How will they rule ??!

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Theory: Was leaked from the Trump camp to make people ask the question about why do we take people from 'shithole' countries in the middle of this immigration debate. Its all the media will talk about now.

With the media beating it to death, I can imagine millions of people, even those softer on immigration, stopping to ask themselves, "Yeah, why do we take immigrants from mainly shithole countries?"
Shit like this and the anti-Semitic tweet I linked above is where they start to lose the narrative. When they break out the outrageous hyperbole, lying and fear mongering, trying to blow up silly nonsense like it's earth shattering, doomsday and apocalyptic, is when the majority of the general public starts to roll their eyes and ignore them.

I posted a sophomoric meme today that was basically a homo joke, in a private Facebook group. One guy called me out acting like it was some fvcking terrible, unacceptable thing. I told him people like him are the reason Trump won the election. All the god damn faux outrage over dumb stuff. Drives me nuts.
Andrew Weissmann met with AP reporters to discuss Paul Manafort case before joining special counsel

A senior Justice Department prosecutor in Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel office held a meeting with Associated Press journalists last spring to discuss an investigation into Paul Manafort’s financial record, a day before the wire service published a major expose disclosing alleged money laundering made by the former and now embattled Trump campaign chairman.

Federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, now a senior attorney in the special counsel’s office, met with AP journalists on April 11 after reporters informed him of their own investigation into Manafort’s dealings with Ukrainian officials.

At the time of the meeting, Weissmann was head of the Justice Department’s fraud division. He was the most senior member of the Justice Department to join the special counsel in May.

According to sources familiar with the meeting, the reporters had promised to share documents and other information gleaned from their own investigation with the Justice Department.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, declined to comment. Chief Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores also declined to comment.

However, the Justice Department and FBI have specific guidelines that must be followed when obtaining documents or information from the media, according to the DOJ website.

“Members of the Department may not employ the use of the investigative tool at issue until the Criminal Division has responded in writing,” the guideline states. “Accordingly, to ensure appropriate consideration, members of the Department should submit requests for authorization or consultation pursuant to this policy at least 30 days before the anticipated use of the covered law enforcement tool.”

Carr declined to comment on whether the AP shared documentation or information with Weissmann. He also declined to comment on whether Weissmann followed appropriate DOJ procedures for the meeting to obtain documentation.

And Weissmann’s role in arranging the meeting did not go over well with FBI officials, who issued a complaint to the Justice Department suggesting Weissmann didn’t follow normal procedures for dealing with journalists. The FBI was concerned the meeting with the journalists could harm the ongoing probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election, according to sources with knowledge of the information.
Love when Thomas Sowell quotes himself on Twitter.

Not sure if you are being serious, it's a fan account

Correct. A fan account.

Said the Brookings Institute cites three things to not be poor- Graduate high school, don’t have kids until you’re married, get a job.

Those three things make a huge economic difference

Impulse control. That's what predicts success. Studies confirm this time and again.

All those things listed require impukse control to a certain degree.

Certain groups on average are more likely to have impulse control.
Oh, no. What are we going to do with all of those Haitian and pro third world migration votes we had in the bag?

The virtue signaling makes me want to vomit. The left would lose their shit if we took Brits, Australians and Europeans in that would join the Middle Class and vote conservative. But yeah, let’s hear how amazing it is to bring in mass third world migration from people who can’t speak English, have zero skills, can’t improve their own countries and then expect you to pay for every aspect of their lives.
America has been and always will be diverse. But, the diversity is in that fact that there are people from all walks of life who want something better for themselves and are willing to work for it to get it. Diversity is not sloth or laziness expecting a handout and being the filth of humanity by wanting everything given to you. If you are able to work but refuse to because you want to suck off of hard working people, you are scum. Liberals want this to be but are too stupid to know that this is not sustainable.
America has been and always will be diverse. But, the diversity is in that fact that there are people from all walks of life who want something better for themselves and are willing to work for it to get it. Diversity is not sloth or laziness expecting a handout and being the filth of humanity by wanting everything given to you. If you are able to work but refuse to because you want to suck off of hard working people, you are scum. Liberals want this to be but are too stupid to know that this is not sustainable.
That and assimilate and become Americans legally. Lots of those people want to continue to be where they came from.
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He called Atlanta a shithole too, I believe he’s just being consistent. I’ve never been to Haiti, but I’ve been to Ghana, and it is in fact a shithole.

