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[laughing] The drama surrounding this memo is just too much. We better get to see it and it better be good, like Hillary tortured Seth Rich to death in the basement of Comet Pizza good.

Anyway, Chaffetz said that Gowdy wouldn't tell him what the memo said because he's no longer in Congress and it's classified, but did say that Gowdy went on to tell him that, in all his years as a prosecutor/Oversight Chairman, it's one of the most disturbing things he has ever read.

Said another Congressman (missed his name) on the Oversight Committee, who used to work counterintelligence, interrogating terrorist, told him that it was so disturbing that he actually had to stop reading, gather his thoughts, then read it again just to make sure he read it right the first time.

Note that Chaffetz, Gowdy and the other Congressman are all good friends from their time working together on the Oversight Committee, so Chaffetz could be bs'ing, trying to stoke the flames for Republicans.
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[laughing] The drama surrounding this memo is just too much. We better get to see it and it better be good, like Hillary tortured Seth Rich to death in the basement of Comet Pizza good.

Anyway, Chaffetz said that Gowdy wouldn't tell him what the memo said because he's no longer in Congress and it's classified, but did say that Gowdy went on to tell him that, in all his years as a prosecutor/Oversight Chairman, it's one of the most disturbing things he has ever read.

Said another Congressman (missed his name) on the Oversight Committee, who used to work counterintelligence, interrogating terrorist, told him that it was so disturbing that he actually had to stop reading, gather his thoughts, then read it again just to make sure he read it right the first time.

Note that Chavetz, Gowdy and the other Congressman are all good friends from their time working together on the Oversight Committee, so Chavetz could be bs'ing, trying to stoke the flames for Republicans.

That's something else that is still hiding under the surface. I wouldn't be shocked at all if this digging leads to some information about what truly happened to Seth Rich and what he knew about democratic corruption.
[laughing] The drama surrounding this memo is just too much. We better get to see it and it better be good, like Hillary tortured Seth Rich to death in the basement of Comet Pizza good.

Anyway, Chaffetz said that Gowdy wouldn't tell him what the memo said because he's no longer in Congress and it's classified, but did say that Gowdy went on to tell him that, in all his years as a prosecutor/Oversight Chairman, it's one of the most disturbing things he has ever read.

Said another Congressman (missed his name) on the Oversight Committee, who used to work counterintelligence, interrogating terrorist, told him that it was so disturbing that he actually had to stop reading, gather his thoughts, then read it again just to make sure he read it right the first time.

Note that Chavetz, Gowdy and the other Congressman are all good friends from their time working together on the Oversight Committee, so Chavetz could be bs'ing, trying to stoke the flames for Republicans.

This is why I still am firmly in the no memo ever gets released camp.

I honestly don't think anything can live up to the expectations Rs are putting on it. They'll keep it classified so they can continue to say it's the most disturbing thing they've ever seen, but they don't want to shake America's faith in government. Makes no sense, but neither does 98% of what comes out of Washington and people eat it up.
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This is why I still am firmly in the no memo ever gets released camp.

I honestly don't think anything can live up to the expectations Rs are putting on it. They'll keep it classified so they can continue to say it's the most disturbing thing they've ever seen, but they don't want to shake America's faith in government. Makes no sense, but neither does 98% of what comes out of Washington and people eat it up.
Not sure it matters because the left is so disgusting that nothing fazes them. Only moderates could be swayed by the memos and they are mostly leaning right nowadays.
I honestly don't think anything can live up to the expectations Rs are putting on it. They'll keep it classified so they can continue to say it's the most disturbing thing they've ever seen, but they don't want to shake America's faith in government.

I thought that at first, too. But the Republicans all voted to release it. The Democrats are blocking it, with Adam Schiff using the same exact excuse that you mentioned.

He played it off without saying it was damning, though. Something about it was too complicated for the American people to understand without seeing the underlying evidence and it would needlessly shake their faith in the FBI when it's actually much to do about nothing.
Not sure it matters because the left is so disgusting that nothing fazes them. Only moderates could be swayed by the memos and they are mostly leaning right nowadays.
Yeah, with current climate and dems running for the hills with tail betwixt legs, just the idea of that memo is carrying a lot of weight.

Not sure if the sensationalism is to incite constituency or to see if they can actually make the D's piss themselves in fear.
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[laughing] The drama surrounding this memo is just too much. We better get to see it and it better be good, like Hillary tortured Seth Rich to death in the basement of Comet Pizza good.

Anyway, Chaffetz said that Gowdy wouldn't tell him what the memo said because he's no longer in Congress and it's classified, but did say that Gowdy went on to tell him that, in all his years as a prosecutor/Oversight Chairman, it's one of the most disturbing things he has ever read.

Said another Congressman (missed his name) on the Oversight Committee, who used to work counterintelligence, interrogating terrorist, told him that it was so disturbing that he actually had to stop reading, gather his thoughts, then read it again just to make sure he read it right the first time.

Note that Chaffetz, Gowdy and the other Congressman are all good friends from their time working together on the Oversight Committee, so Chaffetz could be bs'ing, trying to stoke the flames for Republicans.

If gowdy says it, it's true. You can take that to the bank.

Then this thing is as bad as it sounds. No wonder Dems are fighting tooth and nail to keep it under wraps.

Too many people saw it. Too damning. It's coming out. Just a matter of if they can get it out in ample time ahead of November.
Anyone ever dealt with the FBI? Incredibly meticulous, intelligent, and organized people.

Odds that they'd lose anything is doubtful. Odds they'd lose text messages that are automatically backed up is laughable. Add in that those same text messages were related to an investigative problem are less than 0, if that were possible.

Time for people to go to jail. There will be an electronic fingerprint somewhere. The system admin that deleted the backup will be figured out. I'd imagine that's a limited access. And you know they had a CYA when they did something like this.
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You all are going to be incredibly disappointed if you think anyone is going to jail.

I hope I'm wrong, but no memo is going to be released. Republicans will blame it on the Ds. The R base will fall for it.
Anyone ever dealt with the FBI? Incredibly meticulous, intelligent, and organized people.

Odds that they'd lose anything is doubtful. Odds they'd lose text messages that are automatically backed up is laughable. Add in that those same text messages were related to an investigative problem are less than 0, if that were possible.

Time for people to go to jail. There will be an electronic fingerprint somewhere. The system admin that deleted the backup will be figured out. I'd imagine that's a limited access. And you know they had a CYA when they did something like this.

Oh yeah. Only about 50 cars full deep surrounded the place. They were legit.
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Just reported that Trump has expressed to those around him in the WH that he is not inclined to extend out from DACA. No new last, big push of DACA enrollees, no DREAMers, no chain migration to even parents. Only those who are currently enrolled in DACA.

That’s been the game plan all along. Add to that liberals are fleeing places like California and New York because of their high taxes (imposed by the liberals they elected) and heading to places like Texas, North Carolina, etc. but taking their ultra liberal ideaolgoy with them... it’s only a matter of time. Sucks.
Good thing Trump is standing firm (so far) on only the 800K DACA recipients.

Also, not sure where that article gets off saying Ryan and McConnell want amnesty for the 3.6 million DREAMers. Like them or hate them, from everything I've seen they're firmly behind Trump’s position.

Along with Democrats, it's Graham and Flake using DREAMers/DACA interchangeably, trying to confuse the public, and sneak them into the deal.

Besides, none of it matters if Trump holds the line. He has the final say.

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