How will they rule ??!

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Interesting list.....They are who we thought they were. IMO they all needed to be voted out. Personally I can't wait to vote McConnell out of office.

Click on their name and it shows their voting record and weather they sided either with liberal or conservative issues. It's quite amazing to look at.

Honestly, I can understand a new York or a Maine .. but from Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina , Alaska.

That's bogus..and not representing their constituents.
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This is so stupid. You thought when the libs lost everything in 2016 that there might be some re-evaluation but nope, they only double down.

It couldn’t be that they lost. It had to be the Russians. How they did it? Not sure. Facebook ads? Lol.

Spent a year looking for collusion with Russia, scraping the bottom. Meanwhile; proof of DNC/Obama/Clinton collusion with the media, DOJ, Fusion, FBI, Ukraine, etc is apparently of no interest to Democrats.
Honestly, I can understand a new York or a Maine .. but from Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina , Alaska.

That's bogus..and not representing their constituents.

I agree. Most of these guys are recruited by the RNC to run for office. It makes it impossible for your average Joe to run for office. In a very big way it's rigged from the start.
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I agree. Most of these guys are recruited by the RNC to run for office. It makes impossible for your average Joe to run for office. In a very big way it's rigged from the start.

It’s the money. You can’t compete if you can’t get the air time or ad time. That goes for both parties.
As I stated yesterday, Trump needs to tell Mueller to take his interview notebook, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up his candy ass.

Hilary broke numerous laws, but the treasonous FBI said she didn't intend to break laws even though she intended to commit the law breaking conduct. A meaningless bullshit distinction made up to convince the dullards on the left Clinton was innocent of the crimes she committed.

You think Trump specifically intended to break any laws? Even if he intended to commit some conduct that in fact broke laws, using the FBI precedent, no reasonable person would prosecute him.

If it turns out Mueller is in any way shape or form connected to these missing text messages or secret society, I'm not being dramatic at all when I say he should be the first person in front of the firing squad. Assuming he's connected, his conduct throughout this charade is without a doubt treason.
It’s the money. You can’t compete if you can’t get the air time or ad time. That goes for both parties.

Sort of like Mitch McConnel and the RNC pumping in millions of dollars worth of anti Mo Brooks ads in Alabama to help Luther Strange. We saw how that turned out.
It really is shocking and amazing how the heat got turned up on all the treason being committed within the FBI, then all of the sudden we start getting daily leaks from Mueller once again.

It's almost like he's trying to control the news cycle with his criminal activity.
I think Mueller is worried about that memo coming out because there's a 99% chance what hes doing is probably in the memo. Wants to distract from it as much as possible.
John Kerry is telling the Palestinians not to make any deal with Trump and to wait for the next democrat President. Kerry also hints that he may run for President in 2020. Nice of him to undermine our foreign policy.

Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Ben Rhodes, Valeria Jarrett...these were the people Obama surrounded himself with...dishonesty, lack of backbone, and hatred for historic American values is things they all have in common. Traitors within a country are 1000 times more dangerous than all foreign enemies combined.
I think its interesting that the same leftists outraged about attacks on the FBI (though it's mostly on the leaders of it and not most field agents) have zero problem constantly attacking the police and ICE.

Hell there's basically an entire state (California) threatening to incriminate anyone who helps ICE deport people. Not a damn word said from leftists about any of that. Effing hypocrites.
Once Calipari restores my faith that he knows what he's doing putting together a basketball team, maybe then I'll give a shit about his opinion on any other topic.

Yeah, it’s been such an awful ride for us fans with Cal as coach. Multiple FF’s , title runner ups, a national title , top ranked recruiting classes. Just terrible !
So the FBI used a fake memo it commissioned to launch a sweeping surveillance campaign against an elected President and his associates which led to an investigation aimed to bring down the sitting President's political opponents, and now we're concerned Trump tried to obstruct that investigation.

So in other words, the left is accusing Trump of obstructing treason.

Great stuff.
So the FBI used a fake memo it commissioned to launch a sweeping surveillance campaign against an elected President and his associates which led to an investigation aimed to bring down the sitting President's political opponents, and now we're concerned Trump tried to obstruct that investigation.

So in other words, the left is accusing Trump of obstructing treason.

Great stuff.
This stuff is getting crazy and I can’t keep up. There better be a movie about this.
I'd much prefer he gets stuck in the country he hates.
Yeah but, he would have to go to the US Embassy to try and get another one and would be stuck in that crap hole country for a day or two maybe more then, tell your allies to do it again. Eventually he would yearn to get back here where that big nosed bastard could sip some whisky and scurry around with Bill. I don't think he would feel comfortable spending too much time in that lawless land.
So the FBI used a fake memo it commissioned to launch a sweeping surveillance campaign against an elected President and his associates which led to an investigation aimed to bring down the sitting President's political opponents, and now we're concerned Trump tried to obstruct that investigation.

So in other words, the left is accusing Trump of obstructing treason.

Great stuff.

Well said.
Lol...this idiot during the press briefing just asked Sarah Sanders what has Trump done to prevent mass shootings since the Vegas shooting. Are you kidding me? Shootings are Trumps fault now?
Lol...this idiot during the press briefing just asked Sarah Sanders what has Trump done to prevent mass shootings since the Vegas shooting. Are you kidding me? Shootings are Trumps fault now?

She should have said that "President Trump is working hard to heal the sick, diseased, immoral, unprincipled, Marxist Progressive culture that the left has proliferated in our country".
Liberals complain about lack of mental health funding, yet they push to normalize every kind of mental illness and degeneracy known. Much of our culture has gone to shit and they are the main reason for it. Time to end this failed liberal insanity.

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