How will they rule ??!

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- Why would the CIA be talking to Moby? Why would they push the Manchurian Candidate ideology re: Trump to incense and solidify his allegiance?

- Who the **** even listened to Moby 15 years ago, much less in the past 5 years?

- If the CIA is in Moby Who's ear, who else's ear are they in and pushing to be messengers? Those with huge, liberal followings... like hollywood?

I’m actually really fascinated by the history of communism and Hollywood. Pretty crazy history of that, that not many are aware of.

Too many people read history books and hear about propaganda and are so stupid and arrogant to think it’s not happening here. It’s majorly on display in our country. Every single day.
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Oh shit. Kentucky first state to follow thru on Trump's plan. To receive medicaid benefits people will have to do 80 hours of community participation a month. Suck it liberals.

Who will file the first lawsuit?
Another story that seems like free advertisement for trump.

Where are Obama’s “records?” Why are they sealed? Why is he the only president to not release them? Why will his future library not even display these records? Why is he so non-transparent? Dude is a weirdo.
He won't release his records for the same reason that dirty ass Bill Clinton wouldn't release his medical records. THEY'VE GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE! In Clinton case the old boy was trying to hide the fact he had been treated for every STD known to man (the clap, syphilis, herpes,ect...)
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Remember when Dems scoffed at the idea Russia was dangerous (Romney), and now they're the most dangerous entity the world has ever known and steal elections and change hearts and minds with their propaganda?
Or that they keep fear mongering that Trump is provoking nuclear war with North Korea all the while they consistently slander Russia, the largest nuclear power
This has basically become sovereignty vs globalism/big gov’t tyranny. How nuts is this?

We shouldn’t be surprised that we have a nation filled with people who have no sense of patriotism, no love for this country when we have imported people who have no attachment to it and our educational system indoctrinates people to hate it.

It is very telling that we have a party that’s against protecting its citizens and putting an emphasis on them instead of the world. It would be like getting upset that your dad wanted you to have more money and got a security system for your house. How insane are Democrats?


and increasingly open in its nature more or less

conflict becoming more and more pronounced and targeted etc

Slaves are being sold at auctions in Africa
Murder rates are insane in Baltimore *et al*
Clear cases of targeted crime and increased disease prevalence are consequences of the mass 'migration' of muslims into Europe


Our President MAY have said the word SHITHOLE

And almost as if practiced - the political peanut gallery, The EU, The UN and the Marxist Pope ALL SUDDENLY POUNCE ON THIS LIKE ITS THE BIGGEST STRUGGLE OF F'ING HUMANITY SINCE STALIN AND HITLER LIVED SIDE BY SIDE

these NWO stooges aren't even CLEVER with their f'ing propaganda
I’m actually really fascinated by the history of communism and Hollywood. Pretty crazy history of that, that not many are aware of.

Too many people read history books and hear about propaganda and are so stupid and arrogant to think it’s not happening here. It’s majorly on display in our country. Every single day.

THIS is the supposed to be the crowning moment for Communism

Far from gone -- they're about to spring their end game

Kill the dollar
End the nation state paradigm
Global Govt
Global Economy
even a Global form of acceptable religious expression IMO

There's nothing of National Socialism in this admin's efforts to secure borders and emphasize the Neo Nazi slurs that pop up from time to time just amaze me.........

People (no saying YOU, SCrewDuke - I don't know you personally) -- LOTS of people have had their ability apply critical thinking just short circuited,,,,,,

You DO have open Marxism and Communism operating in NGO's, Federal Agencies, Entertainment, Int'l Agencies etc etc

But I am really REALLY hard pressed to find a solidified, marching to change THINGS - Neo Nazi movement

Can you point it out to me?

also - since we have a documented history of organized receipt and outright lies directed at bringing down this President (CNN having to fire 'journalists' etc).....

Why wouldn't we Start with a little discernment and -- even a little doubt -- when the next HORROR STORY emerges about this President

I'm not saying look the other way if this admin steps wrong
But for the Love of MIKE --- can we put it in perspective please??

And apply some logic?

This is about team New World Order using ANY MEANS NECESSARY to keep their cronies out of jail and their precious revolution on track

Trump (and others) have begun to squarely align AGAINST that movement

and I believe that's the moral , ethical and logical thing to do as well

The American ppl hopefully won't become distracted or disheartened ---

We need to continue to elect people who will emphasize independence and sovereignty with a strong economic base

With that self reliance shored up -- we need to back off the rest of the world (world police thing) a bit and try to find new ways to help other nations / spread goodwill.......

you CAN do that without opening up / dissolving your borders you know

I promise
Lots of good posts this morning, my "like" button is getting worn out.

Stephen Paddock investigation is incredible to me, it has been a wall of silence which the media has been amazingly complicit in allowing. There are a lot of scenarios that cannot be ruled out (or are actually supported over the official version of events) given the knowledge we have...yet the official story is he acted alone in all of this is not being questioned by MSM. I'm dumbfounded.

He should have the intellectual honesty to follow that remark with a clear outline of his politics, what he believes "Good Govt Looks Like" -- and help explain how dissolving borders and ending the nation state ---- will help "The People"

Sean Penn - and many like him -- are losing relevance on a daily basis

But -- like we';ve been saying

This is coming down to everyone needing to pick a side

I KNOW there are logical / sound / intelligent Leftists / Liberals who realize that their party and convictions have been hacked......

You guys need to summon your inner George Orwell and take a stand against marxism just as you would actual fascism

You don't have to surrender your D-party card
Or stop calling your self a liberal
Or change your social preferences

But take a DAMN STAND against what is an increasingly open Marxist revolution

the results are going to be as brutal and oppressive as they've ALWAYS been when that insane ideology takes over

Find a way to make your voice heard!

PS: resumed work on the book today FWIW
Trump should tweet out "Russia and North Korea are shitholes"

Liberals would all of a sudden go back to defending Putin and Rocket Man.

How many people in Hollywood, NYC or at CNN in Atlanta.....would openly sneer and call my (your) Appalachian home something similar?

You think they'd like to go hang out in Frakes or Tiprell and encourage those (mostly) good folks to immigrate (as is their right) to Rome and be fully supported / housed / fed by their tax monies?

Would France be swooning in their cuckold-flushed frenzy about how BEAUTIFUL it is to be Kentuckians? By farmers from Kansas?

This shit

is twisted

and it's openly there for all to see