How will they rule ??!

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About 45 pages left in his book about the 2016 election. Re-read some of the emails from Wikileaks, I forgotten about how her staff said how much Hillary hated regular people and disconnected she felt from the Middle Class.

Also just got to the part where Hillary and her staff scheduled fireworks on October 28th and to start half an hour after the polls closed in New York at 9:30 because they anticipated an early victory. They canceled two days before the election. I wonder what they discovered to make them do that .

If someone could grant me three wishes, one would’ve been to be in the room with Hillary while election night went down.
Its terrifying. The MSM is so filled with Trump hate that I expect there to be more and more James Hodgkinson types. 100% of the blame for the left getting violent should be thrown at the MSMs feet, IMO.
You have a couple on here that are that way and when you call them on it you are stalking them. I believe you know one of the ones I am referring to, his post are always about Trump and almost always negative. He takes no time to wait and see if the stories are true, he just runs with it hoping they are true. It makes you wonder how he even functions in daily life considering how many times he has been proven wrong here.
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In 1972, film critic quote on Nixon winning.

“I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.”

They did this with W and Trump too.

To fact check this quote, I looked up multiple articles. One from Vanity Fair said she never said that and then proceeds to quote the published article in the NYT where she does say it and he’s applying the context is different than what is applied.

Regardless, I’d say we know a lot more lefties than they know conservatives. I lived in a major left city during the last election and they were collectively shocked. They never talk to the opposing people because they’re about as unwelcoming to a civil discussion as one can be.
About 45 pages left in his book about the 2016 election. Re-read some of the emails from Wikileaks, I forgotten about how her staff said how much Hillary hated regular people and disconnected she felt from the Middle Class.

Also just got to the part where Hillary and her staff scheduled fireworks on October 28th and to start half an hour after the polls closed in New York at 9:30 because they anticipated an early victory. They canceled two days before the election. I wonder what they discovered to make them do that .

If someone could grant me three wishes, one would’ve been to be in the room with Hillary while election night went down.
Internal polls must have been an unmitigated disaster. That last second night before rally in Philly with the Obamas was all the sign you need. That could’ve been held in Miami to get out the three county vote and lock the win but no.....they had to secure PA? That’s panic time, folks.

Not to mention Trump winning by 10 or whatever in OH....internals had to show the rust belt crumbling for her.

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I could say the same about your comprehension skills. Isn't one of the arguments of tax cuts is that infuses the economy by giving people more of their money so that they can spend it back into the economy? So, who cares how they spend it or are you just like the rest of those liberal morons who think they should spend my money on them and those other leeches out there. If you are, go back to Canada and quit leeching off of my countrymen.

I’m liberal purely on social issues Warrior, you should know that too. If it’s something the Jesus people are passionate about, chances are I don’t care about it. And I’m indifferent to guns - so I don’t check the simplistic boxes that define most “conservatives,” at least in the traditional sense that you and most evangelicals fall into. It’s actually pretty refreshing on this board to see there are lots of conservatives that also don’t give a shit about a lot of social issues - People are coming around and I think Trump is part of the reason since he’s on the record as being pro choice and pro gays.

Also, I’m the furthest thing from a leech. I do very well for myself.
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you know that Jesus preaches love one another. Forgive for we are all sinners. I just don't understand why you mock people who believe in those things. Is it because you think it's cheesy and probably fake? What I get from it is that humans by their existence are sinful which mostly means they will be tempted at some point to be unfair or deceitful.
I have found it to be literally a guide on how to interact and what to think / how to motivate myself with things that won't end in drama.

IMO this board is nowhere near a real representation of interactions in the real world. 95% of my friends are what I’d call Christian conservatives. Politics and religion never come up in our interactions. We talk about work, sports, and bourbon most of the time. Friendships outweigh politics.

My statement wasn’t meant to be mocking in any way. Hell I was raised Catholic and was very active in Church until my mid 30s, then just decided it wasn’t for me anymore. I was simply trying to make the point that traditional religious stances on political issues aren’t on my radar.
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JohnKBA, you poke the bear you get the claws and teeth. You should know me by now as well. Attack me I attack back. Defense mechanism.
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IMO this board is nowhere near a real representation of interactions in the real world. 95% of my friends are what I’d call Christian conservatives. Politics and religion never come up in our interactions. We talk about work, sports, and bourbon most of the time. Friendships outweigh politics.

My statement wasn’t meant to be mocking in any way. Hell I was raised Catholic and was very active in Church until my mid 30s, then just decided it wasn’t for me anymore. I was simply trying to make the point that traditional religious stances on political issues aren’t on my radar.

