How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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This level of spin is amazing

The lie that the Dems do and are allowed to spin on a regular basis, is insane. Yeah, a group dressed in all black, loves communism and plots violence to shut down speech is totally the good guys and not fascist at all.

Keep in mind, the Dem media refused to cover what Dem radicals had been doing to conservatives the last two years. Only until Trump mentioned them in August, were the media forced to acknowledge it and then we all remember what the narrative was: "D-Day soldiers. Just like Normandy. They're fighting Nazis."

Then had to walk it back after Antifa kept getting crazier. Now, everyone who isn't Democrat and Antifa is a "Nazi."

And people don't think a civil war is going to occur?
Remember Khan; the Muslim father of the fallen soldier from the early 2000s that the DNC trotted out last year and was connected to the Clintons?

I learned stuff that I wasn't aware of. Two Clinton campaign staffers wrote his speech and a female staffer bought the little pocket constitution for him two hours before the speech.

Clinton campaign approached five Gold Star families before settling on Kahn. All five families were paid $5k and signed non-disclosure agreements. Khan's immigration law firm is $1.7M in debt and owed upward of $850k in tax penalties. After his speech, the IRS put his audit on hold. Then CNN paid Khan a fee to tell his story and to give multiple interviews.

Dems are scum. Trump never should've responded to that guy or gave George Stephanapolous an interview.

Anyway, what level of deceit would Dems not do? People don't think that Don Jr email thing wasn't set up by Dems and DOJ? You don't think the dossier was used for a FISA? You don't think they colluded with Lisa Bloom for Trump accusers and even Roy Moore accusers?

And this is another reason anyone with a functioning brain is not an automatic believer of this Metoo movement among other issues.

Dems are taking serious issues like rape, harassment, collusion, rigged elections, and racist acts, and turning them into a weapon against anyone they feel is in their way.

How does anyone that is paying attention not notice how this works? And it destroys the validity of the actual claims and actual victims. They get mixed in with the BS they spew.
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RIP Ridley Scott's career. He will now be the only man in Hollywood more ostracized (edited) than Harvey Weinstein. How dare he praise the GOP tax bill. Rosie and her ilk do not approve.

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The lie that the Dems do and are allowed to spin on a regular basis, is insane. Yeah, a group dressed in all black, loves communism and plots violence to shut down speech is totally the good guys and not fascist at all.

Keep in mind, the Dem media refused to cover what Dem radicals had been doing to conservatives the last two years. Only until Trump mentioned them in August, were the media forced to acknowledge it and then we all remember what the narrative was: "D-Day soldiers. Just like Normandy. They're fighting Nazis."

Then had to walk it back after Antifa kept getting crazier. Now, everyone who isn't Democrat and Antifa is a "Nazi."

And people don't think a civil war is going to occur?
I've said for a long time. That I would much rather have a right wing group come into my town & protest whatever. When they leave after a weekend of protest you would never know that they had been there. Compare that to what your town/city looks like after a bunch of leftist loons has left after they protest. Windows broke, business looted, business burned, cars burned, stinking feces all over the sidewalks. And the media acts like that the leftist are peaceful.
Regardless of how much of Cody's info is real or whether or not he is real he has hours of entertainment with his Black Ops stories.

Allowing the taxes to be prepaid doesn't change anything as far as tax deduction in 2017 unless the property taxes are billed/assessed & paid this year - per IRS ruling below.

I would love to see the look on some of these people's faces when they realize that pre-paying property tax has caused them to get hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax.

On the other hand, I highly would recommend prepaying your 2018 Blue-White donation for football before January 1st as this deduction is going away for the next 8 years. Gifts to charity are not backed out in the AMT calculation unlike state and local tax.
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That is crazy and pretty telling. This isn't about bettering people's lives. This is about power.

This isn't something people should even disagree on. There's no ideological battle here. This isn't mass migration or different morals. This is just not having garbage infrastructure. Everyone can use this.

But we now have the left against tax breaks for middle class and fixing infrastructure. Oh, may I remind you that they voted against relief for hurricane and wildfire victims?

These above positions would've sunk you in years past for the next election. However, things have drastically changed and it's demographics. They changed the voters.

Radicalized anti-white nuts and big government wanting minorities, will vote for Dems every time no matter what.
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That is crazy and pretty telling. This isn't about bettering people's lives. This is about power.

This isn't something people should even disagree on. There's no ideological battle here. This isn't mass migration or different morals. This is just not having garbage infrastructure. Everyone can use this.

But we now have the left against tax breaks for middle class and fixing infrastructure. Oh, may I remind you that they voted against relief for hurricane and wildfire victims?

These above positions would've sunk you in years past for the next election. However, things have drastically changed and it's demographics. They changed the voters.

Radicalized anti-white nuts and big government wanting minorities, will vote for Dems every time no matter what.
They are all in on socialism/communism. We are at a turning point in this country and the next 4 years will determine which way we go. If the nut jobs have their way, we will be a third world country within the next 20 years.

Like a famous quote about communism strategy goes- make 12 people seem like thousands.

Democrats are loud and stupid. They have big platforms and stay in echo chambers. Conservatives often know how crazy these people are and don't bother with them either out of lack of patience or fear of job or whatever but they showed up in 2016 and I hope to God they show up in 2018 and bury these mother touchers.
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San Francisco/Bay Area is the craziest area in the country but I think Oregon and Washington are not too far behind in being totally effed in the head.

Pretty incredible that the northeast and west coast think one way and most of the middle is the completely opposite.
San Francisco/Bay Area is the craziest area in the country but I think Oregon and Washington are not too far behind in being totally effed in the head.

Pretty incredible that the northeast and west coast think one way and most of the middle is the completely opposite.

I wouldn't write off Maine or New Hampshire with the rest of the lunatic left of the northeast.