How will they rule ??!

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“Extremists?” STFU, Joe. These idiots always have a label for anyone who disagrees with them.

You’re not “pro Constitution.” No, you’re an “extremist.”

You’re not “Pro Life” or “anti-murder.” No, you’re “anti choice.”

You’re not pro freedom of religion. No, you’re “anti-LGBT.”

You’re not pro law and order and pro America. No, you’re a “Xenophobe.”

You’re not a conservative. You’re either “Alt right” “far right” or a “Nazi.”

You mean pro freedom of Christianity, right?
I don't know shit about guns. That's why I don't own one. I don't have the knowledge, information or education to properly handle a gun and I know that. I've shot a gun less than 10 times in my life and they were all supervised under the watch of a licensed professional. The far left seems to think that guns can sprout arms and legs and literally kill people on their own. While the far right thinks they need to pack a grenade launcher in their home in the event that a house burglar comes calling one night. I don't ever think we'll reach the point where all firearms are removed from the general public. A base percentage of our culture is far too passionate about guns to allow that to happen. I have friends with CCLs. I hang out with people who have an entire safe full of hunting rifles and handguns. However I don't know anyone (at least I don't think I do) who owns an automatic, semi-automatic, AR-15 or any sort of assault rifle. At least no one I know who wasn't in the military and trained with one as part of their daily function.

My question to those of you who are knowledgeable about guns and firearms is why would anyone need such a powerful assault rifle? For a licensed gun owner, aside from general appeal to collect such heavy duty weapons, what is the basic need to have an automatic assault rifle available to the general public?

This is not a trolling post, I am genuinely interested to get feedback from people who are more informed than me regarding firearms and why there is a need to have weapons like the AR-15 available to anyone who (ideally) follows the proper steps to obtain one.
An AR 15 isn’t a very powerful rifle, it’s round is a .223, which to put in perspective is the smallest legal size round to deer hunt with in KY.
It’s detriment is that it looks like a military style rifle. In a nutshell that’s why it’s a popular rifle.
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Best position I've ever seen USSCJ RGB ever take:

"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg thinks colleges and universities are violating the due process rights of students facing sexual misconduct charges."

"Ginsburg: Well, that must not be ignored and it goes beyond sexual harassment. The person who is accused has a right to defend herself or himself, and we certainly should not lose sight of that. Recognizing that these are complaints that should be heard. There's been criticism of some college codes of conduct for not giving the accused person a fair opportunity to be heard, and that's one of the basic tenets of our system, as you know, everyone deserves a fair hearing.

Rosen: Are some of those criticisms of the college codes valid?

Ginsburg: Do I think they are? Yes."

She's finally woke even though she's nearly dead.
I think that's an unnecessary question.

Why do you feel the need to ask it?

Could be any number of reasons you feel that "need".

Bottom line is it has nothing to do with need, and everything to do with your right to ask that question being protected by our Constitution,.

Feel the need to ask it? It seems pretty relevant to a discussion/debate that only becomes more and more divisive after every incident involving the type of weapon, no? I was looking for an answer with more substance than "because it's our Constitutional right" but perhaps I'm asking in the wrong place. I felt the need to ask it because like I said, I really don't know much about guns. There is a reason to own a Honda Pilot over a Honda Civic if you have a larger family. Just like there is a benefit to owning a Ford Focus over a Ford Explorer if your job requires you to be on the road all day and you need better gas mileage. So when it comes to firearms I just assume that there is a benefit in buying a more powerful weapon because it serves a purpose and a function for someone who uses guns as part of their lifestyle.
I don't know shit about guns. That's why I don't own one. I don't have the knowledge, information or education to properly handle a gun and I know that. I've shot a gun less than 10 times in my life and they were all supervised under the watch of a licensed professional. The far left seems to think that guns can sprout arms and legs and literally kill people on their own. While the far right thinks they need to pack a grenade launcher in their home in the event that a house burglar comes calling one night. I don't ever think we'll reach the point where all firearms are removed from the general public. A base percentage of our culture is far too passionate about guns to allow that to happen. I have friends with CCLs. I hang out with people who have an entire safe full of hunting rifles and handguns. However I don't know anyone (at least I don't think I do) who owns an automatic, semi-automatic, AR-15 or any sort of assault rifle. At least no one I know who wasn't in the military and trained with one as part of their daily function.

My question to those of you who are knowledgeable about guns and firearms is why would anyone need such a powerful assault rifle? For a licensed gun owner, aside from general appeal to collect such heavy duty weapons, what is the basic need to have an automatic assault rifle available to the general public?

This is not a trolling post, I am genuinely interested to get feedback from people who are more informed than me regarding firearms and why there is a need to have weapons like the AR-15 available to anyone who (ideally) follows the proper steps to obtain one.

Basically, you can get an easy to use, quality AR that holds 30 rds and costs less than a glock pistol.

