How will they rule ??!

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Something that makes me laugh thinking about.

Obama, Seth Meyer douche gets their jokes in during the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. About 10 minutes of laughter in front of their smug scum friends leads to possibly 8 years of them being mentally unstable and miserable.

Trump endorses Romney but Mitt is too much of a Dem and a pussy and loses.

The day after Romney loses, Trump says, “Eff it” and comes up with MAGA and files for trademark 13 days after the election.

Trump waited three more years to get the last laugh and he got it.

Hillary prepared for this since June of 2009 and lost. Haha
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This is an excerpt from a new book by Howard Kurtz. Pretty good, IMO:

"Donald Trump is staking his presidency, as he did his election, on nothing less than destroying the credibility of the news media; and the media are determined to do the same to him. This is not just a feud or a fight or a battle. It is scorched-earth warfare in which only one side can achieve victory. To a stunning degree, the press is falling into the president's trap. The country's top news organizations have targeted Trump with an unprecedented barrage of negative stories, with some no longer making much attempt to hide their contempt. Some stories are legitimate, some are not, and others are generated by the president's own falsehoods and exaggerations. But the mainstream media, subconsciously at first, has lurched into the opposition camp and is appealing to an anti-Trump base of viewers and readers, failing to grasp how deeply it is distrusted by a wide swath of the country.

These are not easy words for me to write. I am a lifelong journalist with ink in my veins. And for all my criticism of the media's errors and excesses, I have always believed in the mission of aggressive reporting and holding politicians accountable.

But the past two years have radicalized me. I am increasingly troubled by how many of my colleagues have decided to abandon any semblance of fairness out of a conviction that they must save the country from Trump.

I first got to know Donald Trump three decades ago and never made the blunder of underestimating him during the campaign. I saw all his weaknesses — the bluster, the bullying, the refusal to admit mistakes — but I also saw strengths that most of my colleagues missed, especially an ability to channel the anger of millions of voters who despise the press — including the old-guard conservative press — and other elite institutions.

This is, at bottom, a battle over the truth. Who owns it, who controls it, who can sell their version to a polarized public that increasingly cannot agree on basic facts. Everything you read, hear and see about Trump's veracity is filtered through a mainstream media prism that reflects a lying president — and virtually never considers the press' own baggage and biases. Everything you read, hear and see from the Trump team is premised on the view that media news is fake news, that journalists are too prejudiced, angry and ideological to fairly report on the president. Trump and his acolytes use these attacks on the Fourth Estate to neutralize their own untruths, evasions and exaggerations. What many journalists fail to grasp is that Trump's supporters love his street talk and view the media critiques as nonsense driven by negativity. They don't care if he makes mistakes. As paradoxical as it sounds, negative coverage helps Trump because it bonds him to people who also feel disrespected by the denizens of the mainstream press. The media take everything literally, and Trump pitches his arguments at a gut level. It is asymmetrical warfare.

Every president gets pounded by the press. But no president has ever been subjected to the kind of relentless ridicule, caustic commentary and insulting invective that has been heaped on Trump. I have a name for this half-crazed compulsion to furiously attack one man. It's called Trump Trauma."
This is an excerpt from a new book by Howard Kurtz. Pretty good, IMO:

"Donald Trump is staking his presidency, as he did his election, on nothing less than destroying the credibility of the news media; and the media are determined to do the same to him. This is not just a feud or a fight or a battle. It is scorched-earth warfare in which only one side can achieve victory. To a stunning degree, the press is falling into the president's trap. The country's top news organizations have targeted Trump with an unprecedented barrage of negative stories, with some no longer making much attempt to hide their contempt. Some stories are legitimate, some are not, and others are generated by the president's own falsehoods and exaggerations. But the mainstream media, subconsciously at first, has lurched into the opposition camp and is appealing to an anti-Trump base of viewers and readers, failing to grasp how deeply it is distrusted by a wide swath of the country.

These are not easy words for me to write. I am a lifelong journalist with ink in my veins. And for all my criticism of the media's errors and excesses, I have always believed in the mission of aggressive reporting and holding politicians accountable.

But the past two years have radicalized me. I am increasingly troubled by how many of my colleagues have decided to abandon any semblance of fairness out of a conviction that they must save the country from Trump.

