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Who are also active in a pro Syrian Resistance social media group.

The Syrian Resistance, formerly known as the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Sanjak of Iskandarun, is a pro-government Syrian armed group operating in northwest Syria, claiming a Marxist–Leninist ideology
Apparently 6 of the kids who were killed were Jewish. Just a racist hate filled leftist. No surprise there.
Far right white supremacists don't subscribe to Marxism/Lenin. They sure know the hell don't advocate for open boarders. Not to mention, on top of that, de Jesus Cruz doesn't really fit the white supremacist mold. Critical thinking isn't your strong suit is it?
It's on the Internet, it must be true.


Additionally, the shooter’s garb is very similar to the style worn by ISIS fighters in Syria.

Interestingly, there’s also a 19-year-old Nicolas Cruz who’s listed as a Democratic voter in Oakland Park, Florida, which may be the suspect (address blurred out to protect the innocent otherwise).

Far right white supremacists don't subscribe to Marxism/Lenin. They sure know the hell don't advocate for open boarders. Not to mention, on top of that, de Jesus Cruz doesn't really fit the white supremacist mold. Critical thinking isn't your strong suit is it?
Can you show where he talks about Marxism or open borders? Cause i just showed where the white supremacist group confirmed he is an active member. He was also an animal abuser, another righty trait. Ticks of all the nutjob far right boxes. He was making fun of muslims in his Instagram posts, one more box ticked. It's ok though cause im sure by next week some lefty will shoot up a school to balance it out.
I'm going to go shoot later today. Maybe for an hour..... At a local gun range.

Using libtarded fool talk because I have a gun and go shoot I'm either racist, crazy, both, Russia spy.

It's on the Internet, it must be true.


Additionally, the shooter’s garb is very similar to the style worn by ISIS fighters in Syria.

Interestingly, there’s also a 19-year-old Nicolas Cruz who’s listed as a Democratic voter in Oakland Park, Florida, which may be the suspect (address blurred out to protect the innocent otherwise).

he wasn't "discussing" allah ahkbar. He was making fun of how they say it before they die and calling them sand burkas. some other guy was arguing with him saying it was their battle cry.
uhm, your link doesn't even show anything. it says he was raised in islamic hate and uses nothing to back it up. Seems to me that the dude hated everyone and didn't give a shit about politics, just killing things.
What do you know, he was a far right white supremacist POS. Guess moe has to stfu now.

The spokesperson for a Florida-based white supremacist groups says the Florida shooting suspect has ties with the group, according to an Anti-Defamation League report.

According to the ADL, a spokesperson for the “Republic of Florida” was reached on the group’s hotline and said that Nikolas Cruz as associated with the group and “was brought up” by another member. The spokesperson said Cruz had “participated in one or more ROF training exercises in the Tallahassee area, carpooling with other ROF members from south Florida.”
White supremacist hispanic who happens to be a registered democrat. Who woulda thunk it.
It's not meant to say anything. It's all b.s. That's the point. For all the far left nonsense you post saying he is a white supremacists, there's just as much far right nonsense saying he was an ISIS sympathizer and Antifa member.

One thing we do know for a fact. He's not 'white' and was active in a Syrian Resistance group. The next time you see a de Jesus Cruz Nazi subscribing to the Marxist ideology will be the first time ever.
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The dude is completely white, if he has hispanic blood its european and diluted out. not sure why you keep spouting this syrian army shit when the only group claiming him is some florida nazi group. I don't see anything about syria even on the complete nutjob right sites.
the kid obviously had no idea what he believed in, he just wanted attention on his social media. But its fun to make the nutjobs that immediately use his last name to call him a lefty look like dumbasses.
Platinum seems to know far more about white supremacist groups, and I couldn't give less of a shit regardless, but does it strike anyone as odd that the Anti Defamation League would call a White Supremacist group and ask if they were pals with a recent school shooter and they'd say yep, he's one of ours?
i have googled 100 different ways and see nobody showing him linked to anything syria.

Alleged photos of the suspected Florida high school shooter make reference to various ideologies, suggesting the gunman was an isolated nihilist with no political motive.

thats the infowars breakdown of him, they are the craziest of the crazy and they think he's just an apolitical nut.
Is this your first politicized killing? This is how it always goes in the media. White supremacist is the ultimate boogeyman. That idiot in Portland, who harrased the Muslim women and stabbed those two guys, was the biggest tree hugging Bernie Bro, liberal ever, yet, like clockwork, he was labeled as a Trump supporting white supremacist in the media. It never fails.
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This was on Facebook. Naturally it's usually the first social media account to be taken down because it's the most active and informative.

Suspected Gunman In Florida School Shooting Identified, Member Of 'Resistance' Groups, Reports Say

“He’s also following resistance groups, like Syrian Resistance groups and fighter groups out of Iraq and, we should also note that a couple days ago, as far as a week ago, that he was involved in a Youtube chat room conversation about bombs or building bombs,” Gallagher said.
I guess "scoured" now means "we didn't actually see it". Someone needs to inform the liberal who reported it on his show.

Not to mention, they even explained why they weren't releasing his name or showing anything that could possibly reveal his name. The police had yet to release his name at the time of the report, and they were practicing good policy and trying to avoid stepping on the investigation's toes.
The Broward LEO's need to get their act together. At the press conference they went on and on about mental illness playing a part, but they charged him with 17 counts of premeditated murder. You can't premeditate a murder if you're mentally ill. They're literally arguing against on their own case.

Yep. They basically just set it all up for him.

Broward County Sheriff said he's asking Congress to pass a law giving law enforcement the authority to take someone against their will and hold them for a psych evaluation for things they post online. Pretty sure that would qualify as the government violating civil liberties.

It's already a law. 72 hour hold if you're a threat to yourself or others.

But there is a prtipetiand review process by a judge/commissioner. The bare minimum due process.