How will they rule ??!

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Tucker Carlson kills it. Much better than O'Reilly/Hannity Fox News personalities
I enjoy tuckers show for the most part, my only real beef is that he has way too many libs as guests on his show. 4-5 libs or so a show is just a bit too much insanity for me sometimes lol.
I enjoy tuckers show for the most part, my only real beef is that he has way too many libs as guests on his show. 4-5 libs or so a show is just a bit too much insanity for me sometimes lol.

No no no, much more integrity in that than the MSNBC version of a liberal echo chamber with supposed republican cucks and eunuchs like Scarborough and Steve Schimdt.

CNN does the same thing. Tucker's method of own and expose the liberal lunacy is much more enjoyable. Love they way he often doesn't interrupt them, just laughs as they hang themselves with their own stupidity.
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Formulation of that question is completely bizarre.
That tweet implies that it is more responsible as an American to support Israel than it would be to support Palestine.
I would like to know why you believe this to be the case, despite the alarming amount of evidence to support the opposite.
That tweet implies that it is more responsible as an American to support Israel than it would be to support Palestine.
I would like to know why you believe this to be the case, despite the alarming amount of evidence to support the opposite.

We can have that discussion but first you must locate your dictionary and become better acquainted with the word treasonous.
That tweet implies that it is more responsible as an American to support Israel than it would be to support Palestine.
I would like to know why you believe this to be the case, despite the alarming amount of evidence to support the opposite.

Secondly, please give me the 'responsible case' for supporting the Palestinians or any other Muslim group over Israel
We can have that discussion but first you must locate your dictionary and become better acquainted with the word treasonous.
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

In the case of Israel, you can apply it to the treasonous intelligence agents and political actors who hold dual-citizenship who have demonstrated time and again to put the needs of Israel over their "home country".
Now, if you want to actually address the point instead of arguing grammar, feel free.
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

In the case of Israel, you can apply it to the treasonous intelligence agents and political actors who hold dual-citizenship who have demonstrated time and again to put the needs of Israel over their "home country".
Now, if you want to actually address the point instead of arguing grammar, feel free.

I have no doubt you think you may have made a point there. Give me a specific lists of why America should side with a Palestinians over Israelis. That is the argument you seem to want to have, so let's have it.
I have no doubt you think you may have made a point there. Give me a specific lists of why America should side with a Palestinians over Israelis. That is the argument you seem to want to have, so let's have it.
So you relent to the fact that the US/Israel relation is vampirous and we benefit in no way from it. That was the only point I was making, I don't care about your thoughts on Palestine.
So you relent to the fact that the US/Israel relation is vampirous and we benefit in no way from it. That was the only point I was making, I don't care about your thoughts on Palestine.

The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. And you're worried about israel?
The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. And you're worried about israel?
Yes, I'm worried about supporting a nation in a one-sided relation we receive no benefits from who have sold top-secret level nuclear intelligence to enemy states after being expressly forbidden from doing so.
Also, pretty paltry sums for those other countries we support compared to our "greatest ally".
Yes, I'm worried about supporting a nation in a one-sided relation we receive no benefits from who have sold top-secret level nuclear intelligence to enemy states after being expressly forbidden from doing so.
Also, pretty paltry sums for those other countries we support compared to our "greatest ally".

Why don’t you come clean, and state the real reason you don’t like the US alliance with Israel.
They are a democracy in an area woefully short on Democracy. They are surrounded by enemies that have wanted to destroy them from day 1. We facilitated the foundation of their nation.
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I'm not a big israel fan, but if it pisses off liberals then I'm ok with it

I don't think we should be giving money to anyone. But between the two, it's a no brainer.

I have no idea what kind of link that it. But I'm not clicking on anything from a source I've never heard of. Don't feel like having to wipe my hard drive
I don't think we should be giving money to anyone. But between the two, it's a no brainer.

I have no idea what kind of link that it. But I'm not clicking on anything from a source I've never heard of. Don't feel like having to wipe my hard drive
You know URLs aren't these magical malware-machines that just give your computer AIDs by clicking on them, right?
I'll drop the subject since most of you are good posters, but you should really think about questioning the bullshit narrative on this subject that the American populace has been spoonfed since the 60's.
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You know URLs aren't these magical malware-machines that just give your computer AIDs by clicking on them, right?
I'll drop the subject since most of you are good posters, but you should really think about questioning the bullshit narrative on this subject that the American populace has been spoonfed since the 60's.

I'm not much on IT. I just know I don't click on things I've never heard of. At this point, I've heard of dam near everything
I'm not a big israel fan, but if it pisses off liberals then I'm ok with it
That's a pretty good litmus test. I fully admit that there are some areas within politics that I'm not familiar with. In those situations I generally just go with the opposite of what liberals think until I can do further research. This has served me well.
I don't relent to anything Pope John, one can't have a discussion on our relationship with Israel without including our relationship with their neighbors and others around the world. Using any measure of decency, Israel is not only the beacon of light in it's region for democratic values, right's of the individual, women's rights etc...their Mossad is the best intelligence agency in the world which is one of many reasons it's good to have them as an ally.

