How will they rule ??!

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I absolutely detest these radical nuts.

How crazy has the left become when simple
normalcy and common sense/truth seems like something they have to silence and attempt to shame?

If you’re not a self loathing white guy and communist, the left thinks you’re a white supremacist.

It’s what they’ve been trained to do through school, media and especially social media. And God forbid their parents are brainwashed and ignorant... that leaves little to no hope for that person.

My wife is wanting to become a teacher. In central Kentucky most schools haven’t went full psycho yet, but I made sure to tell her it’s not like it was when we were growing up. Still, she does want to help kids so she’s in college for it.

College on the other hand is a complete joke. She has already had to take 3 classes on diversity in 2 years. Last night she was showing me an entire section about white supremacy. It made being proud of your country and happening to be white, a sure fire case of white supremacy. Just a complete load of BS. And they force students to take these classes.

It’s a brilliant, messed up, psycho system when it comes to teaching. You want to teach kids? You HAVE to go to college. You want a degree that qualifies you? You HAVE to take these courses. And hopefully they alter your mind along the way. It’s garbage.
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"A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." — Donald Trump 2013

Oh yeah. Bet your punk ass mouth won't talk about this

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in 2013 “it would be governmental chaos” if the Democrats shut down the government in order to give amnesty to illegal aliens.
It’s what they’ve been trained to do through school, media and especially social media. And God forbid their parents are brainwashed and ignorant... that leaves little to no hope for that person.

My wife is wanting to become a teacher. In central Kentucky most schools haven’t went full psycho yet, but I made sure to tell her it’s not like it was when we were growing up. Still, she does want to help kids so she’s in college for it.

College on the other hand is a complete joke. She has already had to take 3 classes on diversity in 2 years. Last night she was showing me an entire section about white supremacy. It made being proud of your country and happening to be white, a sure fire case of white supremacy. Just a complete load of BS. And they force students to take these classes.

It’s a brilliant, messed up, psycho system when it comes to teaching. You want to teach kids? You HAVE to go to college. You want a degree that qualifies you? You HAVE to take these courses. And hopefully they alter your mind along the way. It’s garbage.

Yep. You’re required to go through indoctrination. If you don’t, you’re considered “uneducated.” Yeah, I mean of course the gender studies and philosophy majors are much more intelligent than an electrician, mechanic, carpenter, etc.

I went to a very liberal university out west and there were zero conservative presence. Every class managed to push some oppression angle. Everything was about “racism” and how whites were awful. We’d have hypothetical scenarios in some assignments and it would be bashing Republicans and the Tea Party.

You were required to do three capstone” diversity classes. I did Global Media, Human Sexuality (the most effed up class I ever took) and Religious Studies. In the Religious Studies course, we had a female Muslim professor but one that didn’t wear hijab. She was, I believe whit but had experimented with so many cult/religions and her mother had like walked on coals and stuff. Anyway, she had a Muslim student come in to our class and hand out stuff for Islamic awareness week and invited us to come talk about understanding jihad.

I took on a whole class regarding the concept of “white privilege.” You don’t get to lecture me or any Kentuckian on “white privilege” when you’re painfully ignorant and oblivious to the way some of our areas are.

With all of the insane stuff I experienced in college, I could write a book. But some of the most hilarious examples was a professor saying it was sexist to want to watch the NBA over the WNBA. When I told him that the men and women were stronger, faster, can dunk and it doesn’t take five seconds to spot up and shoot a three, he said, “But women are tough. Women have babies.”

What does that have to do with dunking a basketball and being fast?
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Sorry repugs, NBC Intelligence reporter says the lost texts are nothing.

Ken Dilanian‏Verified account@KenDilanianNBC 13h13 hours ago
Ken Dilanian Retweeted Byron York

This is actually NOT a big development in the Trump-Russia probe. It is a pseudo development in the partisan attempt to discredit that investigation by suggesting that it hinges on the sentiments expressed by an FBI agent, rather than the evidence.
^ That's infuriating.

Just those particular, very busy and related 5 months of convo. And just this one time. Promise. Our bad.

