How will they rule ??!

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The mental institution needs to stop letting people on twitter

What she & most don't get, regardless of Trump, no one would begin to believe this was true if NK didn't have nukes & missiles - courtesy of Obama, Bush II , & Bubba. Maybe she & others should stop & think - I know, asking a lot - that getting nukes out of NK's hands ought to be a priority such that they wouldn't think this was true, but of course not, they ain't that smart. And of course they don't want to be seen supporting a Trump policy. They'd rather have what happened, happen. I'd say that she's a DA, but it's too obvious.

Socialism seems awesome.

[laughing] Check out his hair...

Of course Trump gets blamed

The woman is hysterical. Look at all this:

"Rep. Tusli Gabbard, D-Hawaii, who sent out one of the first tweets warning that the emergency alert was not accurate, later tweeted that "Everyone in American needs to understand that if you had to go through this, you would be as angry as I am - I have been talking about the seriousness of this threat for years."

"Our leaders have failed us for decades" Gabbard noted, and added that Trump "is taking too long, needs to take North Korea's "threat seriously," and that "we have to talk to North Korea and find a peaceful path to get rid of this nuclear threat."

Replying to @TulsiGabbard
Everyone in American needs to understand that if you had to go through this, you would be as angry as I am - I have been talking about the seriousness of this threat for years.


Our leaders have failed us for decades, refused to take this threat seriously and prevent a nuclear North Korea, and the people of Hawaiʻi are now paying the price.

4:21 PM - Jan 13, 2018


Replying to @TulsiGabbard
Our leaders have failed us for decades, refused to take this threat seriously and prevent a nuclear North Korea, and the people of Hawaiʻi are now paying the price.


Donald Trump is taking too long. Now is not the time for posturing. He must take this threat seriously and begin direct talks with North Korea, without preconditions, to de-escalate and denuclearize the Korean peninsula. There is no time to waste.

4:21 PM - Jan 13, 2018


Replying to @TulsiGabbard
Donald Trump is taking too long. Now is not the time for posturing. He must take this threat seriously and begin direct talks with North Korea, without preconditions, to de-escalate and denuclearize the Korean peninsula. There is no time to waste.


The people of Hawaiʻi should never have had to go through this. The people of America should not be faced with this threat right now. We need peace - not political bickering. We have to talk to North Korea and find a peaceful path to get rid of this nuclear threat.
4:21 PM - Jan 13, 2018"

!. She, A Dim, finally recognized how screwed our NK policy has been by saying our leaders have failed us. That's a direct attack on her beloved Saint Obama - and others as well. .
2. "Trump is taking too long." This is serious, but she's hilarious with putting it on him after just one year.
3. Negotiate with no preconditions & yet get rid of NK nukes. How is getting rid of NK nukes not a pre-condition? And it can be peaceful if NK just quits nukes. How could it be so otherwise.

This event was a great event as a wake up call.
Silly Hawaiians - NK would be lucky to hit Seoul with a missile, let alone Honolulu.

I’d have been outside with a cooler of beer watching everyone scatter for no reason.
Maybe now, after this scare, Gabbard will try to convince her Democrat colleagues to put America/Americans first, and not shut the government/military spending down over foreign illegals.
If there is a single Democrat who actually might do it, she might be the one. But she probably has higher ambition, and so she'll sell out.

While we are worried about hurting Haiti and Africans’ feelings, for years, white farmers are being horrifically murdered and US media won’t touch it.
Interesting that the "far right" has no shortage of women with the considerably attractive appearance of Lauren- and, outside of paid shills from Hollywood, the SJW women generally tend to be manly looking 257 pound trolls with blue hair.
Interesting that the "far right" has no shortage of women with the considerably attractive appearance of Lauren- and, outside of paid shills from Hollywood, the SJW women generally tend to be manly looking 257 pound trolls with blue hair.

Mentally Ill people are attracted to the left. I imagine what’s inside them is projected on the outside, self loathing and mental illness usually results in unkempt look.

It’s apparently radical for women to want to be feminine and not hate their European heritage.
Mentally Ill people are attracted to the left. I imagine what’s inside them is projected on the outside, self loathing and mental illness usually results in unkempt look.

It’s apparently radical for women to want to be feminine and not hate their European heritage.
There's no doubt that mental illness is common among the SJW Twitter/Tumblr freaks (as opposed to the mainstream liberal dum dums, who are just naïve and wanting to be virtuous GoodWhites). The majority of them are on medication, and the others should be. Bipolar, depression, autism, Asbergers, etc, etc- these idiots have every neurosis under the sun. Also, most are physically repulsive, and many don't even know their own gender.
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While we are worried about hurting Haiti and Africans’ feelings, for years, white farmers are being horrifically murdered and US media won’t touch it.

It's part of a systematic social engineering to propagate guilt and self loathing among a wide portion of the population IMO

The idea is that it makes the eventual overthrow and revolution less difficult

Psychological warfare in other words

Orwell wrote about the nature of double speak and how it has the capacity to destabilize your thinking etc

Just my opinion but I think that's a lot of what we're seeing right now

And since the intensity and absurdity is ratcheting up as it is -- I assume we're getting closer to some pretty serious moves / changes etc

Palestinians are petitioning the UN to step in and create a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as their capital

That's a big deal

It's also a chance for the Vatican and others in the UN to remind them that......borders aren't important
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Hillary especially has to keep moving and making noise

Apparently the moves this admin is making with Wikileaks could lead to her indictment ....Assange made a statement about 2 weeks ago that he has information that would send her to jail

She's a cornered animal right now

She's going to throw any and all bits of blathering nonsense she can to save her own greedy, neck
Report: Man arrested for terrorist threats aimed at Steelers-Jaguars NFL playoff game

A man was arrested after he threatened to kill players and fans at Sunday's NFL playoff game between the Steelers and Jaguars in Pittsburgh, San Antonio TV station KSAT reported.

