How will they rule ??!

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Hey, @bwls1, let's just hope if it happens, and they do try to hold her accountable and deport her, Schumer and the Democrats don't decide to prioritize her over their sworn duties, shut down the government, hold the American people hostage, blackmail Congress/the President and demand that she be granted amnesty before they agree to reopen it.
Melania isn't American enough for me. Not sure she really cares about our flag and our anthem, which makes me wonder if she actually respects our great military.
Are you male and heterosexual? If not, I can understand why you don't like her.
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but K and company are showing kids that your one year of college doesn't have to include playing in front of these kids of people,

Yeah, because Kentucky fans are all that is wrong in this world and literally every single Duke fan is exactly what's right in this world. Couldn't possibly be such a thing as a Duke fan being one of "these kinds of people". If recruits are believing that nonsense, then they're close minded imbeciles who have zero sense. Not to mention, you're all generalizing bigots.
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That'll be forever. Will be long forgotten by then. They missed their window.

But we will know if trump had two scoops of ice cream on a given day
Does the government being shutdown stop it from being released? Maybe that's why hes saying 19 days (assuming the govt will be shutdown for a while)

Would be interesting to know.
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Melanija has a marketable skill and its not hat hard to immigrate if you have one, in spite of what you may hear.

I know this for a fact.

I also know for a fact that some immigrants have a far greater respect for the flag and anthem than some native born because they have unique perspective of living under different ones which did not afford the same benefits.
Still wondering how she got her green card in 2001. Why is the MSM not looking into this more? Too busy dogging her husband...I guess they can't see the forest for the trees. And how has she made our country better with her presence??

They played that card during the election. It lost, just like Hillary
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Listening to the radio and Nancy Pelosi sounds as stupid as ever.

“Despite having the Presidency, the house, and the senate, Republicans were too incompetent to avoid a shutdown.”

That’s the card they’re playing. They’re hoping their base and a media repeating it over and over will put no blame on them. Of course everyone that is informed knows it takes 60 senate votes and there are only 51 Republicans. Dems have made it clear they’ll oppose Trump no matter what.
I don't see why Trump wouldn't declassify it. Maybe he wants to let them squirm for a little bit before putting it out there. We will see.

Not sure. Must be a reason. Hopefully it's to really set the hook deep while staying neutral. Hopefully it's not because it's a let down memo. But I think we know it isn't, based on his furious tweet back in March when he found out
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Interesting point

Tim Pool‏Verified account@Timcast 10h10 hours ago
Tim Pool Retweeted Chelsea E. Manning

Chelsea crashes the @Cernovich event and gives it a thumbs down. None of the “nazis” physically attacked her even though she openly supports Antifa and is “far left” She is, however, being heavily criticized by the left for attending.

Imagine the opposite. Think antifa would allow someone to stroll out?