How will they rule ??!

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This was a very interesting book, written from by a guy who knows about true Islam. His basic premise in the book, is that while most muslims are peaceful, it's only because they are nominal muslims, and do not take the authoritative writings (Quran, etc) as seriously as the radicals. I partially agree with the POTUS. I work with a non-radical muslim, very nice guy. The danger is, when do individual muslims become radicalized? How do you know, when they start taking the Quran very seriously? That is the warning from Yousef in this book.

Kind of like how the Westboro Baptist take the Bible literally where as "normal" Christians don't take it as seriously. We can all find justifications for about anything in any Holy book.
Is fuzz going for the 24 hour internet strawman record?

This is where one could post poll and after poll of views on Sharia Law, ISIS support, etc and do the math but nah....Westboro = ISIS, Repugs are the American Taliban, etc.

I will comment on the assimilation supposition. Why isn't it happening in Europe? We are seeing 2nd generation terrorists there and very little integration.
I've not heard or seen any reports of American Muslims doing genital mutilations, honor killings, sexual slavery, executing gays, executing those who leave the faith, etc...

You seriously haven't? Are you kidding?

Per the DOJ, there are something like 24-27 that happen in the US every year (that we know of, more that we don't)

I first became aware of this despicable behavior in the US when it happened less than a mile from a house I owned in Jonesboro, Ga.
Donald Trump you lost Iowa, get over it and quit acting like a spoiled little child throwing a temper tantrum.
Yeah, not sure what he trying to accomplish continuing to whine about it. If this is a strategy, not sure I get it.
Trump is being Trump, this is the guy who is continuing an ongoing 'feud' with Megan Kelly for like 2 months now. Think he is gonna sit back and take Cruz stealing his Iowa win without burning down the house?
Trump hates to lose under any circumstances. It's politics Donald. Go to New Hampshire double down win there and move on to the next primary. He is the front runner, just needs to act like it. Hate to see what would happen if Putin made fun of his hair.:)
so Jeb! and the Jersey Fat Man are forming a heel tag team to take out the new rising babyface Rubio with devastating doubleteaming maneuvers

what could go wrong?
<====== Huge Martin Shkreli fan (aside from the alleged securities fraud)

Loved the no tie, unshaven look to show up and mock Congress.
I chuckled at the fact that Trey Gowdy started trolling Shkreli to the point that Shkreli's attorney jumped up and demanded the questioning cease [laughing]
You seriously haven't? Are you kidding?

Per the DOJ, there are something like 24-27 that happen in the US every year (that we know of, more that we don't)

I first became aware of this despicable behavior in the US when it happened less than a mile from a house I owned in Jonesboro, Ga.
And how many "Christians" murder, abuse and do other horrible things to people in the US?
How many of those honor killings are perpetrated by Hindus? (Worked with a guy about 20 years ago who was taken out of the office in handcuffs and faced murder charges because it was alleged that he and his brother had killed his sister for refusing an arranged marriage. He was Hindu, not Muslim) Are we now going to label all Indians in the same light because a tiny percentage of the whole are locked in the 16th century?

There are rotten people in the world. Rotten Christians, rotten Muslims, rotten Hindus, rotten Buddhist, rotten atheist....rotten blacks, rotten whites, rotten Latinos and rotten Asians. I prefer to take the stance that people in general are not rotten until proven otherwise.

Probably the best thing for the world as a whole is for these ancient cultures to be exposed to the liberalization of the world. One of the catalyst of the 50s-60s Civil Rights movement were the Negro US soldiers being exposed to Europeans and European culture that didn't discriminate against them the way they were discriminated against in the US. There are women in the Muslim world who are standing up for their rights, for equality. How long did it take for women to gain their rights in our culture??? Did it happen over night? Just a few years?? No, it takes generations to change. Some people still think that there are glass ceilings for women in our culture.

The world has never gone backwards once liberalization takes hold. Many of you fight that notion all the time. You're in the same crowd that opposed women being able to own property and vote. Opposed integrated schools, opposed inter-racial now oppose allowing two people of the same sex to marry...what will be the next great conservative rallying call?

Conservatives are always against the next change...always claiming that we're going to hell in an hand basket. If that is the case, then if you could turn back the hands of time to some point in the past at which there would cease to be any future social change...when would that be? What year?
Problem is, even native peoples, from the beginning of time, understand there has to be a God up there, despite the actions of humanity. It's the 'intellectuals' who seem to deny it. So to wish religions, and hence a set of moral values, shouldn't exist is a pipe dream.
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5 paragraphs and (at least) 9 rathole questions. Ignore numbers, he has a guy in his office that disproves everything.
Problem is, even native peoples, from the beginning of time, understand there has to be a God up there, despite the actions of humanity. It's the 'intellectuals' who seem to deny it. So to wish religions, and hence a set of moral values, shouldn't exist is a pipe dream.

Native peoples, from the beginning of time, also considered slavery legit, mostly sanctioned by their dogmatic theology, so.......
Problem is, even native peoples, from the beginning of time, understand there has to be a God up there, despite the actions of humanity. It's the 'intellectuals' who seem to deny it. So to wish religions, and hence a set of moral values, shouldn't exist is a pipe dream.
There has to be a god up there? There potentially might be some sort of creator. There might not. We don't know. Organized religion is just meta narrative created to make sense of everything. It gives people a beginning, middle, and end. People like narratives. They create them in their minds every single day. Is it a pipe dream to wish religions didn't exist? Sure, but no more than wishing for a mansion in the sky and streets paved with gold.
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There has to be a god up there? There potentially might be some sort of creator. There might not. We don't know. Organized religion is just meta narrative created to make sense of everything. It gives people a beginning, middle, and end. People like narratives. They create them in their minds every single day. Is it a pipe dream to wish religions didn't exist? Sure, but no more than wishing for a mansion in the sky and streets paved with gold.
I wish there was some sort of historical proof that biblical stories are true. I don't want to believe that when you die everything goes black forever - like you never existed. But even the story of Christ is told by unknown writers a hundred years or so after his life was said to happen. Was it true, or just folklore that caught on in a huge way?
I wish there was some sort of historical proof that biblical stories are true. I don't want to believe that when you die everything goes black forever - like you never existed. But even the story of Christ is told by unknown writers a hundred years or so after his life was said to happen. Was it true, or just folklore that caught on in a huge way?
No one wants to believe that it's over and there's nothing else. And who knows what happens. Billions of years passed before I was even a thought. Just live for today instead of a future you don't even know exists. My opinion is that it's mostly folklore. It caught on just like every other religion caught on; people will believe anything if they want to believe it.