How will they rule ??!

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Let me also say I reject the premise that immigrants from countries that are sh!tholes are not here to work hard and create their own American dream. Which means I also reject the premise that these people will automatically vote Democrat. But there is no denying in many instances their country of origin is a sh!thole. I have no problem with immigration; It's illegal immigration that we need to address and eradicate.

many or most ppl immigrating here these days is becaue their country is a shithole. so long as those coming here are doing so in a manner to quote are very own B-rad, earned not given, immigration, then i have no problem with it. those immigrating in that manner, earning their status, also integrate into society as proud Americans. those taking the other rout are only here to take advantage of our generosities and entitlement programs.

Trump is only saying these same things, make sure people immigrating to this country are doing so in a legal manner and are willing to earn their path to citizenship.
Know a Haitian born retired military man who is liberal but hates the Clinton's for what they did in Haiti. He got his citizenship through military service and is now working at Ft Sill for a contractor. Retiring at the end of the month with a good amount of money. Admits he will never go back to Haiti because it is just a mess of a place and a lot of corrupt people have destroyed his country.

Trump should troll the press by calling a press conference.

It would consist of this militart member from Haiti calling Haiti a shit hole. Say they don't give assistance there..if you're poor and hungry then you're poor and hungry like @thabigbluenation coworkers said..and they they know this and it's dud to corruption and Hillary Clinton. And that they despise illegal immigration. Do it the correct way.

Be hillarious
A lot of these sh!thole countries remain sh!tholes because the USA siphons off their best and brightest. Shouldn't those countries resent that? And aren't we doing more harm than good to these countries by taking the citizens who might help them rise up? We let all these people from other countries run away from whatever their problems are in their homeland to come here. What if they couldn't run away? Would these people decide to better the situation in their homeland?

Not saying this line of thinking should rule the day or affect our policy, just food for thought: wondering if we are really doing the world a service by giving individuals an "out."

We take so much for granted, I am so grateful that I was born in the USA, and I can't blame anyone for wanting a better life for themselves and their children.
[laughing] Those of you who believe that Haiti is a third world shithole are either misinformed or miseducated. The truth of the situation and facts of the matter are irrelevant. Just go ahead and ask them, they'll tell you.


Honestly knew very little about Ed Royce, but after reading this...much respect.
Trump canceled his trip to London because he was afraid of being booed the whole time he was there. That is some thin skin. And whoever gave him the silly idea to blame it on Obama's bad deal to sell the old embassy should have spent 5 minutes doing the research to learn that Bush made the deal. Next time just man up and say they don't want him there so they can **** off.
Trump canceled his trip to London because he was afraid of being booed the whole time he was there. That is some thin skin. And whoever gave him the silly idea to blame it on Obama's bad deal to sell the old embassy should have spent 5 minutes doing the research to learn that Bush made the deal. Next time just man up and say they don't want him there so they can **** off.


So he's racist when he bluntly tells the truth and hurts people's feeling, but he's thinned skinned and needs to man up when he makes excuses, trying to spare people's feelings.
He's just trying to spare his ego with this one. The UK has always hated trump since he said princess Diana had HIV so they will never not protest him, he just gonna have to suck it up. I like some things he does and don't like some things he does. Making up fake news excuses instead of just doing the job you ran for falls under dislike.
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High-ranking MS-13 leader among 17 busted in crackdown: DEA

Seventeen high-ranking members and associates of the notorious MS-13 gang were busted for plying their bloody trade in at least eight Long Island towns — including the violent group’s Northeast leader, officials said Thursday.

"Not only did we arrest the highest-level Mara Salvatrucha leader in the Northeast who reports to MS-13 in El Salvador, but we sent a message that we will continue to investigate their violent crimes and bring justice to their victims,” DEA Special Agent in Charge James Hunt said in a statement.

A total of 17 defendants, including a dozen members of MS-13, were slapped with a laundry list of charges, including second-degree murder, drug trafficking and conspiracy.
Then you must've read Keith Olbermann's twitter feed. Either way, I'm just pointing out to you that that talking point you keep repeating, based on zero factual evidence, has already been linked in this thread.
not sure what you are even talking about. Are you deep enough in the koolaid to believe Trump wont go to London because he is upset about Obama's bad deal to sell the old embassy? any 2 yr old with a cellphone can find out in 2 minutes Obama had nothing to do with Londons new embassy. It spent 3 years under review and announced in 08 that it would be moved and the old one sold. Trump wanted a full royal visit like the last presidents got but the queen is old and gives no ****s anymore and said no. So now he is mad and made some lame excuse to not go. You can like Trump and still admit when he is acting like a child.
does anyone under the age of 60 actually watch news channels?

Then you must've read Keith Olbermann's twitter feed. Either way, I'm just pointing out to you that that talking point you keep repeating, based on zero factual evidence, has already been linked in this thread.

