How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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lol well last account is banned till 2020. 3 months was this go around
I caught a ban hammer for telling BKH to STFU and sit down. Yeah, I know. Horrible shit. It was for like 3 years and I deserved that. But, when I came back at the end of the 3 years, it had been ****ing extended.

FusterCluck was born that day.
Oh yeah. Saw 2 bald eagles today perched in a tree just off I-69 in S. Indiana. Made the hair on my neck stand up. Never been that close to wild ones before. Man they were huge.

They are great to see. In '16, took a tour on a fishing boat out of Ketchikan, AK over by an island the local NA's control. They threw out fish & there were dozens of them. Awesome. Have seen them a couple of times in CO, normally in pairs, & another time or two in AK.
They are great to see. In '16, took a tour on a fishing boat out of Ketchikan, AK over by an island the local NA's control. They threw out fish & there were dozens of them. Awesome. Have seen them a couple of times in CO, normally in pairs, & another time or two in AK.
Saw the pair that lived on Lake Peewee in Madisonville 30 years ago, but that was thru binoculars. Had one circle above us while in a bass boat on Lake Wheeler sometime in the late 90s. Saw his shadow on the water first and it was so big it scared me. Saw these two and was thinking to myself as I drove closer, "Man those are some huge buzzards... with white heads... and man they sure are bald eagles."
It's okay...

The troops working without pay angle is fine, but almost everyone knows they'll get paid...

...they need to be talking about CHIP .. they should be playing clips of democrats saying people will die because millions will lose insurance if obamacare is repealed ...when in all reality, almost 10 million kids are set to, or have already lose their insurance due to CHIP expiring. It Will happen if it's not passed shortly.

That should be the message. Love the troops, but they will get paid for every day once the shutdown ends. Kids can't be reimbursed for medical help they've failed to get.
Everyone will get paid once the budget gets done regardless of time frame however, many of the lower ranks live paycheck to pay check and could be late in payments if it happens. Even those in government service who were furloughed the last time had about 7 days off but, got paid as if they were there. I am essential and must show up like last time so, I get screwed as the others will basically get free time off, again.
Heard Special Forces has been testing “The Wall” prototypes and they were not able to get through or over them.
Believe me, that is impressive. You should see how they have breached some high security sites in the past.
Everyone will get paid once the budget gets done regardless of time frame however, many of the lower ranks live paycheck to pay check and could be late in payments if it happens. Even those in government service who were furloughed the last time had about 7 days off but, got paid as if they were there. I am essential and must show up like last time so, I get screwed as the others will basically get free time off, again.

Oh I definitely understand and wasn't trying to minimize the fact that some of our great military men and women will be struggling.. I just think 10 million kids losing insurance because of democrats prioritizing illegal immigrants over them plays a lot better perception wise
It was the GOP that refused to fund CHIP back in November when it expired, you guys have short memories. A straight vote on CHIP could have been done months ago. They did that just to use it as a political tool now. if you haven't noticed both sides are full of shit and just playing games for optics and future votes, they don't care about the content of the bills. They just care about how they can play things in the media to fund raise for their next election cycle. You think most of these senators give 2 craps about DACA? Nothing gets done no matter who is in power because every vote has a bunch of other bullshit attached to it that have nothing to do with each other. Congress has forgotten what a clean bill is.

There’s a ton of these people who detest whites yet zero outrage over it, zero consequences.

But I do like how this guy is “French.” Haha

It was the GOP that refused to fund CHIP back in November when it expired, you guys have short memories. A straight vote on CHIP could have been done months ago. They did that just to use it as a political tool now. if you haven't noticed both sides are full of shit and just playing games for optics and future votes, they don't care about the content of the bills. They just care about how they can play things in the media to fund raise for their next election cycle. You think most of these senators give 2 craps about DACA? Nothing gets done no matter who is in power because every vote has a bunch of other bullshit attached to it that have nothing to do with each other. Congress has forgotten what a clean bill is.
Actually the dems care about daca...not bc they care about ppl or ppl being able to migrate in, it's just bc they want new voters bc they can't win the white vote. It's just the same as they have been pimping out black ppl for 50 years tellimg them they cant live without govt, as opposed to creating opportunity for them. Except they have changed nothing for them. Its why dems ate the identity politic party, the party of victim hood. Why they keep trying to expand entitlement programs..not bc they care, bc they want to put ceilings on ppl where they are hooked on govt.

Ps, you are wrong about CHIP...Dems have denied it 3 times
The Obama Administration’s ‘Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton’ Starting To Leak Out, According To Former Fed Prosecutor

He says former FBI Director James Comey conducted a fake criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as they “followed none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, with no grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrants. That’s not an investigation. That’s a Potemkin village. It’s a farce.”

DiGenova condemned the FBI for working so closely with the controversial Fusion GPS, a political hit squad paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to create and spread the discredited Steele dossier about President Donald Trump. Without a justifiable law enforcement or national security reason, he says, the FBI “created false facts so that they could get surveillance warrants. Those are all crimes.” He adds, using official FISA-702 “queries” and surveillance was done “to create a false case against a candidate, and then a president.”

In this highly detailed video interview, he holds up an unreported April 2017 99-page FISA court opinion that “describes systematic and on-going violations of the law [by the FBI and their contractors using unauthorized disclosures of raw intelligence on Americans]. This is stunning stuff.”

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"A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." — Donald Trump 2013
"A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." — Donald Trump 2013

Two totally different situations. Comparing the '13 shutdown to this shows your lack of knowledge. Maybe politics isn't for you. Trump gave Democrats everything they wanted in the CR except for immigration. He even included funding for Obamacare just to please them. There's no negotiating with Democrats on immigration, so getting together in a room is pointless. What Democrats are demanding, and not budging on, is a total non starter.

Are you so obtuse that you haven't yet figured out that Democrats don't want a deal? They want full amnesty, at all costs. They're playing partisan politics. It's basically blackmail. They are weaponizing the shutdown, trying to strong-arm Trump, demanding amnesty for 10 million illegals. Anything thing short of Trump giving them that that and their vote is no.
"A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." — Donald Trump 2013

When do Dems compromise on anything, you moronic twat?

Pretty pathetic that the only way your scumbag party can continue is to buy people through welfare programs and to import votes from the third world. And let’s not forget the massive propaganda/brainwashing machine you have working 24/7 just to help you get the most ignorant and clueless of people.

Because Democrats can’t get whites to vote for them anymore and make them the villain to their anti-white identity politics obsessed base, they shut down the government because they want to try and bring in more poor and uneducated people with no skills.

That speaks volumes about you all.
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So American Tennys Sandgren (Yes, really, that's his name) is into the quarterfinals of the Australian Open, and the snowflakes on twitter are imploding because he follows Trump, Shapiro, etc and liked their tweets. Now calling him a white supremacist...
So American Tennys Sandgren (Yes, really, that's his name) is into the quarterfinals of the Australian Open, and the snowflakes on twitter are imploding because he follows Trump, Shapiro, etc and liked their tweets. Now calling him a white supremacist...

I absolutely detest these radical nuts.

How crazy has the left become when simple
normalcy and common sense/truth seems like something they have to silence and attempt to shame?

If you’re not a self loathing white guy and communist, the left thinks you’re a white supremacist.
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