How will they rule ??!

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Made up up my mind. I'm sticking with Gary Johnson. He's better than Clinton or Rubio by a wild mile and it ain't even close. Just a shame that there will be a lot of us that will vote for him but it won't be enough because of the large pool of moronic Americans who will vote Dem or Repub.

I will sit comfortably knowing I made the best decision and that other stupid people I have to live with in this country is the cause of our demise.

Just want to give a shout out to my fellow Americans for ruining this country by voting Clinton or Rubio.
I am just glad to not live in a contested state so I don't have to work up the will to put shoes on to go vote.
I am just glad to not live in a contested state so I don't have to work up the will to put shoes on to go vote.

Don't blame ya.

If I didn't live in Florida, I wouldn't be voting. But I need to make sure my vote goes against both Clinton and Rubio in this swing state. I'm hoping Clinton and Rubio both die off this year. That's my biggest hope. I hope they both die a painful death.
From 538, Rubio's odds of winning the nomination according to a bookmaker went from 30% to 55% after Iowa......

"Marco Rubio finished in third in Iowa — a “strong third” in which he outperformed his polls, but third nevertheless. And yet, his chances of winning the Republican nomination nearly doubled according to the bookmaker Betfair, from about 30 percent before the Iowa caucuses to 55 percent now.1 Meanwhile, Donald Trump, who finished ahead of Rubio although behind Ted Cruz, saw his chances halved from 50 percent to 25 percent."
From 538, Rubio's odds of winning the nomination according to a bookmaker went from 30% to 55% after Iowa......

"Marco Rubio finished in third in Iowa — a “strong third” in which he outperformed his polls, but third nevertheless. And yet, his chances of winning the Republican nomination nearly doubled according to the bookmaker Betfair, from about 30 percent before the Iowa caucuses to 55 percent now.1 Meanwhile, Donald Trump, who finished ahead of Rubio although behind Ted Cruz, saw his chances halved from 50 percent to 25 percent."

LEK there is plenty besides abortion to discuss as opposed to your unbaited facts>opinions schtick. Doesn't bother me but it leads to nonsense rhetorical pissing contest .

We have plenty to discuss and argue about currently that it isn't necessary to go that route, right now.

Jeb as VP? That is a good one. The Bush's and Clinton's should be done here forever.

Also, I honestly believe that other than Trump not one of these candidates would pair up with another to be a running mate.
So, I personally find Cruz irritating in his delivery and just a little creepy, and as I've said, I think he has no chance in a general. And after waffling a while on the "is he or is he not", I eventually came down on the side of, yeah, he must be a horse's ass, because literally everyone says it. But I just read a piece from a journo in Texas that's known Cruz for several years, and she paints him in a not too bad way.

Good piece, worth a read:

The outline of sorts:
1) Ted Cruz is not a fire-breathing extremist.
2) Cruz is also not a wild-eyed maniac.
3) He has nerves of steel.
4) Cruz is smarter than us.
5) He may even be too smart for his own good.
6) Cruz is very serious about strategy.
7) Cruz is meticulous with his words.
8) Cruz is a mainstream conservative from the Texas Republican establishment.
9) Cruz is really into the Constitution.
10) Cruz is in it to win.

Wow, this sounds like a great fella. It's not Ted Cruz, but genuinely a candidate worth considering.

If the article didn't make you laugh with "nerves of steel" then the part about Cruz being 'meticulous with his words' will make you dismiss it completely. The rest is obviously debatable, if not farcical, in an odd attempt to canonize Cruz.

What the article depicts is not the same guy that threw the CDC under the bus repeatedly during his fear mongering of the Ebola outbreak and became a laughing stock of the resulting overblown paranoia. It's not the same fella who stated 'We need 100 senators like Jesse Helms', whom we all know fervently supported segregation and opposed any public funding for AIDS research. What she describes is not the same candidate who declared directly at a 3 year old that the world is on fire. This is not the same guy who apologized for trying to sh*t on 'New York Values' or had to backtrack from the statement of that he wants to carpet bomb the areas controlled by ISIS to see if sand can glow. She is writing about someone other than the Ted Cruz who publicly apologized to Nigerians for comparing Obamacare to email scams.

Meticulous with his words? Nerves of Steel? [laughing]

He's Santorum Mark II
I'm not sure Obama has an accurate understanding of Islam, quite honestly. He seems to be in denial.

On the same day that: CNN- a former U.S. Army enlistee who vowed to "bring the Islamic State straight to your doorstep" pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempting to detonate a car bomb at Fort Riley military base in Kansas, authorities said.

