How will they rule ??!

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President Trump should not go talk to these 4-5 anointed kids by the media. Under normal circumstances yes but this would be an ambush. Meet with others and faculty, he has already went to the hospital to see the hurt, but meeting this kid and the few others the media is praising would be a set up. Lot of anti trump hate by this group even before the shooting, meeting them would only be an occasion for the kids and the media to embarrass trump. They retweet MSNBC, Ted Lieu, Sanders, Obama...even before the shooting. Literally the media found the 4 farthest left students at the school and are determined to make them stars. Interesting they didn’t tweet hardly at all about the injured or dead, just their movement.

This kid does a couple interviews and labels himself a leader:

Dude, this is all perfectly normal behavior.

Run-of-the-mill, organic, grass-roots efforts from 16-y/o's that have all been wildly accepted, pushed and accepted in record time. Just coincidences.
The MSM has went nuts, WK. Beyond nuts. And these people say Trump is insane.

They know most kids/young adults don’t know or don’t really care about history. Hell a lot of them can’t name one axis power. What the media is banking on here is that they’ll tell you how bad these other leaders were (according to them) and then tell you why Trump is worse... and hopefully they’ll just buy it and spread it.
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If that were the case, the writer(s) of this piece would be rounded up and put to death. The fact that they feel safe and comfortable enough to write such an article proves the entire narrative wrong.

Shhhh... Trump might cut more of their taxes. Make them even more dead.
CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

A check of their November 12 coverage showed both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian-organized anti-Trump rally that day, with live reports every hour. Correspondents celebrated the idea that it was “a love rally,” and repeated the marchers’ anti-Trump mantras, such as: “We reject the President-elect.”

Of course, none of the networks were aware of who was allegedly behind the march, but CNN and MSNBC reveled in the inflammatory messages of the march. At one point, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt credulously responded to the ridiculously alarmist rhetoric: “That woman, when she’s saying she’s concerned that black people will be shot in the street....Is that a legitimate concern for her? Because, that’s scary.”

Correspondent Morgan Radford cheerfully played along: “Alex, it’s not only a legitimate concern for her, it’s a legitimate concern for a lot of people I’ve spoken to....They’re wondering if this [Trump’s election] is almost a license to carry in terms of hate.”

If the goal of the secret Russian organizers was to inject nonsense like that into the American political dialogue, then their unwitting helpers on CNN and MSNBC certainly gave them plenty of assistance that day.

Both CNN and MSNBC talked about who they thought was organizing the rally. An hour later on CNN, correspondent Brynn Gingras said the rally had been organized by “a 20-year-old student from St. John’s University here in New York....We’ve seen him several times shaking hands with police officers....It is the most organized protest that I’ve seen here in New York City.”

A little after 3:00 p.m. Eastern, Gingras marveled at the crowd size, saying she had been “texting with the person, a 20-year-old college student here in New York City who organized this protest. I’ve been texting with him, and I asked, ‘Are you impressed with the size,’ and he says ‘It’s amazing what the collective voices can spread.’”
So more people owned more guns back then, stored them out in the open in pick up trucks, yet there was less gun violence. What changed? It damn sure wasn't the creation of the AR-15. Again, guns aren't the problem, people are.
More owned guns? The chart below would like to say Hello.

Man that’s crazy. I bet they were just talking about their grandkids though.
Man, we all just need to be thankful for being so lucky that these 5, uber-motivated, mature beyond years, focused and dedicated social justice warriors all just so happened to attend school and associate where an event like this could be utilized to showcase their value to the world. And to be so lucky as to have a member with TV interview experience? #blessed

Talk about 1 in a million...
That’s pathetic. I bet if Allah was someone who impacted their life there wouldn’t be an issue. Or Buddah.

You ask that question and that’s the kid’s answer (whether it be Jesus, Buddah, Allah, his parents, a dog, etc) you just put a check by it and move on. What a shmuck.
You're a real sucker for fake news.
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Just had a thought for a minute how goddam bad it would be if that evil shrill diseased whore was our POTUS and we had to hear her squawking about banning guns in between coughing spells and seizures.

I'm not a religious person, but her screwing up the election that was being handed to her on a silver platter by the DNC and corrupt Obama administration really makes me think their may be someone upstairs looking out.
1a ) I don’t trust James Woods as far as I can throw him. He stole Peter Griffin’s wallet and stole his identity.

1b) If by some chance that paper is real and not doctored, that teacher should be fired. Let the kid be honest about who has influenced his life. What if he had said Santa or Superman or Ron Burgundy? Who cares.
sigh no guns for taxpayers but illegals can do whatevs then when u put them in prison itll be blacks and mexicans and thats institutional racism .
1a ) I don’t trust James Woods as far as I can throw him. He stole Peter Griffin’s wallet and stole his identity.

1b) If by some chance that paper is real and not doctored, that teacher should be fired. Let the kid be honest about who has influenced his life. What if he had said Santa or Superman or Ron Burgundy? Who cares.
Woods isn't normally one to spread fake news, so I posted it without checking. After fuzz's comment I decided to look it up. It's both fake and true. The story is true, the paper with an F is fake. The teacher didn't give the student an F, she just refused to grade the student's paper and asked her to redo it.
Woods isn't normally one to spread fake news, so I posted it without checking. After fuzz's comment I decided to look it up. It's both fake and true. The story in true, the paper with an F is fake. The teacher didn't give the student an F, she just outright refused to grade the student's paper.

Looks like we were both wrong Fuzz.

However, my OP about it stands.
1a ) I don’t trust James Woods as far as I can throw him. He stole Peter Griffin’s wallet and stole his identity.

1b) If by some chance that paper is real and not doctored, that teacher should be fired. Let the kid be honest about who has influenced his life. What if he had said Santa or Superman or Ron Burgundy? Who cares.

Exactly. You gave an assignment with that question... short of them naming a serial killer or just something disturbing... who cares? They did the work, just grade it and shut up.

EDIT: Also Peter kind of left James Woods hanging. James took it too far, sure, but let’s not pretend Peter didn’t play a role in all of this.
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Just had a thought for a minute how goddam bad it would be if that evil shrill diseased whore was our POTUS and we had to hear her squawking about banning guns in between coughing spells and seizures.

I'm not a religious person, but her screwing up the election that was being handed to her on a silver platter by the DNC and corrupt Obama administration really makes me think their may be someone upstairs looking out.

Same here. The lib-dum machine gave HEllery a 99 yard head start in a 100 yard dash race... and Trump still beat her. Thank God!
Exactly. You gave an assignment with that question... short of them naming a serial killer or just something disturbing... who cares? They did the work, just grade it and shut up.

EDIT: Also Peter kind of left James Woods hanging. James took it too far, sure, but let’s not pretend Peter didn’t play a role in all of this.

No doubt Peter had some of it coming. Thank goodness James is so susceptible to candy.