Or she's an old fart...

Her post was literally word for word of Olbermann
Are you deep enough in the koolaid to believe Trump wont go to London because he is upset about Obama's bad deal to sell the old embassy?

I've made no such comment. Again, just pointing out that your talking point, based on zero factual evidence, has already been linked.

any 2 yr old with a cellphone can find out in 2 minutes Obama had nothing to do with Londons new embassy.

Can that same two year find out if Trump, in fact, isn't going to the UK because he has thin skin?

So now he is mad and made some lame excuse to not go.

Based on what? Your opinion is not fact. Past behavior and evidence says the exact opposite. Trump has gone on several foreign trips since taking office, all of which were threatened with massive protests, yet he went as planned.

You can like Trump and still admit when he is acting like a child.

You can also dislike Trump without making up nonsense and pretending Olbermann's hot take twitter outbursts are facts.
Trump canceled his trip to London because he was afraid of being booed the whole time he was there. That is some thin skin. And whoever gave him the silly idea to blame it on Obama's bad deal to sell the old embassy should have spent 5 minutes doing the research to learn that Bush made the deal. Next time just man up and say they don't want him there so they can **** off.
Have you not seen Trumps tweet? It was his words not some made up talking point. He said he won't go because he thinks the old embassy was the best ever and Obama made a bad deal to sell it.

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
there is the 2008 announcement to sell the embassy. wanna take a guess who was in office in 2008?
The made up talking point is that he's not going because he's afraid of the protest.
If he doesn't want everyone to assume he is scared or to upset that they won't roll out the red carpet and kiss his ass, then he shouldn't have made up a bullshit reason why he wouldn't go. An official visit had never actually been announced so he could have just said nothing and let it all pass by. He only tweets when he is trolling or when he is mad.
If he doesn't want everyone to assume he is scared or to upset that they won't roll out the red carpet and kiss his ass, then he shouldn't have made up a bullshit reason why he wouldn't go

Yeah, I know. He shouldn't have tried to spare their feelings but instead been honest and bluntly said that he didn't want to visit that Muslim mayor's shithole. Then you guys could rage out about how being honest is racist for another 24 hours.
Fiat Chrysler to invest $1 billion in Michigan plant, add 2,500 jobs.

DETROIT (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCHA.MI) (FCAU.N) said on Thursday it will shift production of Ram heavy-duty pickup trucks from Mexico to Michigan in 2020, a move that lowers the risk to the automaker’s profit should President Donald Trump pull the United States out of the North American Free Trade Agreement......

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Why is Jeff Flake one of the three Republicans, of the six total, involved in the DACA deal negotiations? Must be payment for his vote on tax cuts. Regardless, Tom Cotton needs to be in that room.
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He only tweets when he is trolling...

Read this again, slowly. If the past year is any indication, he'll turn the tweet in question into a tool that yields the majority of what he's after. He's done it over and over. I'd bet good money the England trips see fruition in some form in the near future and I'd bet it's on his terms. This is what he does. Pay more attention.
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- Trump makes a move. Any move.
- Left and Never Trumpers immediately overreact, miss intended point and pare down comments/actions to expose only the negative
- time passes...
- Trump is proven correct or has leveraged the action in question to a positive.
- Left and Never Trumpers never acknowledge the difference. Wait with bated breath for next Tweet to dissect and start the whole process over again...
Fed-Up European Country Says No Thanks to Immigrants on Welfare Seeking Citizenship

While much has been said in regard to the flood of Muslim migrants and refugees who entered into Europe over the past few years, far less has been reported about the growing pushback among some European nations to stem that tide.

However, fed-up European countries are indeed pushing back through changes to their laws, and Switzerland is one of those countries.

A new civil rights law went into effect Jan. 1 which states that no legal resident who has received any form of government assistance or welfare within the past three years can successfully obtain Swiss citizenship unless they pay those funds back, regardless of how long they have lived in the country.

Previously, applicants for citizenship merely had to stop receiving benefits prior to submitting their application.

The news was announced in the German-language Swiss media outlet Kronen Zeitung, which noted nearly twice as many people applied for Swiss citizenship in 2017 as the year before, most likely in an effort to obtain it before the new law took effect.

Aside from the new no-welfare requirement for citizenship, the new law also included other requirements aimed to ensure that potential new citizens had lived in Switzerland for at least five to 10 years and were properly integrated into the broader Swiss society instead of remaining isolated within enclaves.

The applicants for citizenship must now prove that they have “cultivated contacts” with actual Swiss people.

The law also added language requirements, which vary among the different cantons in Switzerland, though they mostly required an intermediate level of understanding and proficiency.

Furthermore, Kronen reported that the new law excludes the privilege of naturalization for anyone who has been imprisoned within Switzerland for more than three months.