How will they rule ??!

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5 paragraphs and (at least) 9 rathole questions. Ignore numbers, he has a guy in his office that disproves everything.
"rathole questions" = questions that you don't like because the disprove the narrative you try to perpetuate.

Just earned my wife's vote
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Fuzz, you're comparing Catholic cartels to 911 causing Muslims??

Willy, don't think that is what I said. Is it?
However if body counts are taken, the cartels and South American/Mexican drug gangs probably have been equally if not more deadly than the Muslim extremist.
I wish there was some sort of historical proof that biblical stories are true. I don't want to believe that when you die everything goes black forever - like you never existed. But even the story of Christ is told by unknown writers a hundred years or so after his life was said to happen. Was it true, or just folklore that caught on in a huge way?
There is proof of many of the stories, you need just look. However, given your normal postings you will not believe because you do not want to.
Willy, don't think that is what I said. Is it?
However if body counts are taken, the cartels and South American/Mexican drug gangs probably have been equally if not more deadly than the Muslim extremist.

Apples and oranges, Fuzz. So those Catholic cartels are killing in the name Christ?
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There is proof of many of the stories, you need just look. However, given your normal postings you will not believe because you do not want to.
I don't know warrior, there just seems to be a lot of horsefeathers in some of those stories...a grown man gets swallowed by a whale - and lives inside for a few days - then gets spit up on the beach like nothing happened.... Noah and the Ark..... A man's ole lady gets turned into a lump of salt just for turning her head.....there's a bunch more I just can't think of them right now.
That's a mental image I could've done without.
Who is the giver and who is the receiver?
Damn, it would be great.

Bernie Slammers and Hillary Cunton starring in

"Executive Disorder"
I prefer their first film they did together.

"If I've got one dollar and you've got twenty dollars then you've got my dick in your mouth."
On the same day that: CNN- a former U.S. Army enlistee who vowed to "bring the Islamic State straight to your doorstep" pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempting to detonate a car bomb at Fort Riley military base in Kansas, authorities said.

Booker told investigators that he enlisted to commit an insider attack against American soldiers like the one Maj. Nidal Hassan carried out at Fort Hood, Texas, according to prosecutors.

Swept under the rug. You know, religion of peace, we're all immigrants, cliche, cliche, cliche.

Kind of like how the Westboro Baptist take the Bible literally where as "normal" Christians don't take it as seriously. We can all find justifications for about anything in any Holy book.


Interesting that Santorum endorses a candidate. It's Rubio, not Cruz.

The establishment is willing to do whatever it takes to keep Cruz out. Not because he cant win the general (which would actually be a good reason) but because his success would threaten their very existence. There was a very good article about it, maybe a week ago.

Labor Department data: Hiring slowed sharply where minimum wage hikes hit last year.…

Just like anyone with any objectivity warned. Of course, who cares because there were votes to be gained. Now the evil corporations will be blamed again, and more votes will be gained.

Give Sanders credit, at least that crazy ass coot truly believes in his cause. On the flipside, the old leather handbag is a walking facade.

Is this commie actually going to beat her?

Agreed. Anyone who believes a word any Clinton, especially Hillary, says is just stupid, a cheerleader or willfully ignorant.
I don't know warrior, there just seems to be a lot of horsefeathers in some of those stories...a grown man gets swallowed by a whale - and lives inside for a few days - then gets spit up on the beach like nothing happened.... Noah and the Ark..... A man's ole lady gets turned into a lump of salt just for turning her head.....there's a bunch more I just can't think of them right now.
Wandering cows, camels, and deer need salt too.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters have slipped into Europe disguised as refugees fleeing war-torn Syria, the head of Germany’s domestic spy agency (BfV) said on Friday, according to Reuters.

"Then we have repeatedly seen that terrorists … have slipped in camouflaged or disguised as refugees,” Hans-Georg Maassen told ZDF television. “This is a fact that the security agencies are facing.”
2 separate polls, NBC & CNN show Rubio rocketing up in New Hampshire past the pack to 2nd place behind Trump

Bet behind the scenes Hilary probably looks in the mirror and just cries at herself every night. Just a total train wreck. If she thinks its tough right now, just wait until the General Election (if she even makes it). The Republican nominee is going to eat her alive. I was surprised that Anderson Cooper threw her some curveballs the other night about her Wall Street speaking fees, etc. She looked completely flustered. Anyone who votes for this lady should be mentally evaluated. I am still completely shocked at the horrible candidates the Dems have trotted out there. Sanders would completely destroy what is left of this country, but I will give him credit. He truly believes in what he says.

