How will they rule ??!

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Oh, look, guys. It's our overly-concerned-about-gun-rights friend... the HS student from Broward Co. whose daddy works for the FBI... except this time, he's in Redondo Beach, California. And look, he's on TV again.

Damn all the coincidences. It's just uncanny.
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Oh, look, guys. It's our overly-concerned-about-gun-rights friend... the HS student from Broward Co. whose daddy works for the FBI... except this time, he's in Redondo Beach, California. And look, he's on TV again.

Damn all the coincidences. It's just uncanny.

Do cops normally shoot blanks during a drill to scare kids? WTH was that about


Somethings not right, if that’s true. They don’t do that. And doesn’t this make multiple times that a shooter has attacked on the day a supposed drill was going to take place?
Somethings not right, if that’s true. They don’t do that. And doesn’t this make multiple times that a shooter has attacked on the day a supposed drill was going to take place?

I don’t think there is some grand conspiracy but I do think instead of getting the pulse of most of the students or respectfully giving these kids time and space after a traumatic event before asking questions...the media found a small group of 5-6 far left, politically minded students at the school who obviously want to be in front of the camera and the media is using them to push said media’s preferred narrative.

Before this event happened those few students had social media accounts blasting white supremacy, advocating the black lives matter movement, very anti-trump messages...not a coincidence those are the students the media is shining the most light on
In high school, in a more simpler time, if a select group of kids was taking advantage of the deaths of other students, they probably would have gotten the everloving dog shit beat out of them.

At least those kids are too young to know better. The adults who are taking advantage of them belong in the hottest level of hell.
I don’t think there is some grand conspiracy but I do think instead of getting the pulse of most of the students or respectfully giving these kids time and space after a traumatic event before asking questions...the media found a small group of 5-6 far left, politically minded students at the school who obviously want to be in front of the camera and the media is using them to push said media’s preferred narrative.

Before this event happened those few students had social media accounts blasting white supremacy, advocating the black lives matter movement, very anti-trump messages...not a coincidence those are the students the media is shining the most light on

I agree with you 100%

But I still find some things very odd. I read that the police made students hand in their phones after the Oregon shooting. Then firing blanks? No one does that. It’s a bit much if you ask me.
Jim Carrey is one of the more blatant sociopaths in Hollywood. Just look at of his recent interviews where he playacts as some "out there" deep thinking platitude spewing faux-yogi.

He just gives off the vibe of one of those creeps who manipulates young women by talking all that BS. Wouldn't be surprised at all if he has some kind of R Kelly like compound
So if I had my gun locked up in a safe in my house and someone breaks in when I'm gone and steals the safe, eventually opens it and commits a crime with said gun, I'm still responsible? Or if I'm legally carrying and someone attacks me from behind, takes my gun, and then commits a crime with it, I'm once again responsible?

You seem to be pushing for nothing short of a gun ban. It won't work. Criminals won't willingly give away their guns nor will they stop committing crimes.

And what happened last week was horrible, but that kid had obvious mental problems that weren't properly addressed. Inability to treat cases like this and the erosion of societal norms and morals have just as much to do with this as access to a gun.
You realize that Socrates lamented about " the erosion of societal norms and morals"?
Every generation thinks that the next one is worse and is going to hell in a hand basket.

Socrates (469-399 B.C.). Respectfully Quoted: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

Few of these shootings have been perpetrated by people who would be labeled "criminals" before their crimes. Add the fact that most "criminals" get their weapons by stealing them from legal gun owners. Ever had you home robbed? Our home was robbed when I was in high school. The only things stolen were the firearms in the house. They didn't even take my mother's jewelry which was valued at $25-$30K. They didn't even take the 5 - $100 bills that were sitting under the 1911 Colt .45 auto that they took.

Again, I'm certainly not calling for weapons ban but I am calling for a ban on the sale and possession of what we can called "Military weapons" and high capacity magazines. There is no legitimate civilian need for a clip holding more than 5 rounds in a rifle. Hunting regulations limit shotguns to 3 rounds.
Not exactly but the never let a good crisis go to waste crowd have activists waiting to be mobilized. Billions of Soros money will have you a movement ready in minutes.
Kind of like Trump and the right when a Muslim or Mexican kills someone... the two extremes are two sides of the same coin.
Jim Carrey is one of the more blatant sociopaths in Hollywood. Just look at of his recent interviews where he playacts as some "out there" deep thinking platitude spewing faux-yogi.

He just gives off the vibe of one of those creeps who manipulates young women by talking all that BS. Wouldn't be surprised at all if he has some kind of R Kelly like compound

Well, he gave a girlfriend VD and she ended up killing herself.
A few things I’d like to know...

1.) Who is calling on behalf of these students to get this out there? How did lib media just “find” them. They just so happen to find these far left kids or who set this same cast up?