Booker told investigators that he enlisted to commit an insider attack against American soldiers like the one Maj. Nidal Hassan carried out at Fort Hood, Texas, according to prosecutors.
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Wow, this sounds like a great fella. It's not Ted Cruz, but genuinely a candidate worth considering.

If the article didn't make you laugh with "nerves of steel" then the part about Cruz being 'meticulous with his words' will make you dismiss it completely. The rest is obviously debatable, if not farcical, in an odd attempt to canonize Cruz.

What the article depicts is not the same guy that threw the CDC under the bus repeatedly during his fear mongering of the Ebola outbreak and became a laughing stock of the resulting overblown paranoia. It's not the same fella who stated 'We need 100 senators like Jesse Helms', whom we all know fervently supported segregation and opposed any public funding for AIDS research. What she describes is not the same candidate who declared directly at a 3 year old that the world is on fire. This is not the same guy who apologized for trying to sh*t on 'New York Values' or had to backtrack from the statement of that he wants to carpet bomb the areas controlled by ISIS to see if sand can glow. She is writing about someone other than the Ted Cruz who publicly apologized to Nigerians for comparing Obamacare to email scams.

Meticulous with his words? Nerves of Steel? [laughing]

He's Santorum Mark II
I'm starting to get the idea you don't care for Cruz? I don't want to jump to any conclusions.
I'm starting to get the idea you don't care for Cruz? I don't want to jump to any conclusions.

In this instance my beef is more with the author.

Today he had to apologize to the Carson campaign for disseminating false information to Iowan caucusgoers. Nerves of steel!
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I tried to find out a little about her - my standing presumption, and I know you fully endorse this view, is that a magazine writer is probably conventionally liberal unless and until proven otherwise. But who knows, perhaps she's a card carrying conservative. Like i have said, if just about everyone says you're a putz, chances are you're a putz. But.....this is politics, and it's not inconceivable to me that I'm simply accepting what everyone seems to be selling about Cruz, and maybe that's all coming from a concerted effort to portray him as an ass. Maybe in Washington DC people hate him. But maybe someone who actually knows him has a differing perspective.

or maybe not....
I'm not sure Obama has an accurate understanding of Islam, quite honestly. He seems to be in denial.
Or perhaps you have a very skewed view and understanding of Islam?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the many are committing terrorist acts?
There are about 3 million Muslims in the US. How many have been responsible for terrorist acts?

I guess you fit the general stereotype that most people have about people from the state of Kentucky...poorly educated, obese, less than a full set of teeth, low on the socio-economic scale, inbred...
I tried to find out a little about her - my standing presumption, and I know you fully endorse this view, is that a magazine writer is probably conventionally liberal unless and until proven otherwise. But who knows, perhaps she's a card carrying conservative. Like i have said, if just about everyone says you're a putz, chances are you're a putz. But.....this is politics, and it's not inconceivable to me that I'm simply accepting what everyone seems to be selling about Cruz, and maybe that's all coming from a concerted effort to portray him as an ass. Maybe in Washington DC people hate him. But maybe someone who actually knows him has a differing perspective.

or maybe not....

Yeah, hopefully his wife can publish an article to help us figure out the real Cruz here.

Don't care the about the political leanings of the author, what is written his hilariously bad. I'm just going by Cruz's public actions and statements.
Other than votes, and world peace, why does Barry go so hard for Muslims? PR wise. For instance, it's not a news story whenever he does his Christian religious stuff, or I don't see the news covering him grieving with the family of a fallen soldier at church, or whatever. Is this just media marketing because that shit obviously won't draw as many eyeballs, or does Ohama just make it a political priority to showcase his views on Islam?..again, just for world peace and all that politcal jazz.
Other than votes, and world peace, why does Barry go so hard for Muslims? PR wise. For instance, it's not a news story whenever he does his Christian religious stuff, or I don't see the news covering him grieving with the family of a fallen soldier at church, or whatever. Is this just media marketing because that shit obviously won't draw as many eyeballs, or does Ohama just make it a political priority to showcase his views on Islam?..again, just for world peace and all that politcal jazz.
Probably because he doesn't want to give Islamists anymore bulletin board material than they already have. You know, bulletin board material like quoting Bible verses before invading Muslim countries.