Did notice that Trump changed his tone when talking to Cooper last night about the whole Iowa deal. I think his folks got through to him and told him to shut up because he is starting to blow it. I still think he is the most equipped to fix the domestic issues in this country, but I am even getting to the point where I am tired of listening to his whining. I am now starting to think Rubio is going to win the nomination which just makes me SMDH. Yep, electing an inexperienced one- term Senator who repeats the same speech over and over, has no real resume to speak of, and is bought and paid for by donors and lobbyists has worked out so well for us the past 8 years. There is no doubt in my mind if he gets elected its going to be business as usual in Washington because the folks who have bought him will make sure if it.
Seems like Bernie is really getting to Hillary and she isn't handling it well.
But she did drop in that sweet endorsement from Henry Kissinger last night! If there is anything far left liberals would appreciate in a future President, it would be the nod of Kissinger!
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For all the talk and dissection of the R candidates on here, and there's been a lot, will be absolutely hilarious to watch the resident water carries here pick up the mantle for either Sanders or Clinton specifically and start the propaganda....

"Bernie really has a young, fresh, revolutionary take on politics!!! I think Medicare for all would be awesome!!!"

"Hillary has the integrity to go after Wall Street....she really gets us!"

Or hell, the water carriers could realize those two are losers and go all in on the anti-R vote....which of course does not work, see 08 12.

Either way will be fun. For all the crap R's get for our cast of characters the Democrats have about the worst two candidates possible duking it out. Good grief, Fake Indian would have been 100x better choice for them.
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ukalum, I hear you about Rubio's experience. Would feel much better if he had been a one term governor of Florida with some real evidence of leadership.

In fact, I'd be happier if Republicans never ran a US Senator ever again. What an awful institution.
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While I like Rubio, I must admit that early on, I thought of him as a good VP candidate, rather than POTUS, because of his age. However, he's gaining momentum, primarily because Trump and Cruz are mortally wounding each other, and themselves at the same time.
Never fails though, top two get greedy and start in on each other meanwhile adorable idiot sprints up from 3rd and makes a race of it. Top two get tight and begin bashing everyone, while cute adorable idiot points and laughs while passing top two by.

Unfortunately this isn't a game, it is pretty important. The bigger issue is who fills his seat in the senate? Hopefully another republican.
I wish there was some sort of historical proof that biblical stories are true. I don't want to believe that when you die everything goes black forever - like you never existed. But even the story of Christ is told by unknown writers a hundred years or so after his life was said to happen. Was it true, or just folklore that caught on in a huge way?

You might be interested in "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel.

He is the former legal editor for the Chicago Tribune and a former atheist. His initial intent for this book and for his other book "The Case for Faith" was to disprove the existence of God and Christ (he has since written several other books). His research led him to a conversion experience and IIRC he is a now a pastor of a church.

Some of the topics/questions covered:

The trustworthiness of the Gospel accounts.

Historical evidences for Christ outside of the Bible.

Is Jesus the promised scripture's Messiah?

Did Jesus really die on the cross?

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Amazon product ASIN 0310339308
How much power does the President actually have? Executive orders are one thing. Turning an entire country into a socialist state is another. It is laughable to hear this buzz word thrown around by people on both sides. Where is the support going to come from? If sanders wins, and he won't, he will have zero support from either side. Complete isolation for four years. He might be able to get some policies in place but not before they are seriously altered. It's ridiculous to think that the powers that be will let any one outside their control win. Hillary is a big business democrat. She will get the nomination. The republican nomination will also be a big business republican. This is the reality. The ultra rich are steering the ship.
There has to be a god up there? There potentially might be some sort of creator. There might not. We don't know. Organized religion is just meta narrative created to make sense of everything. It gives people a beginning, middle, and end. People like narratives. They create them in their minds every single day. Is it a pipe dream to wish religions didn't exist? Sure, but no more than wishing for a mansion in the sky and streets paved with gold.

"Religion: a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark" -Stephen Hawking

"Atheism: a fairy tale for people afraid of the light" -John Lennox
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"Religion: a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark" -Stephen Hawking

"Atheism: a fairy tale for people afraid of the light" -John Lennox
That sounds cool. Not much substance to either statement though. Also I didn't say there wasn't a God (atheism). I said there might be a creator (agnosticism).
How much power does the President actually have? Executive orders are one thing. Turning an entire country into a socialist state is another. It is laughable to hear this buzz word thrown around by people on both sides. Where is the support going to come from? If sanders wins, and he won't, he will have zero support from either side. Complete isolation for four years. He might be able to get some policies in place but not before they are seriously altered. It's ridiculous to think that the powers that be will let any one outside their control win. Hillary is a big business democrat. She will get the nomination. The republican nomination will also be a big business republican. This is the reality. The ultra rich are steering the ship.

Agreed. Thats why I wouldnt be too disapointed with a Sanders victory. Hed likely get very little accomplished. At this point, the less the government does, the better. Then even if he did, it would cause such disaster that socialism/income redistribution would be completely abandoned; along with many points of the liberal agenda.
Sander's would empower every rogue country to step up their activities with virtually no fear of retribution. Very dangerous scenario.
Today's weak jobs report reinforces the risk of a recession; Obama better do some window dressing and fast.