The station said that according to an arrest affidavit, police said Yuttana Choochongkol, 30, of San Antonio, made multiple threats, including one to kill himself.

The affidavit said that on Thursday, a Pittsburgh station received this threat from Choochongkol:

"This Sunday's playoff game in Pittsburgh is going to be like no other. Why? Because it's going to be my last day on this pathetic planet. So why not take some innocent lives with me? The Steelers game will be packed, and that's when I plan on killing Steelers football players and fans before taking my own pitiful life. After all, what does a person that is going to commit suicide have to lose? Absolutely nothing. So why not take out some million dollar Steelers players before me? Sounds like a good idea. Hahahahahah"
The San Antonio station reported that also on Thursday, Heinz Field received a similar threat from Choochongkol. Heinz Field officials were able to get a user name and IP address and send them to the FBI, which then traced the threats to a facility called Worldwide Clinical Trials in San Antonio. The suspect was then identified.

0 excuses for him continuing what he was doing after she finally just said no, but she admits to agreeing to oral sex. This is what I don’t get. If you don’t want to perform in any sexual acts.... why not just say no and make it clear?

I gave non-verbal clues? CLUES? Seriously? Any girl I’ve made advances on that said no, nothing happened. When I was younger I pouted for a minute, got over it and life went on.

If you’re as uncomfortable as she made it sound like she was, then why not just leave? Why hang around and blow him? You felt pressured? Then leave. Either way, if you’re willing to let a guy go down on you and in return blow him without saying no, he’s probably going to think you’re down to have sex. I think this is a situation where you are clear and don’t rely on clues.

I put 100% of the blame on him after she finally said no and made it clear she wasn’t interested in sex. Again, not making excuses for him as he was clearly pretty aggressive even after she said no.
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0 excuses for him continuing what he was doing after she finally just said no, but she admits to agreeing to oral sex. This is what I don’t get. If you don’t want to perform in any sexual acts.... why not just say no and make it clear?

I gave non-verbal clues? CLUES? Seriously? Any girl I’ve made advances on that said no, nothing happened. When I was younger I pouted for a minute, got over it and life went on.

If you’re as uncomfortable as she made it sound like she was, then why not just leave? Why hang around and blow him? You felt pressured? Then leave. Either way, if you’re willing to let a guy go down on you and in return blow him without saying no, he’s probably going to think you’re down to have sex. I think this is a situation where you are clear and don’t rely on clues.

I put 100% of the blame on him after she finally said no and made it clear she wasn’t interested in sex. Again, not making excuses for him as he was clearly pretty aggressive even after she said no.

Agree. Not sure which nonverbal clues he's supposed to interpret? Exchanging oral sex or her saying no while staying naked? Sounds like she was down for anything except sex.

Was he off limits? Yes. Was it an understandable misread? Yes.

His immediate apology shows that
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Socialism seems awesome.

Fn shithole. Nuke them.

RARARAaaaaaaaandy!! Lmao

That’s textbook Randy. Girl thought she’s having a romantic date with sweet Aziz Ansari who she saw on TV before, but she got douched by Randy.

Surprise! A golden globe winning “best actor” (no way he won that?) douched you over.

Call the cops. Please. Call the cops on that douche. Don’t suck him. Call the cops.

So I read it. I’ve heard stories about Aziz being a douche and trying to use his celebrity status to get girls at bars even back in 2013 from people I worked with. Eyewitness accounts.

According to her, Aziz instigated it and being the aggressor but she also acknowledges she went down on him. And when he tried to have sex with her twice, she shut it down.

He comes off as a POS but legally, is this sexual assault? No. She wasn’t penetrated. This is a girl who thought she was going on a romantic date, realized Aziz saw her as someone down for celebs, participated in oral sex and that’s it. The evening ended when she realized she wasn’t special to him.

His behavior comes off as very college male-like behavior. Personally, i really can’t stand the guy because I think he’s a douche, his character on Parks and Rec was annoying and he’s a hardcore liberal.

But I think a lot of us should be thankful to not be young single guys in this climate.
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Report: Man arrested for terrorist threats aimed at Steelers-Jaguars NFL playoff game

A man was arrested after he threatened to kill players and fans at Sunday's NFL playoff game between the Steelers and Jaguars in Pittsburgh, San Antonio TV station KSAT reported.

The station said that according to an arrest affidavit, police said Yuttana Choochongkol, 30, of San Antonio, made multiple threats, including one to kill himself.

The affidavit said that on Thursday, a Pittsburgh station received this threat from Choochongkol:

"This Sunday's playoff game in Pittsburgh is going to be like no other. Why? Because it's going to be my last day on this pathetic planet. So why not take some innocent lives with me? The Steelers game will be packed, and that's when I plan on killing Steelers football players and fans before taking my own pitiful life. After all, what does a person that is going to commit suicide have to lose? Absolutely nothing. So why not take out some million dollar Steelers players before me? Sounds like a good idea. Hahahahahah"
The San Antonio station reported that also on Thursday, Heinz Field received a similar threat from Choochongkol. Heinz Field officials were able to get a user name and IP address and send them to the FBI, which then traced the threats to a facility called Worldwide Clinical Trials in San Antonio. The suspect was then identified.
I will not shed a tear should an NFL game get terrorized. As long as liberals are the victims I'm okay with whatever happens to them.
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