody just seems to be like "eh, im lukewarm on him but he's probably gonna end up being the nominee". Because....reasons.
Logic went out the window when Obama got elected.
Of course. Because...reasons. Again.
^^Well, that gets back to the dumb way we pick Presidents to begin with.

Considering that way, whether you like Rubio or detest him, you could reasonably say he checks a lot of boxes. If he holds up......
Considering that way, whether you like Rubio or detest him, you could reasonably say he checks a lot of boxes.
and superficial thinking like that is exactly why GOP primary-goers are on the verge of pissing away this race. the "checks a lot of boxes" idea is such a farce. it's not about "checking" demographic's about checking those boxes AND backing up those boxes with your policies.

Bill Clinton didn't carry black votes like he did because of his race. GWB didn't carry Latino votes like he did because of his race. Bernie Sanders isn't pulling the millennial votes like he is because of his age.

Palin's side of the ticket lost the female vote by 13pts
Hillary basically tied Obama for the female vote
Obv John Edwards' southern drawl didn't do much for him
^^im not talking about anything so narrow as that. Look, it's a fundamental analysis. A puzzle of sorts. What are the attacks a given party and its nominee are susceptible to? What are the strengths, weaknesses of the opposing nominee? Generally speaking, what kind of attributes fare well in a general election? All of that. When there were 17 Rs, you go thru that assessment and you'd get rid of a lot of them out of hand. Ironically, arguably the two most lacking are the two in the lead right now.

All of that - "electability" - is a separate thing from qualified (or even more elusive, who is likely to make the best Prez?). Bush or Kasich are probably better prepared Day 1 to administer the office. But is that the way to analyze it? Even if it is, that's not how we pick 'em......
What are the attacks a given party and its nominee are susceptible to? What are the strengths, weaknesses of the opposing nominee? Generally speaking, what kind of attributes fare well in a general election? All of that. When there were 17 Rs, you go thru that assessment and you'd get rid of a lot of them out of hand. Ironically, arguably the two most lacking are the two in the lead right now.
So a political opponent is more likely to attack you if you're the "wrong" race/age/accent than they are if you have a shitty resume or shitty policies?

Call me crazy, but I think Palin, Allen West, et al are all just as likely to be attacked as their white male colleagues. It's the policies/quotes/opinions that they advertise, not their demographics.
and right on cue, CNN is discussing how Bernie is absolutely crushing Hillary when it comes to young female voters.

I guess Hillary didn't check the correct demographic boxes.
^^I'm starting to think you guys may not necessarily agree with me on some of these points.
Bush or Kasich are probably better prepared Day 1 to administer the office. But is that the way to analyze it? Even if it is, that's not how we pick 'em......

No, it isn't. And this is an excellent talking point, particularly in regards to Kasich as somebody who has the full resume as a legit Gov. and also long experience in US congress. If he was a dem candidate the media might refer to him as a President in Waiting. Few persons ever seek the office of POTUS with as good political resume and while typing I'm actually struggling to think of any. Not suggesting he is my preferred candidate.

John Kasich WILL finish 2nd tomorrow in New Hampshire. The gap to 3rd may be more noticeable than even FOX pundits imagine. This is where he can bring a lot of attention to himself and, getting back to your point, begin campaigning with talk about his political experience to go along with the less panic-stricken overtones that have moderated him from the other rep candidates.

As for Bush, he has an obvious natural challenge that prevents him from being able to bring his experience to the attention of national voters. His last name. A damn shame.
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I have been in the training "world" for a long time.

One of the first things I teach a new instructor..... Keep something to drink handy, if you get stuck, need to think, gather yourself, etc... grab the drink and take a second. No one ever questions that.

Well, up until now. :)

Yep, Totally agree on that Augustaky