How will they rule ??!

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Race/ethnicity doesn't really matter in my mind about this thing...but if you can look at his picture and only see white (non-Hispanic), I'd have to question your exposure to any kind of diversity. Or you may be blinded by hate and only want to see it one way, IDK.

Well if it's a bunch of shot cops... or white people We know copkilla and the libtards would be happy to defend the guy.
Apparently, 4chan started the white supremacist rumor as a joke with one of their regular posters. When he was contacted, he knew it was them ****ing with him, so he played along. Went to bed, woke up to being national news as the MSM found it and ran with it.
It has also suddenly and completely fell off of Twitter's trends, today's moments, etc...

Although, as expected, not a single correction offered by the Media, who played telephone and chose to piggyback off of ADL's fake news, instead of independently verifying the story themselves.
The only reason it matters is because the nut jobs on the left try to tie white supremacy to conservatives every chance they get.

It's sort of a catch 22. If you point out the fact that the left is a bunch of lunatic retards and this Mexican guy is not a white supremacist, it sort of sounds like you are trying to defend white supremacy. But no one is doing that.

Everyone is just pointing out Platinum and his merry band of radical left wing lunatics are just as bad as any lunatic fringe white supremacy groups.

The entire world they live in is a fantasy. They try to tie conservatives to white supremacy (false), then try and tie the shooter to white supremacy (false). Just a whole pile of fantasy.
The only reason it matters is because the nut jobs on the left try to tie white supremacy to conservatives every chance they get.

It's sort of a catch 22. If you point out the fact that the left is a bunch of lunatic retards and this Mexican guy is not a white supremacist, it sort of sounds like you are trying to defend white supremacy. But no one is doing that.

Everyone is just pointing out Platinum and his merry band of radical left wing lunatics are just as bad as any lunatic fringe white supremacy groups.

The entire world they live in is a fantasy. They try to tie conservatives to white supremacy (false), then try and tie the shooter to white supremacy (false). Just a whole pile of fantasy.

I will say that a lot of these shooter-related takes are....weird. Giving a damn about his ethnicity is weird. I want his soul wiped off the face of the universe. Thought we could all just agree on that and cross our fingers.
I will say that a lot of these shooter-related takes are....weird. Giving a damn about his ethnicity is weird. I want his soul wiped off the face of the universe. Thought we could all just agree on that and cross our fingers.

Obviously I didn't want the shooting to happen. It's a horrific event.

But I'd be lying if when I heard the guy's name I didn't immediately think, "damn, if this dude is an illegal alien that's going to set the Democrats back decades in their fight for amnesty".

So I was looking for silver linings for America, basically.
I will say that a lot of these shooter-related takes are....weird. Giving a damn about his ethnicity is weird. I want his soul wiped off the face of the universe. Thought we could all just agree on that and cross our fingers.
This we can agree on.
Obviously I didn't want the shooting to happen. It's a horrific event.

But I'd be lying if when I heard the guy's name I didn't immediately think, "damn, if this dude is an illegal alien that's going to set the Democrats back decades in their fight for amnesty".

So I was looking for silver linings for America, basically.

Good one. I bet your mind's eye is fascinating when you're around people of color. Do you even go to Mexican restaurants, bro? I know you love the milky cheese dip and big-ass beers as much as I do. Do you ever wonder if anyone on the staff is an illegal alien?

It does cross my mind from time to time, and I smile. Then I tip 50% and ride with a designated driver.

Honestly the food is mostly garbage at the Americanized restaurants, but sometimes a nice chimichanga with those semi-warm refried beans and bland rice just hits the spot.

Anybody here frequent their local taco trucks though? List off the best ones in your city.
Good one. I bet your mind's eye is fascinating when you're around people of color. Do you even go to Mexican restaurants, bro? I know you love the milky cheese dip and big-ass beers as much as I do. Do you ever wonder if anyone on the staff is an illegal alien?

It does cross my mind from time to time, and I smile. Then I tip 50% and ride with a designated driver.

Honestly the food is mostly garbage at the Americanized restaurants, but sometimes a nice chimichanga with those semi-warm refried beans and bland rice just hits the spot.

Anybody here frequent their local taco trucks though? List off the best ones in your city.

They can open all the restaurants they want so long as they don't expect to ever have the right to vote or receive entitlements from the federal government. And if they commit a crime they're sent packing.