Regarding Cruz: He gives me the identical feeling that John Edwards did, just with more melodrama rather than sleaziness outright. Wouldn't trust either of them with a bank account, much less my vote.
Other than votes, and world peace, why does Barry go so hard for Muslims? PR wise. For instance, it's not a news story whenever he does his Christian religious stuff, or I don't see the news covering him grieving with the family of a fallen soldier at church, or whatever. Is this just media marketing because that shit obviously won't draw as many eyeballs, or does Ohama just make it a political priority to showcase his views on Islam?..again, just for world peace and all that politcal jazz.
You have to figure a lot of people would think one mosque visit in 8 years is going hard for muslims.
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You are just making things up to try, horribly, to make some point. If you want to discuss Bush's specific EOs post about them. But the fact you only pop in to regurgitate an msnbc talking point about EOs that is just false shows the last bold part is not true. The fact is he has used EOs on larger issues and into grayer areas than other presidents, and sadly set worse precedents of behavior.
The bigger issue is that he refuses to ever truly negotiate other than bullying from the pulpit to demonize the GOP and when they refuse to be intimidated he reverts to the pen. It is lazy and petulant. Say what you want about the many Bush mistakes but they all pretty much had significant Dem support.

If you want to compare EO's by two opposing POTUS you should use those that are significant to history.
BO - you use the gun control regulation.
W - you quoted protecting some fish.
The EO are listed in my post with links unlike any documentation you fail to do.
This isn't some crap MSNBC opinionated point, it's a point of our government eroding the rights of citizens by Presidential EO's to bypass Congress.
Are you are so blinded by your support for one party that the fish is more important than your civil liberties and government transparency?
Or perhaps you have a very skewed view and understanding of Islam?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the many are committing terrorist acts?
There are about 3 million Muslims in the US. How many have been responsible for terrorist acts?

I guess you fit the general stereotype that most people have about people from the state of Kentucky...poorly educated, obese, less than a full set of teeth, low on the socio-economic scale, inbred...

^ Would be the first one to call someone racist and shed tears but was super quick to pull this stereotype out and make it as anyone who criticizes Islam must be uneducated and obese.

You got any pictures of black guys committing crime in Chicago, St. Louis or Detroit saved?

You mention terrorist attacks and play the numbers. Why don't you bring up things like oh, I don't know rapes, female genital mutilation, honor killings, sexual slavery, executing gays, executing anyone who leaves the faith, oppression of women when it comes to not letting them drive, not giving any credence to them being raped, women considered less than a man, hijab, a tax on non Muslims in Muslim majority countries?

You Libs are so GD delusional when it comes to Muslims. You think it's just a coincidence that this stuff happens. It's like you purposely put your heads in the sand.

Something tells me you wouldn't like living in a Muslim majority country but you keep advocating them coming here. You know because it's going so well for Europe. I mean, Sweden loves their rape stats and Germany loves paying for all of their welfare and zero assimilation.

Muslims play like they're nice and being targeted in a place where they're outnumbered and ask for tolerance. Then when Muslims start to grow in numbers and eventually become a majority, there is no tolerance and you yuppies will look around and say "Gah. What happened?"

Willy knows this shit more than any of you, by the way.
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LEK there is plenty besides abortion to discuss as opposed to your unbaited facts>opinions schtick. Doesn't bother me but it leads to nonsense rhetorical pissing contest .

We have plenty to discuss and argue about currently that it isn't necessary to go that route, right now.

Jeb as VP? That is a good one. The Bush's and Clinton's should be done here forever.

Also, I honestly believe that other than Trump not one of these candidates would pair up with another to be a running mate.
You have to figure a lot of people would think one mosque visit (by Obama) in 8 years is going hard for muslims.

Maybe when he's visiting them he can ask them to stop killing innocent people.

I'll add to this:

Abortion at its root is simply murder. Calling it anything else is just an exercise in semantics.

So I guess you think Obama should put the same question to the doctors and nurses when he visits a hospital?
If you want to compare EO's by two opposing POTUS you should use those that are significant to history.
BO - you use the gun control regulation.
W - you quoted protecting some fish.
The EO are listed in my post with links unlike any documentation you fail to do.
This isn't some crap MSNBC opinionated point, it's a point of our government eroding the rights of citizens by Presidential EO's to bypass Congress.
Are you are so blinded by your support for one party that the fish is more important than your civil liberties and government transparency? I used those two examples, the contrast between them, to illustrate that quantity is irrelevant. Don't know why you are struggling so much with that or why those of the current potus are more conversation worthy than ones from 10+ years ago.
Here we go again.