2.) They create a website and march just three days after this? Create a funding page that’s promoted by William LeGate? That’s pretty effed.
Our home was robbed when I was in high school. The only things stolen were the firearms in the house. They didn't even take my mother's jewelry which was valued at $25-$30K. They didn't even take the 5 - $100 bills that were sitting under the 1911 Colt .45 auto that they took.


You are either the most naive moron in the world, or completely and totally full of shit.
My family house was robbed when I was in college - they took any cash they could find, any meds, flat screens, laptops, locked the dogs in a room and left the old antique gun alone.

^True story, unlike others posted.
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Kind of like Trump and the right when a Muslim or Mexican kills someone... the two extremes are two sides of the same coin.
Trump coached and trotted teenagers out on TV, moments after a tragedy, for days, to be their mouthpiece and push their false narrative? Mind linking that video for me?
You realize that Socrates lamented about " the erosion of societal norms and morals"?
Every generation thinks that the next one is worse and is going to hell in a hand basket.

Socrates (469-399 B.C.). Respectfully Quoted: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

Few of these shootings have been perpetrated by people who would be labeled "criminals" before their crimes. Add the fact that most "criminals" get their weapons by stealing them from legal gun owners. Ever had you home robbed? Our home was robbed when I was in high school. The only things stolen were the firearms in the house. They didn't even take my mother's jewelry which was valued at $25-$30K. They didn't even take the 5 - $100 bills that were sitting under the 1911 Colt .45 auto that they took.

Again, I'm certainly not calling for weapons ban but I am calling for a ban on the sale and possession of what we can called "Military weapons" and high capacity magazines. There is no legitimate civilian need for a clip holding more than 5 rounds in a rifle. Hunting regulations limit shotguns to 3 rounds.

Fully aware of Socrates (took my fair share of philosophy classes in undergrad) but it's hard to look at our society and not see that morality and decency is going downhill. There are multiple reasons for that, but it's hard to deny.

And I don't agree with the magazine size argument. If someone wants to cause damage, they will, weapon type be damned. And if a few people break into my house, I want as many bullets as it takes to neutralize any threat to my wife/animals/me, whether that be 2 or 22.
So fuzz, noted liar and alternate account of rqarnold who, himself, might be a troll, expects us to believe his house was robbed solely for guns? A house that, according to him, held tens of thousands of dollars worth of some of the most easily stolen and fenced items in the world. A house that for some reason kept hundreds of dollars of cash (THE easiest thing in the world to steal and get away with) directly under these guns.

For fuzz's story to be true we have to believe that robbers found that stealing a couple of guns to use in crimes later was a better proposition than stealing tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry (then simply buying guns on the black market and keeping the excess) OR these guns were so valuable or there were so many that the robbers decided trying to hide and sell upwards of a dozen firearms or a few very rare and noticeable ones was an easier pay day than stealing cash and jewelry that could be hidden in a sock.
Lol, that 2000 lie thing is about the dumbest crap I've ever seen

Some of the so called "lies" are completely ridiculous. Figures rqarnold would be touting it.
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Lock all of the fuzz family up

No no, not because they got weapons stolen and under the fuzz plan if you get weapons stolen you get put it jail

But because they're obviously all mental headcases to have allowed a double persona to last this long. Making up false story after false story. I wonder if this fake made up heist was where fuzz got the idea to defraud an insurance company for a 10000 dollar bike.
I honestly do think fuzz really is just dumb. The way he reads shit on the internet and parrots it here without thinking, it wouldn't surprise me at all if his parents gave him that story to cover for their insurance fraud and he still believes it to this day, having never exercised one ounce of critical thought in his life.
Lol, that 2000 lie thing is about the dumbest crap I've ever seen

Some of the so called "lies" are completely ridiculous. Figures rqarnold would be touting it.

Yep. I haven't read it, but saw mentioned that every time Trump has called the media fake news they counted it as lie.

That same article said Obama only told something like 18 lies, which is, ironically, a lie. Easily, he said "Keep your doctor, keep your plan." more than 18 times.
One time my house was robbed. They only took Captain Crunch cereal thankfully. When the police arrived they blamed me for not securing my house enough. I was responsible for being irresponsible.

Well... I didn’t want to be irresponsible so I armed munch house with a security system, locked all the doors and windows and bought a German Shepard and put him in the back yard.

Then some woman called a racist, saying securing my home implies I think someone that happens to be black is going to break in. I don’t think this... but I don’t want ANYONE breaking into my home.

On one hand I’m irresponsible and the other I’m racist. I don’t want to be either... please help :(
I honestly do think fuzz really is just dumb. The way he reads shit on the internet and parrots it here without thinking, it wouldn't surprise me at all if his parents gave him that story to cover for their insurance fraud and he still believes it to this day, having never exercised one ounce of critical thought in his life.
Funny, I think most of you are exactly the same...dumb.
I welcome any legitimate discussion on the issues whenever there is a realization that a) no perfect solutions exist, and b) the world isn't defined by a binary political spectrum.