Unfortunately, the best taco places in Cincinnati are owned by white people. (Edit: but there are some damn good taco places)
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NSA event yesterday? Updates?

Any news on the meds this kid was on?

Whatever group he is tied to should be met with swift legal investigation.

Cruz is his adopted name. He was adopted as a baby. Good luck with that.
NSA event yesterday? Updates?

Any news on the meds this kid was on?

Whatever group he is tied to should be met with swift legal investigation.

Cruz is his adopted name. He was adopted as a baby. Good luck with that.
What does it really matter and yes, if he was tied to a group they should be investigated thoroughly. Also, he was a registered democrat, good luck with that one.
I will say that a lot of these shooter-related takes are....weird. Giving a damn about his ethnicity is weird. I want his soul wiped off the face of the universe. Thought we could all just agree on that and cross our fingers.

He doesn't have a soul. Fractured shell of a mind split into multiple compartments that are easily controlled with evil actions. Look at his eyes in the arrest pic.
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Palmetto State armory has daily deals. Your welcome. Buy up because libtarded fools are going to push the 18 for banning guns. Aka legal guns.
What does it really matter and yes, if he was tied to a group they should be investigated thoroughly. Also, he was a registered democrat, good luck with that one.

It doesn't matter to me but trying to determine the DNA of an adopted baby by his adopted name is a waste of time for those trying to score political points.
They can open all the restaurants they want so long as they don't expect to ever have the right to vote or receive entitlements from the federal government. And if they commit a crime they're sent packing.)


Oh and I went to a semi-pretentious, white-owned taco shop very recently. Pretty sure these assholes put sugar on the tortilla chips instead of salt, thus ruining my perfectly-mediocre cheese dip experience. The margaritas were underwhelming as well. All in the name of serving "hot chicken" and "Korean BBQ" tacos that certainly didn't sit well on my stomach.

I'm clearly still bothered by this. Such is life, I suppose. Sticking to the trucks from now on.
It doesn't matter to me but trying to determine the DNA of an adopted baby by his adopted name is a waste of time for those trying to score political points.
I really don't care about the political leaning, he is evil pure and simple and if he turns out to be a conservative white supremacist it just will not matter. He should be executed quickly and quit using up resources. Most importantly, I am sad for these families and wish they could find some peace right now but I doubt they will.
I really don't care about the political leaning, he is evil pure and simple and if he turns out to be a conservative white supremacist it just will not matter. He should be executed quickly and quit using up resources. Most importantly, I am sad for these families and wish they could find some peace right now but I doubt they will.

Not sure I want him executed. Locked up for sure. Humane study of his brain is important research. Information should be made public for private researchers and doctors.
The dude is completely white, if he has hispanic blood its european and diluted out. not sure why you keep spouting this syrian army shit when the only group claiming him is some florida nazi group. I don't see anything about syria even on the complete nutjob right sites.

Glad you brought that up. Tell us more about the purity of the races. How many mixtures are you fluent in?

Oh and I went to a semi-pretentious, white-owned taco shop very recently. Pretty sure these assholes put sugar on the tortilla chips instead of salt, thus ruining my perfectly-mediocre cheese dip experience. The margaritas were underwhelming as well. All in the name of serving "hot chicken" and "Korean BBQ" tacos that certainly didn't sit well on my stomach.

I'm clearly still bothered by this. Such is life, I suppose. Sticking to the trucks from now on.
Authentic mexican cuisine requires authentic mexicans. It's science.
Here's what happened.

Jordan Jereb is a meme in the chat. We **** with him on his live call in shows and he even hangs around in our group chat

shooting happens and autist from group goes on the shooter's Instagram

ABC news reporter contacts the autistand he tells her that he knew the shooter. He gives her some other people's numbers and they prank call her telling her that Cruz was a chubby chaser, always saying "read siege ******", and other spicy memes.

ABC blows up Jordan's hotline and he knew it was our group so he played along. He said he wasn'ta member but only an affiliate and that he has some pictures.

we laugh our asses off and go to bed. We wake up and its international news

EDIT: Not my idea and I didn't endorse it. I logged onto in chat halfway through and watched as it unfolded. Started out as an inside joke until Jordan Jereb literally told the media that it was true and that he was affiliated with a school shooter.

