How will they rule ??!

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Just read that "shock" article again and caught this...

According to previous numbers the DREAMER populations would put several states in play.

But that was with an original estimate of around 800,000 DREAMERS in the US.

The author is confused. He's been bamboozled by the Democrats' twisting of words. He thinks DREAMers and DACA are the same thing. They're not. Yes, DACA recipients are from the DREAMers pool, but not all DREAMers are DACA recipients. The 3.6 million DREAMers refer to the Dream Act bill. Not all of them qualify or chose to sign up for for DACA. There are only 800K DACA recipients.


Dude was deported from New Mexico in 2005 and had a Cali drivers licence issued in 2015.

He stalked coeds leaving bars. The first two were roommates, so not traveling alone. He then would escort them into their residence.

San Luis Obispo DA:

“His immigration status is not relevant for the purposes of this prosecution and we’ll treat this case like we would any other case,” Dow said. “In my mind, the relevance of his immigration status really points more to the safety of services like Uber. If those services are not conducting adequate background checks to make sure they know the true identity of people that are driving, then those of us who use those services, we don’t know for sure whether we’re at risk.”

It's clearly Uber's fault that Cali had no problem issuing him a drivers licence and giving him sanctuary from federal law.

If Uber had not contracted him, the protest would have been led by Uber's Without Borders.

From the comments:

If you ask a Joy Reid, the perp is not an illegal alien, he is an “undocumented immigrant.” He didn’t commit a rape, he committed “unauthorized sexual congress”.

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Damn! It's getting serious. Three House Committees - Oversight, Intelligence, and Judiciary - are severing communications with the DOJ and FBI because they feel they're not being honest, can't be trusted and are corrupted.

Seems like rather than severing communications, you'd want to communicate even more to get them on the record.
Seems like rather than severing communications, you'd want to communicate even more to get them on the record.
They way it was explained, I think 'communications' means they're no longer going to share their evidence with them anymore. It looks like they've finally realized they've been sharing their evidence with the suspects this whole time.
New Strzok text message. After he was fired from the Mueller investigation when his texts became public, he sent Page a text to fill her in on the investigation, telling her "There's no big there, there."
Just read that "shock" article again and caught this...

According to previous numbers the DREAMER populations would put several states in play.

But that was with an original estimate of around 800,000 DREAMERS in the US.

The author is confused. He's been bamboozled by the Democrats' twisting of words. He thinks DREAMers and DACA are the same thing. They're not. Yes, DACA recipients are from the DREAMers pool, but not all DREAMers are DACA recipients. The 3.6 million DREAMers refer to the Dream Act bill. Not all of them qualify or chose to sign up for for DACA. There are only 800K DACA recipients.
All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares?
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The FBI is now asking to see the memo so they know exactly what's being accused. Gowdy is refusing to allow them to see it.

He said (paraphrasing) after what he's seen he's not sure he's comfortable sharing the memo with them, that most of the evidence in the memo was compiled using the FBI's resources, information, etc..., and that the FBI has far greater capabilities than Congress, so if they want to see a memo they can conduct an investigation and produce one on their own.
[laughing] Maybe I'm setting myself up for failure, but I'm officially sold. The memo is most definitely too legit to quit.

You know how I know? It's gone further than just the media. High ranking Democrats have broken out the new "racist", urging an immediate investigation.

[laughing] Maybe I'm setting myself up for failure, but I'm officially sold. The memo is most definitely too legit to quit.

You know how I know? It's gone further than just the media. High ranking Democrats have broken out the new "racist", urging an immediate investigation.

I'd say this pretty much confirms that what's in the memo is really, really bad for the democrats.
Just about anything unfavorable to Trump and Republicans was leaked to the media, regardless of how sensitive the info.
The contents of the House Intelligence memo, known to be unfavorable to Democrats, has yet to be leaked.
Conclusion: Democrats were the obvious source of illegal leaks of sensitive info to the media during Trump's tenure.
You know what would help the Democrats more than anything - for 2018 and beyond? If they banded together and ended the Clinton Corruption, obama, whoever, etc etc. Purge yourselves you stupid idiots. Surely there are enough of you that aren't crooked criminals that can band together and do something good for this country. You would recapture all sorts of new voters if you did the right thing and stood up for this country like Trump has.
Anyone notice that Trump hasn't tweeted about the memo, not even once (unless I missed it)? Wondering if that's a sign of it being a total dud; or, a sign that it's so damning Trump is going full on hands off as to not taint it, giving the Democrats and media an angle to attack, accusing him of trying to undermine Mueller.

Also a text of him saying there's no there, there.
So the new thing is Trump’s taking money from the campaign to pay off the porn star? Yeah, that’s the least of our worries in regards to DC.

We had an admin spying on people and colluding with FBI and DOJ like the mafia and FBI agents perhaps alluding to assassination and/or sabotage. Our alternative for President was the most corrupt person in the history of politics who took money from every bad guy out there and sold favors. People really don’t remember the Clintons selling pardons during Bill’s last six months in office.
We have been handcuffed over our history to allow this type of corruption. All of this stuff that has been uncovered especially with the FBI deserves the death penalty.
You know what would help the Democrats more than anything - for 2018 and beyond? If they banded together and ended the Clinton Corruption, obama, whoever, etc etc. Purge yourselves you stupid idiots. Surely there are enough of you that aren't crooked criminals that can band together and do something good for this country. You would recapture all sorts of new voters if you did the right thing and stood up for this country like Trump has.
If one of the not crazy moderate democrats would sack up and denounce the far left, others would follow. I wish they would for the good of our country, elections are less important to me.
If one of the not crazy moderate democrats would sack up and denounce the far left, others would follow. I wish they would for the good of our country, elections are less important to me.

They'll wait until all the corruption comes out, then they'll be forced to denounce it. By then, it will be too late. They'll own it. Hopefully it will rock the Dims back to the stone age.
WH Deputy Press Secretary is saying, "Who cares. Schumer misled the public when he claimed he offered full funding while on the Senate floor. The only offer he made was an authorization for 1.6 billion (1/10th). He can't rescind money that was never on the table."
You should only agree to a LIVE interview and then yell "F*** HER RIGHT IN THE P****!".

If it was a live interview, I would’ve loved it and trolled and become a legend. I really wanted to say I was trying to start a transgender puppet company but haven’t been able to get it off the ground because of the economy, discrimination and Trump.” Then either open my jacket and reveal a Trump shirt or start a GoFundMe to make money off lib stupidity.

But being a conservative and agreeing to do a taped interview with an MSNBC editing crew? That’s asking for it.
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Of it's happening. Till they challenge and win the issue of automatic citizenship, it's just a matter of time.

The FBI is now asking to see the memo so they know exactly what's being accused. Gowdy is refusing to allow them to see it.

He said (paraphrasing) after what he's seen he's not sure he's comfortable sharing the memo with them, that most of the evidence in the memo was compiled using the FBI's resources, information, etc..., and that the FBI has far greater capabilities than Congress, so if they want to see a memo they can conduct an investigation and produce one on their own.

Great move. What they really want to know is how they can get their story straight to save their a$$

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