How will they rule ??!

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San Francisco/Bay Area is the craziest area in the country but I think Oregon and Washington are not too far behind in being totally effed in the head.

Pretty incredible that the northeast and west coast think one way and most of the middle is the completely opposite.
In the cases of Oregon and Washington, only two places are insane- Portland and Seattle. Unfortunately, the loonies in those cities are enough to ruin both states.

Dude who tweeted all he wanted for Christmas was white genocide and also tweeted that someone giving their seat up to a soldier made him want to vomit...resigns and of course plays the victim card.
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That's why we voted for him. Common sense is still alive.

How many lecture-y articles can we expect to see in the next 24 hours about extreme weather like this cold snap confirming the existence of climate change, and then denigrating Trump for being in the author's eyes simple minded and wrong?
They have done that already in the past with Global Warming to climate change. When the narrative hits a snag, they change the wording to sound more believable. The warming is not happening as they predicted so, Climate Change becomes the newer phrase because it fits a broader range of weather patterns which by the way has been happening since God created the planet.

In the words of Walter, "Dumbasses".
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They have done that already in the past with Global Warming to climate change. When the narrative hits a snag, they change the wording to sound more believable. The warming is not happening as they predicted so, Climate Change becomes the newer phrase because it fits a broader range of weather patterns which by the way has been happening since God created the planet.

In the words of Walter, "Dumbasses".

Radical environmentalists worship Mother Nature. Climate change is their religion.
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For fun, I wish I could see the media narrative if Osama Bin Laden had been killed while Trump was in office. Could you imagine what the left would be like?
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As George Will once said, "Lincoln could not have been elected dog catcher in Central Illinois had he advocated for equality of the races."

Politicians have two great dangers when it comes to getting elected in statewide or national elections: they can't be to behind the public on big issues of the day but they can't be to far ahead of the public's view either. Judging Lincoln the way Joy Reid and those of her ilk commonly do, is to demonstrate a lack of the ability to view history in the complexity it deserves and it ignores simple realities Lincoln and past leaders faced in their day.

This is not an attempt at bragging but I have a book that contains all the known letters/speeches of Lincoln as well as the ten volume biography written by his personal secretaries Hay and Nicolay. Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'A Team of Rivals' is a really good one among fairly recent Lincoln books if anyone is interested. So having been reading about Lincoln for over three decades I'm sensitive to silly criticisms that the far left often uses against him.

It is amusing and frustrating to me that those people dig through all the information we have on him and use 3-4 quotes to try denigrate his memory. In those great debates, Douglas often misrepresents Lincoln's views and tried to imprint on the listener's mind that Lincoln thought the races completely equal which would not have been palatable to the people then thus making him unelectable. Lincoln then has to answer the charge, and the fact modern critics can't understand the predicament he was in as a politician is laughable.

Fredrick Douglass who often criticized Lincoln in speeches and in print, but then was clearly admiring in the way Lincoln treated the black Douglass in their personal meetings. The way Lincoln talked to him, the way Lincoln would put his hand on his shoulder made Douglas remark he treated me like a man/equal. Lincoln once told an aide to tell a Governor to wait while he talked to his 'friend Douglass'.

The truth of the matter is Lincoln was to wise and clever a man to let any of his ideals or motives be completely known cause he was always surveying the public's mood and navigating those waters. If he had said the things Joy Reid wanted him to would have never heard of Abraham Lincoln (he would have been unelectable) and the slaves may have spent another 50 years in bondage or so.

And there gentleman is your unnecessary defense of Abraham Lincoln on the eve of UK's bowl game and basketball game with the dirtiest of birds.
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As George Will once said, "Lincoln could not have been elected dog catcher in Central Illinois had he advocated for equality of the races."

Politicians have two great dangers when it comes to getting elected in statewide or national elections: they can't be to behind the public on big issues of the day but they can't be to far ahead of the public's view either. Judging Lincoln the way Joy Reid and those of her ilk commonly do, is to demonstrate a lack of the ability to view history in the complexity it deserves and it ignores simple realities Lincoln and past leaders faced in their day.

This is not an attempt at bragging but I have a book that contains all the known letters/speeches of Lincoln as well as the ten volume biography written by his personal secretaries Hay and Nicolay. Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'A Team of Rivals' is a really good one among fairly recent Lincoln books if anyone is interested. So having been reading about Lincoln for over three decades I'm sensitive to silly criticisms that the far left often uses against him.

It is amusing and frustrating to me that those people dig through all the information we have on him and use 3-4 quotes to try denigrate his memory. In those great debates, Douglas often misrepresents Lincoln's views and tried to imprint on the listener's mind that Lincoln thought the races completely equal which would not have been palatable to the people then thus making him unelectable. Lincoln then has to answer the charge, and the fact modern critics can't understand the predicament he was in as a politician is laughable.

Fredrick Douglass who often criticized Lincoln in speeches and in print, but then was clearly admiring in the way Lincoln treated the black Douglass in their personal meetings. The way Lincoln talked to him, they way Lincoln would put his hand on his shoulder made Douglas remark he treated me like a man/equal. Lincoln once told an aide to tell a Governor to wait while he talked to his 'friend Douglass'.

The truth of the matter is Lincoln was to wise and clever a man to let any of his ideals or motives be completely known cause he was always surveying the public's mood and navigating those waters. If he had said the things Joy Reid wanted him to would have never heard of Abraham Lincoln (he would have been unelectable) and the slaves may have spent another 50 years in bondage or so.

And there gentleman is your unnecessary defense of Abraham Lincoln on the eve of UK's bowl game and basketball game with the dirtiest of birds.
Awesome, thanks for sharing![thumb2]

I'd love to stick it to bezos. Sadly he's probably months away from completely automating delivery and cutting out carriers altogether. He's already trying to stick to USPS even more the last few months by going to those private delivery services.

The postal service as we know it will very soon need to either change dramatically or just be blown up and something else built to take it's place
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I'm not even JohnKBA wealthy, and running my 2016 actual and 2017 projected numbers under 2018 laws, my wife and I would have paid $6,200 and $7,700 less each year.

I'll keep her well rounded grasp of the issues in mind next time Thundercunt-Grimes runs for office in KY.
She is trying to align herself with the crazy dims in Washington because she knows what she says is wrong.
She is trying to set herself up for the next democratic president cabinet or something
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Terribly said story. 3 year old fiddling with stove started the fire. Mother runs out with kids leaves door wide open allowing fire to spread quicker.
It's weird how everything is proof of climate change/global warming to Dems. Just saw this headline where Trump doesn't know the difference between weather and climate.

Do democrats?

Every thing is connected to climate change for them. Whether it's hot, it's cold, it floods, it's dries, whether we have hurricanes or tornadoes, it's like someone claiming to see Jesus' face in toast.
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