And believe it or not, this may sound crazy, but people buy guns to protect their family and property. Most people don't leave the house with their weapons. They are there just in case. Youtube people defending their homes from bad guys. Happens almost every damn day.
I was looking for an answer with more substance than "because it's our Constitutional right"

Then yes, you probably are in the wrong place. That is the only necessary answer.

I don't have to justify to you why I need to say the things that are protected under the Constitution. I don't have to justify to you why I need to exercise my right to vote a certain way under the Constitution. I don't have to justify why I need to be free from illegal searches and seizures as protected under the Constitution.

I don't have to justify to you why I need to exercise my 2nd Amendment right any way I see fit.

It has absolutely nothing to do with need. It's a natural right you're born with and you're free to exercise as you so choose.
Feel the need to ask it? It seems pretty relevant to a discussion/debate that only becomes more and more divisive after every incident involving the type of weapon, no? I was looking for an answer with more substance than "because it's our Constitutional right" but perhaps I'm asking in the wrong place. I felt the need to ask it because like I said, I really don't know much about guns. There is a reason to own a Honda Pilot over a Honda Civic if you have a larger family. Just like there is a benefit to owning a Ford Focus over a Ford Explorer if your job requires you to be on the road all day and you need better gas mileage. So when it comes to firearms I just assume that there is a benefit in buying a more powerful weapon because it serves a purpose and a function for someone who uses guns as part of their lifestyle.

So then, you understand the benefit of having 30rds in a rifle opposed to 10? And a 5.56 is not anything as powerful as the hunting rifles your buddies use....which you somehow know nothing about even though you hang out with guys with safe fulls, and have been shooting 10 times. You're playing dumb on purpose, but anyway...

Often times, bad guys don't come alone. Let's say 3 guys are coming inside your home, you're calling the cops who will be there eventually, but in the meantime, what are you going to do?

that's a question for you: do have a self defense plan if someone comes for your shit?
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I know I've said it many times, but this is why I come off as so far to one extreme on here. This is where I vent about things I wouldn't talk about with people in a professional or social setting.

All those people who do march or hold signs at rallies and shit like that, I immediately write off as stupid people.
Only Marches I have been on start with "FORWARD!" But the only March I really like is "Madness!"
So then, you understand the benefit of having 30rds in a rifle opposed to 10? And a 5.56 is not anything as powerful as the hunting rifles your buddies use....which you somehow know nothing about even though you hang out with guys with safe fulls, and have been shooting 10 times. You're playing dumb on purpose, but anyway...

Often times, bad guys don't come alone. Let's say 3 guys are coming inside your home, you're calling the cops who will be there eventually, but in the meantime, what are you going to do?

that's a question for you: do have a self defense plan if someone comes for your shit?

I do - "here, take whatever you want. I've got insurance."

Can you explain how the above situation would play out?

You're sitting in the living room watching TV with the wife. The kids are in bed in 2 different rooms. Three guys storm into your house, heavily armed. What do you do? Run as fast as you can for your gun safe? Or have you got your AR sitting on the coffee table?
I REALLY have to understand my crowd before I ever talk politics. A lot of my closest friends and family are conservative with a few liberals mixed in, but we have limited discussions about it. Outside of that small circle I NEVER talk politics to anyone.
My circle of "friends" (the actual people I see outside of work) is diverse, 2 African Americans, 2 Mexican Americans, 1 Asian American, 1 Native American. Of all of these only 2 voted Trump. Me and the Asian American. However, we do on occasion discuss politics and really don't get heated in our discussions. All but 1 served with me in the military and it is because of that we respect each others opinions and understand where each is coming from.
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My circle of "friends" (the actual people I see outside of work) is diverse, 2 African Americans, 2 Mexican Americans, 1 Asian American, 1 Native American. Of all of these only 2 voted Trump. Me and the Asian American. However, we do on occasion discuss politics and really don't get heated in our discussions. All but 1 served with me in the military and it is because of that we respect each others opinions and understand where each is coming from.

I know Obama isn't the most popular guy in these parts, but he hit the nail on the head when he said try talking to someone in real life instead of arguing with someone on the internet. I'd guess that the vast majority of us on this board, if we were introduced in real life, would probably enjoy each other's company and spend most of our time talking about things far removed from politics - and if we did get into them, it would be much more civilized than what happens anonymously on a message board.

I'd even bring some killer bourbon to said gathering :)
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So how far outside of Chicago do you need to go to buy a gun?
The ban in Chicago is on the sale of firearms in the city. People still own them.