Bernie Sanders' plan to pay for health care falls short by trillions, says one analysis

Then tonight:

Sanders was asked by an audience member if he was going to raise taxes on the middle-class. Sanders explained his comprehensive health care plan that would raise taxes by $500 but save $5,000 in healthcare costs. The audience member responded that he would be happy to pay more taxes if it would lower his health insurance premiums.
^ Would be the first one to call someone racist and shed tears but was super quick to pull this stereotype out and make it as anyone who criticizes Islam must be uneducated and obese.

You got any pictures of black guys committing crime in Chicago, St. Louis or Detroit saved?

You mention terrorist attacks and play the numbers. Why don't you bring up things like oh, I don't know rapes, female genital mutilation, honor killings, sexual slavery, executing gays, executing anyone who leaves the faith, oppression of women when it comes to not letting them drive, not giving any credence to them being raped, women consodered less than a man, hijab, a tax on non Muslims in Muslim majority countries?

You Libs are so GD delusional when it comes to Muslims. You think it's just a coincidence that this stuff happens. It's like you purposely put your heads in the sand.

Something tells me you wouldn't like living in a Muslim majority country but you keep advocating them coming here. You know because it's going so well for Europe. I mean, Sweden loves their rape stats and Germany loves paying for all of their welfare and zero assimilation.

Muslims play like they're nice and being targeted in a place where they're outnumbered and ask for tolerance. Then when Muslims start to grow in number and eventually become a majority, there is no tolerance and you yuppies will look around and say "Gah. What happened?"

Willy knows this shit more than any of you, by the way.

Why am I not surprised that my comments went over your head?

The POTUS was speaking to American Muslims in an American mosque. I've not heard or seen any reports of American Muslims doing genital mutilations, honor killings, sexual slavery, executing gays, executing those who leave the faith, etc... There happen to be several Muslim women who work in my office building and I'll be damned if they don't drive themselves to work every day.

Your comments expose the very thing about which the POTUS spoke. American Muslims are painted by the ignorant like yourself with the same brush as those who do the awful things you mention. BTW, you mention sexual slavery...are you contending that only Muslims are guilty of doing that cuz I'm pretty damn sure that there are thousands of good Christian girls who have been enslaved by gangs and cartels who I'm pretty sure aren't Muslim.

It is also rather ignorant to expect first generation immigrants to assimilate into their new cultures right away. Assimilation occurs over time. Why do you think we have so many cities with many different ethnic neighborhoods? Hmm? You think they called parts of San Francisco, Chicago, New York "Chinatown" because all the Germans, Irish and Italians lived there? As they say, birds of a feather, flock together. Over time some of the second generation will marry outside the group and adopt more of the new culture...the third generation will do more of the same. Most people take pride in the culture and look to hold on to parts of it. The first generation will hold on the tightest.

Again, we don't live in a Muslim majority country...not even close. So there is no reason to treat American Muslims as if they are responsible for what is happening elsewhere. Your inability to see the difference speaks to your head in the sand. I mean it's pretty damn certain that 99% of the Mexican, Central and South American drug cartels are Catholic. I'm surprised that your not telling us how all Catholics are drug dealers and murderers.
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So your saying Heisman's post has no merit only because Obama, today, was only speaking to American Muslims?

What about the thousands he wants to bring in?

Sure painting a generalization is bad, but in this case your painting only a "good" picture when in reality it isn't the case. That's the point your missing.

You take the good picture you think he is missing, and he takes the bad picture your intentionally not caring to realize is true.......and somewhere in the middle there we are!
Bwahahaha, phrasing!!

just can't help themselves when discussing these people to avoid all the piles of slime they leave.

Stained! Like Bill's semen that splattered Monica's dress! get it, Clinton staining Obama, ROFL!!
Or perhaps you have a very skewed view and understanding of Islam?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the many are committing terrorist acts?
There are about 3 million Muslims in the US. How many have been responsible for terrorist acts?

I guess you fit the general stereotype that most people have about people from the state of Kentucky...poorly educated, obese, less than a full set of teeth, low on the socio-economic scale, inbred...


This was a very interesting book, written from by a guy who knows about true Islam. His basic premise in the book, is that while most muslims are peaceful, it's only because they are nominal muslims, and do not take the authoritative writings (Quran, etc) as seriously as the radicals. I partially agree with the POTUS. I work with a non-radical muslim, very nice guy. The danger is, when do individual muslims become radicalized? How do you know, when they start taking the Quran very seriously? That is the warning from Yousef in this book.
Not a big fan of Cruz and his personality, but he previously compared one of the earlier Dem debates as a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. That comparison seemed spot on last night.

"I'm more progressive than you"

"No, I am'

"No, I AM'
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