How will they rule ??!

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I know a lot of you like to go on about which candidate scares you the most. This should scare you more than anything...Oil/natural gas billionaire preachers attempting to influence the outcome of elections. Hopefully if Cruz does get elected he will tell these dudes to piss off. That's going to be hard to do after they've donated millions to get him elected. We have to do away with Citizens United. This is ridiculous.
Jake Tapper ‏@jaketapper 9m9 minutes ago
surprising from Iowa Dem vote: Among women under age 30: Sanders 84%, Clinton 14% Women age 30-44: Sanders 53%, Clinton 42%


Pretty alarming. I just dont see how the Bush donors dont pull out after this. That family must have even more leverage than most of us can imagine; and I can imagine quite a bit.

I know a lot of you like to go on about which candidate scares you the most. This should scare you more than anything...Oil/natural gas billionaire preachers attempting to influence the outcome of elections. Hopefully if Cruz does get elected he will tell these dudes to piss off. That's going to be hard to do after they've donated millions to get him elected. We have to do away with Citizens United. This is ridiculous.

Lack of real campaign finance reform is the biggest threat to our nation. I truly believe that. Our politicians are bought and sold. Thats one reason I wont be too upset if Trump of Bernie wins. I really think theyd do whatever theyre going to do, without owing big donors.

Pretty alarming. I just dont see how the Bush donors dont pull out after this. That family must have even more leverage than most of us can imagine; and I can imagine quite a bit.

Lack of real campaign finance reform is the biggest threat to our nation. I truly believe that. Our politicians are bought and sold. Thats one reason I wont be too upset if Trump of Bernie wins. I really think theyd do whatever theyre going to do, without owing big donors.
There has to be an abortion joke in there somewhere.
I think the Jeb camp actually thinks they can pull this out in a brokered convention, they just have to hang in there.
Always love LEK's arguments on here.

LEK: Everyone reads Atlas Shrugged in high school
Someone else: No they don't
LEK: Atlas Shrugged is a 9th grade reading level, you are all stupid
Someone else: What does reading level have to do with when people actually read the book? Obama's SOTUs are on like a 5th grade reading level, does that make everyone listening a fifth grader?
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Hitler was a Christian and quoted the bible
Someone else: Well I'm glad real Christians ended his shit
LEK: You're stupid I'm a Christian
Someone else: What does that have to do with people stopping Hitler
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Man made global warming is going to kill us all you are all apes the science is settled consensus
Someone else: You realize that's a list of organizations that have never even studied global warming
LEK: ape ape ape ape
Someone else: What does that have to do with that list providing absolutely no support to your position
LEK: You are all stupid and I declare myself winner of argument
It was the smart move. He still has to get elected as senator again so he should focus on that.

It's hard enough for Rand to truly get traction as president, but when TV folks see you as a deterrent to all the main cast they get ratings on then your toast.

I think he might be better off in the senate anyway.
Cruz would get the vote of the Religious Right but could he get support from the Moderates in his own Party or be able to get some Democrats to cross over in the General Election?
Always love LEK's arguments on here.

LEK: Everyone reads Atlas Shrugged in high school
Someone else: No they don't
LEK: Atlas Shrugged is a 9th grade reading level, you are all stupid
Someone else: What does reading level have to do with when people actually read the book? Obama's SOTUs are on like a 5th grade reading level, does that make everyone listening a fifth grader?
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Hitler was a Christian and quoted the bible
Someone else: Well I'm glad real Christians ended his shit
LEK: You're stupid I'm a Christian
Someone else: What does that have to do with people stopping Hitler
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Man made global warming is going to kill us all you are all apes the science is settled consensus
Someone else: You realize that's a list of organizations that have never even studied global warming
LEK: ape ape ape ape
Someone else: What does that have to do with that list providing absolutely no support to your position
LEK: You are all stupid and I declare myself winner of argument
Point 1: Scholastic, who decides reading levels, states its 9th grade. Sorry you are uneducated and dont know that. Facts>Opinions

Point 2: That argument was based on reductio ad absurdum, which was showing his comparison was faulty. Sorry you dont get logic. Logic>Opinions

Point 3: Dont get stared on climate change. Sorry you think science is corrupt. Science and Facts > Opinions

So, thanks for stopping by Bill, with your opinions. As an educated person, I will stick to facts, logic, and science. You can stick with your uneducated opinions.

