How will they rule ??!

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My god. The gums on that beast.

That douche bag with the woman name is no better than race hustlers al Sharpton.

The vote for him or Erin was 4-4, so they flipped a coin to decide. One of the hashtags he used was #blackhistorymonth...this has nothing to do with race yet the race card must be played always.
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No mainstream coverage of the recent story of how many currently elected black democrats seem very chummy with Louis Farrakhan.

Hell, Ellison almost was DNC chair and has a history of praising the hateful and ignorant Farrakhan. This crazy white guy with no chance to win in a reliably democratic district is about to get 100 times more coverage
That is how it works and the dumb emotional whores latch on.
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Here we go. Dems switching from Russia to women abuse to try and take down Trump.

And I'm not saying it isn't true. Just what they are going to try and use.
Buy a 2LB barbell and you could probably curl too. Not holding my breath though, I have heard Canadians are pretty weak.
Shew. I dunno. I've got a cousin who's married to a retired minor league hockey enforcer from way up around Medicine Hat somewhere. I've seen pics of the dude with his nose hanging off his face by nothing but skin. Other pics with tampons in both nostrils after the surgery.

And he won that fight.
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Still gives me chills. And I was in middle School during that time.

Unfortunately in the months/years later he would make one mistake after another. The single greatest national security mistake of my lifetime was the Iraq War. Also, became first President to cut taxes in time of war which is terribly irresponsible. He started the trend of absolute fiscal insanity.

I think he is probably a decent human being, awful president.
I've always been curious about this;

Idris Elba - British
Andrew Wiggins - Canadian
Chris Rock - African American

Why do we stuff "African" in front of American for black folks here? I don't think that occurs in any other country.

Interesting thought.

I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that the USA historically had more immigration from more places than those other countries. I mean, from say the 1850s through the 1940s people were pouring in from literally ever corner of the world. I mean, lets face it, the USA was a huge , open country with a form of government that appealed to pretty much everyone. They assimilated but were still proud of their home country, Hence "Irish-American", "Italian-American" etc. I think voluntary large scale emigration even to developed Western European nations only occurred relatively recently and not on anything close to that scale. I'm not talking about the recent involuntary refugee crisis in Europe, which is huge, but is made up of people leaving failed states but that have no interest in becoming "French" or "German" or English".
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I have a lot of respect and love for that man... Many many many years ago. Around 9/11.

But I'm done with anything bush these days. Go paint.

I've always said that Bush was one of our worst presidents ever. He had everything given to him and was a prop for the Republican elite and their financial interests. But my wife loved him. Called him "Bush Baby." Now she can't stand him.

We have had a long stretch of absolutely sorry presidents.
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Maybe the black community here is responsible for it too - although I'm not sure, which is why I was asking.
I'm telling you, I blame the N word. I know it's said to be "their" word and they use it as a badge amongst brothers, but it is one of the most polarizing and divisive words in our language. Hell, just look at the usage rules attached to it. Name any other word that requires as much hoop-jumping just to use. Hell, I can't even ****ing type it out.

I've said this before, but I play vidya games online in a group with 3 brothers (siblings) from the Louisville area. They're black guys around my age and I've been playing with them for years, but when all 3 are on, they get rough and their language gets very bad (I don't mean cuss words). I don't tolerate that shit from them and they know it. I'll just get off. It's surprisingly effective. I think it embarrasses them.
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Then tweets that he's not joking. Same group flips out if someone takes on the media.
It's the price you pay for the tax cuts. Pushes bonds & inflation up which deflates the value of stocks. Gain $1000 bonus, lose 100k$ in retirement value. Shouldn't crash down to much more but we shall see. The bot trading can cause some crazy stuff to happen.
It's the price you pay for the tax cuts. Pushes bonds & inflation up which deflates the value of stocks. Gain $1000 bonus, lose 100k$ in retirement value. Shouldn't crash down to much more but we shall see. The bot trading can cause some crazy stuff to happen.

This is all I see. Platinum obviously being Charlie.

Some, who are very involved with their finger on the pulse, are saying this correction is actually good news. Saying it shows the economy is doing very, very well and surpassing expectations.

Dam right. And who knows what will happen after this.

It's the gambling play. All I know is I made a killing last year from the previous 4. According to my Morgan Stanley guy.
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It's the price you pay for the tax cuts. Pushes bonds & inflation up which deflates the value of stocks. Gain $1000 bonus, lose 100k$ in retirement value. Shouldn't crash down to much more but we shall see. The bot trading can cause some crazy stuff to happen.
Over the long term the market historically returns about 7.5%...for the last 8 years it has done better but it always reverts to the mean sooner or later.
Dam right. And who knows what will happen after this.

It's the gambling play. All I know is I made a killing last year from the previous 4. According to my Morgan Stanley guy.

Kudos to you for investing so early in your career. Most people don’t have 2 nickels to rub together when they first get out of college, let alone have a financial advisor. (Piecing this together based on the fact that you were in middle school when 9/11 happened and have been investing for at least 5 years.)
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More fake news being posted on this board and, of course, by the usual suspect.

First, Porter did, in fact, have a security clearance. It was an interim type because the FBI had yet to finalize his background check. It is very common and necessary to the job for people who work in the WH to have interim clearance while awaiting FBI background check.

That leads me to the second piece of fake news. The FBI never denied Porter security clearance. Since Porter denied the allegations from the beginning, the FBI had yet to even make a decision regarding his clearance because their investigation was still ongoing.
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Some, who are very involved with their finger on the pulse, are saying this correction is actually good news. Saying it shows the economy is doing very, very well and surpassing expectations.
Scott Adams is in that boat. Said the unwavering vertical ascent was starting to get scary. The correction was a welcomed sight and provides buying options on some really promising options going forward.
Kudos to you for investing so early in your career. Most people don’t have 2 nickels to rub together when they first get out of college, let alone have a financial advisor. (Piecing this together based on the fact that you were in middle school when 9/11 happened and have been investing for at least 5 years.)

Well unfortunately I owe it most to my mother and grandmother who passed away way to young.