I first got to know Donald Trump three decades ago and never made the blunder of underestimating him during the campaign. I saw all his weaknesses — the bluster, the bullying, the refusal to admit mistakes — but I also saw strengths that most of my colleagues missed, especially an ability to channel the anger of millions of voters who despise the press — including the old-guard conservative press — and other elite institutions.

This is, at bottom, a battle over the truth. Who owns it, who controls it, who can sell their version to a polarized public that increasingly cannot agree on basic facts. Everything you read, hear and see about Trump's veracity is filtered through a mainstream media prism that reflects a lying president — and virtually never considers the press' own baggage and biases. Everything you read, hear and see from the Trump team is premised on the view that media news is fake news, that journalists are too prejudiced, angry and ideological to fairly report on the president. Trump and his acolytes use these attacks on the Fourth Estate to neutralize their own untruths, evasions and exaggerations. What many journalists fail to grasp is that Trump's supporters love his street talk and view the media critiques as nonsense driven by negativity. They don't care if he makes mistakes. As paradoxical as it sounds, negative coverage helps Trump because it bonds him to people who also feel disrespected by the denizens of the mainstream press. The media take everything literally, and Trump pitches his arguments at a gut level. It is asymmetrical warfare.

Every president gets pounded by the press. But no president has ever been subjected to the kind of relentless ridicule, caustic commentary and insulting invective that has been heaped on Trump. I have a name for this half-crazed compulsion to furiously attack one man. It's called Trump Trauma."

Love this. He gets it.

One of the main faults of Dems and their media is they are ideologues, which makes them overly emotional. That in itself clouds judgment and objectivity. That’s why that in the process of going nuts about every little thing that Trump does, like ice cream, typos, soda, even fabricating stuff like handshake, koi fish, boy in a wheelchair, etc, destroys their credibility in the process.

Because they stay in an echo chamber for every aspect of their lives, this never dawns on them. It really makes Trump a sympathetic character in a lot of ways and when he does something that is worth being upset about, it doesn’t have the same impact because they have lost their marbles over everything. Kind of like calling people “racist” doesn’t mean anything now.

But I love that the author points out that it bonds his base to Trump because the press has mocked and showed utter disdain for working class folks especially in middle America. They run their pieces about how much white people suck and mock us as “backwards” and then are blown away that we hate their guts.

Only one guy tapped into this hatred of the leftist media and it was Trump. Not surprising that he also tapped into us wanting to stop illegal immigration. Truly a visionary, really. Or maybe he’s the only one who had balls and wasn’t a slave to donors?
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Trump needs to tell Mueller to go **** himself and he'll see him and his seditious cronies in front of a firing squad.
With all the talk about the memo and missing texts, I don't think its a coincidence at all that Mueller leaked this stuff today. I think hes basically daring Trump to fire him now.
With all the talk about the memo and missing texts, I don't think its a coincidence at all that Mueller leaked this stuff today. I think hes basically daring Trump to fire him now.

Yep. Positioning in a way that they can claim it's political. When it fact it should've never gotten off the ground.
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[laughing] Never one to let a good conspiracy go to waste. These FISA Court documents are supposed to be the basis for the Nunes memo.

Here’s the reported memo leaked to Infowars

Update: Despite media claims to the contrary, our congressional sources confirmed that the below memo documenting NSA spying on US citizens serves as a primary source of information for the Nunes summary memo:

William Binney, former tech head of the NSA contacted us this morning to send us the link to the reportedly classified memo that lawmakers said was a blueprint of how the Obama administration and the Deep State spied on President Trump.

This memo, hiding in plain site, serves as the basis for the four-page memo of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) which reveals perjury by the Obama administration when connected to other research.

This is the basic compendium of the NSA abuses spotlighted by Nunes:
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Something that makes me laugh thinking about.

Obama, Seth Meyer douche gets their jokes in during the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner. About 10 minutes of laughter in front of their smug scum friends leads to possibly 8 years of them being mentally unstable and miserable.

Trump endorses Romney but Mitt is too much of a Dem and a pussy and loses.

The day after Romney loses, Trump says, “Eff it” and comes up with MAGA and files for trademark 13 days after the election.

Trump waited three more years to get the last laugh and he got it.

Hillary prepared for this since June of 2009 and lost. Haha

It really is hilarious he got the last laugh and has destroyed Obamas Presidency.