Forget that people shooting up schools and drug gangs battling among themselves aren't exactly the same groups of people and most of the ones the drug gangs are using are stolen so as long as irresponsible gun owners allow their guns to be stolen there will still be an issue. How about we include strict ownership liability? If someone commits a crime with your weapon regardless of how they got it, you are equally guilty of the crime. Think that would make law abiding citizens be more responsible with how they stored and protected their weapons?
This is just stupid.
As a Canadian I find it comical that a lot of Americans think single payer healthcare = full blown socialism.
Well, a place where the leader thinks makind is sexist & feels free to correct a citizen for using the term is pretty socialist imo.
You honestly cannot ask a question on here without being accused of having some sort of ulterior motive. For the parts of the replies that were not sarcastic or agitated, much appreciated.
One side wants to talk about a tool that can be used to kill people. That’s fine. But we damn sure better be talking about the unstable people that seem to keep getting a pass in these conversations.
That's a lib thing too. They were largely behind the idea/movement that just because you're unstable that you don't need to be locked up because you have rights too. Net, far fewer in mental institutions today than 30-50 years ago.
Well, a place where the leader thinks makind is sexist & feels free to correct a citizen for using the term is pretty socialist imo.

So you think socialism means how a country's leadership feels about male/female verbiage?

The internet has lots of great info and lots of not so great info. You might want to spend some time researching the former.
I do - "here, take whatever you want. I've got insurance."

Can you explain how the above situation would play out?

You're sitting in the living room watching TV with the wife. The kids are in bed in 2 different rooms. Three guys storm into your house, heavily armed. What do you do? Run as fast as you can for your gun safe? Or have you got your AR sitting on the coffee table?

There's no telling. They might want your wife since you're so accommodating. You have no clue.

At the very least, since you will have advanced warning before they make it inside your house, you would tell your kids and wife to go to a bedroom and lock the door, call 911, etc. Then, you have no control. Good luck.

In my case, I would run to my room and I'm not leaving that room. They're not coming down the hall. I have control of that.
I do - "here, take whatever you want. I've got insurance."

Can you explain how the above situation would play out?

You're sitting in the living room watching TV with the wife. The kids are in bed in 2 different rooms. Three guys storm into your house, heavily armed. What do you do? Run as fast as you can for your gun safe? Or have you got your AR sitting on the coffee table?
First, three dogs alert before they get in. 11 guns positioned in various rooms in the house including an AR15, a Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 Gauge shotgun and various pistols loaded but not chambered. Chances are, I start shooting before they get through the door.
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I do - "here, take whatever you want. I've got insurance."

Can you explain how the above situation would play out?

You're sitting in the living room watching TV with the wife. The kids are in bed in 2 different rooms. Three guys storm into your house, heavily armed. What do you do? Run as fast as you can for your gun safe? Or have you got your AR sitting on the coffee table?

i keep a .45 on the table beside my recliner.
i have another .45 in a Velocity gun safe in the coat closet near the front door.

criminals do not call ahead or advise you of their schedule, and i believe in being prepared.
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There's no telling. They might want your wife since you're so accommodating. You have no clue.

At the very least, since you will have advanced warning before they make it inside your house, you would tell your kids and wife to go to a bedroom and lock the door, call 911, etc. Then, you have no control. Good luck.

In my case, I would run to my room and I'm not leaving that room. They're not coming down the hall. I have control of that.

That's a fair answer. Hunker down in one spot and keep everyone safe, let the possessions go. This makes sense.
Banning only the AR-15 is pointless and silly. There are more powerful and more dangerous firearms out there that are not even in the discussion.

The reason they're not in the discussion is because they lack the tactical look and they're not the ones being used in mass shootings. This is a clear sign that those leading this discussion are actually clueless and fear mongering.

In my opinion, I think what's going to happen, if anything happens, is background checks will get more aggressive and intrusive, making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase a gun, while criminals continue to break the law and easily purchase them off of the black market.
First, three dogs alert before they get in. 11 guns positioned in various rooms in the house including an AR15, a Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 Gauge shotgun and various pistols loaded but not chambered. Chances are, I start shooting before they get through the door.

I almost added to my post "unless you're warrior and you've got a gun within arms' reach in every position in the house :)
I don't know shit about guns. That's why I don't own one. I don't have the knowledge, information or education to properly handle a gun and I know that. I've shot a gun less than 10 times in my life and they were all supervised under the watch of a licensed professional. The far left seems to think that guns can sprout arms and legs and literally kill people on their own. While the far right thinks they need to pack a grenade launcher in their home in the event that a house burglar comes calling one night. I don't ever think we'll reach the point where all firearms are removed from the general public. A base percentage of our culture is far too passionate about guns to allow that to happen. I have friends with CCLs. I hang out with people who have an entire safe full of hunting rifles and handguns. However I don't know anyone (at least I don't think I do) who owns an automatic, semi-automatic, AR-15 or any sort of assault rifle. At least no one I know who wasn't in the military and trained with one as part of their daily function.

My question to those of you who are knowledgeable about guns and firearms is why would anyone need such a powerful assault rifle? For a licensed gun owner, aside from general appeal to collect such heavy duty weapons, what is the basic need to have an automatic assault rifle available to the general public?

This is not a trolling post, I am genuinely interested to get feedback from people who are more informed than me regarding firearms and why there is a need to have weapons like the AR-15 available to anyone who (ideally) follows the proper steps to obtain one.
Define Assault Rifle and I will attempt to answer your question.