Btw, facts win arguments. So when I use facts, and you dont, I win. Pretty simple really. Its how it works in the real world.

Perhaps you should go back to lurking again, you seem a little slow. Shame.
For any GOP candidate to win the White House, they must FIRST motivate the GOP base to come out and vote (unlike Romney). Because the GOP probably has an electoral map problem, there also needs to be some crossover, IMO.

I'm not sure Cruz could pull that off. However, this year, the Dems choices are so bad, it's possible.

I think Rubio can pull it off, but the tea party has already started attacking him over immigration, so maybe not.....
Definition of narcissus
a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection and is then turned into the narcissus flower
Always love LEK's arguments on here.

LEK: Everyone reads Atlas Shrugged in high school
Someone else: No they don't
LEK: Atlas Shrugged is a 9th grade reading level, you are all stupid
Someone else: What does reading level have to do with when people actually read the book? Obama's SOTUs are on like a 5th grade reading level, does that make everyone listening a fifth grader?
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Hitler was a Christian and quoted the bible
Someone else: Well I'm glad real Christians ended his shit
LEK: You're stupid I'm a Christian
Someone else: What does that have to do with people stopping Hitler
LEK: You all are stupid and I declare myself winner of argument

LEK: Man made global warming is going to kill us all you are all apes the science is settled consensus
Someone else: You realize that's a list of organizations that have never even studied global warming
LEK: ape ape ape ape
Someone else: What does that have to do with that list providing absolutely no support to your position
LEK: You are all stupid and I declare myself winner of argument
Never argue with stupid people. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Some people don't even need bait, just a hook in plain sight looks like food to them. Terrible.

This is a political thread, take your sword measuring contest elsewhere please.

At least talk politics!
Jeb is living proof of how poisonous politics is. At some point he was a pretty decent person I bet, but the desperation to be POTUS (and failing) has led him to run a trash campaign.
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Exactly and he can't figure how Trump is beating him. It's almost comical really.
So, I personally find Cruz irritating in his delivery and just a little creepy, and as I've said, I think he has no chance in a general. And after waffling a while on the "is he or is he not", I eventually came down on the side of, yeah, he must be a horse's ass, because literally everyone says it. But I just read a piece from a journo in Texas that's known Cruz for several years, and she paints him in a not too bad way.

Good piece, worth a read:

The outline of sorts:
1) Ted Cruz is not a fire-breathing extremist.
2) Cruz is also not a wild-eyed maniac.
3) He has nerves of steel.
4) Cruz is smarter than us.
5) He may even be too smart for his own good.
6) Cruz is very serious about strategy.
7) Cruz is meticulous with his words.
8) Cruz is a mainstream conservative from the Texas Republican establishment.
9) Cruz is really into the Constitution.
10) Cruz is in it to win.
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Bush isnt hanging on to be Veep. Hell I don't think he ever wanted to run in the first place, this is happening because of all those around his father & brother who got wealthy & powerful by their respective turns in the WH. Kind of a sad situation really since it is going to end in such spectacular failure, to not 'live up' to the shadows of daddy & big brother.
Made up up my mind. I'm sticking with Gary Johnson. He's better than Clinton or Rubio by a wild mile and it ain't even close. Just a shame that there will be a lot of us that will vote for him but it won't be enough because of the large pool of moronic Americans who will vote Dem or Repub.

I will sit comfortably knowing I made the best decision and that other stupid people I have to live with in this country is the cause of our demise.

Just want to give a shout out to my fellow Americans for ruining this country by voting Clinton or Rubio.
I think the Jeb camp actually thinks they can pull this out in a brokered convention, they just have to hang in there.

Jeb is living proof of how poisonous politics is. At some point he was a pretty decent person I bet, but the desperation to be POTUS (and failing) has led him to run a trash campaign.

The only thing left for Jeb in this campaign is to exact as much revenge as possible.

Bush isnt hanging on to be Veep. Hell I don't think he ever wanted to run in the first place, this is happening because of all those around his father & brother who got wealthy & powerful by their respective turns in the WH. Kind of a sad situation really since it is going to end in such spectacular failure, to not 'live up' to the shadows of daddy & big brother.

Rarely does this forum let me down so much. It's Jeb! or GTFO.