I went to like santamaria’s post too... did his post get removed? If so, good grief. I saw nothing that warranted his post to be removed.
With Bush it was more mocking humor than pure hate I think. He had this aww shucks quality about him and some of the things he said made everyone chuckle.
At the time of Bush's presidency I was a huge fan of his. But the humor poked at him seemed all in good fun, I always laughed too. Even conservatives would poke fun at him. But with Trump it's just outright hatred, and it's way over done.
At the time of Bush's presidency I was a huge fan of his. But the humor poked at him seemed all in good fun, I always laughed too. Even conservatives would poke fun at him. But with Trump it's just outright hatred, and it's way over done.

It’s really stupid too. So the guy is a jackass and blowhard on Twitter - big deal. Every policy decision he’s made is absolutely in the best interest of a huge majority of Americans.
At the time of Bush's presidency I was a huge fan of his. But the humor poked at him seemed all in good fun, I always laughed too. Even conservatives would poke fun at him. But with Trump it's just outright hatred, and it's way over done.
The left hated Bush with a passion also. Books published on how to kill Bush. Same left different Republican President.
At the time of Bush's presidency I was a huge fan of his. But the humor poked at him seemed all in good fun, I always laughed too. Even conservatives would poke fun at him. But with Trump it's just outright hatred, and it's way over done.
W was a pretty funny guy tbh. Not a fan of his presidency, but he could make you laugh at times.
The left hated Bush with a passion also. Books published on how to kill Bush. Same left different Republican President.
Yup. Saying they were jokey about him is revisionist history. The hatred right off the bat that he “stole the election” (common theme here? Rs just can’t get legitamately elected?) was off the charts. Then Iraq and Afg? Remember the body counts (strange Obama was not subject to those)?

People should go back in their minds to ‘00-03 and remember how unhinged they were.

Hell, they turned McCain and Romney into murderous monsters, tried to at least.

They’re f*cking psychos is what I’m getting at.
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Speaking of the media, Hannity had a pretty good opening monologue about them last night. Worth a watch if you didn't see it. The 24/7 hate fest of Trump is sickening.

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Yup. Saying they were jokey about him is revisionist history. The hatred right off the bat that he “stole the election” (common theme here? Rs just can’t get legitamately elected?) was off the charts. Then Iraq and Afg? Remember the body counts (strange Obama was not subject to those)?

Poeple should go back in their minds to ‘00-03 and remember how unhinged they were.

Hell, they turned McCain and Romney into murderous monsters, tried to at least.

They’re f*cking psychos is what I’m getting at.

Well Romney was credited with 68 granny kills. 45 of them off a cliff in a wheelchair
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Yup. Saying they were jokey about him is revisionist history. The hatred right off the bat that he “stole the election” (common theme here? Rs just can’t get legitamately elected?) was off the charts. Then Iraq and Afg? Remember the body counts (strange Obama was not subject to those)?

Poeple should go back in their minds to ‘00-03 and remember how unhinged they were.

Hell, they turned McCain and Romney into murderous monsters, tried to at least.

They’re f*cking psychos is what I’m getting at.

A strong majority of the country was behind Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. North of 70% approval ratings if I remember correctly.

ETA close to 90% after 9/11 and hovered above 60% into 2004. Then the war kept dragging on with no end in sight and he stayed on a consistent downturn through he end of his presidency.

He also smoked Kerry in 2004.
A strong majority of the country was behind Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. North of 70% approval ratings if I remember correctly.

ETA close to 90% after 9/11 and hovered above 60% into 2004. Then the war kept dragging on with no end in sight and he stayed on a consistent downturn through he end of his presidency.

He also smoked Kerry in 2004.
The “they“ in my post was referring to the leftists and media. You’re correct about the people approving of him, but the lefties/media/pundit class hammered him just the same and sure af don’t care what the people think.

When the people break from Politburo like ‘00, ‘04, and certainly ‘16 they hate the folks with as much/more disdain than Bush/Trump.
Yup. Saying they were jokey about him is revisionist history. The hatred right off the bat that he “stole the election” (common theme here? Rs just can’t get legitamately elected?) was off the charts. Then Iraq and Afg? Remember the body counts (strange Obama was not subject to those)?

People should go back in their minds to ‘00-03 and remember how unhinged they were.

Hell, they turned McCain and Romney into murderous monsters, tried to at least.

They’re f*cking psychos is what I’m getting at.
Yup they were definitely bad to W, Reagan, and pretty much any GOP President. But it still pales in comparison to what its like with Trump. Trump gets more hate in a week in the MSM than any President got in a year. Hating Trump is like a drug to these guys.