at the plant i work for, i have 2 employees there i have now known for more than a decade that are from Haiti. both came in this country the right way, both spent a decade long going thru the process and paying the money, taking the test and both consider themselves proud Americans. and both fully admit Haiti is a shithole. there is a reason they are here and foughgt so hard to be here, the right way. funniest part about both of them is they hate american born and raised black folk as a population with a passion. said in Haiti, there was no welfare, no food stamps, no white people to blame for anything. when you didnt have food, you just went hungry. they both say that all people in this country have more of an opportunity to live a good life for them and their families than we really know or appreciate. both took their new found right to vote in this country very serious and both voted for Trump. and when asked what their major reasons for voting for him was, fu** illegal immigration and fu** the Clintons. said the Clintons came in a raped their country.
WTF authority does Vicente Fox have to even comment on any of this? Trump's authority is that he is Commander in Chief of the greatest country in the world. Fox is a former leader in Mexico who did such a tremendous job that his countrymen are entering the USA illegally in such mass quantities that we are contemplating a wall to stop it. Eff that guy, his opinion means less than nothing.
at the plant i work for, i have 2 employees there i have now known for more than a decade that are from Haiti. both came in this country the right way, both spent a decade long going thru the process and paying the money, taking the test and both consider themselves proud Americans. and both fully admit Haiti is a shithole. there is a reason they are here and foughgt so hard to be here, the right way. funniest part about both of them is they hate american born and raised black folk as a population with a passion. said in Haiti, there was no welfare, no food stamps, no white people to blame for anything. when you didnt have food, you just went hungry. they both say that all people in this country have more of an opportunity to live a good life for them and their families than we really know or appreciate. both took their new found right to vote in this country very serious and both voted for Trump. and when asked what their major reasons for voting for him was, fu** illegal immigration and fu** the Clintons. said the Clintons came in a raped their country.
Everybody thinks Haiti is a shithole, Trump just tells it the way it is in a meeting in the White House. It’s not like he called the corrupt president of Haiti to tell him or her that their country was a shithole.
Let me also say I reject the premise that immigrants from countries that are sh!tholes are not here to work hard and create their own American dream. Which means I also reject the premise that these people will automatically vote Democrat. But there is no denying in many instances their country of origin is a sh!thole. I have no problem with immigration; It's illegal immigration that we need to address and eradicate.
at the plant i work for, i have 2 employees there i have now known for more than a decade that are from Haiti. both came in this country the right way, both spent a decade long going thru the process and paying the money, taking the test and both consider themselves proud Americans. and both fully admit Haiti is a shithole. there is a reason they are here and foughgt so hard to be here, the right way. funniest part about both of them is they hate american born and raised black folk as a population with a passion. said in Haiti, there was no welfare, no food stamps, no white people to blame for anything. when you didnt have food, you just went hungry. they both say that all people in this country have more of an opportunity to live a good life for them and their families than we really know or appreciate. both took their new found right to vote in this country very serious and both voted for Trump. and when asked what their major reasons for voting for him was, fu** illegal immigration and fu** the Clintons. said the Clintons came in a raped their country.
Know a Haitian born retired military man who is liberal but hates the Clinton's for what they did in Haiti. He got his citizenship through military service and is now working at Ft Sill for a contractor. Retiring at the end of the month with a good amount of money. Admits he will never go back to Haiti because it is just a mess of a place and a lot of corrupt people have destroyed his country.
I hope dems keep Pelosi forever..what an idiot. Her comments that companies giving employees money back is just "crumbs" is going to be a great political ad. Why yes Nancy it would be more caring and altruistic if that money was in your hands to waste and misappropriate as opposed to in the hands of middle class americans.