How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So instead of just reading twitter, you guys upload tweets here? How are you mad at me when yall dont even have real discussion here. Just a bunch of clowns tripping over each other, posting others words from twitter, and screaming libtard.
Why did he bring me into this and why did the rest of the lame clown posse think that they were gonna join him and I would go running?

nah man, we just like making fun of idiots on the ole paddock. so we needed an idiot to show up. appreciate you doing us the favor.

f***ing Knights. hell yeah. fake Keyser Soze, you can come along too, but you have to be the damn jester. put your funny hat on boy.
Dude, I was writing a post that said just about as much. This is nothing more than an open demographic coup disguised as immigration. They aren't even trying top hide it. These people are willing to cast Americans aside so their own cultures can slide in and reap benefits.

It's the lowest shit ever. And people in this very thread are down with it.
If it happens, we become a third world country and all of those reaping the benefits now will have to actually work for less benefits. Karma?
Look, another lying piece of trash. Its amazing how much you lie, then whine and cry, then call others snowflakes, all wile being softies who cant stand on their own 2 feet.

This dude started his lies with the dude okay woth sexual assault. He loves deflecting since he cant really defend anything that he stands for.

I havnt even participated In this argument so saying I said things in the last few days is just a bunch og BS. You're literally so triggered you can't even remember who's who and who said what and what you have said.

And I didn't make up anything. You are fine with sexual assault. Fact

I was tagged here and since you clowns cant stand on your own 2 feet, you guys ganged up and came at me at I replied to the person who tagged me.
I defended myself as I will always do. How do you guys still not get it. So soft that you cant understand someone standing up for themselves.

We havnt ganged up about anything said about jemele hill. It's a bunch of individuals calling you an idiot and literally causing your blood pressure to spike. You're acting like a petulant child.

It's hilarious. You're talking about things like circle jerks and blah blah blah. You've been here for like 3 days.

Want to know what I've done in the last 24 hours alone? While you've been sitting here furiously refreshing to see who you can call a mouth breather?

Hilarious. You're too easy.
nah man, we just like making fun of idiots on the ole paddock. so we needed an idiot to show up. appreciate you doing us the favor.

f***ing Knights. hell yeah. fake Keyser Soze, you can come along too, but you have to be the damn jester. put your funny hat on boy.
This guy thinks they're really knights and super important. Bwahaha, you cant make this stuff up.
I havnt even participated In this argument so saying I said things in the last few days is just a bunch og BS. You're literally so triggered you can't even remember who's who and who said what and what you have said.

And I didn't make up anything. You are fine with sexual assault. Fact

We havnt ganged up about anything said about jemele hill. It's a bunch of individuals calling you an idiot and literally causing your blood pressure to spike. You're acting like a petulant child.

It's hilarious. You're talking about things like circle jerks and blah blah blah. You've been here for like 3 days.

Want to know what I've done in the last 24 hours alone? While you've been sitting here furiously refreshing to see who you can call a mouth breather?

Hilarious. You're too easy.
We have triggered again. He prolly said snowflake too but I stopped reading after triggered.
Always feels good to ignore an idiot like Keyser when they do nothing but ruin a perfectly good thread of political insight, and good informative links, not to mention, some pretty funny memes.
He said political insight. Posting tweets that are someone elses words is political insight.
He said political insight. Posting tweets that are someone elses words is political insight.
Thus far, I am quite amazed at your ability to allow some of the things discussed and referenced in this thread, things everyone else quite readily understands, to pass over your head at an altitude of 30,000 feet. Your naivete / lack of knowledge also speaks to your level of cognitive development.

What I'm saying is, if you are over the age of 14, I would be very surprised.
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Thus far, I am quite amazed at your ability to allow some of the things discussed and referenced in this thread, things everyone else quite readily understands, to pass over your head at an altitude of 30,000 feet. Your naivete / lack of knowledge also speaks to your level of cognitive development.

What I'm saying is, if you are over the age of 14, I would be very surprised.
Triggered... did I do that right?
This is why Trump needs to go into the black communities & give speeches touting their economic success with his policies - lowest black unemployment in history - and point out how Dems & their Planned PH buddies promoted killing black babies/fetuses. Margret Sanger was clearly a racist on the latter subject. Also, he's for charter schools & Dems want black kids under their teachers unions' control. Really easy stuff.