How will they rule ??!

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Is it possible that Strzok and Pages text messages are missing from Dec 2016 until May due to them being part of an investigation?

Maybe Mueller has moved his investigation from Trump/Russia collusion into FBI/Obama corruption ?
If they had dirt on Trump, the shutdown would’ve been perfect timing to let it out, but there wasn’t a peep.


Mueller investigating Mueller now? I don't think so.

Don't care about any of this other than to say, what the hell kind of jacket is that. Is that the style now? Didn't George Constanza have one of those?
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Same thing the GOP had to do with their shutdown because no matter what reason you do it for you are pissing off the entire country for not doing your job.
Trump's tweet back during the campaign said he is going to teach the GOP how to win. Many people laughed. The GOP without Trump would have caved into the Dems in a heartbeat. Now, they are fighting back and winning for a damn change.
The difference is that in the past Republicans were scared to death that the media will make them look bad. Trump knows the media will rip him no matter what and he doesn't give a damn. Maybe that type of attitude is starting to rub off on others.
A few months ago, after failing to repeal Obamacare, and when the resistance was at a fever pitch, Democrats were leading in the National Generic Ballot by 13 points. After not a single Democrat voted for tax reform and spouted lies about it killing people, their lead dwindled to six points. Good chance after this debacle it draws closer to even.
Libs today:

The dems didn't cause the shutdown.

Also libs: The dems ended the shutdown.

Uhh... Both of these can't be true at the same time.
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Huh? So now you're admitting this was a Democrat shutdown? I could have sworn you've done several drive bys posting CNN talking points, making excuses as to why this wasn't on the Democrats.
They are the ones that voted it into happening so of course it's their shutdown. It's McConnell & trumps fault for letting it get to that point. The budget should have been dealt with months ago and DACA only became a problem because trump made it one. You can bet your life savings they will wait till the last second of Feb 8 to get a deal made if one is even made. If they don't work shit out you can expect a real shutdown next time that lasts a few weeks. I think the only shutdown that actually worked out for the side forcing it was when clinton vetoed his budget and then forced a 7 year budget of basically exactly what he wanted back when we didn't try to fund the US month by month.

This along with that Joy whatever the hell her name is Tweet has me thinking they've become self aware.

Then I remember they are goddam lunatics with zero feet left inside the bounds of reality, and it gives me a sense of comfort that, contrary to by initial beliefs, 2018 really might be a slaughter of the left rather than the right.