Dems who buy and/or tolerate this treasonous IC injustice simply b/c it behooves their political party are exposing their true intentions and can no longer be considered worthy in any capacity.

B/c you can bet your sweet ass that there would be no personal privacy fence around any GD Trump texts. ****ing assholes.
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^ That's infuriating.

Just those particular, very busy and related 5 months of convo. And just this one time. Promise. Our bad.
His feed is nothing but liberal retweets and smarmy liberal commentary. There is no editorial management in these news orgs.
It was the GOP that refused to fund CHIP back in November when it expired, you guys have short memories. A straight vote on CHIP could have been done months ago. They did that just to use it as a political tool now. if you haven't noticed both sides are full of shit and just playing games for optics and future votes, they don't care about the content of the bills. They just care about how they can play things in the media to fund raise for their next election cycle. You think most of these senators give 2 craps about DACA? Nothing gets done no matter who is in power because every vote has a bunch of other bullshit attached to it that have nothing to do with each other. Congress has forgotten what a clean bill is.

You blubbering idiot
"A shutdown falls on the President’s lack of leadership. He can’t even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." — Donald Trump 2013

He was right. Do you have reading comprehension problems? A shutdown.. not any shut down.

The 13 shutdown was because of obamacare. Democrats were upset about the PASSED bill that delayed obamacare because it wasn't ready. They were right. Besides it being terrible, it was a huge cluster fugg when it came out for the first few years. Still is, but at least the website works.

The difference here, is there is nothing in this bill that anyone's mad about. They are vorturw signaling on something that needs a lot longer process and discussion than almost any bill passed and definitely more than a short term funding bill.

And also you're a twit who literally can't think anything past party.
Have a hard time believing there is no way to find those "missing" texts.

Have a family member who is a pretty big liberal who even admits this whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Unethical behavior has followed the Clinton's for decades. Lie after lie has been found to be just that. Add in Chicago politics with the Obama administration and you have a recipe for the biggest crime ring in the history of the US government.
Saw someone say weaponize the shutdown.

Well, that would be what democrats did last time.

You won't see any do not enter barricades outside of war museums or veteran services.

Obama admin made the shutdown a complete show last time. Shutting it all down and making sure there were photos. Freaking imbeciles cared more about the optics and photo ops and making people actually feel the shutdown then they cared about doing everything they couoe to make it as minimal as possible.
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Have a hard time believing there is no way to find those "missing" texts.

Have a family member who is a pretty big liberal who even admits this whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Unethical behavior has followed the Clinton's for decades. Lie after lie has been found to be just that. Add in Chicago politics with the Obama administration and you have a recipe for the biggest crime ring in the history of the US government.
Like Jurich/Pitino and the Louisville media, with no accountability why not?
Have a hard time believing there is no way to find those "missing" texts.

Have a family member who is a pretty big liberal who even admits this whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Unethical behavior has followed the Clinton's for decades. Lie after lie has been found to be just that. Add in Chicago politics with the Obama administration and you have a recipe for the biggest crime ring in the history of the US government.
I just checked my phone and I have texts on there going back to July 15, 2015. I have made no effort whatever to keep those texts, I simply did not delete them. They weren't in my way. However, somewhere along the line I received a text from someone asking if I knew where he could find some weed. I deleted that one, on purpose.
Schumer gets crushed.

People didn't buy it.

People are not morons. They knew it took some Dems.

Schumer was expecting Trump to take the bait and jump into the middle of the shutdown. When he didn’t, the Dems were sunk, it became their baby.

Trump won simply by not budging, and in the meantime he also showed what a colossal asshole Obama was in the way he weaponized the shutdown. Which plays right into the memo narrative that Obama weaponized the Govt, like a dictator does.
Is it possible that Strzok and Pages text messages are missing from Dec 2016 until May due to them being part of an investigation?

Maybe Mueller has moved his investigation from Trump/Russia collusion into FBI/Obama corruption ?
If they had dirt on Trump, the shutdown would’ve been perfect timing to let it out, but there wasn’t a peep.