How will they rule ??!

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How can someone have a functioning brain and not realize how heavy-handed this leftist indoctrination is?

And just think, T-Mobile spent several millions to push that on everyone.

It's personality imho... they genuinely believe this is good guys vs bad guys, with Trump and anyone right of center left as the bad guys.

they are ofcourse deathly wrong
Wasn't the NFL going to pay for/give free time to the Veterans vs all of those companies that paid for their own spots?

I think the NFL actually did a pretty damn good job yesterday making sure none of the political bullshit was at the forefront. Hell, they even brought a bunch of Medal of Honor recipients out for the coin toss. I take no issue with NFL, Inc. refusing to pay for an ad that again highlights the kneeling shit.

Unless I misunderstood, and the NFL wasn't going to pay for the ad and just prevented a veteran's group from running the ad they wanted.

The T-Mobile ad was dumb, but I don't think that criticism falls on the NFL at all.

Don't think it was free. Think they offered to reserve a spot for them. Could be wrong tho.

But based on ad price decreasing, I think they didn't even need to "reaerve" a spot.
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King made me curious.

They are European diverse(many different shades of white), less Muslims. All of the Scandinavian last names looked odd. You don't see more than one on boards in the US unless it's an upper midwest based company.

They are Bonn, Germany based Deutsche Telekom Mobil AG. Anglicized in 2002 to T Mobile International AG.
I read a NYT op-ed by a wife of a former NFL player regarding his mind being damaged. Pretty sad. It makes you think about the consequences of the violence especially when football is over for most in their early to mid 30s. You’re supposed to live the rest of your life with a destroyed body? Is it worth it?
I read a NYT op-ed by a wife of a former NFL player regarding his mind being damaged. Pretty sad. It makes you think about the consequences of the violence especially when football is over for most in their early to mid 30s. You’re supposed to live the rest of your life with a destroyed body? Is it worth it?
for some people setting their families up for life financially, it could be. I suppose they could sell insurance and make about 5 million dollars less.
I read a NYT op-ed by a wife of a former NFL player regarding his mind being damaged. Pretty sad. It makes you think about the consequences of the violence especially when football is over for most in their early to mid 30s. You’re supposed to live the rest of your life with a destroyed body? Is it worth it?


smh. Unreal.
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Trump back on healthcare this morning, incensing the already incensed. They don't know whether to wind their watches or scratch their asses when he tweets.

Damn, I ****ed that all up. It's supposed to be wind their asses or scratch their watches...

I'll be here all week, folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
Gender identifying other people now are you? How do you know they want to be identified as waitresses? I will be here on occasion, tip your whatever's.
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he tried to flee the scene on foot but was caught. it is definitely this kind of act that will only get the black community's attention. It has to be one of their own, THEN they give a shit.

Maybe he can hire the lawyer that got Kate Steinle's killer off the hook.
Wasn't the NFL going to pay for/give free time to the Veterans vs all of those companies that paid for their own spots?

I think the NFL actually did a pretty damn good job yesterday making sure none of the political bullshit was at the forefront. Hell, they even brought a bunch of Medal of Honor recipients out for the coin toss. I take no issue with NFL, Inc. refusing to pay for an ad that again highlights the kneeling shit.

Unless I misunderstood, and the NFL wasn't going to pay for the ad and just prevented a veteran's group from running the ad they wanted.

The T-Mobile ad was dumb, but I don't think that criticism falls on the NFL at all.
I thought they mostly handled it well too. A few dumb commercials like the T Mobile one but there's always a few like that.
he tried to flee the scene on foot but was caught. it is definitely this kind of act that will only get the black community's attention. It has to be one of their own, THEN they give a shit.
I would agree with this but the MSM won't hype this up because the killer is an illegal, so most blacks (and Americans really) won't even know it was an illegal.
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