How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Just a reminder this b-word was accused by her own campaign manager and staffers of misusing voter information - giving access to private third party company, copying confidential voter info to a private thumb drive, etc etc etc. And she's acting all righteous because she won't give info to the trump admin...Shady crook just like her felon father.


Just a reminder this b-word was accused by her own campaign manager and staffers of misusing voter information - giving access to private third party company, copying confidential voter info to a private thumb drive, etc etc etc. And she's acting all righteous because she won't give info to the trump admin...Shady crook just like her felon father.

Shocking. A KY Democrat who is unethical. Who would have known....
@CastleRubric thoughts on Iran? Regime change is in the works with mass protests.

Peaceful Protests in Iran
Press Statement
Heather Nauert
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 29, 2017

We are following reports of multiple peaceful protests by Iranian citizens in cities across the country. Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Iran's leaders are Iran’s own people.

The United States strongly condemns the arrest of peaceful protesters. We urge all nations to publicly support the Iranian people and their demands for basic rights and an end to corruption.

On June 14, 2017, Secretary Tillerson testified to Congress that he supports “those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of government. Those elements are there, certainly as we know.” The Secretary today repeats his deep support for the Iranian people.

The gay guy who went to Disney's Hall of Presidents to film himself yelling at the animatronic Trump, has his profile pic of his face and a giant purple dildo.

These people are morons and mentally ill. I mean, they have some serious psychological problems.
Homosexuality is a mental disease that needs to be treated and eradicated.
I enjoy when the left acts like it's absurd to suggest they're anti-American while they bash America and say it's the enemy every chance they get.

I've read the most insane stuff from them. Always take up for foreign powers and then call someone else a traitor. I've seen them claim the U.S. is the biggest nuclear threat. They brag about kneeling for the flag, trying to overthrow a president, etc.

I'm thankful that they were so arrogant that they didn't really think Trump had a chance because all of the stuff that they did to just run him down, imagine what they would've done if they thought he could beat her.
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I'm thankful that they were so arrogant that they didn't really think Trump had a chance because all of the stuff that they did to just run him down, imagine what they would've done if they thought he could beat her.

We'll see it all in 2020, if not sooner.
If you were guessing, what stuff do you think they will pull with the media at their disposal? Can't imagine what the debates will be like with Dem moderators this time.
If you were guessing, what stuff do you think they will pull with the media at their disposal? Can't imagine what the debates will be like with Dem moderators this time.
I'd need to spend a few years in the Chicago state house, read up on Saul Alinsky, study Marxism, Stalin's plans for world domination, and memorize the Mafia playbook to even hazard a guess. I expect the most vile, dirty, lies and underhanded maneuvers imaginable times 1000. I hope Trump is ready.
Wonder what's in those Huma/Weiner emails. Typical Friday evening news dump, this time just before a holiday.

Gotta love those constant Friday dumps. Obvious agenda
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HuffPo Editor.

I also found this nugget from a past article in WaPo.

"Plagued in my 20s with low self-esteem, addiction issues and the wreckage of a dysfunctional childhood, I thought that being “chosen” by a man would give my life more value. I wanted to be the type of woman someone wanted to marry."

Could not be a bigger stereotype. Dems are the epitome of the mentally ill running the show.
