How will they rule ??!

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Sheesh that's tough to watch even for a mistake. I wonder how many people had heart attacks because of that?


Lol. K.

They find 14 people to trot out for this idiocy?

Liberal media is vomit.
“Trump is a Nazi for not wanting third world government dependent ppl migrating here to feast off resources.”

Also the left.
“OMG! Trump is recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitali!”

After thousands of years, we are handicapped by fear of getting out of comfort zone and being labeled. Back in the day, they’d end this BS on the battlefield. Winner take all.

As it stands now, the left is like a cancerous limb and like the POS who runs their mouth without fear of getting punched in the mouth.
Sheesh that's tough to watch even for a mistake. I wonder how many people had heart attacks because of that?

My neighbors went scrambling for the hills.

Everyone's phones sent out the alert and people were getting panicked.

Local TV never broke their telecasts, just a quick banner and voice to find shelter and that this was not a drill.

We filled the bathtub and other containers with water.

Hopefully, it was a mistake by us and not a security breach. Unkown as of now.
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My neighbors went scrambling for the hills.

Everyone's phones sent out the alert and people were getting panicked.

Local TV never broke their telecasts, just a quick banner and voice to find shelter and that this was not a drill.

We filled the bathtub and other containers with water.

Hopefully, it was a mistake by us and not a security breach. Unkown as of now.
Probably were hacked. Surely no one in that agency would've been crazy enough to accidentally send that out.
Oh shit. Kentucky first state to follow thru on Trump's plan. To receive medicaid benefits people will have to do 80 hours of community participation a month. Suck it liberals.

Brother just lost his insulin and severe back pain treatment.
Worked years in civil service till the department closed. Tried working another job till retirement, and was injured.

Bevins is a douche.
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to do that, he first needs an intellect.

You've cornered me with concise-ity

I salute you
and will try to emulate that

There's no f'ing way the wrong 'button' was pushed and an attack warning for incoming ballistic missile msg was sent

^^^ That's the "Concise" post ^^^^

The notes below are other odds and ends that kinda tie into this ... in my mind at your own peril

If you recall - there was a US military base that had the same urgent "Threatcon Delta" type warning about .... 2 or 3 months ago....
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I think the Atlanta airport was a hack, the CES show was a hack, and this Hawaii thing was a hack. It’s all a gd hack.

DARPA is working on hacking the human brain

In some ways -- I believe this is actually a legacy of N Tesla

PS: I once hacked into Ben Pressnell's bedroom closet ... it was do damn chaotic in there I figured I'd clean it up in the morning.......

but I forgot

I was 12
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Sheesh that's tough to watch even for a mistake. I wonder how many people had heart attacks because of that?


It USED to be that you had 30 minutes to take what shelter you could find if a Soviet ICBM went airborne

Hypersonic weapons are all the rage now
And hacking crap
And a-symetric warfare against your currency and social groups

You aren't going to have to WORRY about fleeing a soccer field and finding a better place if a modern ICBM / Major Power were to attack

Just enjoy the view on the way out and have some dignity --
maybe scream something obscene about Louisville as your last words
Friends niece was in Hawaii when this happened. Texted Family to pray for her and others. Thinking this was the end. Told family after it was over that she was going home for a nap and a drink. [laughing]
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Berlin being asked via formal proposal ... from take in 4 times as many Islamic Immigrants as they have so far

Even with ISIS defeated?

Germans need to start making some very tough decisions

If things go really south - the US should create a special program to fast track their engineers, aerospace experts and many others

Germans are productive, disciplined and logical -- generally
They also seem to like an enormous amount of porn

How do you measure the impact of migration ?

For the UN / The Vatican and others who are hell bent on telling us that ALL IMMIGRATION is good (and a 'right') do you EVALUATE the impact of was migration from varying populations?

assuming you can track the people fairly well
You COULD track things like:

Economic output / productivity

Public Health indicators (are people acting as vectors and bringing in disease?)

Scientific output -- are these newcomers publishing papers? teaching?

civic responsibility - are the newcomers supporting law / order? Are they being disruptive?

Arts? Music?

Military defense?

Population growth? Having babies?

and in all fairness this would have to be some kind of longitudinal study so you can track changes over a period of years

do the newcomers support the existing culture and add to it?
or are they attacking it and preaching revolution?

I'm sure we could come up with others.....

do the newcomers like to perform Gang Rapes for example.......that's usually frowned upon and whatnot

So -- even if I close one eye and try to shut my damn hillbilly mouth.....I see nothing but FRAUD=FRAUD=FRAUD (i.e. hidden agenda) in the claims of ANYONE at this point that immigration into Europe from Islamic populations centers ---- is "A GOOD THING"