They are however a sovereign nation pursuing their interests just as the United States does...we spy on them, our allies in Europe etc...they spy on us and do things we sometimes find issue with. But to suggest knowing everything we know about Muslims that we should be neutral in the Israel/Palestine debate or side against Israel is laughable.

The weapons we have provided them in the past decades has kept the balance of power where it should be. As Netanyahu pointed out, if you give them our weapons and give us theirs...Israel would be wiped out immediately.

Not only do we share their values, but in science, medicine, commerce, agricultural...they scratched a desert and made it one of the greatest nations of the world.

Say we went after the Iranian regime (the worst state sponser of terrorism in the world) militarily? What ally could we trust? What ally would provide the intelligence necessary to succeed or help us with the fight? Our former European partners no longer have a fighting spirit or militaries worth a damn. Canada going to help us? We get in a real scrap in 2018, Israel is the only ally we got still willing to swing their dick around. Yes we give Israel a lot of military aid but they got more fight and resilience in them now then all of Europe...and the UN passes 5 times more meaningless measures against them then against all the real brutal regimes combined. But that is all they will do. Everyone knows Israel isn't to be trifled with.

Trump's Defense Dept got us away from Obama era weakness and Mattis is back to a posture America should always have: don't mess with us. That I'm glad about. The Israelis will fight and their don't f--k with us stance is one I admire.
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I think it’s pretty incredible how it’s considered off limits to be critical of Jews or point out that Jews are pretty tribal especially in hiring practices. But you can be critical of whites all day long and bash Christians and it’s okay. You can be critical of Islam and only Democrats will lose it but why is pointing out Jewish self interest considered a sin?

Paul Nehlen is bashed and painted as a Nazi for correctly pointing out the self interest and how the disproportionate make up of our media, Hollywood and the the over representation in Ivy League schools, billionaire status, etc.

Everyone has been conditioned to freak at the slightest criticism of this group yet wouldn’t bat an eye at doing it to any other group. Why is that? Who do you think writes most of these anti-white articles? Do you know who owns The Root, the big time anti-white black publication? Did you know CNN only threatened to dox that wrestling gif creator that Trump shared because his reddit posting history shared a meme of how many Jews worked at CNN?

This isn’t even covering the “Fellow white people/not white, I’m Jewish” phenomenon on social media. Plus, the crazy history of propaganda and division. I mean, there’s a lot of information out there that would blow people’s mind (factual) but we’re brought up not to question.

Do I support Israel over the savagery Islamic nations? No question. Do I understand the biblical significance? Sure do. But what do we get out of this as America? Do we ever question anything? Doesn’t it seem odd that Christians overwhelmingly vote Republican but Jews vote Democrat 70-80 percent? Is that not odd? I emailed Ben Shapiro (big fan) about this and got no response.

I don’t really care if anyone agrees or disagrees. I don’t think we should give any money to any country. I’m all about isolationism but that seems unrealistic. Given our debt and the domestic issues we face, I don’t think we should donate a dime to people who do nothing in return.

Like you Sleaze, but Paul Nehlen is a complete asshat
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Like you Sleaze, but Paul Nehlen is a complete asshat

Oh, I don’t back the guy but I don’t think pointing out the self interest and how much control they have over media should be out of bounds.

I don’t even really know anything about the guy outside he got smashed by Paul Ryan and is now hated because he brought up a group’s self interest.
I don't relent to anything Pope John, one can't have a discussion on our relationship with Israel without including our relationship with their neighbors and others around the world. Using any measure of decency, Israel is not only the beacon of light in it's region for democratic values, right's of the individual, women's rights etc...their Mossad is the best intelligence agency in the world which is one of many reasons it's good to have them as an ally.

They are however a sovereign nation pursuing their interests just as the United States does...we spy on them, our allies in Europe etc...they spy on us and do things we sometimes find issue with. But to suggest knowing everything we know about Muslims that we should be neutral in the Israel/Palestine debate or side against Israel is laughable.

The weapons we have provided them in the past decades has kept the balance of power where it should be. As Netanyahu pointed out, if you give them our weapons and give us theirs...Israel would be wiped out immediately.

Not only do we share their values, but in science, medicine, commerce, agricultural...they scratched a desert and made it one of the greatest nations of the world.

Say we went after the Iranian regime (the worst state sponser of terrorism in the world) militarily? What ally could we trust? What ally would provide the intelligence necessary to succeed or help us with the fight? Our former European partners no longer have a fighting spirit or militaries worth a damn. Canada going to help us? We get in a real scrap in 2018, Israel is the only ally we got still willing to swing their dick around. Yes we give Israel a lot of military aid but they got more fight and resilience in them now then all of Europe...and the UN passes 5 times more meaningless measures against them then against all the real brutal regimes combined. But that is all they will do. Everyone knows Israel isn't to be trifled with.

Trump's Defense Dept got us away from Obama era weakness and Mattis is back to a posture America should always have: don't mess with us. That I'm glad about. The Israelis will fight and their don't f--k with us stance is one I admire.

Good post. Wouldn’t argue against that.